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SF6 is a gas that has a very important impact on greenhouse effect. The companies that proceed to its RECYCLING or its ELIMINATION according to REGULATION, proove their commitment to respect Environment and to fit their action in lasting development context. For this reason, AVANTEC offers you its SF6 ECOPROGRAM. Collection of used SF6 in order to RECYCLE it in our specific installations, or to DESTROY it if RECYCLING is not possible. Providing you with adequate packages dedicated to recovery and approved for ADR road transportation. Taking care of end of life equipment containing SF6 either on your site or on our site with all the logistic operations.

In electricity, SF6 is used as a dielectric agent from medium to very high voltage. During its use, it is faced to faulty arcs or sparks that will contaminate it. This is polluting it and may bring air, humidity, CF4 and sometimes some toxic, corrosive and particle decomposition products. The SF6 looses its dielectric qualities but can be regenerated. AVANTEC SF6 ECOPROGRAM offers you to collect this product in order to regenerate it or to eliminate it. AVANTEC has a range of packages dedicated to collect the used product. We use certified transporters to transfer the waste product to our plant. After analysis of the product, our laboratory decides if it is possible or not to regenerate the product or if it is necessary to proceed to its elimination. Reprocessing allows to get a SF6 which meets IEC 60 480 specifications. If this is not the case, the contaminated SF6 is incinerated by certified companies. All these operations are made in the frame of legislation with compulsory administrative documents.


The transport of used SF6 is done according to ADR regulation for the transport of waste products. The operations of recycling or treatment before elimination are made on our approved sites by our personnel especially trained to this work.

The gas can be recovered either by your staff or by our technical team in our specific packages. During this operation, you will fill out an administrative document for the follow of waste products where you will mention the amount of contaminated product. This document will travel with the used product until its valorisation or its destruction. We also propose you equipment to proceed to the gas transfer. In order to avoid any over-filling, we also offer you scales to weight the packages during filling operations.

This data is based on information that the manufacturer believe to be reliable and offered in good faith. In no event will AVANTEC be responsible for special, incidental and consequential damages. The user is responsible to the Administrative Authorities (regulations for the protection of the Environment) for the conformity of his installation.
FPW.SV.10340 002 - 19/09/2008

Your commercial partners : Etienne BARBIER +33 (0) Florence SANCHEZ +33(0)

Rue de Bourgogne BP 211 69802 St Priest - France Tel +33.(0) Fax +33.(0)

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