1-Chapter 1

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MENG 201 Chapter (1)


Q1: Define structure and how many levels did you study ?
Structure is the arrangement of the material internal
components (sub-atomic) (atomic) (microscopic-phase
level) (macroscopic-by eyes)

Q2 : which level of structure is 1x10^-6 ?

Crystal texturing , phase level , microscopic

Q3: Material science have 3 pillars , they are ?

Structure , properties , process

Q4: What is material science concerned with?

Studying the relationship between the structure and the
properties of the material

Q5: if you change one pillar of the 3 , then ?

All other pillars will change .
Q6: why do we study material science and engineering ?
To know capacity and limitations of material

Q7: atomic level of structure dimension can be ?


Q8: Phase level also called ?

Microscopic level

Q9: Aluminum oxide can be ?

Transparent , translucent , opaque

Q10: Current can be ?

Stimulus for electrical properties

Q11:Toque can be ? Stimulus for Mechanical properties .

Q12: what was wrong with the challenger space shuttle

when it failed ? The gasket was from polymer
Q13: What is stimulus ?
Load , moment ( input for testing property )

Q14: Which is the finest level of structure ?


Q15: Thermal heat treatment is considered ?


Q16: what is stimulus to investigate optical property ?


Q17: what is Microscopic level of structure dimension ?


Q18: Material science is on of the most important

sciences . provide evidence ?
- To understand capabilities and limitation of materials
- To avoid failure because on lack of understanding like
: 1-( challenger ) 2-(Tacoma bridge) 3-(liberty ships) 4-
(Hayat regency)
- Help us to design better components , parts and
Q19:Which level of material structure is easiest and costs
less to manipulate ?
Phase level

Q20: What is the difference between material

engineering and material science ?
Material since : Studying the relation ship between the
structure and properties of the material
Material Engineering : engineering the structure to
produce properies

Q21: Specify 4 material structure and their dimensions ?

Atomic bonding <1x10^-10
Missing / extra atoms 1x10^-10
Crystals 1x10^-8 - 1x10^-1
Second phase 1x10^-8 - 1x10^-4
Crystal texturing 1x10^-6

Q22: What is meaning of properties and how do we get

them ?
Q23: name 4 different properties and the stimuli used to
get them ?
Mechanical -> Load
Electrical -> Current
Optical -> Light
Magnetic -> magnetic filed
Thermal -> heat
-toughness ( area under curve )

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