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1.Decide on the Venue & Head count

2.Book the Musicians
3.Media Management (Digital Support)
4.Health and Safety Protocol

1. Create Strong, Clear Festival Goals

Start with the question, “Why am I organizing this festival?” The best music
events have a purpose or mission. Do you want to highlight a particular
type of music? For example, MAGFest (Music And Gaming Festival) is a 4-
day event dedicated to video game music as well as gaming and the
gaming community. 
Maybe you have another goal in mind. Perhaps you want to bring
attention to up-and-coming independent artists in the music industry or
even raise money for a cause. Having a purpose can help your music
festival stand out. 

Besides your event’s purpose, consider what you want to achieve. Popular
objectives include spreading brand awareness and increasing ticket sales
or event attendance. Avoid being vague, and set SMART (specific,
measurable, attainable, relevant, timely) goals. Then determine the key
performance indicators that will help you measure your success. 

2. Set a Realistic Budget for Your Music Event

Budgeting may be one of the least exciting aspects of music festival
planning, but it is one of the most critical. You need to consider how much
your event will cost to ensure its success. 

Here are a few budget considerations to keep in mind:

 Musicians
 Anchor(s)
 Lighting and audio equipment
 Festival venue
 Marketing
 Food vendors
 Event staff and security
 Sanitary facilities
 Event safety
 Permits
Contact different suppliers to obtain quotes. Provide as much detail as
possible and give each supplier the same information. That will ensure
greater estimate accuracy and make it easier to compare your options.
Quotes will also help you secure the best deals. 

Pro tip: Even with a solid budget, issues can arise. To avoid getting in a
financial bind, include a contingency line. Depending on the size and
complexity of your music festival, consider giving yourself 15% to 20% of
your total budget. 
3. Secure Your Performers and Event Vendors
What artists and entertainment vendors do you want to feature? These
are the people who will help sell tickets and shape attendees’ experiences.

Performers and event vendors should align with the type of festival you’re
organizing and appeal to your target audience. Much like sponsorships, a
big-name artist won’t mean much if they don’t interest your intended
audience. Once you have your list of potential artists and vendors, start
reaching out to see who might be interested, if they’re available, and what
their rates are. 
4. Choose a Perfect Venue Location and Book It
The music festival venue selection is a vital decision. It’s more than just the
address where you’ll hold the event; it sets the tone and plays a significant
role in the overall experience. For instance, outdoor musical festivals often
have a more relaxed, chill vibe. They can also typically accommodate more
attendees than indoor venues. 

While the perfect location is a must, it can often be a challenge. There’s a

lot to consider when picking a music festival venue, including:

 Accessibility. Can attendees get to your festival by car or public

transportation, and will everyone be able to access it when they
arrive? Is there ample space for parking? Are there accommodations
nearby for out-of-town attendees? For vendor planning, will your
vendors and equipment suppliers be able to access the site easily?
 Size. Will your venue be able to accommodate the number of people
you expect to (or hope will) attend? Will it also be able to hold your
performers, vendors, and event staff without breaking capacity or
social distancing requirements?
 Availability. In addition to your actual event date(s), you may require
additional days for setup and strike. Ensure the venue will be
available for the entire time you need it. 
 Amenities. Does the venue have essential features such as electricity,
restrooms, and seating? If not, you’ll need to determine a solution
for those and any other necessities required.
 Additional considerations. Do you need special permits? Will you need
a liquor license if you’re allowing alcohol? Are there any noise
restrictions in place? 
5. Aquire Sponsorships for Your Music Experience
Music festivals, even small-scale ones, can be expensive. Acquiring
sponsors can reduce your financial burden. In some cases, sponsorship
money can help fund the entire event. Some sponsors may provide a set
amount of funds, while others cover specific elements of your festival,
such as the stage or promotional materials. 
If you want sponsors, create a sponsor proposal. Include details about
yourself, your music festival, and what they can get for their sponsorship
(such as social media promotion or including their logo in marketing
materials). Then start contacting potential sponsors as soon as possible.
Note: When identifying potential sponsors, make sure that they align with
your target audience. It won’t matter how big or well-known a brand is if
they aren’t relevant to your music festival attendees. Also, don’t
underestimate the power of smaller sponsors. 
6. Set Up Merch and Ticket Sales
Start selling tickets online well before the actual date of your music
festival. Consider offering VIP tickets and discounted group tickets in
addition to general admission. Early-bird ticket prices can help entice sales
in advance. You may also want to include add-ons for merch (such as T-
shirts), parking passes, food and drink tickets, and other items. 

