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Republic of the Philippines


College of Arts and Letters

Department of Performing Arts

Truth or Family

GEED 10093 Ethics

School Year 2022-2023

Submitted by

Garcia, Erika Mae D.

Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPeA) 3-1

Submitted to

Mr. Kier Ivan B. Panlican

Truth or Family: A Choice That Has Never Been Easy

“Liars go to hell”

It will be an understatement if I say that I have heard this phrase a hundred times only

because for sure, the people around me have said it too many times and more than that. As a kid,

telling a lie, may it be about the number of sweets I ate, playing instead of doing my school

assignments, or any small or big thing, is considered a bad deed that is equated to an appropriate

punishment, or discipline as it is commonly pertained to, in form of having spanks or being

grounded. Plainly, while growing up and even until now, I have been taught and made to believe

that everyone, primarily, myself, should not tell a lie.

Although this is a great lesson and a good principle that I learned from my parents, who

are the most important people in my life, I still think and believe that personally, at my age right

now and with the things I have discovered and explored, I will still lie at several points in my life

and will not always be completely honest, especially if it concerns them and my brother. I knew

and realized, due to the things my family and I have experienced, that there are times when I will

reverse the reality and/or keep the truth to save myself or to protect the people I care for, not all

the time but only in moderation of some situations and certain conditions. It may not be as

righteous as the standard ethics and morals, but I will still do it if it calls for me because as much

as I believe that lies are bad, I also know that truth is not always right and good as there are kinds

of it that are destructive and unfair.

Lying will never be accepted as a good action, universally and entirely but choosing to

still do it despite its ungodly reputation for the sake of protecting loved ones, is a choice that is

also never been easy. It is a type of battle between being a morally upright individual or being a

good child or spouse or sibling. Summarizing, it is easy to say that you should not tell a lie to

protect a family member who has done something wrong but it takes thorough thinking and

intensive reflection to realize that there are things that should not be done but are still worth

doing and as for me, I know that I shouldn’t but I still would.

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