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Unit 5 Five-minute test

Unit 5 Vocabulary page 63 Test A

1 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.
1 A lawyer / fitness instructor / banker helps people with legal problems.
2 You see a(n) actor or actress / nurse / tour guide on TV or at the cinema.
3 A(n) police officer / engineer / business woman is good at selling things.
4 A dentist / musician / pilot flies aeroplanes.
5 A banker / computer programmer / chemist works in technology.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

chemist / pharmacist farmer firefighter photographer secretary

1 A ______________ works with animals.

2 A ______________ takes pictures.
3 A ______________ saves people from dangerous places.
4 A ______________ works in an office.
5 A ______________ makes medicines.


Unit 5 Vocabulary page 63 Test B

1 Zakreśl właściwą opcję.
1 A chemist / computer programmer / banker works in technology.
2 A fitness instructor / banker / lawyer helps people with legal problems.
3 You see a(n) nurse / actor or actress / tour guide on TV or at the cinema.
4 A(n) engineer / police officer / business woman is good at selling things.
5 A pilot / dentist / musician flies aeroplanes.

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

chemist / pharmacist farmer firefighter photographer secretary

1 A ______________ makes medicines.

2 A ______________ works with animals.
3 A ______________ works in an office.
4 A ______________ takes pictures.
5 A ______________ saves people from dangerous places.

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

Unit 5 Five-minute test
Unit 5 Grammar pages 64 and 65 Test A
1 Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące ( ), przeczące ( ) i pytające (?) czasownikami
w nawiasach oraz formą be going to.
1 I ___________________ (do) more sport.
2 We ___________________ (not get up) late at weekends.
3 ? ______________ you ______________ (read) more books?
4 ? ______________ he ______________ (spend) less money?
5 They ___________________ (not eat) any junk food.

2 Napisz zdania z wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki oraz formą be going to.

see a film be a nice day not catch it rain fall

1 Look at the clouds. It’s ___________________________________________________

2 Mia has got cinema tickets. She’s __________________________________________
3 Don’t put your cup there. It’s ______________________________________________
4 The weather looks good for Sunday. It’s _____________________________________
5 The bus is leaving. You __________________________________________________


Unit 5 Grammar pages 64 and 65 Test B

1 Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące ( ), przeczące ( ) i pytające (?) czasownikami
w nawiasach oraz formą be going to.
1 ? ______________ you ______________ (read) more books?
2 I ___________________ (do) more sport.
3 ? ______________ he ______________ (spend) less money?
4 They ___________________ (not eat) any junk food.
5 We ___________________ (not get up) late at weekends.

2 Napisz zdania z wyrazami i wyrażeniami z ramki oraz formą be going to.

fall see a film not catch it be a nice day rain

1 Don’t put your plate there. It’s _____________________________________________

2 Look at the clouds. It’s __________________________________________________
3 The train is leaving. You _________________________________________________
4 Emily has got cinema tickets. She’s ________________________________________
5 The weather looks good for Saturday. It’s ____________________________________

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

Unit 5 Five-minute test
Unit 5 Grammar pages 68 and 69 Test A
1 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia, tak aby powstały zdania.
1 next / going / my sister’s / autumn / to university
2 tennis / after / we’re / school / playing
3 in three / I’m / moving house / weeks’ time
4 after tomorrow / they’re / on holiday / going / the day
5 going / we / out / aren’t / tonight

2 Zaznacz ( ) poprawne zdania.

1 I’m going to be a lawyer when I’m older. _______
2 I’m going to go to the cinema at 2 p.m. _______
3 We’re living in a different country in the future. _______
4 What are you going to do in the future? _______
5 I’m meeting my friends in town tomorrow morning. _______

Unit 5 Grammar pages 68 and 69 Test B

1 Ułóż wyrazy i wyrażenia, tak aby powstały zdania.
1 rugby / after / we’re / school / playing
2 going / I’m / out / not / tonight
3 after tomorrow / he’s / on holiday / going / the day
4 in two / we’re / moving house / weeks’ time
5 next / going / my brother’s / autumn / to university

2 Zaznacz ( ) poprawne zdania.

1 We’re living in a different country in the future. _______
2 I’m going to be a lawyer when I’m older. _______
3 I’m meeting my friends in town tomorrow morning. _______
4 I’m going to go to the cinema at 2 p.m. _______
5 What are you going to do in the future? _______

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

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