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Medicine OSCI

-          There was 1 long case and it was about obstructive jaundice with Dr
Majed Dwaik and another doctor I think Dr.
After you take hx and exam  .. make a summery as assessment then about
DDx and approach
With findings in lab investigations V. IMP
-          Next there were 2 cases with Dr. Abd Alla6eef and Dr. Raed al6e6e one
abot liver and ascites and there was a question about how you feel the liver
in the presence of ascites I think there is a sign but I cant remember it
The secod case was old lady with right sided heart failiure core pulmonale
examine the lung and chest and the Q was what you would like to examine
else remember signs of right sided failiure
-          Next room there was 2 cases with Dr Ibrahim Alhour and external
examiner one is thyroid remember to ask for water . Pemberton’s test
The second was about DVT in Bahjat dz
-          Next a pic on laptop showing papilleodema on ophthalmoscope with
case scenario the diagnoses is benign intracranial HTN with Qs about it .
-          Then another laptop station case scenario the diagnoses was Guillain
Barre also with Q about it
-          Next station cardio Exam with many ECGs and blood chimestry
-          A station about cannula insertion on a model

Surgery OSCI

-          Long case again about obstructive jaundice with Dr Khaled qrai3
-          Then external examiner  with 2 cases  
abdominal Exam and the case was divarication of recti
the second is incisional hernia and the stupid Q was what do you think the
cause the answer was shes diabetic  taking insulin which cause her obesity
which in turn cause the hernia .. silly
-          Next Dr Rafiq Salhab with laptop about 2 cases one is squamous cell
carcinoma of the lip , the other is thrombosed piles … Dr Rafiq always ask
very deeeeeeeep Qs
-          Next was Dr Fahmi with external examiner with 2 cases  varicose veins,
axillary mass in achild
-          Dr. Waleed zalloum 2 cases thyroid mass and inguinal hernia
-          3 dry station one about gasrtric outlet obstruction a case with Qs
One is a pics of Mekels diverticulam wit Qs
ERCP with filling defect  in common bile duct
 Best wishes i will send the rest later


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