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September 2011 Calendar GOD IS ALWAYS RIGHT

September 7, 2011
What family rule do you like? What would you change or add?
Weve said this before, but we want to remind you that one of the goals for the Table Talk questions is to create a safe place for your kids to talk freely about how they really feel and think. If you react negatively to their answers theyll shut down and will probably be very selective about what they share in the future. You may already know what rules your kids would change if they could, but you may be surprised by the rules they would add! Be a good listener! Youll learn a lot about how your kids think about rules and where you may need to be more deliberate about teaching the heart behind the rules, as well as the rule itself. Follow up questions:

If they suggest changing a rule: Why would you change a rule? What dont you like about the rule? What would happen if there were no rules at all?

September 12, 2011

Did God give us laws to ruin our fun? What good are they?
Read the 10 Commandments. Its never too early to begin talking with your kids about the heart and principles behind the rules and laws of God, your home, and the world. Younger children cant necessarily grasp the abstract principles, but the seeds that are planted will blossom as they grow. 10 Commandments summarized: You must not have any god before Me. You must not worship any idol. You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Honor your father and mother. You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. You must not covet your neighbor's stuff. Follow up questions: What would happen if there were no rules at all? Who do you want making the rules? Why do you think God made the 10 Commandments? Because God is always right, we can count on His rules being perfect!

September 21, 2011

Why is it hard to ALWAYS make the right choice?
Share a story from your own life about a time when you didnt make the right choice. Why was it hard to make the right choice? Ask your children what makes it hard for them to make right choices. Sometimes theyll say they just want to do something wrong and cant help it. Others will say that a voice inside tells them to do it. Children dont always connect their sin choices to their sin nature. They want to do whats right, but something makes them do whats wrong. You can begin to help them understand that the something is their sin nature. God promises He will help us say no to our sin nature if we ask. 2

September 27, 2011

Has God helped you make the right choice when you wanted to do something wrong? What happened?
Your children may not have an example. Be sure to let them know that its okay. Talk about how God has helped you make good choices. Your stories are important for your children to hear.

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