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Reolalas, Mariane Joy T.

November 6, 2022

BSN- 1D PCOM 101

1. Research on short history of public speaking, it should not be more than

300 words.

The art of conveying information to an audience orally is known as public

speaking. Public speaking can be used for a variety of purposes, including

informing, motivating, honoring, entertaining, and persuading. A presenter (the

person speaking) and an audience are both involved in public speaking (the people

listening). It is composedly involve of a presenter; the person speaking, and an

audience in which may simply a crowd.

It is a form of communication that stretches back to the ancient Athens of

Greece. It was important for them to engage persuasion to convey what philosophy

was. All of the citizens were required to speak and know how to persuade an

argument in legislatively assembly and also in court. Moreover, people would

usually go gather in the marketplace to discuss war, economy, and politics. It

became an indispensable tool in debates regarding politics and issues. A prominent

social life and socializing with the wealthy required good speaking skills as well.

Consequently, public speaking has developed through centuries and years had

passed. It also should be noted, Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and Quintilian are one of

those prominent ancient philosophers who established solid rules and models for

public speaking.

For today’s modern time, public speaking is usually employed by our

leaders, politicians, revolutionaries, religious icons, and even for commercial

interests. Public speaking stands a very great position on peoples’ lives as this is
used for effective interactions among each community. Public speaking is

significant in numerous ways since it not only helps the speaker but also has the

potential to change the views of powerful people.

2. The following are factors to consider before and during the delivery of a
speech, explain these can make or break the speech: a) eye contact b)
clothing c) grooming d) peer evaluation and e) appearance

a) Eye contact
This is quite important when delivering a speech. This factor can give your
audience confidence and even professionalism, which can encourage and attract their
attention. Moreover, eye contact can help you establish your connection quickly.

b) Clothing
The clothes that you will be using have an impact on the audience; thus,
clothing plays an essential role in a speech. The way you dress says a lot about your
character. Furthermore, the impressions your audience gets at first glance also matter,
so wearing decent clothing can also boost your confidence when speaking. It should
be noted that a speaker should dress appropriately for the occasion, time of day, and

c) Grooming
Grooming is closely related to being clean. Being neat and clean surely has an
impact. Its importance can help boost confidence when talking in front of an audience
and also give you a good impression from the audience as well.

d) Peer evaluation
The speaker should evaluate and summarize her important points at the
beginning and end of her speech. If this is not done, the audience may miss key
information during the speech.

e) Appearance
One thing that can make or break a speech is appearance. A good appearance
of a speaker can boost himself or herself when delivering a speech, which can make
an audience respect and listen. If a person speaking in public has a pleasing and
acceptable appearance, there is no question that his or her speech will be effective.

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