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 Web Dynpro for ABAP (WD4A, WDA) is the SAP standard UI technology for developing Web

applications in the ABAP environment.

 Web Dynpro is the SAP NetWeaver programming model for user interfaces (UIs).
The Web Dynpro model is based on the Model View Controller paradigm, and has the
following features that build on the classic dynpro model:
● Clear separation of business logic and display logic
● Uniform metamodel for all types of user interfaces
● Execution on a number of client platforms.
● Extensive platform independence of interfaces

 Conversion of the Model-View-Controller Programming Model

Every Web Dynpro application is structured according to the Model View Controller
programming model:
● The model [page 55] forms the interface to the back end system and thus enables the
Web Dynpro application access to data.
● The view [page 36] is responsible for the representation of the data in the browser.
● The controller [page 41] lies between the view and the model. The controller formats
the model data to be displayed in the view, processes the user entries made by the
user, and returns them to the model.

 A Web Dynpro component is a reusable entity

 The creation of a Web Dynpro component is always mandatory, since the existence of the
Web Dynpro window and the views and controllers that it contains is linked to the existence of
the component itself

 A view describes the layout and behavior of a rectangular area of a user interface
In addition to the visible part, the layout, a view also contains a controller and a context. The
data to which the elements of the view can be bound are stored and managed in the view
context, enabling them to be represented or used on the screen. The view controller can
contain methods for data retrieval or for processing user input.

 A view also has inbound and outbound plugs [page 37] so that views can connected with
each other, or so that a view can be linked with an interface view. These plugs can be linked
with each other using navigation links.

 Navigation between different views is enabled by plugs. These can be divided into inbound
and outbound plugs. While inbound plugs define the possible starting points of a view, the
outbound plugs of a view can be used to call a subsequent view. Plugs are part of the
controller of a view. They are always assigned to exactly one view.

 A window is used to combine several Views [page 36] and View Sets [page 37] (the concept
of view sets is only offered in Web Dynpro for Java). A view can only be displayed by the
browser if it has been embedded in a window. A window always contains one or more views,
which are connected by navigation links [page 37]. One of these views, or a view set, is
specified as the start view and is displayed the first time the window is called.

 Controllers are the active parts of a Web Dynpro application. They define how the user can
interact with the Web Dynpro application

 The data used in the component or in the view are stored in the context
 The data from the contexts is managed in a hierarchical structure. Each context has a root
node, underneath which the individual data fields (attributes) are stored in a tree structure.

 Within the Web Dynpro architecture, the contexts of the different controllers can be linked in
different ways:
● A UI element of the user interface of the view can be linked with an element of the view
● A mapping can be defined between two global controller contexts, or from a view
context to a global controller context.
 A Web Dynpro application is an application that can be called from the user interface. As an
independent program unit it connects a URL that can be accessed by the user with a window
in the Web Dynpro component.

 The view [page 36] is the smallest unit of a Web Dynpro application visible for the user. The
layout elements and dialog elements - for example, tables, text fields, or buttons - required for
the application are arranged in a view. The view contains a controller and a controller context
in which the application data to be processed is stored in a hierarchical structure. This allows
the linking of the graphical elements with the application data.

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