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Colonel Frank Seely School Orbits of Planets and Satellites

Q1.A satellite X is in a circular orbit of radius r about the centre of a spherical planet of mass

Which line, A to D, in the table gives correct expressions for the centripetal acceleration a
and the speed v of the satellite?

    Centripetal acceleration a Speed v





(Total 1 mark)

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Q2.A satellite orbiting the Earth moves to an orbit which is closer to the Earth.

Which line, A to D, in the table shows correctly what happens to the speed of the satellite
and to the time it takes for one orbit of the Earth?
Speed of satellite Time For One Orbit Of

  A decreases decreases

  B decreases increases

  C increases decreases

  D increases increases

(Total 1 mark)

Q3.(a)     (i)      State what is meant by the term escape velocity.



(ii)     Show that the escape velocity, v, at the Earth’s surface is given by v =

     where M is the mass of the Earth

     and R is the radius of the Earth.


(iii)     The escape velocity at the Moon’s surface is 2.37 × 103 m s–1 and the radius
of the Moon is 1.74 × 106 m.

Determine the mean density of the Moon.

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mean density ......................................... kg m–3


(b)     State two reasons why rockets launched from the Earth’s surface do not need to
achieve escape velocity to reach their orbit.




(Total 7 marks)

Q4.(a)    Explain why astronauts in an orbiting space vehicle experience the sensation of






(b)     A space vehicle has a mass of 16 800 kg and is in orbit 900 km above the surface of
the Earth.

mass of the Earth = 5.97 × 1024 kg

radius of the Earth = 6.38 × 106 m

(i)      Show that the orbital speed of the vehicle is approximately 7400 m s–1.

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(ii)     The space vehicle moves from the orbit 900 km above the Earth’s surface to
an orbit 400 km above the Earth’s surface where the orbital speed is 7700 m

Calculate the total change that occurs in the energy of the space vehicle.
Assume that the vehicle remains outside the atmosphere after the change of
Use the value of 7400 m s–1 for the speed in the initial orbit.

change in energy ................................................... J

(Total 10 marks)

Q5.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow
Satellites used for telecommunications are usually in geostationary orbits. Using  
suitable dishes to transmit the signals, communication over most of the Earth’s

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surface is possible at all times using only 3 satellites.

Satellites used for meteorological observations and observations of the Earth’s  

  surface are usually in low Earth orbits. Polar orbits, in which the satellite passes 5
over the North and South Poles of the Earth, are often used.

One such satellite orbits at a height of about 12 000 km above the Earth’s surface  
circling the Earth at an angular speed of 2.5 × 10 rad s . The microwave signals
–4 –1
from the satellite are transmitted using a dish and can only be received within a  
limited area, as shown in the image below. 10


The signal of wavelength λ is transmitted in a cone of angular width θ, in radian,  
given by


  where d is the diameter of the dish.  

The satellite transmits a signal at a frequency of 1100 MHz using a 1.7 m 15

diameter dish. As this satellite orbits the Earth, the area over which a signal can
be received moves. There is a maximum time for which a signal can be picked up
by a receiving station on Earth.

(a)     Describe two essential features of the orbit needed for the satellite to appear



(b)     Calculate the time taken, in s, for the satellite mentioned in line 7 in the passage to
complete one orbit around the Earth.

time taken = _____________s


(c)     Show that at a distance of 12 000 km from the satellite the beam has a width of

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1900 km.


(d)     The satellite is in a polar orbit and passes directly over a stationary receiver at the
South Pole.

Show that the receiver can remain in contact with the satellite for no more than
about 20 minutes each orbit.

radius of the Earth = 6400 km

maximum time = ___________________________ minute


(e)     The same satellite is moved into a higher orbit.

Discuss, with reasons, how this affects the signal strength and contact time for the
receiver at the South Pole.








(Total 13 marks)

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Q6.(a)     (i)      Define gravitational field strength and state whether it is a scalar or vector quantity.





(ii)     A mass m is at a height h above the surface of a planet of mass M and radius
The gravitational field strength at height h is g. By considering the gravitational
force acting on mass m, derive an equation from Newton’s law of gravitation to
express g in terms of M, R, h and the gravitational constant G.


(b)     (i)      A satellite of mass 2520 kg is at a height of 1.39 × 107 m above the surface of
the Earth. Calculate the gravitational force of the Earth attracting the satellite.
Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

force attracting satellite ........................................ N


(ii)     The satellite in part (i) is in a circular polar orbit. Show that the satellite would
travel around the Earth three times every 24 hours.

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(c)     State and explain one possible use for the satellite travelling in the orbit in part (ii).






(Total 14 marks)

Q7.Two satellites P and Q, of equal mass, orbit the Earth at radii R and 2R respectively. Which
one of the following statements is correct?

A      P has less kinetic energy and more potential energy than Q.

B      P has less kinetic energy and less potential energy than Q.

C      P has more kinetic energy and less potential energy than Q.

D      P has more kinetic energy and more potential energy than Q.
(Total 1 mark)

Q8.The Earth moves around the Sun in a circular orbit with a radius of 1.5 × 10 km. 8

What is the Earth’s approximate speed?

