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Online Identity Proposal

Bridget Sandoval

EDU520 Digital Mediated Teaching and Learning

Dr. Michele Herrera

March 12, 2023


Online Identity Proposal

When it comes to online Identity you need to investigate the people’s online resumes and see

how they are setting up their PLE if you are looking to hire them for a job. Make sure that all

information is up to date on your PLE and the Person you are looking up for some reason if it’s

for a job or even an event. Always keep the PLE as professional as it is a resume just like a paper


Subjects and Platforms

The two people I picked are Gabe Futrell and Adam Lock Sr. I picked Gabe Futrell because he is

someone in my field. Mr. Futrell has 22 years of being in the field of education. In them, 22

years he has been a teacher for nine years, an Assistant Principal for one year, and has been Bill

Metz Elementary Principal for 11 years. Mr. Futrell got his Bachelor’s in Elementary in 1999

from Mount Vernon Nazarene University, then in 2006 he went on to get his master’s degree in

Curriculum and Instruction, he graduated in 2008 from the University of Colorado, Colorado

Springs. Mr. Futrell is on the Colorado Association of School Executives also known as CAESP;

he has been on here board of Directors from 2019-2020 as the Region 5b Director. I will

use .data for Mr. Futrell off, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and I will look

more into his education. I will collect and analyze my data on a cart and PowerPoint. Mr. Futrell

has been loving being in the education field, he loves to have fun with the children in his school,

and as an upcoming event, he is letting the students Dragan snot him from a kid’s heart challenge

the students were doing to help the school raise money. Mr. Futrell will make fun of education

learning for his staff so they can take it back to the classrooms and help the children learn and

grow with the new tasks and tools that are given.

The second person I picked was Adam Lock Sr. Why I picked him is he is a peer of mine.

Adam Lock Sr. is a business owner, and co-founder of the Optimystics- citizens action network,

he is also the founder of SLVoices- your voice in the San Luis Valley. Adam studied at Austin

Peay State University from 1983-1988 where he graduated. Adam has a long history of

knowledge under him that most people I know don’t have. Adam does have over 40 years of

telecommunications experience. I will collect the data that has all the knowledge Adam has from

Facebook, and LinkedIn I will collect and analyze my data with chats and PowerPoint. Adam

Lock has retired as of January 2023 and is putting his full time and energy into Optimystics.

Adam Lock has some big ideas and plans for the town of Monte Vista and hopes that his group,

Optimystics can make a bigger impact on the town than it has in the last few years that he has

been Co-founder. Adam Lock has been helping with groups and grants since he went in

retirement, he is always thinking outside of the box about what can we do next and what can we

do to make it better for everyone. Adam Lock makes sure that he can get the word to everyone

through his SLVoices page to let them know what is going on through the San Luis Valley. From

events to workshops that are going on why everyone can go or can let a friend know what is

going on in the valley. Adam has worked so hard on being president of the OptiMystics with

meetings and all the events that they have coming up thought out the year it takes so much time

for him to run and find people to be vendors and entertainment to everything else in between that

keeps an event running for the community and towns around Monte Vista.

Data Collection

I will be collecting my data from Zwilling’s (2015) 6 Keys to a Positive Online Presence and

Reputation. The data will go in a chat then I will work it into a PowerPoint to help me with the

data I collected for each person. Between the two places I will be putting my data I will be doing

it like a presentation through PowerPoint when I am done and with a full paper to go with it. The

chat will help me stay organized and keep everything looking professional. If I need more data, I

will ask each people more questions since there are in close contact with if need to.

Data Source Screenshot Content Impact Collaborators


3/12/ http:// Gabe Principal Monte Vista

2023 bme.monte.k12.c Futrell School District


3/12/ https:// Gabe Principal Monte Vista

2020 Futrell School District

3 m/in/gabe-



3/12/ https:// Adam Owner/ OptiMystics-

2023 Lock Manager Citizens Action

m/in/adam-lock- Sr. of The Network

sr-b504351/ Comm SLVoices The

Shack Comm Shack

Senior Technical

Advisor at Wise


3/12/ https:// Adam Owner/ OptiMystics-

2023 Lock Manager Citizens Action

Sr. of The Network

Comm SLVoices The

Shack Comm Shack

Senior Technical

Advisor at Wise


3/12/ https:// Adam Owner/ OptiMystics-

2023 www.facebook.c Lock Manager Citizens Action

om/groups/ Sr. of The Network

6922298044679 Comm SLVoices The

94/posts/ Shack Comm Shack

1721024631588 Senior Technical

501/ Advisor at Wise



I picked Gabe Futrell and Adam Lock Sr. as the two individuals I was observing. Why I selected

these two guys to be the two I observe Mr. Futrell is a big part of the school community here,

and Mr. Lock is a business owner and will know in the Community. So, I am going to start with

my first pick and do the analysis of Gabe Futrell, then I will go into Adam Lock Sr.