The right event software makes festival ticketing and merch sales for your
music event a breeze. With it, you can create registration forms that
capture all essential details, allow add-on purchases, provide optional
insurance, and set automatic pricing tiers. You can also set up secure
payment processing so your attendees can pay with confidence.
Through Sell, event organizers can sell and manage tickets,
registrations, and merchandise, with add-ons like attendee ticket
insurance, transfers, and upgrades.  
7. Develop a Setlist and Complete Plan for Your Event Day
With your entertainment, vendors, and venue secure, it’s time to develop
the setlist and schedule for your festival. Working out these factors early
provides a few significant benefits. For one thing, it allows you to create a
complete plan for the day(s) of your festival, including details such as:

 When different musicians/artists will perform

 Equipment needs
 Tent/stage setup and strike
 How many staff/volunteers you’ll need 
 Food truck and vendor locations
 Timing of speakers or other festival events
When creating your festival setlist, consider how your attendees will move
from one performance or activity to another. You want to ensure they can
move efficiently and safely to avoid accidents and delays. 

You can also use your festival schedule in marketing efforts. It gives
potential attendees a look at what you have planned for your upcoming
festival and can entice them to purchase tickets. It can also help confirmed
attendees plan their experiences. 

8. Come Up With an Effective, Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

You won’t sell many tickets or put on a successful music festival if people
don’t know about it. When it comes to how to plan a music festival, you
can’t forget about event promotion. 

An effective, multi-channel marketing strategy is vital to reaching and

attracting the most event attendees. Today, there are numerous
marketing channels for promoting your upcoming festival, including:
 Social media
 Email
 Paid ads
 Local media (news outlets, radio spots)
 Printed materials (flyers, billboards, postcards)
Start your event marketing efforts early. You want to give people time to
plan accordingly. It also allows you to generate the most buzz and attract
the most attendees. Promote allows organizers to promote
their events to event-goers through digital marketing services like local
calendar listings, social media ads and detailed conversion reporting, and
9. Coordinate Event and Security Staff for Concert Time
No music festival can take place without proper staff and security. Even
small-scale festivals will need a planning team to ensure everything goes
according to plan. 

Before your music festival, coordinate with your event staff and security
members. They should all know where they need to be, their
responsibilities, and when they need to complete specific tasks. For
example, you’ll want people to greet your attendees as they arrive, even if
you’re using mobile check-in solutions. Staff can answer questions, assist
with issues, and sell tickets (and merch) at the door. 
Consider providing everyone with access to a digital event checklist. That
way, your team can access the list and mark them off as they go. It can be
a beneficial tool for reducing stress, avoiding duplicating tasks, and
remembering small but critical details. 

10. Sit Back and Enjoy Your Successful Event

When your music festival date arrives, you’ll still have plenty to do.
However, proper event planning will help ensure that you aren’t running
around and addressing issues the entire time. Instead, you’ll get to enjoy
watching your attendees have unforgettable experiences that you helped
Pro tip: Your work doesn’t stop after your event ends. Within 24 hours, you
should send emails to your music festival attendees as well as your
performers, vendors, sponsors, and staff thanking them for their
participation. While it’s a simple gesture, it can go a long way in leaving a
lasting, positive impression. You can also send a post-event survey, which
can provide you with valuable insight into the experiences and satisfaction
of your attendees and help you improve future festivals. 
Organize Your Music Festival Using Event
Management Software
Now that you know what it takes to organize a music festival, it’s time to
take the plunge and get planning! has you covered. Our event
management software can help you tackle every step of the process from
before your event begins with custom landing page creation and ticketing
until after it ends with post-event communications. To start your music
festival planning, visit today!
How to plan a music event

Planning a music event take a lot of work and project management. If you don’t have any experience running
an event or working to deadlines then you probably won’t be able to plan a festival unless you get some
experience first.

Find out who runs your favourite events in your area and get in contact with them. If you offer to help out at
their event then you could learn a lot that will help you plan your own music event. Running a large event
requires a lot of investment and effort so you want to make sure you understand what you’re getting into.

If there aren’t any events that you enjoy where you live then you are actually in a great position. You’ve likely
identified a gap in the market where you live. Many promoters get started by diving in the deep end to put on
events that they simply want to enjoy with their friends.

Music event planning checklist

Organising music events can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to plan a festival with few contacts, a
small budget. However, you shouldn’t be deterred from bringing live music to the world. There are always
ways to make it happen and below is our checklist on how to go about planning music events, concerts, and

#1 Plan your objectives

Planning music events require realistic objectives for what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do it.
Knowing what you’re trying to achieve can help you guide your planning in the right direction. This could be a
creating a single release or perhaps a gig or festival in support of a local charity or cause.

#2 Establish your music event budget

Your budget is so important to establish what you are capable of doing. Be very thorough in finding out the
costs of booking venues and acts and understand what you can and can’t afford.

Your budget should be balanced across the production of the event and the marketing/promotion of it. You
don’t want to spend all your money on putting on a great show only for no one to know about it.

