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This is probably the most important thread I will ever participate in.

I'm locking the original

one to summarize everything in this thread. It appears we are close to solving the phantom
time issue. Looks like those extra 1,000 years suggested by Fomenko and Nosovsky are
indeed equal to 1,000 years. We cannot simply subtract 1,000 from 2020 for there is a
method to the PTB trickery. Here is what this 1,000 years consist of:

 753 years + 247 years = 1,000 years

o 247 years: difference between "year of Christ" and "year of Rome"
o 753 years: maliciously added number to create 1,000 years
o 753 BC: the official date of when the city of Rome was founded. 
o This was needed to fraudulently present I / i / J / j as #1. I.e.:
 I653 became 1653
 i587 became 1587
 J472 became 1472
 i725 became 1725
o Whether these I / i / J / j stand for Julius Caesar is up to us to determine. They
sure do not stand for Jesus Christ or #1.
 It's of paramount importance to understand when they convinced us that "I" was "1".
o If we figure this out, we can understand when the count "of Rome" stopped,
and lies started.
o The switch from "of Rome" to our fake dating would probably mean some big

First of all, to preserve the evidence, I recommend you download this book, for this is where
the key to the riddle is located.
Wanna know why America was not discovered in 1492?
Let me show you something interesting. For our calculations we are going to use the below
chronological reference from the above book. The most important thing to understand is that
all three of the below dates mean the exact same year. That means:

 Year of the World = Year of Rome = Year of Christ

 4739 = i530 = 777 ... these are the same year

I am not going to use "year of the world" for we do not need it for our calculations, and I do
not really know what it means, though we all might have an idea. The "year of the world" is
for a totally different thread.

The above cutout means:

 Year of Rome: 530 = I530 ≠ 1530 AD

o "I" stands for something we do not quite understand yet, but "I" ≠ "1".
o "I" is not a digit.
 Year of Christ: 777
 Difference: 777 - 530 = 247 years
o That means that Christ was born/dead 243 before something happened to
Rome (established/demolished, Julius Caesar born/died, etc).
o Christ came 247 years earlier than Rome... that's for simplicity.
 Catch 22: They took year 530 (of Rome) and used "I" to present it as "1". Now we
have year 1530.
o Year 1530 was presented as a "year of Christ."
o In reality the year "of Christ" was 777, but now it became year 1530 "of
 As you remember from above, the original difference between "year of Christ" and
"year of Rome" was 247 years.
 Now we do not have any year of Rome left. We only have "year of Christ" - 777 and
year "of pseudo-Christ" - 1530.
o The difference became 1530 - 777 = 753 years.
o "Coincidentally" the city of Rome was founded in 753 BC.
o In reality, 753 years is the difference between the made up year "of pseudo-
Christ" and the year "of Christ."

Columbus and 1492.

Now let's see how it works when applied to the discovery of America. If this thing works out,
it's gonna be super weird and rewarding.

 Discovery date #1: 1492 "of pseudo-Christ" - false

 Discovery date #2: I492 "of Rome' which is 492
 Discovery date #3: 492 + 247 = 739 "of Christ" - true
o Now we need to convert "of Christ" to "of pseudo-Christ" by adding our 753
year difference.
 Fake date: 739 "of Christ" + 753 "difference" = 1492 "of pseudo-Christ"

True discovery dates of America:

 492 - Year of Rome aka "I"492

 739 - Year of Christ
 1492 - Year of pseudo-Christ

Now let's go over a few known events. We will only use normally looking dates. I do not
understand what BC/AD mean any longer.

Pompeii Destruction: 79 A.D. no more: Pompeii got buried in 1631

 631 - Year of Rome aka "I"631

 878 - Year of Christ
 1631 - Year of pseudo-Christ

Russia adopts Gregorian Calendar: Russian Calendar History

 700 - Year of Rome aka "I"700
 947 - Year of Christ
 1700 - Year of pseudo-Christ

Independence Day (United States): Independence Day (United States) - Wikipedia

 776 - Year of Rome aka "I"766

 1023 - Year of Christ
 1700 - Year of pseudo-Christ

French invasion of Russia: French invasion of Russia - Wikipedia

 812 - Year of Rome aka "I"812

 1059 - Year of Christ
 1812 - Year of pseudo-Christ

London Fire: Great Fire of London - Wikipedia

 666 - Year of Rome aka "I"666

 913 - Year of Christ
 1666 - Year of pseudo-Christ

Now think about this. Why do we have all that?

