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Draft Resolution ‘Thermo sher scienti c’

Believing that gene editing can be live saving and should be

more economically affordable and ethically acceptable,

Bearing in mind the fact that there are nations who don’t
have enough resources to either start or be the part of the
researches going on in this field,

Deeply concerned since not all nations allow the usage of

this technology and many lives which can be saved are lost,
Having studied the power and the potential this technology
carries with it, such godly powers requires regulations,
Aware of the fact that there has been organisations,
committees and projects for the same but since we are in a
new era, we need to reframe and reconsider the polices,

1. Strongly suggests that a global DNA bank should be

made, with the adviceWHO and the help national
governments and non government organisations, this
will help to track of the people who have edited their
DNA, with the help of this we can catch hold of
biohackers and super powered soldiers;


2. Recommends if a nation is found using enhanced

humans in the war, huge amounts of fine and sections must
be imposed on them, researches focusing on the usage and
discovery and usage of anti-CRISPR proteins should be
well funded just DRPA did;
3. Further requests the formation of the international gene
research society in which all the nations and even
individual share the amount of fund, varying on their
personal capabilities, come together and share the research
and data with each other so no one is left behind, in this
way everybody will get to research CRISPR and among so
many people nobody would be able to conduct any
dangerous researches which might harm the human race;
4. Demands big countries with more resources require
men with intelligence, who have a good hand in this field,
the weak nations who don’t have the capital resources and
hence cannot conduct their own research, here’s the benefit
of both by the bater of human resource in exchange of data,
which would be a win-win for all the nations;
5. Reminds that DNA modifications made in embryos
affects all the coming generations and if any undesirable
mutations occurs, it would lead to the torment of human
race as this DNA with some defect would be eventually
passed from generation to generation, all unessential
modifications, like the based for physical attributes or the
ones which won’t lead to betterment our life in terms of
immunity, should be prohibited, because the more the
attempts made the more the chances of things going wrong;

6. Draws attention on studies that show attractive people

tend to earn more money, a parent would want to choose a
genetic attribute, which gives their child a leg up in their
life, this kind of editing is know as genetic enhancement,
this kind of elective procedure will only be available to
those people who are richer, and this for sure would deepen
the social, economical and even racial discrimination;
7. Considers biology in the most diverse field in the
world, in which just a spoonful knowledge in such a vast
ocean wisdom and expertise is explored, although we can’t
predict the exact outcomes of these enigmatic yet
sophisticated system, but we can calculate and beware of
the potential risks of a certain modulation in DNA, with the
help of highly advanced softwares which we provide at our
8. Encourages ethical regulations over genome editing,
so it is used for good purposes only, possible ways to do the
same can be:
a. Educate people the drawbacks, purpose and aim of
this technology, which might bring a change and lesser
people would use this for personal benefits,
b. Only the treatment of disease, that too the in a
listed way from most dangerous to least, should be done;

9. Calls for highly trained inspectors from the human

genome organisation can supervise the experiments and
researches at all the times, the organisation, company or the
nation who wants to conduct the experiment would arrange
funds for this teams;

10. Further recommends to have strict polices to save the

privacy of the individuals, method to do the same can be:
a. there is a term known as eDNA which stands for
envoirmental DNA, which is basically the hair or the skin
shed or any gene material left behind by an organism, since
this is in abundance it might be, positively or negatively,
while we can take measures against this only till a certain
extent, what can be done is researching more on anti-
CRISPR which are proteins, which can modulate or reverse
the effects of CRISPR, there are more than 50 such proteins
and can be directly inserted in humans,
b. the people must be warned about the potential
risks by an edit made,
c. The data including the samples should be
immediately discarded and the person must be informed as
soon as possible.

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