Your budget should also have an aim to make money from the event. Think about where the revenue is going
to come from and what it will take to create a profit.

#3 Is it a gig, festival or showcase?

Think about the type of event and look for similar music events for inspiration. Were similar events successful
and if not, why not? There’s no point trying to plan a festival involving camping in the centre of London or a
family-friendly festival in a student area.

You need to be very aware of your limitations and the opportunity that you have in front of you. If you want
your event to be successful then make sure that the type of event is relevant and realistic.

#4 Choose a date

The date and day of the week can be a decision-maker on whether people attend your event or not. It’s wise to
look at a date far into the future, that way you have time to plan and promote your event.

When deciding a date, do a quick search on other events on that date in your chosen area, there’s no point
planning your event if everyone is going elsewhere on that day!

It’s also more likely that a good local venue will have less availability at weekend, so planning early is always
the best way.

The type of event will help determine the date. Festivals should be held in the summer and showcase gigs
should be at downtime for industry workers. This tends to be over winter when there are more conferences and
projects are either coming to an end or are in their early stages.

#5 Create a marketing plan

Knowing your intended audience is essential so you should start making a marketing plan. This should tell you
who you are going to target your promotions to and how you’re going to reach them.

This should also cover how you’re going to brand your event and what your audience will expect from you.
Think about working with a photographer or graphic designer to help create content that can help promote your

#6 Choose a genre of music

The genre is very important for marketing. We all have genres of music we prefer to listen to and some we try
to avoid. For a music event, especially if on a small scale, it’s best to stick with the same genre throughout so
that the audience is more likely to stay for the whole event rather than just one act.

#7 Hire the venue

The venue is one of the most important aspects of planning a music event. The location determines who can
and can’t make it to an event. If you’re on a low budget, a small local venue might be your best option. Some
won’t charge much at all if they see your event as an opportunity to make money via a ticket split or on bar

However your gig is as only as good as the venue you choose, so checking out the sound system and engineer
at work ahead of booking a venue can be time well spent. Research all the main local music venues and
arrange to go down to see if it matches your aspirations for the event. As always planning is everything!

Selecting a venue that your fan base can travel to easily is vital. There’s no point picking a venue that your
fans can’t get to!

Considerations when booking a venue:

 Location – it’s best to have a venue easy to find and easily accessible.
 Capacity – if it’s too big the event could look empty and if it’s too small it may not be
able to accommodate all those wanting to attend the event.
 Cost
 Ease of communication – are the staff at the venue helpful and easy to deal with?
 Availability
 Resources

#8 Book your artists

As a singer, you’re likely to want to play at your own event. However, it’s essential that you also have other
acts perform too. There are a few reasons to have more than one act play; it increases your potential audience
numbers and also it gives you a chance to widen your own fan base.

It’s also important to pick other acts that will bring a fan base and promote the event too!  It’s pointless to have
3 or 4 support acts that are brilliant but aren’t prepared to promote the event and bring fans because you will
just end up with the same numbers as if you were playing a gig on your own.

Go and see other local artists perform at their own gigs, watch if they promote it well and are well attended.
Better still; see if you can play at their gig too.

#9 Promote your event

Using social media is the easiest and cheapest way to promote your event, you just have to ensure that you
have enough people who care about the event to share it across their profiles and invite other people. ‘Word of
mouth’ can be a great way to advertise and social networks make that very easy!

You can also use local websites or newspapers to list events on and get radios to advertise too. Posters and
leaflets can now be produced cheap and are effective and professional in promoting events.

Make sure you stick to your marketing plan and that you aren’t promoting your event to people who would
never be interested in it. This will only be wasting everybody’s time and you want everyone you speak with to
be excited about the event.

#10 Sell tickets

Although selling tickets in advance is more work than selling them on the door, it does mean once someone
has bought a ticket they are committed to the event. Ensure you get all the support acts selling tickets too.

Even something as simple as a rainy day can sometimes lead to potential gig-goers deciding to stay in for the
evening rather than coming to your event. If their ticket is already paid for then they are far more likely to

#11 Build a team
The larger your event becomes, the more people you need on board to handle all the responsibilities. Planning
music events requires staying on top of the bookings, the technical productions aspects (live sound and
lighting) and the marketing/promotion.
It is unlikely one person is going to be a specialist in all three fields. Find people who can cover your
weaknesses and get them involved. It will only make your show better and you could build long term
partnerships if you can demonstrate it as financially rewarding.

#12 Ask for advice

You might find yourself under a lot of pressure and getting stressed will only make mistakes more likely. Find
someone who has a lot more experience than you to be a mentor and help guide you through the process. This
will make things significantly easier than doing it by yourself.