A       1.5 × 103ms–1

B       5.0 × 103ms–1

C       1.0 × 104ms–1

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D       3.0 × 10 ms
4 –1

(Total 1 mark)

Q9.          Two satellites, P and Q, of the same mass, are in circular orbits around the Earth. The
radius of the orbit of Q is three times that of P. Which one of the following statements is

A        The kinetic energy of P is greater than that of Q.

B       The weight of P is three times that of Q.

C       The time period of P is greater than that of Q.

D       The speed of P is three times that of Q.

(Total 1 mark)

Q10.          A satellite is in orbit at a height h above the surface of a planet of mass M and
radius R.
What is the velocity of the satellite?




(Total 1 mark)

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Q11.          The figure below shows the variation of gravitational potential, V, with distance from
the centre of the Earth, r. The radius of the Earth is 6.4 × 106 m.

(a)     Explain why the V values are negative.







(b)     Use data from the graph to show that the mass of the Earth is approximately 6 ×
1024 kg.


(c)     (i)      Calculate the work done in raising a satellite of mass 2100 kg from the surface

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of the Earth to a height of 850 km above the surface of the Earth.

                                 work done ......................................................... J


(ii)     Calculate the change in the kinetic energy of the satellite when it moves from
850 km orbit to one at a height of 700 km above the Earth’s surface. Make it
clear whether the change in kinetic energy is an increase or decrease.

               kinetic energy change ......................................................... J


(iii)    Without performing any further calculations explain how the change in kinetic
energy relates to the change of the potential energy when the satellite’s orbit
alters as in part (c)(ii).





(Total 15 marks)

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Q12.          A satellite of mass m travels in a circular orbit of radius r around a planet of mass M.
Which one of the following expressions gives the angular speed of the satellite?




(Total 1 mark)

Q13.          (a)     Explain why the mass of an object is constant but its weight may change.








(b)     The table gives the gravitational potentials, V, at three different distances, r, from
the centre of the Earth.
distance from centre of Earth gravitational potential
r / km V / 107 J kg–1

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7500 –5.36

12500 –3.22

22500 –1.79

(i)      Explain why the gravitational potential at a point in a gravitational field is







(ii)     Show that the data in the table are consistent with V  r –1.









(iii)     A satellite of mass 450 kg is moved from an orbit of radius 7500 km around
the Earth to an orbit of radius 12 500 km.

Use data from the table to show that the potential energy of the satellite
by about 10 GJ.



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(c)     The kinetic energy of a 450 kg satellite orbiting the Earth with a radius of 7500 km is
12 GJ.

(i)      Calculate the kinetic energy of the 450 kg satellite when it is in an orbit of
radius 12 500 km.

mass of the Earth = 6.0 × 1024 kg







kinetic energy ............................................ GJ


(ii)     Calculate the change in kinetic energy of the satellite when it moves into the
higher orbit.




change in kinetic energy ............................................ GJ


(iii)     Calculate the total energy that has to be supplied to move the 450 kg satellite
from an orbit of radius 7500 km to an orbit of radius 12 500 km.

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total energy ............................................ GJ

(Total 16 marks)

Q14.          As a comet orbits the Sun the distance between the comet and the Sun continually
changes. As the comet moves towards the Sun this distance reaches a minimum value.
Which one of the following statements is incorrect as the comet approaches this
minimum distance?

A       The potential energy of the comet increases.

B       The gravitational force acting on the comet increases.

C       The direction of the gravitational force acting on the comet changes.

D       The kinetic energy of the comet increases.

(Total 1 mark)

Q15.          The Hubble space telescope was launched in 1990 into a circular orbit near to the
It travels around the Earth once every 97 minutes.

(a)     Calculate the angular speed of the Hubble telescope, stating an appropriate unit.

answer = .....................................

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(b)     (i)      Calculate the radius of the orbit of the Hubble telescope.

answer = ................................ m

(ii)     The mass of the Hubble telescope is 1.1 × 104 kg. Calculate the magnitude of
the centripetal force that acts on it.

answer = ................................ N
(Total 8 marks)

Q16.          An artificial satellite of mass m is in a stable circular orbit of radius r around a planet
of mass M. Which one of the following expressions gives the speed of the satellite?
G is the universal gravitational constant.




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(Total 1 mark)

Q17.          (a)     The weight w of an object on the Earth can be represented either as w = mg or

(i)      Explain the meaning of g and G in these equations.







(ii)     Use the equations above to show that




(iii)     Calculate the mass of the Earth to a precision consistent with the data below.

mean radius of the Earth, = 6.4 × 10 m 6

                           G = 6.7 × 10 N m kg–11 2 –2

                            g = 9.8 N kg –1

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mass of the Earth ...................................... kg


(b)     The figure below shows a satellite in a geostationary orbit around the Earth.

(i)      State the time period for a geostationary satellite.


(ii)     The height of a geostationary satellite in orbit is approximately 36 000 km

above the surface of the Earth.
Calculate the radius of a geostationary orbit.



radius ...................................... m

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(iii)     Calculate the speed, in km s , of a satellite in a geostationary orbit.







speed ...................................... km s –1


(iv)    State a common use for a geostationary satellite.


