English Roleplay Group 2

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English Roleplay Group 2 - "This Ship Won't Sail"

• Scene 1
Morning, Tina's room
Narrator: It was a bright morning and Tina was preoccupied with daydreaming, as usual.
(Tina leans on her hand as she gazes dreamily outside her window.)
Tina (dreamy): Haaaaa... I wish I could be popular for once.. being talented at so many things.. being at
the top of my class.. having all the attention from boys, and girls being jealous of how gorgeous I am...
(Tina's mom and dad suddenly barge in and knock on a makeshift door.)
Tina's mom: Tina! Get down and get dressed! You're going to be late for school!
(Tina whips her head back and is fuming with anger.)
Tina: Ugh, Mom! Dad! You can't just barge into my room like that!
Tina's dad: Young lady, don't use that tone on us.
(Tina rolls her eyes and stomps as she exits her room (the stage).)

• Scene 2
Morning, classroom
Narrator: Tina isn't the most popular in her class, nor is she the smartest. She's not the most extroverted
either. She really isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
(While the narration goes on, Tina is in her seat, struggling to pay attention to her class. She's half-asleep.
Her classmates are the same. The teacher is teaching the class, although it isn't that loud as to not be
louder than the narrator.)
Teacher 1: Alright.. now! Who here, can tell me, when was the Philippines officially independent?
(The teacher looks around the classroom, and her eyes land on Tina.)
Teacher 1: Miss Christina? (Her classmates start snickering.)
Narrator: Tina is still half asleep, barely keeping herself upright in her slumber.
Teacher 1: Christina?
Tina: *snoooooooore* (Some of her classmates are laughing this time.)
Teacher 1: Christina! (Christina jolts awake.)
Teacher 1: Why are you asleep in the middle of my class? Detention for you! When will you ever learn?!
Tina (upset): S-sorry ma'am. I'll leave now. (She carries her backpack with her as she leaves. Her
classmates laugh at her, with no hesitance. It dies down eventually.)
• Scene 3
Morning, classroom
Narrator: It was yet another day once more, and this time, Tina was determined to make things right. She
decided that she needed to whip herself into shape. If she wanted to be the best, she had to put in the
(Tina is entering her classroom as the narration goes on, she stops in the middle of her classroom and
clutches both sides of her backpack.)
Tina (inspired, jolly): New day, new me. I'm gonna be the best like no one ever was!
Classmate 1: Ummm.. are you okay?
(She only smiles at her classmate. Her classmates are weirded out by her behavior and look at her weirdly,
and whisper in hushed voices.)
Teacher 2: Ah, just in time. Looking sharp today.
Narrator: Tina beams at her teacher's comment.
Tina: Thanks- Unknown girl (Heather): Thank you!
Narrator: Everyone's heads whip back, except for Tina's.
Teacher 2: Settle down, everyone. We have a new transfer student joining us today. Heather, please come
up and introduce yourself.
(One of Tina's eyebrows rises.) Tina (intrigued): A new transfer student?
(She turns around as Heather passes by. Her classmates start to whisper once more.)
Heather (bright): Hey, everyone! I'm Heather. I'm new here, and I hope we can all get along.
(Her classmates cheer for Heather, and Tina is in dismay.)
Teacher 2: Christina? Why are you standing in the middle of the classroom? Get back to your seat. (Tina
crosses her arms and makes her way back to her seat.)
Narrator: Tina was in dismay. She was sure that she had this in the bag, but someone had suddenly shown
up and stolen her spotlight!
(Heather makes her way to her seat, and her classmates immediately surround her.)
Classmate 2: Wow, you have really nice hair!
Classmate 3: You have really smooth skin! What's your routine?
Classmate 4: You're so pretty!
Classmate 5: Right? She's drop-dead gorgeous.
Classmate 6: Are you dating anyone, by chance?
Classmate 7: Oh please, get in line!
(Heather giggles.) Heather: G-guys, stop. (They laugh together and chat once more. Tina is envious and
glares at them.)

• Scene 4
Afternoon, Tina’s classroom
Narrator: Tina was pent up with anger. She was sure that this day would be hers, and suddenly, Heather
came in and stole the show!
(Tina throws her things around and vents all her anger. She stops when an idea crosses her mind.
Tina (smirking): If you can’t beat them, join them. Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer.

• Scene 5
Morning, classroom
(Tina walks up to Heather and two other girls, chatting.)
Tina (beaming): Good morning!
Heather (shocked): Good morning.
(The two smile at each other, but Heather’s two other friends don’t return the hospitality.)
Veronica (sassy): Umm.. who are you..?
Tina: Tina. Nice to meet you. (She offers a handshake but Veronica doesn’t stretch out her hand and
another hand takes it instead.)
Tess: Tess. Nice to meet you too.
(The two politely smile at each other.)
Tina: Sooo… I’m guessing Tess and..?
Veronica (rolling her eyes): Veronica.
Tina: Right. I’m guessing Tess and Veronica haven’t shown you around the school yet?
Heather: No, not yet.
Tina: Can I be the one to do so, then?
Heather: Of course!
(The four link arms, although Tess and Veronica are slightly unsure about it.)