Plan a festival

Unlike gigs and showcases, which typically take place indoors, you will need to look at booking
an outdoor venue when you plan a festival. Many outdoor locations are public spaces so you
will likely have to go through the location’s council.

You also need to consider setting up stages and amplification equipment in an area that spends
most of the year as a park or a farm. Regardless of the size, you’ll have to think about
transporting and setting up a stage, backline, bar, portaloos and basically everything a venue
already has built into it.

 Plan your budget

 Put a team together

 Plan transport/travel arrangements
 Book outdoor venue
 Make a stage plan
 Plan security
 Hire sound equipment/backline
 Hire lighting equipment
 Arrange toilet facilities
 Plan the bar and food vendors
 Book artists
 Sell tickets

Alternatively, you could look to plan a festival with multiple venues in the same city. Festiva ls such as Brighton’s Great
Escape spend a whole weekend setting up gigs across loads of venues. It also acts as a showcase festival and is
accompanied by an industry conference.

If you’ve decided to plan a festival, it is going to take a huge amount of coordination and it will be hard to do it
by yourself. If this seems overwhelming, try getting involved with planning a gig or showcase first.

Plan a gig

When it comes to planning music events, gigs are by far the most common. They can vary significantly
between venues and genres but there should be plenty of opportunities to get involved at a grassroots level. It’s
definitely easier than trying to plan a festival.

Targeting smaller venues and speaking with new performers is the best way to get started. Make sure you keep
going to gigs by a venue you like and speak to artists after their shows. Find out about what it takes to put a gig
on and if there are any artists who are interested.

This will help you get to know the artists in your local scene and the people who operate venues. This will get
you into a position to put yourself out there and ask to put on a night. You could even start by helping other
promoters fill their empty slots.

 Plan your budget

 Hire a venue
 Book artists
 Sell tickets

You might find yourself capable of planning and delivering larger music events with the more experience that
you gain. This means that you could be able to book bigger artists and draw in bigger crowds. If this happens
then you might be able to put on a showcase gig.

What is a music showcase event

A music showcase event, or showcase gig, is a live performance for talented up and coming artists to perform
in front of music industry gatekeepers, such as A&Rs and managers. A showcase event tends to be more
exclusive and focused on connecting a hyped artist with people who can help them progress in the music

A showcase plan is very different from planning a gig or festival. You aren’t marketing it as a great night of
live music for the public. You’re marketing it as an exclusive networking event with a chance to see a future
star in an intimate environment.

Showcase plan

You first need to find the talent to showcase. If you are putting on a lot of gigs then you should have a good
idea of who the best performers are. Think about who has the best chance of a successful career and be their

You then need to make sure you have the network to get people who can help the talent you are showcasing.
Planning a showcase requires a strong network with key players at record labels and management agencies.
You will be judged just as much as the artists so you should look at this as an opportunity to progress your
career too.

A showcase will require something that is going to pull in these key members of the industry. You ideally need
to build up a reputation for putting on gigs and championing new and undiscovered talent. You also need to be
able to put on a smooth show without delays and exclusive invitations with free drinks can do a lot to get the
industry on your side.
Types of music events

There are many types of live music events but they can typically be categorised as either as a gig or a festival.
When you’re planning music events you need to consider your own experience and what type of event you’re
going to plan.

Types of gigs

 Grassroots gigs
 Ticketed gigs
 Showcase gigs
 Conference gigs
 One-off gigs
 Fly-Date gigs
 Stadium gigs
 Tour gigs
 Support gigs
 Charity gigs

Types of festivals

 Local festivals
 Arts festivals
 Day festivals
 Weekend festivals
 Multi-week festivals
 Urban festivals
 Camping festivals
 Showcase festivals
 Family-friendly festivals
 Charity festivals

Tell us what gigs or festivals you’ve planned or recently been to in the comments section below?
Execution Plan

Before carrying out the following execution plan, you'll need to make sure
that you are not the only one sharing this vision. Rope in other like-minded
people to be a part of your team. You won't need a roomful – a few dynamic
and hard-working individuals from your circle will prove to be more than
helpful. After setting up the team, assign all the individuals with the role
they are suited for depending on their abilities and skills.

Well, all said and done, here's how it can be done:

Choose the venue for the event.

Foremost of all, pick a centre location easily accessible by all and procure
the necessary permission from the concerned owner/authority.

Get a Judicial Permit from the District Administration


You'll need this, as this permit is mandatory for all events that involves fund
generation as well as for security reasons and information. Required in all
events like concerts, fashion shows, beauty pageants etc. This is very
important, as in the absence of this your show will be an illegal one.

Notification to all schools/colleges through head of institutions.

This part of the plan can be done by sending printed invitations –cum-
information to the institutions addressed to the
Headmaster/Principal/Administrator. You can deliver these by hand if
commuting is not a problem which is an added advantage, as you get to
know the participating schools personally if not more.