(v)     Explain why a geostationary orbit is necessary for this use.



(Total 14 marks)

Q18.          A planet of mass M and radius R rotates so rapidly that loose material at the equator
only just remains on the surface. What is the period of rotation of the planet?

          G is the universal gravitational constant.



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(Total 1 mark)

Q19.          (a)     (i)      State the relationship between the gravitational potential energy, Ep, and
the gravitational potential, V, for a body of mass m placed in a gravitational



(ii)     What is the effect, if any, on the values of Ep and V if the mass m is doubled?

value of Ep ...........................................................................................

value of V ……….................................................................................


The diagram above shows two of the orbits, A and B, that could be occupied by a
satellite in circular orbit around the Earth, E.
The gravitational potential due to the Earth of each of these orbits is:

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orbit A     – 12.0 MJ kg –1

orbit B     – 36.0 MJ kg–1.

(i)      Calculate the radius, from the centre of the Earth, of orbit A.

answer = .......................... m

(ii)     Show that the radius of orbit B is approximately 1.1 × 104 km.


(iii)     Calculate the centripetal acceleration of a satellite in orbit B.

answer = ..................... m s–2


(iv)    Show that the gravitational potential energy of a 330 kg satellite decreases by
about 8 GJ when it moves from orbit A to orbit B.


(c)     Explain why it is not possible to use the equation ∆Ep = mg∆h when determining the
change in the gravitational potential energy of a satellite as it moves between these

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(Total 10 marks)

Q20.(a)     State, in words, Newton’s law of gravitation.






(b)     By considering the centripetal force which acts on a planet in a circular orbit,
show that T  R , where T is the time taken for one orbit around the Sun and R is
2 3

the radius of the orbit.






(c)     The Earth’s orbit is of mean radius 1.50 × 10 m and the Earth’s year is 365 days


(i)      The mean radius of the orbit of Mercury is 5.79 × 10 m. Calculate the length 10

of Mercury’s year.

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(ii)     Neptune orbits the Sun once every 165 Earth years.

Calculate the ratio .








(Total 10 marks)

Q21.          What is the angular speed of a satellite in a geo-synchronous orbit around the Earth?

A       7.3 × 10 rad s

–5 –1

B       2.6 × 10 rad s

–1 –1

C       24 rad s –1

D       5.0 × 10 rad s

6 –1

(Total 1 mark)

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Q22.          Communications satellites are usually placed in a geo-synchronous orbit.

(a)     State two features of a geo-synchronous orbit.





(b)     Given that the mass of the Earth is 6.00 × 10 kg and its mean radius is 6.40 × 10
24 6


(i)      show that the radius of a geo-synchronous orbit must be 4.23 × 10 m, 7






(ii)     calculate the increase in potential energy of a satellite of mass 750 kg when it
is raised from the Earth’s surface into a geo-synchronous orbit.




(Total 8 marks)

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Q23.A satellite is in orbit at a height h above the surface of a planet of mass M and radius R.
What is the velocity of the satellite?




(Total 1 mark)

Q24.Satellites N and F have the same mass and move in circular orbits about the same planet.
N is the nearer satellite and F is the more distant. Which one of the following is smaller for
N than for F?

A       gravitational force on the satellite

B       speed

C       kinetic energy

D       time for one orbit

(Total 1 mark)

Q25.          The diagram below (not to scale) shows the planet Neptune (N) with its two largest
moons, Triton (T) and Proteus (P). Triton has an orbital radius of 3.55 × 10 m and that of

Proteus is 1.18 × 10 m. The orbits are assumed to be circular.


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(a)     Explain why the velocity of each moon varies whilst its orbital speed remains



(b)     Write down an equation that shows how Neptune’s gravitational attraction provides
the centripetal force required to hold Triton in its orbit. Hence show that it is
unnecessary to know the mass of Triton in order to find its angular speed.


(c)     Show that  is approximately 5.2.

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(Total 8 marks)

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M3.(a)     (i)      (Minimum) Speed (given at the Earth’s surface) that will allow an object to
leave / escape the (Earth’s) gravitational field (with no further energy input)
Not gravity
Condone gravitational pull / attraction


(ii)     ½ mv2 =


Evidence of correct manipulation

At least one other step before answer


(iii)    Substitutes data and obtains M = 7.33 × 1022(kg)

Volume = (1.33 × 3.14 × (1.74 × 106)3 or 2.2 × 1019

or ρ =


3300 (kg m-3 )


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(b)     (Not given all their KE at Earth’s surface) energy continually

added in flight / continuous thrust provided / can use fuel


Less energy needed to achieve orbit than to escape from

Earth’s gravitational field / it is not leaving the gravitational


M4.(a)    Idea that both astronaut and vehicle are travelling at same (orbital) speed or have the
same (centripetal) acceleration / are in freefall
Not falling at the same speed


No (normal) reaction (between astronaut and vehicle)


