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Internal Assessment Compiling the Paper and Self Evaluation

Compile all the parts of the internal assessment into a single paper:
1. Title (does not need to be it’s own page)
2. Introduction, inclusive of:
a. Research question - clearly set out in the beginning of the paper
b. IB Biology curriculum connection
c. Personal engagement
d. Background information
e. Hypothesis
3. Materials and Methods
a. Complete list of materials, including quantities
b. Method for performing the investigation, written in past tense, narrative form (not step
by step list)
i. Be sure to include how you have multiple trials
ii. Be sure to mention safety/ethics/environmental impact
c. Image(s) (with caption) of the data collection process
4. Results
a. Table(s) of raw data (may be placed in an appendix)
b. Table(s) of descriptive statistics
c. Reasoning behind your selected descriptive and inferential statistics
d. Example calculation of descriptive and inferential statistics (can be a screenshot with
citation of tool used)
e. Results (not interpretation) of statistical tests
f. Graph(s) with caption
5. Analysis and Conclusion
a. Data interpretation
b. Conclusion
c. Explanation
d. Limitations
e. Suggestions
6. Works Cited List (does not need to be it’s own page)

Before you think you are done… be sure to:

1. Use the scoring rubric to self assess and make improvements to your paper.

Follow the following formatting guidelines:

● Written in past tense
● Academically appropriate font, spacing and margins ( Times New Roman, Size 12, 1 inch
● Paper is 6-12 pages in length
● Paper does not include your name of reference to your school (don’t include a typed
heading with your name, only include your name on the first page)
● MLA citation format for in-text citations and works cited list
● Tables sequentially numbered (i.e. “Table 1: title”)
● Photos, diagrams and graphs sequentially numbered (i.e. “Figure 1: title”) with captions
● Refer to tables and figures within the text of the paper (For example, “In Figure 1, I show how I
…” or “as can be seen in Table 2, there was….”)
● Save your paper as a .pdf file to ensure proper formatting when uploaded

Once you think you are done, print a copy and hand in to me and upload a soft copy on

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