Advertisement through schools' notice boards.

In addition to the information, you'll need to ask permission from the

institutions' authority to allow your organization to paste details of the
competition on their notice boards. Include the contact persons for
participation in this, as well as the prizes for winners.

Press Release in local dailies.

As part of the publicity campaign you'll need to give a press release in the
local newspapers and print media. This will also boost audience turn-up
during the event.

Issuing of entry form.

After dispatching invitations, expect aspiring participants enquiring about

the formalities for participation. Make necessary provisions for this by
printing the entry form which should include the Terms and Conditions
Ticket dispatch and sale.

This is very important, as you'll need to generate finds in order to make the
event happen. Print entry tickets with the appropriate price depending on
the manageability level of the audience in your locality; preferably
subsidized for students, as majority of the audience will be students.

Approach resource persons to act as judges during

the competition.

In addition to the team you've set up, you'll require inputs from people
eminent in this sector. Approach them with a request to be judges. A three
to four member of panel of judges will do just fine.

Book stage gears and props on hire basis.

Your team will need to hire professional sound equipments. Pick the best
agency offering them.

Approach a notary as chief guest (optional).

This is not required for the success for the programme, but better if your
team can manage, as he/she will encourage the participants as well as the
audience with his speech (if given).

In addition to the execution plan following are the areas where you'll need
sound financial resources to bring it to fruitition.

Areas of expenditures
1. Press Release
2. Banner and notice printing (Digital Team Hire)
3. Entry Pass Printing
4. Entry form (Digital)
5. Judges' Travelling allowance/Dearness Allowance
6. Sound system hire charge
7. Prizes for the winners
8. Lunch or refreshment
9. Judicial permit fee
10. Venue fee
11. Gift for chief guest
12. Staff (Volunteers)
12. Miscellaneous

Good Luck!
Singing competition planning

Planning foreword Singing is an excellent way to express emotions. Let our

songs sing youthful and sing every heart. Our business association is full of
enthusiasm, determined to sing in the most simple and sincere way. The
competition also provides a stage for the students to enjoy the songs, enjoy
the joy, sing the enthusiasm and vitality of our young people, sing The style
of our business associations sang the hymns of the school's thriving day.
In order to comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of the
members of the association, it reflects the rich cultural connotation of the
association; in order to show the spirit of the new generation of college
students; in order to create a fresh and civilized campus culture. Therefore,
the "Business Association K song campus trip" activity was planned.
Second, the planning master program theme: business association k song
campus activities objectives: deepen quality education, prosperity campus
culture activities time: December 21st venue: Laogan Center Organizer:
Business Association Activities: the whole school students three, planning
1. Provide students with a stage to show their talents and show their
perfect life.
2. Reflecting the development of the overall quality of the students of the
electrician, showing the youthful vitality of students' music
3.k song competition for other clubs and student union departments to
promote team development
4. Cooperate with each other, learn from each other, achieve resource
sharing, and make progress together
5. Promote mutual understanding and close the distance between heart
and heart

6. Let the sense of happiness accompany our unforgettable growth years,

let our hearts dance lightly
7. Promote the exchange of internal members of the Business Association,
and train the teamwork spirit of the members of the Business Association.
IV. Activity Process
1) The planning book should be detailed
2) Arrange the details to be responsible
2. Early publicity
1) Promotion of publicity board on campus - 2 pieces
2) Poster promotion on campus ------10 photos
3) Artificial oral promotion ------ to all classes and dormitories
3. Early mobilization
1) Communicate with other departments
2) Explain the importance and significance of activities with members
4. Prior arrangement
5. On-site links
6. Post-arrangement
1) School newspaper school wind reporter station
2) Organize your experience and experience
3) Activity record 5, player requirements
1. Each player prepares a song for each song
2. The form of the song is not limited to the game.
3. Prepare for cold clothing and accompaniment props
4. Report the song name and related information to the host 2 days before
the competition
5. Cannot be cancelled casually after the report. Sixth, the first prize of the
award is set: one second prize: three third prizes: five excellent prizes: four
seven, judging and arranging the power department of the Ministry of
Power and Literature Department of Literature and Art, Department of
Literature and Art, Department of Literature and Art, Department of Arts and
Culture, Minister of Arts and Crafts, Department of Arts and Culture,
Minister of Commerce and Industry, Chairman of the Council of Commerce
and Industry, Vice President of the Council of Business Association, Vice
President of the Association of Business Associations, First Prize Winner of
the Singer Competition, the number of entries by department 20% of the
number of applicants IX, budget 10, matters needing attention
1. The host pays attention to the timing of the entire activity process
2. The host should pay attention to the atmosphere of the venue during the
interactive communication, making it easy and pleasant.
3. Don’t appear in the host
4. The host is good at adapting, dressed properly, and humorous and
harmonious. 5. The seats are neatly arranged and there is no space.
6. Pay attention to the game time, there can be no drag and mess
7. Members of the association wear work permits and try to unify the
8. Members of the association should play a leading role in helping to
adjust the atmosphere of the venue.
9. The venue is simple, meticulous and elegant.
10. The contestant takes a seat 15 minutes before the event begins.
11. On the day of the event, the association was admitted half an hour in
12. Play the rhythmical songs to welcome the audience before starting:
Some attention to the details, please carefully understand the members,
and strive to be foolproof.

