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Internship exam


1. Student name *

‫محمد فوزي منصور‬

2. A nurse is watching the cardiac monitor, and a patient’s rhythm is suddenly

changed. There are no P waves; instead, there are wavy lines. The QRS
complexes measure 0.08 second, but they are irregular, with a rate of 120
beats /minute. The nurse interprets this rhythm as:
* (1 Point)

Ventricular fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation

Ventricular tachycardia

Sinus tachycardia

3. A 79-year-old client is admitted with COPD. Which nursing diagnosis should

take priority?
* (1 Point)

Acute pain related to lung

Risk for imbalanced fluid volume related to increased fluid losses.

Anxiety related to dyspnea and chest pain

Ineffective airway clearance related to retained secretions.

4. A 65-year-old male is admitted to the progressive care unit with a diagnosis

of pneumonia. He has a past history of pulmonary disease and diabetes. A
set of arterial blood gases is obtained on admission: room air includes the
following: pH 7.35; PaCO2 55 mm Hg; bicarbonate 30 mEq/L; PaO2 65 mm
Hg. These levels reflect:
* (1 Point)

hypoxemia and compensated metabolic acidosis.

hypoxemia and compensated respiratory acidosis.

normal oxygenation and partly compensated metabolic alkalosis.

normal oxygenation and uncompensated respiratory acidosis.

5. In which type of polycythemia do we see a problem with the bone marrow?

* (1 Point)

Secondary polycythaemia

Hereditary polycythaemia

Polycythaemia vera

Tertiary polycythaemia
6. A patient’s electrocardiogram strip shows atrial and ventricular rates of 80
complexes per minute. The PR interval is 0.14 second, and the QRS complex
measures 0.08 second. The nurse interprets this rhythm as:
* (1 Point)

Sinus bradycardia

Normal sinus rhythm

Sinus dysrhythmia

Sinus tachycardia

7. A patient's blood pressure drops from 120/76 to 90/60 mm Hg as soon as

positive end-expiratory pressure is initiated for the treatment of hypoxemia.
What is the most likely cause of this decrease in blood pressure?
* (1 Point)

Decrease in cardiac output

Hypovolemic shock

Neurogenic shock

Increase in venous return

8. A patient’s status worsens, and he needs mechanical ventilation. The

pulmonologist wants him to receive 10 breaths/min minute from the
ventilator but wants to encourage him to breathe spontaneously in between
the mechanical breaths at his own tidal volume. This mode of ventilation is
* (1 Point)
* (1 Point)

assist/control ventilation.

controlled ventilation.

intermittent mandatory ventilation.

positive end-expiratory pressure

9. A patient has coronary artery bypass graft surgery and is transported to the
surgical intensive care unit at noon. He is placed on mechanical ventilation.
Interpret his initial arterial blood gas levels:
pH 7.31

PaCO2 48 mm Hg

Bicarbonate 22 mEq/L

PaO2 115 mm Hg

O2 saturation 99%
* (1 Point)

Normal arterial blood gas levels with a high oxygen level

Partly compensated respiratory acidosis, normal oxygen

Uncompensated metabolic acidosis with high oxygen levels

Uncompensated respiratory acidosis; hyper oxygenated

10. Dopamine in low doses can produce the following actions in cardiac
* (1 Point)

Renal and mesenteric vasoconstriction

Coronary and renal vasoconstriction

Renal and mesenteric vasodilatation

Coronary and mesenteric vasodilatation

11. A patient has active TB. Which of the following symptoms will he exhibit? *
(1 Point)

Chest and lower back pain

Chills, fever, night sweats, and haemoptysis

High fever and nausea

Headache and severe sharp chest pain

12. Dr. Smith has determined that the client with hepatitis has contracted the
infection form contaminated food. The nurse understands that this client is
most likely experiencing what type of hepatitis?
* (1 Point)

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis C
Hepatitis D

13. Sharon has cirrhosis of the liver and develops ascites. What intervention
is necessary to decrease the excessive accumulation of serous fluid in her
peritoneal cavity?
* (1 Point)

Restrict fluids

Encourage ambulation

Increase sodium in the diet

Give antacids as prescribed

14. Which of the following groups of drugs is NOT considered as positive

inotropic agents

* (1 Point)

Cardiac glycosides.


Calcium channel blockers

Calcium gluconate

15. The nurse is caring for a patient with a left subclavian central venous
catheter (CVC) and a left radial arterial line. Which assessment finding by
catheter (CVC) and a left radial arterial line. Which assessment finding by
the nurse requires immediate action?

* (1 Point)

A dampened arterial line waveform

Numbness and tingling in the left hand

Slight redness at subclavian insertion site

Slight bloody drainage at subclavian insertion site

16. What are the functions of T3 and T4 ? * (1 Point)

Retention of salt and water

Maintenance of blood pressure

Maintenance of blood sugar

Regulation of energy production

17. The nursing is caring for a patient following insertion of an arterial line. To
reduce the risk of complications, what is the priority nursing intervention?
* (1 Point)

Apply a pressure dressing to the insertion site

Ensure all tubing connections are tightened

Restrain the extremity for 24 hours

Restrain the extremity for 24 hours

Obtain a portable x-ray study to confirm placement

18. Endotracheal suctioning: * (1 Point)

decreases intracranial pressure.

depresses the cough reflex.

should be performed as dictated by patient assessment.

should be preceded by saline instillation

19. Rotating injection sites when administering insulin prevents which of the
following complications?
* (1 Point)

A. Insulin edema

B. Insulin lipodystrophy

C. Insulin resistance

D. Systemic allergic reactions

20. Nurse Oliver should expect a client with hypothyroidism to report which
health concerns?
* (1 Point)

Increased appetite and weight loss

Puffiness of the face and hands

Thyroid gland swelling

Nervousness and tremors

21. A client is admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC) associated with a gram-negative infection.
Which assessment information has the most immediate implications for the
client’s care?
* (1 Point)

There is no palpable radial or pedal pulse.

The client complains of chest pain.

The client’s oxygen saturation is decreased

There is mottling of the hands and feet.

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