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Research Proposal

Support for
Students with OCD
EDUC 570 - Research Methods with Dr. Don Trahan
By Luna Flynn
Table of contents

Abstract & Literature

Introduction Review
01 Statement of problem,
02 Previous research on OCD,
purpose of research, framing high-achieving students,
of the study, research therapeutic approaches
questions & variables

Methodology Conclusion
03 Research procedures, Role
of the researcher, ethical 04 A final summary of the study
and possible limitations
Abstract & Intro
~Research Proposal in a nutshell
High-Achieving students with mental health
issues sometimes fall through the cracks of
standard support systems like Section 504

This is a case study on a high-achieving

student who struggles with OCD affecting
her well-being who is on a 504 plan that has
been ineffective
Research Questions
● What can we do to support students who may have OCD, but are not challenged with school
avoidance or learning disabilities and are high-performing academically?
● What if these students struggle with mental and physical challenges that may not be easily
reflected in school accessible data like grades?
● How can we support a student with OCD so severe that it is creating a physical and mental toll
on their life, but cannot be registered as having specifically a learning disability?
● What types of interventions are used in such cases? How effective are they? Do they serve more
as ‘band-aid’ solutions?
● Are 504 plans the most widely used intervention for these situations?
● What studies are there on the correlation between students who are high-achieving yet have a
mental or physical impairment? Any pertaining to OCD?

There appears to be a gap in what a 504 can offer for a student like this, and I propose that we look
more into what we can do to support them. This will allow us to better understand how to approach not
only their situation, but also other students in similar situations.
Framing of Study

Students with OCD Case Study

How do we currently help Why conducting a case study on
students manage OCD? What this student will be clarifying
works and what does not? and illuminating

“1 in 200
…of young people suffers from OCD”
(Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week, 2004)
“There was an increase in OCD
symptoms during the pandemic, with
a proportion of patients identifying
either COVID-19 or lockdown as
contributing factors”
— (Bennett, 2022)
Therapeutic Approaches

Medication ERP Model 504 Plan
CBT combined with Helping people with OCD A school based intervention
SSRI’s like Sertraline confront their triggers can that can attempt to support
have shown promise prevent their compulsions students with OCD
Is there correlations between being a
high-achieving student (HAS) and
well-being? Is it positive or negative?

● HAS tend to take challenging classes

● Have high expectations for themselves
● Experience high levels of stress

“The stress experienced by teens during the

school year is greater than what students
Image sourced from Google
feel should be healthy for their age group”
(Boyle, 2020)

Exploring the specifics of the case study, data
collection, and data analysis
Research Procedures & Rationale

Site Selection & Ethical

Background Considerations

Researcher’s Potential
Role Contributions
Study Framework
Data Coding
Case Study

1 2 3 4 5

Sampling/ Data
Selection Analysis

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