Part 2: Singing Competition Planning

First, the theme of the game: Love my college loves me China II. Purpose
of the competition: To commemorate the "May 4th Patriotic Movement", to
carry forward the great patriotism spirit among the students, to express the
spirit of high morale and create a youthful, healthy and elegant campus.
The cultural atmosphere shows a positive and energetic spirit; it inspires
the students to love the school and work hard for the reform, construction
and development of the motherland and the school. The school district
committee organized a red song competition to commemorate the 81st
anniversary of the "May 4th Patriotic Movement" with the theme of "Love
My College Loves China", and blessed the beautiful future of the
motherland and the college with singing.
Third, the competition time: April 29, 20XX Fourth, the form of the
competition: the various departments of the team to select their own team,
the final mechanical and electrical engineering department recommended
six teams to participate in the competition, the vehicle engineering
department recommended three teams to participate in the competition.
The order of the competition is determined by the lottery of each
participating team.
V. Competition requirements
1. Participants are composed of teachers and students of the college. The
number of participants in each team is 50-60, and there is another
commander. Encourage teachers to participate.
2. Participation tracks. According to the requirements, each team sang two
songs, one for "Chongqing Electromechanical Technology College Songs"
and the other for self-selected songs.
3. To enrich the form of the chorus competition, improve the quality of the
competition, encourage the diversity of performance forms, enhance the
appreciation and effectiveness. The commander and lead singer must be
the team members.
4. The clothing is neat and uniform, and the discipline is good.
VI. Event schedule and content The first stage is the stage of team
formation, school songs and red songs. The class counselors organized
the students to learn to sing, and the school bus station broadcasted the
school songs and red songs for the students to learn to sing.
The second stage preliminaries. Organize competitions in units of
departments. Select the participating teams as required and submit them to
the school district committee to participate in the finals.
The third stage final.
Seven, the award setting competition has four awards: 1 first prize, 2
second prize, 3 third prize, 3 excellent prizes.
Eight, specific arrangements:
Organizer: Chongqing Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College
Lushan Campus Youth League Student Union Organizer: Chongqing
Electromechanical Vocational and Technical College Lushan Campus
Youth League Student Council Cultural and Entertainment Department
Advisory Group: Fu Yanzhen gave comments and suggestions on the "Red
Song Club" competition.
Planning team: The Ministry of Entertainment and the Bureau will decide all
the matters of the "Red Song Club" competition to ensure the smooth
development of the event.
Logistics group: The Ministry of Life and Labor, the Department of Housing
and the Ministry of Sports are responsible for the handling of game props
and the placement of venue items.
Propaganda Group: The Propaganda Department and the Broadcasting
Station promote the activities in the form of posters, broadcasts, banners,
The judging panel: The academic leaders and relevant teachers will judge
the competition on the principle of “fairness, fairness and openness”.
Defence group: The discipline inspection department maintains the order of
the event site and creates a good venue discipline.
Mobility Group: The Ministry of Culture and the Bureau handles
emergencies before, during and after the event.
Stage group: The Secretariat is responsible for the decoration and layout of
the competition stage.
Outreach group: The Social Practice Department is responsible for
sponsorship of the competition.
Matters not notice.
Youth League Student Union Cultural and Recreation Department