(b)     (i)      Equates centripetal force with gravitational force using

appropriate formulae

E.g. = or mrω2


Correct substitution seen e.g. v2 =


(Radius of) 7.28 × 106 seen or 6.38 × 106 + 0.9 × 106


7396 (m s−1) to at least 4 sf

Or v2 = 5.47 × 107 seen


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(ii)     ΔPE = 6.67 × 10−11 × 5.97 × 1024 × 1.68 × 104 (1 / (7.28

× 106) − 1 / (6.78 × 106) )


−6.8 × 1010 J


ΔKE =0.5 × 1.68 × 104 ×(77002−74002) = 3.81 × 1010J


ΔKE − ΔPE = (−) 2.99 × 1010 (J)



Total energy in original orbit shown to be (−)GMm / 2r

or mv2 / 2 − GMm / r


Initial energy
= − 6.67 × 10−11 × 5.97 × 1024 × 1.68 × 104 / (2 × 7.28 ×
106) = 4.59 × 1011


Final energy
= − 6.67 × 10−11 × 5.97 × 1024 × 1.68 × 104 / (2 × 6.78 ×
106) = 4.93 × 1011

3.4 × 1010(J)
Condone power of 10 error for C marks


M5.(a)     Equatorial orbit ✓

Moving west to east ✓

Period 24 hours✓


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(b)     T = 2.5 × 10 s ✓


(c)     λ =0.27 (3)m )✓

θ = 0.16(1) rad = 92 ° ✓

(linear) width = Dθ = 12000 km 0.16(1) rad ) = 1.9(3) × 10 km ✓ 3

(d)     Angle subtended by beam at Earth’s centre

= beam width / Earth’s radius = 1.9(3) × 10 / 6400 ) ✓ 3

0.30 rad (or 17°) ✓

Time taken = α / ω = 0.30 / 2.5(4) × 10 = 1.18 × 10 s

-4 3

    = 20 mins ✓
Speed of point on surface directly below satellite = ωR
               = 2.5(4) × 10 × 6400 × 10 )
-4 3

               = 1.63 × 10 m s ✓
3 -1

Time taken = width / speed

               = 1.93 × 10 m / 1.63 × 10 m s ✓
6 3 -1

               = 1.18 × 10 s 3

(accept 1.2 × 10 s or 20 mins) ✓


Satellite has to move through angle of 1900 / 6400 radian =
0.29 rad✓
Fraction of one orbit = 0.30 / 2 × 3.14✓
Time = 0.048 × 2.5 × 10 = 1.19 × 10 s✓
4 3

Time= × 2.5 × 10 = 1.18 × 10 s

4 3

Circumference of Earth = 2π × 6370 ✓
            = 40023 km
Width of beam at surface = 1920 km ✓

Time = ×2.48×10 4

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                        = 1180 s = 19.6 min ✓

(e)     Signal would be weaker ✓ (as distance it travels is greater)

Energy spread over wider area/intensity decreases with increase of distance ✓

Signal received for longer (each orbit) ✓

Beam width increases with satellite height/satellite moves at lower angular

speed ✓)

M6.(a)     (i)      force per unit mass ✓

a vector quantity ✓
Accept force on 1 kg (or a unit mass).

(ii)     force on body of mass m is given by ✓

gravitational field strength ✓

For both marks to be awarded, correct symbols must be
used for M and m.

(b)    (i)       ✓

        = 2.45 × 10 (N) ✓                                 to 3SF ✓


1 mark: all substituted numbers must be to at least 3SF.
If 1.39 × 10 is used as the complete denominator, treat as

AE with ECF available.

3 mark: SF mark is independent.

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(ii)     F = mω (R + h) gives ω =
2 2

        from which ω = 2.19 × 10 (rad s ) ✓

–4 –1

time period     or  = 2.87 ✓ 10 s ✓ 4

[or F = gives v 2

        from which v = 4.40 ✓ 10 (m s 1) ✓

3 –

time period T or = 2.87 × 10 s ✓ ]


[or T = 2

     = ✓

                gives time period T = 2.87 × 10 s ✓ ] 4

        = = 7.97 (hours) ✓

number of transits in 1 day = = 3.01 ( ≈ 3) ✓

Allow ECF from wrong F value in (i) but mark to max 4
(because final answer won’t agree with value to be shown).
First 3 marks are for determining time period (or frequency).
Last 2 marks are for relating this to the number of transits.
Determination of f = 3.46 × 10 (s ) is equivalent to finding T
–5 –1

by any of the methods.


(c)     acceptable use ✓

satisfactory explanation ✓
e.g. monitoring weather or surveillance:
            whole Earth may be scanned or Earth rotates under orbit
            or information can be updated regularly
or communications: limited by intermittent contact
or gps: several satellites needed to fix position on Earth
Any reference to equatorial satellite should be awarded 0

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M8.          D

M9.          A

M10.         A

M11.          (a)     work done per unit mass in bringing object from infinity to point


potential at infinity zero by definition


work has been done by the field so potential at all points closer than
infinity negative


(b)     use of point on graph allow within ± small square

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substitution into V = −


range from 590 – 6.90 × 10 (kg) 24


(c)     (i)      ∆E =


addition of radius of Earth to give 7.25 × 10 (m)



1.54 × 10 (J)