 When Jesus abandoned America, or why TPTB prefer Pagan Gods

 Roman monuments to non-Roman individuals
 Questionable antiquity of the "ancient" statues
 The History of Rome has no Surviving Sources
 Giant "Ancient" Romans, Human Engineering and the Real Slavery
 Fake Antiquity: this is Julius Caesar. Really?
 19th Century Victorian Balls: where are the photos?
 19th Century World Leaders Meetings: where are the photos?
 Three Wars - Where Are Combat Photographs?
 19th century photographs of the US Government in session prior to 1865. Where are
 Pope is a Liar: #5 The Dark Secret of the Vatican Pagan Gods
 Ask Pro | - Julius Caesar: Medieval vs. Ancient
 Will the real Pontius Pilate please stand up, and show us your toga?
 Was Cleopatra a medieval queen?
 Questionable Alexander the Great Narrative
 Prehistoric cave art appears to be fake... all of it
 79 A.D. no more: Pompeii got buried in 1631
All those ancient Roman, Greek and Egyptian cities, statues and busts we suddenly started to
discover at the end of the so-called 18th and throughout the 19th centuries. How come those
were not discovered before? We are being told that back in the day people were not interested
in stuff like that. Really?

Why do we justify images like below with some sentimental nonsense?

And why do we ridicule artists of the past who, long before Julius Caesar “put” toga on, were
depicting him looking like this.

And what if, for example:

 Year 1795 is really year 795 of Rome aka "I"795
 Year 1812 is really year 812 of Rome aka "I"812

This way the so-called "antiquity" is in the rear view mirror, and not behind 15 blind curves
this mankind passed thousands of years ago.

Consider this possibility:

 The so-called "medieval" clothing was before this mankind was forced to don them
togas, and not the other way around. This is why statues of the people who have no
business wearing togas have them on.

I don't know if Washington was really Washington, if Napoleon was really Napoleon or if
Peter the Great was really Peter the Great. But I would only wear a toga if it was super hot
outside. Hot to the point when you do not need to hit your house.

What's our Power Elite concerned about the most? I think it would be the Global Warming
a.k.a. Climate Change.

KD: Please fell free to contribute. This could be important.

 Just like I said, I do not know when "I" turned into "1."
 The pure offset is supposed to be 753 years. They added 1,000 years to the "from
Rome" date.
 At the same time we really do not know how long the 19th century lasted.
 Under ideal conditions today's date could be:
o Year 1020 - of Rome. Depending on the duration of the 19th century.
o Year 1267 - of Christ.  Depending on the duration of the 19th century.
o Year 2020 - of pseudo-Christ
o Year 5229 - of the World
o Year 5780 - Jewish Chronology

I don’t think there is any reason to doubt the Jewish Chronology. This way somewhere along
the way we lost 551 year of events and characters, and those events and people got replaced
with 753 years of made up, or doubled events and characters. Hypothetically...
"I can’t tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don’t know." - Morpheus
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 Reactions:Tarheel, Starmonkey, Huaqero and 1 other person

Today at 1:46 PM

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 #2

KorbenDallas said:
Now let's see how it works when applied to

... fall of Constantinople, 1453?

"Can't believe all the lying, all the screens are denying that the moments of truth have begun ..."
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Red Bird
Today at 2:05 PM

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 #3

Congratulations. Dang.

As mentioned even some mainline historians are believing around this amount of time is
missing (because of archaeology), and it’s the ‘dark ages’ somewhere about 600-1100.
see if I do this right.
847 (i847)+
1600 (perhaps this is Around where something happened)
However it seems likely it was wanted to round off the years to 1000, so in this theory the
malicious addition would have had to take place in 247 (i247).

To think really outofthebox for example:

777+ (YOC)
33 (Their magic number)=
1110 year time changed, +
1863 pseudo
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18 minutes ago

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 #4

@Red Bird, I’d go with investigating what the latest printed dates using “I” are. What do we
have on the the Declaration of Independence?

At some point “l” becomes “1”. I’d place tge switch closer to that date.

As far as Constantinople goes. We have two parts of the Roman Empire:

 Western collapsed in 476 AD. But this info is questionable, for no sources were
discovered until some time in the 15th century.
 Eastern, aka Byzantine Empire collapsed with the fall of Constantinople in 1453.

This thousand year difference makes no sense. We can’t even comprehend how long it is.
And of course we have that brick making issue to back it up.

 Pope is a Liar: #4 Bricks Tell the Story

My guess would be:

 Western Empire - i476

o 723 of Christ
 Eastern Empire - i453
o 700 of Christ

But at this close in time it was probably the same conflict. Could it be that there was no
separate Western and Eastern Empires, but rather one in the process of falling to whatever? I
think it could.

Or better yet, they fought each other for a very long time, and it all came to an unknown for
us end. Look at what happened during the 4th Crusade:

 Allegedly 1202-1204
 Instead of recapturing Jerusalem as the Pope hoped, the Fourth Crusade ended with
the Sack of Constantinople and formation of the short-lived Latin Empire on the
conquered Byzantine territories.
o What kind of BS is that?
 Was the Fourth crusade the First one? Was Babylon located in Cairo?

We need to remember that the first book they allegedly printed came out in 1455, which is

 702 of Christ

The funny thing is that they did not have to lie as far as their dates went. They would put
something like I487 on, and read it as year 487 “of Rome”. When we look at the same book
we see year 1487.

At some point later the perpetrators would only need to burn the pubs which stood in the
way. I’m pretty sure they wish they did not miss the one from the OP.

In the process they filled in the blanks with fakes, and claimed that the originals did not

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