Part 3: Singing Competition Planning

I. Purpose of the event Our department hopes that through the form of
chorus, students will understand the importance of unity, enhance the
collective sense of honor of the students, better integrate into the class,
and integrate into the big family of Jiangxi Police-Inspection College to
create a peace- Harmony, unity, healthy and upward cultural atmosphere,
enhance the cohesiveness of the entire grade, in order to achieve the goal
of progress together throughout the grade, so that the 11th police station
students are more energetic.
Second, the theme of the event, the youthful interpretation, the dream, the
unity, the unity, the brilliance, the police, the singer, the investigation, the
activity time
December 18th at 4:00 pm
Fourth, the event location loyalty square five, the object of activity
All students at level 11
1. Preparation for event planning: The Student Affairs Department of the
Student Union will hold a regular meeting of the department to discuss the
details of the competition and formulate a competition plan.
2. Early stage of event promotion:
1 The person in charge of the class will be notified by the squad leader 2
The propaganda department will cooperate in the design and production of
posters, banners, etc.:
1 hang a publicity banner, post a poster in the bulletin board, and cooperate
with the propaganda department to carry out relevant publicity.
3. Judging, guest invitation: review; guests
4, pre-match matters 1 to carry out the promotion of the contest to mobilize
2 entries for the competition;
3 Select the moderator, confirm the moderator's manuscript 4 free program
report, start the application field according to the appearance order of 01 to
14. 5 Print the program list 7 Buy the goods required on the day of the
5, each class pre-rehearsal work 1 chorus by each class committee to
invite the instructor to arrange time, place for training 2 the committee
actively organized, arrange students to actively participate in the game, the
game process
1. Audience admission
2, the host opened, introduced the guest review, announced the start of the
3. The first link: Singing the entries in the order of 01 to 14 When the
previous class sings, the latter class begins to line up; when the host
reports the lines, the background changes quickly, and the two teams on
the stage After the two columns quickly leave the field, the students in the
stage will quickly enter the two columns and two columns; if they need to
change the formation, they will be required to perform during the singing
process to ensure the smooth transition; the coordinator of the upper and
lower courts must send one classmate Responsible for order;
4. The ministers of each department are responsible for the statistical
scores and promptly handed them to the moderator for publication.
5. After the host, the first group will sing on the stage, and the final judge
will start scoring. The host once again reported to the second group. After
the second group ended, the host announced the first group of results, and
introduced the next group, and so on, and announced the results every
other time;
6. Review once every three program reviews;
7. The judge reviews the last group and announces the results of the
8. Please invite the guests to come to the stage to speak on this event;
9. The host announces the awards and guests' awards;
10. The moderator announced that the contest was successfully concluded.
Eight, post work
1. After the game is over, the relevant staff cleans up the venue
2. After the event is over, the relevant person in charge will summarize the
lessons learned in a timely manner.
Nine, the scoring standard
1. Award setting:
The competition consists of one, two and three prizes, a group award and a
creative prize, each of which is awarded a certificate of honor and a prize.
2. The scoring standard of the chorus competition is based on the content
of the song, the spirit, the typhoon, and the artistic effect. The specific
scoring criteria are as follows:
The content of the song content is in line with the theme of the competition.
Mental outlook and typhoon
1. The participants are dressed in a decent manner, full of energy and
2. Each team obeys the rules of the stadium, and the entrance and exit are
neat and orderly. The typhoon has good artistic effects.
1. The singing rhythm is accurate and clear, and the pitch is good.
2. The tone is beautiful, the sound is neat and bright, it is infectious, and
the words are clear.
3. Being able to grasp the songs and themes, the works are handled
properly, and the performance is complete.
4. The commanding gesture is accurate, the posture is beautiful, the
rhythm is clear, and it can drive the singer's emotion; the command, lead
singer, chorus, accompaniment and tacit cooperation
5. Live performance and harmony, passionate and artistic
6. The layout is novel and unique, which can fully demonstrate the spirit of
the students in the unity, progress, and excellence.
1. Remove the highest score and the lowest score and take the average
score. Leave a decimal after the decimal point.
2. After the three district teams finished singing, they reported the scores of
the first two teams.
Schedule: suitable for the track list:
"Unity is power" "Commitment" "The world needs to be enthusiastic" "Red
Dragonfly" "People paddle open big ship" "We are all the same" "Hand in
hand" "I and you" "People paddle open big ship"
"Dedication of Love" "Love is in the Heart" "Let the World Be Full of Love"
"Wings of Love" "With the Same Feet"
"I believe" "Youth Album" "Let Youth shine" "Our Anniversary" "Glass Cup"
"We are all good children" "Olive Tree" "No regrets for youth"
"The First Dream" "My future is not a dream" "Sunshine is always after the
storm" "Have a dream sweet" "The future has a covenant" "Dream"
"Invisible Wings"
1. During the performance of the previous program, the next two programs
are prepared in the background, prompting the staff to pay attention to the
performance staff. If the previous program cannot be played on time for
various reasons, the next program will follow up.
2. When other emergencies occur, the planning team is responsible for
handling the division of labor in each department:
1. Text promotion person in charge: Propaganda Department
2. Security Officer: Military Department
3. Venue layout and venue planning person in charge: Ministry of Literature
and Art
4. Notify guests, judges, transfer invitations: office
5. Performing site leader: Ministry of Literature and Art
6. Directory, score statistics: ministers of various departments
7. On-site inspection and supervision: Discipline Inspection Department