(ii)     equates and


to give ∆E = K


1.25 × 10 J 9


positive or increase


(iii)    (lower altitude so) gpe decreases ke increases


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loss of gpe is twice gain in ke


M12.          D

M13.          (a)     mass depends only on the amount of matter present owtte


weight is force between body and Earth/depends on g/mg/

gravitational field strength or answers in terms of Newton’s
gravitational law


g (etc) varies at different points on and above the Earth or is

different on different planets etc


(b)     (i)      reference is ‘infinity’ where potential is 0


energy has to be put in/work has to be done to move

mass to infinity or a bodies energy/PE decreases as
a body moves from infinity towards the Earth


(ii)     need to show Vr to be constant, clear from algebra

or final statement

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two sets of data used correctly


all three sets of data used correctly (4.02, 4.025, 4.028)


(iii)     energy change per kg = (5.36 – 3.22) × 10 (J) 7


total change = 963 (960) × 10 J 7


(c)     (i)      GMm/r = mv /r or v = (GM/r)

2 2


v = 3.2 × 10 m s or v = 5670 ms
2 7 2 –2 –1


use of KE = ½ mv using their v



7.2 GJ


(ii)     KE changes by 4.8 GJ (allow ecf, 12 – their ci)


(iii)     total energy (supplied) = (4.8) GJ (cnao)

(allow 5.2 GJ using 10 GJ for change in E ) p

(allow variations due to rounding off if physics

is correct in previous parts)


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M14.          A

M15.          (a)     ω  =             [or ]

= 1.1 × 10 (1.08 × 10 ) (1)  [= 6.2 (6.19) × 10 ]

–3 –3 –2

rad s [accept s ] (1)              [degree s ]

–1 –1 –1

(b)     (i)       or  (1)

gives r = 3

r = 6.99 × 10 (m) (1) 6

(ii)     F (= mω r) = 1.1 × 10 × (1.08 × 10 ) × 6.99 × 10 (1)

2 4 –3 2 6

= 9.0 × 10 (8.97 × 10 ) (N) (1)

4 4

[or  (1)

= 9.0 × 10 (8.98 × 10 ) (N) (1)]

4 4


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M16.          B

M17.          (a)     (i)      g gravitational field strength, G gravitational constant


g force on 1 kg (on or close to) Earth’s surface


G universal constant relating attraction of any two masses

to their separation/constant in Newton’s law of gravitation


(ii)     equates w and cancels m


(iii)     substitutes values into equation


         correct calculation 5.99 × 10 24


answer to two significant figures 6.0 × 10 (kg)24


(b)     (i)      1 day/24 hours/86400 (s)

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(ii)     4.24 × 10 (m)



(iii)     v = 2πr/T or equivalent


         conversion of period to seconds (allow in (b)(i))


3.08 (cao)


(iv)    communication/specific example of communication (eg

satellite TV/weather)


(v)     avoids dish having to track/stationary footprint


M18.          D

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M19.          (a)     (i)      relationship between them is E = mV (allow ΔE = mΔV) [or V

p p

is energy per unit mass (or per kg)] (1)


(ii)     value of E is doubled (1)


value of V is unchanged (1)


(b)     (i)      use of V =  gives r = A  (1)

= 3.3(2) × 10 (m) (1)7

(ii)     since V  (1)

(which is ≈ 1.1 × 10 km) 4

(iii)     centripetal acceleration g = B  (1)

[allow use of 1.1 × 10 m from (b)(ii)]


= 3.2 (m s ) (1)–2

[alternatively, since g = (–) B  (1)

= 3.2 (m s ) (1)]

(iv)    use of ΔE = mΔV gives ΔE = 330 × (–12.0 – (–36.0)) × 10 (1)

p p

(which is 7.9 × 10 J or ≈ 8 GJ)


(c)     g is not constant over the distance involved

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(or g decreases as height increases
or work done per metre decreases as height increases
or field is radial and/or not uniform) (1)

M20.(a)     attractive force between point masses (1)

proportional to (product of) the masses (1)
inversely proportional to square of separation/distance apart (1)

(b)     mω R = (–)

(use of T =  gives)  (1)

G and M are constants, hence T2  R (1)3

(c)     (i)      (use of T 2

 R gives)

T = 87(.5) days (1)


(ii)      (1) (gives R = 4.52 × 10 m)


ratio =  = 30(.1) (1)


M21.          A

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M22.          (a)     period = 24 hours or equals period of Earth’s rotation  (1)

remains in fixed position relative to surface of Earth  (1)
equatorial orbit (1)
same angular speed as Earth or equatorial surface (1)
max 2

(b)     (i)      = mω r  (1) 2

T=   (1)


(gives r = 42.3 × 10 km) 3

(ii)     ΔV = GM   (1)

= 6.67 × 10 × 6 × 10 ×
–11 24

= 5.31 × 10 (J kg )  (1)
7 –1

ΔE = mΔV (= 750 × 5.31 × 10 ) = 3.98 × 10 J  (1)

7 10

(allow C.E. for value of ΔV)


calculation of  (6.25 × 10 ) or
 (9.46 × 10 )  (1)

or calculation of  (4.69 × 10 ) or
 (7.10× 10 )  (1)

calculation of both potential energy values (1)

subtraction of values or use of mΔV with correct answer  (1)]

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M25.          (a)     direction changing, velocity vector


(b)     Newton’s law equation


centripetal force equation


cancel mass of Triton


(c)     ω = 2πf or ω = 2 π/T


ω r = constant or ω =
2 3 2


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 or statement of Kepler III for B3

= 5.2(2)


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E1.This question was about satellites. The former required correct algebraic expressions for the
centripetal acceleration and speed of a satellite in circular orbit around a planet. Just over
four-fifths of the responses were correct.

