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i)Pre-assigned TDMA

• CSC can accommodate up to 49 earth stations in the network

plus one reference station, making a maximum of 50 bursts in
a frame.
• Burst length128 bits
• Time period 1-ms
• Bit rate is 128 kb/s
• Frequency bandwidth is 160 kHz.

signalling unit (SU)

which is used to update the other stations on the status of
the frequencies available for the SCPC calls. It also carries
the signalling information.
ii)Demand-assigned TDMA
• Method-I A central control station may be employed
by the network to control the assignment of burst
lengths to each participating station.

• Method-II Each station may determine its own burst

length requirements and assign these in accordance with
a prearranged network discipline.

• Method-III The burst length may be kept constant and

the number of bursts per frame used by a given station
varied as demand requires.
9)Speech interpolation and
• Because of the non-continuous nature of speech, a
speech transmission channel lies inactive for a
considerable fraction of the time.
• Reasons
1. The talk-listen nature of a speech ,transmission in any
one direction occurs only about 50 % of the time.
2. In addition, the pauses between words and phrases
may further decrease this to about 25 %
3. “end party” delays and the average time of connection
time, drop & disconnection call is about 25%
1) Digital Time Assignment Speech Interpolation
(digital TASI) or
Digital Speech Interpolation(DSI)

2) Speech Predictive Encoded Communications (SPEC)

1)Digital Time Assignment Speech
Interpolation (digital TASI)
Digital Speech Interpolation(DSI)

*Demand based channel assignment

1)Digital speech interpolation
• An assignment message is stored in the assignment
channel buffer, which informs the receive stations which
terrestrial channel is assigned to which satellite channel.
• Once an assignment is made, it is not interrupted.
• At the receive side, the traffic messages are stored in
their respective satellite-channel buffers.
• The assignment information ensures that the correct
buffer is read out to the corresponding terrestrial
channel during its sampling time slot.
• freeze-out fraction is the ratio of the time the speech
is lost to the average spurt duration.
• The DSI gain is the ratio of the number of terrestrial
channels to number of satellite channels.

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