Chapter 4: Singing Competition Planning

Theme of the event: The kite is flying all over the sky, and the songs are
more flamboyant. This event symbolizes life and youth, enthusiasm and
vitality. How big is our stage and how high our dreams are.
Significance of activities: enrich the cultural life of teachers and students,
strengthen exchanges between students, and further promote the all-round
development of students' moral, intellectual and physical,
Deepen the friendship between the classes. Let our youth dance!
Organizer: Architectural Engineering College Planning Organizer: College
Student Union Sponsor: Lianshan Courseware Activity Time: Tentative
Location: School Football Stadium Activity Form: Passionate, Kite
l Activity basic program:
1. Promotional activities: ____ Propaganda Department
a, put the publicity board
b. Post a poster,
c. Hang the promotional banner and let the counselor inform
d. Use the radio station, school newspaper and campus network to carry
out all-dimensional publicity
2. Activity preparation: _____ organization department coordination
a, event registration. - Learning Department
b. The activity items are purchased by the Ministry of Life. --Living section
c. Activity field layout - Sports Department
d, coordination and order on the field - the Department of Self-Discipline
3 activities start:
A. Prepare for sound kites
B. The host prepares the lines and introduces the guests.
C, led by the leader - finally announced the beginning
l Flying a kite in groups of two, starting without rules.
l Singing After the activity props are prepared, the registered members will
conduct PK activities. If someone wants to continue to participate, they
must register with the staff.
Invite professional teachers to do the main review, and individual members
of the School of Architecture will make evaluation references.
l The prizes of the competition are finally selected according to the singer's
scores. 3 to 5 items for kite drinks and other items required for material
rewards/contest promotion expenses activities, 300 yuan for the staff to
reissue the meal tickets or dinner.
Planner: Xu Shuo

Part 5: Singing Competition Planning

This activity is based on the theme of “Promoting the XX Spiritual Singing
Art Department”. Vibrant campus culture, showing artistic features. On the
occasion of the school sports meeting, cheer for the college's athletes. At
the same time, we explored my literary talents through this literary activity,
so that their artistic talents can be better cultivated, and also enriched their
after-school life, providing a stage to show their personal charm, let them
enjoy singing, enjoy, and sing The enthusiasm and vitality of our young
people sang the style of our art department and sang the praise song of the
xx college.
Specific activity arrangements:
First, the specific activities of the preliminaries:
1. Participants will report the accompaniment to the euphonic and stage
atmosphere in advance to the various cultural and recreational committees,
and then to the department head of the Department of Recreation.
2. The lottery of the competition sequence will be held one day before the
3. The day before the competition, all the contestants walked the platform
to familiarize themselves with the competition venue.
4. On the day of the competition, all staff members must arrive half an hour
in advance to familiarize themselves with the venue environment and make
adequate preparations.
5, the host in the preliminaries mainly from the connection between the
various players, to make the game quickly and without delay.
6. After all the contestants have finished playing, and during the results of
the competition, the judges will be invited to summarize the preliminaries.
7. Post the final posters after the game, with a list of players entering the
8. Venue: Multi-function hall on the second floor of the xx College
Administration Building
9. Event time: At 18:00 on March 19th, XX, the final scene environment
1. Arrange the stage before the start of the game and play some rhythmic
songs to greet the audience.
2. Design a set with the theme of “Promoting the XX Spirit to sing the art
3. Decorate the stage with balloons, garlands and other decorations.
4. Send fluorescent sticks and whistle to the audience to improve the
Specific activity plan:
1. Set up the stage half a day before the finals, and prepare for the
entrance and exit of the stadium, the election of votes and other items.
2. Rehearsal in the afternoon of the final day to ensure the smooth
progress of the performance.
3, in order to be able to create a good atmosphere in the finals of the
singing competition, to enhance the enthusiasm of the audience, so that
the game is carried out in a vivid manner, we add the audience to vote in
the course of the competition.
Competition Activities

Create Committees & Sub Committees

-Talent Recruitment
- Rehearsal & Talent Management
- Refreshments & other intermission Organization
- Marketing & Promotion
- Budget Planning
- Prize Management
- Light, Sound, Judges & other Technical Coordination

Press Release (Early Publicity) - NA

Banners, Entry Pass, & Ads (Digital Team BNI) - PRIMARY
Certificates Printing - 15000
Website - NA
Event Management Software - NA
Judges TA DA - 1,20,000/-
Sound & Lighting - 1,00,000/-
Security + Bouncers - 25,000/-
Winners Prizes 🏆 -
1ST PRIZE – 1,00,000/- TOTAL = 3,00,000/-
2ND PRIZE – 50,000/- TOTAL = 1,50,000/-
3RD PRIZE – 25,000/- TOTAL = 75,000/-

Lunch & Refreshments -

5 cities x 7000 = 35,000/-




Rs. 1,50,000/-
Judicial Permission Fee - AS APPLICABLE

Venue Fee - 1,00,000/-

Gift / Memento for the Chief Guest & Judges -

Staff / Volunteers Hiring 


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