E2.This question tested students’ understanding of the effect of the descent towards a planet on
the speed and orbit time. 74% of them knew that the speed would increase and the orbit
time would decrease, because v ∝ r−1/2 whilst T ∝ r3/2.

E3.(a)     (i)      Well done.

(ii)     Candidates scored 2 or zero. The latter invariably used centripetal force =

gravitational force.

(iii)    Many promising calculation were ruined by failure to cube the radius when
finding the volume.

(b)     Most candidates did not realise that escape velocity was not needed because the
rocket was not escaping!

E4.(a)     Most candidates mentioned the lack of reaction force but some answers were spoilt by
claiming that there was no resultant force or even no gravity.

(b)     (i)      Each step needed to be clearly shown, starting with the statement that
gravitational force = centripetal force.

There were several cases of the use of 900 km for the radius.

(ii)     Common errors were treating potential energy as positive, the use of the
wrong radii and the use of mgh.

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E6.The definition in part (a)(i) was well known. Because the quantity concerned is called
gravitational field strength, there was frequent confusion as to whether it is a vector or a
scalar, with many answers being crossed out and changed. Part (a)(ii) was also generally
very rewarding. The main problem was a failure to show how the terms from the data
booklet equations (m1, m2 and r) translated into the terms in the question (m, M, R and h).
In the derivation, some students cancelled M instead of m. However, others had so little
confidence in their use of algebra that they could make little progress even in a simple
derivation such as this.

Part (b)(i) caused few problems and marks were generally high. Sometimes incorrect
values had been extracted from the data booklet for the mass and radius of the Earth.
Three significant figures were expected in the answer; therefore a minimum of three
significant figures should also have been used in the substitution and working. When h =
1.39 × 107 was used as the radius of the orbit one mark was lost and the value of the force
thus obtained was carried forward to make most marks available in part (b)(ii). Part (b)(ii)
offered a very wide range of approaches to enable students to show that the satellite
would make three transits of Earth in every 24 hours. Apart from the three alternatives
given in the mark scheme (all of which were frequently seen) a very concise calculation
showed that a satellite with an angular speed of 2.19 × 10−4 rad s−1 would move through an
angle of 18.9 rad in one day, equating to (18.9 / 2π =) 3.01 transits.

Use of polar orbiting satellites for monitoring the Earth (weather forecasting, spying,
surveying, etc.) were well known in part (c), although some students confused the
application with an equatorial geosynchronous satellite. Explanations of the application
were often less satisfactory: reference to the rotation of Earth beneath the orbit, allowing
the whole surface to be scanned, was the key here. The ability to provide regular updates
of the information obtained was also an acceptable explanation. Students who mentioned
the use of the polar satellite for communications gained the first mark but were usually
unable to point out its limitations, caused by intermittent contact.

E7.This question provided poorer discrimination between candidates’ abilities than any other
question in this test. Candidates ought to know that satellites speed up as they move into
lower orbits, and therefore gain kinetic energy if their mass is unchanged. It should also
be clear that satellites lose gravitational potential energy as they move closer to Earth.
Therefore it is surprising that only 55% of the candidates gave the correct answer. The
fairly even spread of responses amongst the other distractors suggests that many
candidates were guessing.

E8.          This question where the purpose was to calculate the Earth’s orbital speed, combined

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circular motion with gravitation. 62% of the students were successful, whilst incorrect
answers were spread fairly evenly between the three incorrect responses.

E9.          This question with a facility of 41%, was also demanding. Here several factors - kinetic
energy, weight, time period and speed - had to be considered for two satellites in different
circular orbits. The three incorrect answers had a fairly even distribution of responses.

E10.          This question three quarters of the students were successful when dealing with the
algebra giving the velocity motion of a satellite in stable orbit of radius (R + h). This
question had appeared in a 2002 examination, when the students found it marginally
harder and it was slightly less discriminating.

E11.         Most students realised that, in part (a), the potential at infinity is zero but few could
elucidate why the values are negative. Even fewer students mentioned that potential is
work done per unit mass in bringing a small test mass from infinity to the various points.
Many students suggested that ‘gravitational potential is a negative force’ – there appears
to be much confusion over why gravitational potential is negative.

Those students who understood what to do in part (b) usually gained full marks – and this
was the clear majority. Those choosing points at the extremes of the graph often were
outside the accepted tolerance for the mass as a result of making an imprecise estimate
of the coordinates of their chosen point.

Most students made good attempt at part (c) (i). The most common error was to forget to
add the radius of the Earth to height of the satellite’s orbit.