When it comes to Mr. Futrell his professionalism stands out to me because he is the head of the

Elementary school and had to keep over 200 students safe and all his staff. Mr. Futrell just had a

point where he had to pull a lockdown on the school to keep his students and staff safe until all

was clear, that stands out that he had that all on him and still had parents get mad at him if they

don’t get information out fast, so parents know what is going on. Mr. Futrell also had to talk with

the state of Colorado and keep everything going a flow for the school. Mr. Futrell has is

Facebook mostly private, so I don’t know if you post every day or if he posts when he gets a

chance. I would have to become a friend on his Facebook to look more into that, but I know he

has a thing with having parents of students on his Facebook. The data I collected on Mr. Futrell

was not too much, but he is a father of two and his wife works with Marsh Schools here in

Monte Vista Colorado. I didn’t get to ask Mr. Futrell any more questions, since he was busy with

all the students and staff. When it comes to state testing Mr. Futrell makes sure that his 3rd to 5th-

grade teacher is ready for the testing and makes sure that the students are set for the state test, he

also makes sure that the kids get to have a little fun reward after the big two weeks of doing the

state testing. I collected and stored and analyzed my data with, and I didn’t get any more from Linkedin because I

put that information in the first part of the paper. This is it on Mr. Futrell on my analyzing him

from the paper. After doing this data and analyzing Mr. Futrell I got a better look into his online

identity and a better look at him from just being my children’s principal of the school that they

have been at for the last five years. I have had Mr. Futrell as my children’s principal for eight

years and I was able to see more of him this way than just through the school.

The next person I picked was Adam Lock Sr. he is a peer of mine in my small community and a

business owner. I feel that I picked Adam because he is like I am always there to help our

community and improve it. Adam is very professional online because he does SLVoices and

broadcasts for most of the San Luis Valley. Adam helps let the Valley know what will happen in

the San Luis Valley for the week or month. What makes Adam stand out to me with their

professionalism is that he knows how to get help on events or even knows whom to get in as

guest speakers for the Vibe meeting that he runs once a month. The site that I see that Adam uses

on an everyday base is his Facebook page for his comm Shack business, Adam and I are friends

on Facebook because I am a community member of the OptiMystics- Citizens Action Network. I

collected, stored, and analyzed my data on the chart I had from the last paper. The data that I was

able to collect was from Facebook and Linkedin since that is where I could only find most of my

information. Most of the information that I did collect was from Linkedin because that has most

of the information on Adam there. I didn’t get a chance to ask Adam questions since he was busy

with his business and doing all the work, he needed for that business. Adam has also been

working with the Mystic Valley Art Council for an upcoming event that is coming up in October

that three no-profits are putting on here in our community and he is also working on getting a

broadcast out for that at the same time. Adam is the present of the OptiMystics, so he is the one

that is the head of that no-profit. After I was doing my data and the analysis, I think that I had a

good look into Adam’s online identity and for only knowing him for a few months through the

community. I got to know Adam a little bit more through this paper than I would just be talking

with him on a day-to-day basis.



When I was analyzing Gabe Futrell and Adam Lock Sr. I saw that they are both a huge part of

our small communities as they come together and work to make our communities a better place

for the children and everyone in the community. Both have a college degree and use them for the

work that they are doing to help the community. Both guys have an up-to-date online identity

that looks grate if they ever wanted to move on to a different job that would look good for them

to get a great higher job for them. My impression of Gabe Futrell’s online identity was a great

layout on Linkedin and thought the school’s information they had on him was a great way to

know him. My impression of Adam Lock Sr.’s online identity was surprising to find out all the

work he can do with technology. The impact that both guys gave me for information on my own

PLE is to make it look professional and to make sure it’s set up with the right information. I will

apply my schooling and what I know how to do so that I can help get a job in my field with

children or in an art and crafts area. I think the strategies I will incorporate will be working on

my PLE since I will have a job interview coming up sometime soon and if they look up my name

there is information that they can look up and know my Facebook. I will add the organizations I

am a part of, so it does show that I am a part of groups and do have so much work experience

other than being a stay-at-home mom for so many years. I feel this was hard for me to find a lot

of information to work on this paper, but I know that I did do my best with what I was able to

work with to get the information I needed for the two observed in this paper.


Zwilling, M. (2015). 6 keys to a positive online presence and reputation. Entrepreneur:

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