• Scene 6
Morning, classroom
Narrator: It had only been weeks, but the four were closer than ever. Tina’s plan worked like magic! The
three, especially Heather wrapped around her finger. It certainly wasn’t the best simply being cast aside
for her more beautiful, and popular friend, but Tina still had to put in a couple of steps into her plan. She
was still setting up her own stage, and Heather got to play the main lead.
(While the narration goes on, the four are laughing and chatting together.)
Heather: Oh! I need to go to the bathroom for a sec. Can you guys wait for me? (Her friends wave her
goodbye and she leaves. Tina suddenly slumps over and sighs.)
Tess: Tina... what’s wrong?
Tina: It’s… it’s nothing. If I tell you guys, you might get mad.
Veronica: We won’t. What’s it about?
Tina: Okay... (sigh). Don’t tell Heather I said this but…
(She leans in their ears and whispers something to them. The two gasp.)
Veronica: She said what?!
Tina (teary): I knew I shouldn’t have told you guys… I knew you guys would get mad at me. But I’m sure
she didn’t mean to hurt your guys’ feelings.
Tess: Oh, Tina. Don’t cry. We’re not mad at you.
Veronica: She didn’t mean to hurt our feelings? She called me and Tess ugly!
Tina: I’m sorry… but promise me you won’t tell her I told you that?
(Tess and Veronica nod begrudgingly. Heather enters the scene once more.)
Heather (cheery): Hey guys! (she notices the tense mood.) …What’s up?
Veronica: (she pulls Tess and Tina with her.) Let’s go guys.
(Heather is left standing alone, clueless.)
Heather: Guys…? You know you can always tell me when something’s wrong, right?
(She’s upset and stays a little longer but leaves eventually.)

• Scene 7
Morning, school hallways
Narrator: Tina’s plan was finally springing into action. She was spreading rumors about Heather left and
right without her knowing, and everyone fell for it! Day by day, more and more people were being
deceived. Tina would spread lies about Heather’s true nature and everyone would believe her.
(Tina leans in someone’s ear. They gasp.)
Classmate 8: She said what?!
(Tina nods and whispers something else to another person.
Classmate 9: I can’t believe she’d say that!
Classmate 10: I know, right?
Classmate 11: I really thought she was a good person. But I guess not.
(Tina pretends to sympathize with them and starts walking away until someone grabs her by her shoulder.
It’s Heather. Their classmates start to whisper.)
Tina: H-Heather! Hey.
Heather (upset): Tina… I need your help. Some people have been saying I did some terrible things to
them, but I swear! They’re not true!
Tina (uncomfortable): (she looks around) Listen… I gotta go.
Heather (close to tears): No, please. Tina, listen to me. (She grabs her arm lightly, but Tina suddenly yelps
out in pain.)
Tina: A- ow! Ow! Heather, stop! Y-you’re hurting me! Stop!
Heather (confused): …What? Tina… what are you doing?
Tina (fake-crying, sobbing): I didn’t do anything to you, Heather. Why are you being like this?! I thought
we were friends!
Narrator: Tina runs away, completely shattering any chances of redeeming Heather. She has nowhere to
turn to now, and everything is going exactly as Tina had planned.
(People around them start whispering, pointing at Heather, openly badmouthing her.)
Heather (panicking): N-no, wait! I… I didn’t do anything wrong! Please…
(She exits the stage as well.)
• Scene 8
Morning, classroom
(Tina is humming to herself, scribbling in her notebook, as the narration starts once again. But she starts
showing signs of sadness in the end.)
Narrator: Everything has finally been set in its rightful place. Tina has lots of friends now, Heather’s at the
bottom, and everything’s nice and quiet. It seemed like nothing would ever go wrong for Tina, or so she
thought. She knew that she should be happy, but something felt wrong. It felt empty. Sure, she won. But
at what cost? Did she really need to lose a friend just to gain more?
(A hand suddenly grabs Tina’s shoulder. It’s Veronica, with Heather and Tess behind her. She stands up to
greet them.)
Tina: Veronica! And… Heather. Why is she-
SLAP! (Veronica slaps Tina. Tina gasps and clutches her cheek. Both Heather and Tess try to hold her
Tina: Veronica! Why would you do that?!
Veronica: Ha! That’s what we should be asking you. Why would you do that to Heather? Why would you
lie to us?!
Tina: Lie? I would never lie to you guys! You really would believe her over me?!
Tess: Just stop already, Tina! We already know the truth.
Heather (she steps closer): Tina… I thought we were friends. How could you do this to me?
Narrator: Tina could only stare at them, in shock and in disbelief. She had worked so hard to get to the
top, but it had all come crashing down in one swift moment.
Tina (emotional): (scoffs) Okay, fine! I did it! But so what if I did, huh? What did I do that was so wrong?
Was it wrong for me to dream big? Was it wrong that I had just wanted to become popular for once? Was
it so wrong that I wanted all the attention for myself I had never gotten to experience? Was it so wrong for
wanting to have friends for the very first time?
(Heather shakes her head.)
Heather (emotional): It’s never wrong to have hope. It’s never wrong to have dreams. But Tina… you
didn’t have to drag me down just to get all of that! I saw you as my sister! I thought you were my
Tina: I’m sorry, Heather. I’m really sorry.
Veronica: Are you sorry because you hurt her, or are you only sorry because you got caught?
Tina: I’m sorry. I really am. I was just so, so jealous of you. I just always felt so insecure because of you.
I thought that the only way I could be happy was if I brought you down to my level. But I was being
selfish. I loved being friends with you, I swear. I’m so sorry…
Heather: As much as it still pains me to think that you deliberately went behind my back to smear my
name, I still forgive you. We all do. We love you, Tina. We just want you to be your true self for once.
You will always be our friend.
Tina: Really?
Heather: Yeah.
(The four share a hug and the story ends.)


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