Part (c) (ii) was not well understood, few students were able to calculate the change in
kinetic energy either by calculating the velocities or relating the centripetal force to the

gravitational attraction to obtain E =

k Again, many forgot to add the radius of the
Earth to the satellite’s altitude. Many students did not make it clear whether the change
was an increase or a decrease.

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Most realised that there was loss of potential energy and increase in kinetic energy in part
(c) (iii). Of those students correctly obtaining the factor of two in the kinetic energy
equation, few went on to say that the decrease in potential energy was twice the increase
in kinetic energy.

E12.          This question, with a facility of 71%, required the angular speed of a satellite in
circular orbit to be found and appeared to cause little difficulty.

E13.          In part (a), most candidates were able to make some reference to weight being mass
multiplied by gravitational field strength although this was often expressed simply as W =
mg or, too loosely, as mass × gravity. Many did not go on to explain why gravitational field
strength was not constant.

Relatively few stated that mass was dependent only on the matter that was contained in
the object.

A few pointed out that, in fact, there could be relativistic increase in mass and these were

A majority of the candidates identified zero potential at infinity in part (b)(i), but
explanations of why this led to negative values closer to the Earth were often
unconvincing. Candidates needed to say more than ‘the field is attractive’.

Many candidates had difficulties with the straightforward exercise in part (b)(ii). Rather
than simply analysing the data to show that Vr at each position produces a constant,
many used the equation V = GM/r. Although candidates were not penalised for a correct
approach using this method as long as they were thorough, the additional arithmetic often
led to errors. In this type of question it is important that candidates give an appropriate
reason why the analysis demonstrates consistency of the data with the law that is
proposed. This was often not the case and responses were frequently a jumble of
calculations from which the examiner was, presumably, required to draw their own

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Many candidates overcomplicated part (b)(iii) owing to inadequate understanding of the
information that was provided in the table. Some candidates made no use of the table
data at all and used GMm(1/r – 1/r ). Although this was against the spirit of the question,
1 2

candidates were allowed one of the available marks provided that this was completed
successfully but many ran into problems with the arithmetic. Some used change in PE =

Part (c)(i) was done very poorly. Although knowing that they had to use ½ mv , many did

not know that the speed of the satellite in an orbit can be found using GMm/r = mv /r.
2 2

Because of their inability to produce an answer to part (c)(i) there were a high proportion
of the candidates who omitted parts (c)(ii) and (c)(iii). Most of those who found an answer
to (c)(i), even if incorrect, were able to score here by realising that the answer was the
difference between 12 GJ and their answer to (c)(i).

There were few correct answers to part (c)(iii) because most candidates paid no attention
to the signs of the changes, the KE change being a decrease and the 10 GJ PE change
an increase.

E14.          This question required candidates to select an incorrect statement about what would
happen to a comet as it approached the Sun. Distractor C was chosen by 31% of the
candidates; this suggests they thought that the comet would make a line-of-centres
approach instead of looping around the Sun.

E15.          This question as a whole was very rewarding for the candidates who were sufficiently
familiar with the principles of gravitation to understand the mathematical conditions for a
satellite in stable orbit, as required in part (b) (i). These candidates made good progress
with all parts of the question, whereas many other candidates were only able to score well
on parts (a) and (b) (ii). In part (a), the correct conversion of the orbital time of the Hubble
satellite into seconds followed by correct use of ω = 2π/T, with a correct unit for angular
speed, brought full marks for the majority of the candidates. Confusion of angular speed ω
with linear speed v continues to be a problem, and giving the unit of ω as m s inevitably

caused the loss of one mark.

Part (b) (i) required candidates to appreciate that the radius of the orbit of a satellite can

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be found from the orbit equation GMm/r = mω r. The angular speed ω had been
2 2

determined in part (a), whilst the values for G and the Earth’s mass M could be taken from
the Data and Formulae Booklet. Because the question had indicated that the Hubble
telescope is in orbit close to the Earth, some candidates assumed that the radius of its
orbit would be that of the Earth, 6.37 × 10 m. 6

Another common unsuccessful response was to attempt to determine the answer using
the orbit relationship T /r = constant, incorrectly treating the surface of the Earth as a
2 3

satellite orbit and using T = 24 hours and r = 6.37 × 10 m.6

Candidates who used F = mω r, or F = GMm/r , had very little difficulty in part (b) (ii),
2 2

where both marks were still accessible to those who had worked out wrong values for ω
and/or r in the earlier parts of the question. Attempts at this part using F = mv /r were often

incorrect because of inability to correctly work out the linear speed, v.

E16.          In this question, equating the centripetal force on a satellite with the gravitational
force on it should lead easily to a correct algebraic expression for the speed. Two thirds of
candidates were successfully able to do this.

E17.          In part (a) (i), nearly all candidates correctly identified g and G; few were rigorous in
their explanations of what the quantities mean.

Few candidates did not equate the two equations in part (a) (ii), cancel m and rearrange
into the form shown.

The vast majority of candidate performed the calculation in part (a) (iii) correctly, but a
significant number quoted the final answer to either one or three significant figures
(instead of the correct two). A small minority of candidates forgot to square the radius of
the Earth.

          In part (b) (i), most candidates recognised that the period would be 24 hours.

Difficulty was had by some candidates in part (b) (ii) who struggled to add the quantities
written in different forms.

Part (b) (iii) was done well either by candidates dividing the circumference of the obit by
the period in seconds or else using the mass of the Earth calculated in part (a) (iii).

Most candidates gave an appropriate use for geostationary satellites in part (b) (iv),
however GPS and ‘mobile phones’ were not accepted.

In part (b) (v) few candidates were able to discuss the avoidance of dishes tracking by
having geostationary satellites.

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E18.          This question was about gravitational forces. Application of the inverse square law
was completed successfully by 70% of the candidates in the former question. Candidates
had to appreciate that the condition described would be met when the centripetal force
acting on material is just equal to its weight, so ω R = GM/R . Only 48% of them were
2 2

successful, but the question discriminated very well.

E19.          Many very good answers were seen in part (a) (i), expressed either fully in words or
simply by quoting E = mV. The corresponding equation for an incremental change, ΔE =
p p

mΔV, was also acceptable but mixed variations on this such as E = mΔV (which showed

a lack of understanding) were not. The consequences of doubling m were generally well
understood in part (a) (ii), where most candidates scored highly, but some inevitably
thought that E would be unchanged whilst V would double.

Candidates who were not fully conversant with the metric prefixes used with units had
great difficulty in part (b), where it was necessary to know that 1 MJ =10 J, 1 GJ =10 J,
6 9

and (even) 1 km = 10 m. Direct substitution into V = (–) GM/r (having correctly converted

the value of V to J kg ) usually gave a successful answer for the radius of orbit A in part

(b) (i). A similar approach was often adopted in part (b) (ii) to find the radius of orbit B,
although the realisation that V  1/r facilitated a quicker solution. Some candidates
noticed that V = 3 V and guessed that r = r /3, but this was not allowed when there was

no physical reasoning to support the calculation.

Part (b) (iii) caused much difficulty, because candidates did not always appreciate that the
centripetal acceleration of a satellite in stable orbit is equal to the local value of g, which is
equal to GM/r . This value turns out to equal to V/r, which provided an alternative route to

the answer. Many incredible values were seen, some of them greatly exceeding 9.81 m s –


Part (c) was generally well understood, with some very good and detailed answers from
the candidates. Alternative answers were accepted: either that g is not constant over such
large distances, or that the field of the Earth is radial rather than uniform.

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E20.It was rare for all three marks to be awarded in part (a). Most answers made at least some
reference to the proportionality and inverse proportionality involved in Newton’s law, but
references to point masses or to the attractive nature of the force were scarce.
The essential starting point in part (b) was a correct statement equating the gravitational
force with mω R; the more able candidates had little difficulty in then applying T = 2π/ω to

derive the required result, and three marks were usually obtained by them.

Both halves of part (c) followed directly from the T2

 R result in part (b), and the

candidates who realised this usually made excellent progress. Unfortunately, a large
proportion tried to go back to first principles and tied themselves in knots with the algebra
and/or arithmetic, often getting nowhere. Confusion over which unit of time to employ in
the different parts caused much difficulty, especially for candidates who had calculated a
constant of proportionality in part (i). Some very elegant solutions to part (ii) were seen,
where the result emerged swiftly from (165) . The most absurd efforts came from

candidates who made the implicit assumption that the Earth, Mercury and Neptune all
travel at the same speed in their orbits, leading to wrong answers of 141 days and 165

E21.          The geo-synchronous satellite in this question did not seriously trouble many of the
candidates, since the facility was 80%. Wrong responses were almost evenly split
between the remaining three distractors, with none attracting more than 8% of the

E22.          Two appropriate features of a geo-synchronous orbit were usually given by the
candidates in part (a), but the marks for them were often the last that could be awarded in
this question. The required radius in part (b)(i) came readily to the candidates who
correctly equated the gravitational force on the satellite with mω r, applied T = 2π/ω, and

completed the calculation by substituting T = 24 hours and the values given in the
question. Other candidates commonly presented a tangled mass of unrelated algebra in
part (b)(i), from which the examiners could rescue nothing worthy of credit.

In part (b)(ii) an incredible proportion of the candidates assumed that it was possible to
calculate the increase in the potential energy by the use of mg Δh, in spite of the fact that
the satellite had be raised vertically through almost 36,000 km. These attempts gained no
marks. Other efforts started promisingly by the use of V = –GM / r, but made the crucial

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error of using (4.23 × 10 – 6.4 × 10 ) as r in the denominator. Some credit was available
7 6

to candidates who made progress with a partial solution that proceeded along the correct
lines, such as evaluating the gravitational potential at a point in the orbit of the satellite.
Confusion between the mass of the Earth and the mass of the satellite was common when
doing this.

E25.          (a)     Most candidates were able to correctly answer this part.

(b)     Although the majority of candidates were able to quote either the Newton’s law of
gravitation or centripetal force equation only the better candidates equated these
and showed that the mass of Triton cancelled.

(c)     Only the best candidates were able to show this in a convincing way. A limited
number of candidates gained a little credit for stumbling through one or two
appropriate relationships.

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