GMW15195 - Aug2019 - Documentation For Control of Appearance Aesthetic Quality - Colour & Gloss

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Template For ENG STDS CG762

ENGINEERING General Specification GMW15195

Documentation for Control of Appearance Aesthetic Quality;

Color and Gloss

1 Introduction
Note: Nothing in this standard supercedes applicable laws and regulations.
Note: In the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take
1.1 Purpose. This procedure shall be followed to allow for a part manufacturer’s ongoing control of appearance
quality for production parts. Appearance quality pertains to aesthetic properties, specifically color and gloss for
this document, to ensure harmony coordination (for interior trim components) as originally approved by the
Appearance Approval Report (AAR). The concept of quality control (QC) for aesthetic properties is relevant to
exterior trim as well as interior trim. This specification’s primary focus is for low gloss interior trim. This procedure
defines the instrumental measurement criteria and documentation, as well as a procedure for working standards,
required for a supplier of appearance parts to control appearance aesthetic quality.
1.1.1 The following functional areas support this procedure:
 GM Appearance Quality
 Supplier of the production part
 GM Supplier Quality groups
1.1.2 GM continues to specify color and gloss via a visual match to the appropriate master (such as the Primary
Color Master, Primary Gloss Master, or Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Master), as documented
on the Color and Trim Design Appearance Release (CTDAR), Design Appearance Release (DAR), or referenced
in the part math data file (or drawing).
1.1.3 Visual requirements are used to ensure the color harmony amongst the parts manufactured from different
materials and processes is consistent. Parts evaluated using purely instruments may negatively affect the color
harmony of the vehicle interiors.
1.2 Applicability. This procedure is relevant to all parts with color and gloss match-to requirements.
1.3 Remarks. This procedure is supplemental information to the Pre-texture, Post-texture, and Part AAR
procedures specified in the PPAP manual published by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). These
techniques are set forth to ensure vehicle aesthetic appearance harmony through Statistical Process Control
(SPC) of appearance attributes.

2 References
Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified.
2.1 External Standards/Specifications.
ASTM D523 ASTM E306 ASTM E1499 SAE J361

ASTM D2244 ASTM E1164 ISO 7727/1 SAE J1545

ASTM D2457
2.2 GM Standards/Specifications.
GMW3059 GMW6992 GMW15777
2.3 Additional References. None.

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3 Requirements
3.1 General Requirements for Master and Master Parts.
3.1.1 Visual evaluations of color and gloss shall be made under the conditions detailed in GMW6992 and
SAE J361 as specified in the various material specifications. Evaluators of color and gloss must have proven
capability as determined by methods such as the Farnsworth-Munsell 100 Hue Color Test and/or Ishihara Test
for Color blindness (refer to ASTM E1499 and SAE J361, Section 9 Color Discrimination) on a biennial basis.
3.1.2 Masters shall be cared for in accordance with the directions on the protective sleeve of the GM Primary
Master Standard and industry standard practices. All masters shall be handled with extreme care. Protect the masters from becoming contaminated or
soiled. Do not clean the masters, if possible, or follow bag instructions if cleaning is absolutely necessary. Ensure
that cleaning does not change the appearance attributes of the master. Avoid long exposures to heat and light during use and storage of the masters. Store all masters in a cool, dry, dark place and Primary Master Standards in their protective sleeves. Always wear clean, soft (preferably cotton) gloves when handling the masters.
3.1.3 Masters shall be measured in accordance with the directions on the Master Standard or industry standard
practices. Color Measurements. Measure and record the numerical color measurements upon receipt of master standard (Primary Color
Master and/or PPAP Master). Measure the color on the master plaque’s non-grained surface unless directed
otherwise by GM. These measurements will be used to verify the integrity of the masters throughout their lifetime. Spectrophotometer Measurements for Primary Color Master Color Position. Use CIELab (L*a*b*
color space) or Colour Measurement Committee (CMC) color space (DL*, Da*, Db*, DE/DE CMC) with a
spectrophotometer capable of taking measurements with the following parameters: Illuminant D65, 10 degree
Observer, Specular Included, and Sphere Geometry unless specified otherwise. Refer to conditions specified
with the master. Reference GMW15777, ISO 7727/1, ASTM D2244, ASTM E306, ASTM E1164, and SAE J1545
for more information on color science and tolerancing. Spectrophotometer Measurement of Color Appearance for Quality Control Purposes. Use a
45 degree/0 degree (circumferential), and respective of inverse, geometry instrument. Use CIELab or CMC color
space (DL*, Da*, Db*, DE/DE CMC) with a spectrophotometer capable of taking measurements with the following
parameters: Illuminant D65, 10 degree Observer. An integrating sphere geometry (diffuse) spectrometer may
also be used. If sphere geometry is used, measurements must be made with specular angle excluded d/8
Note: The sphere geometry utilizes specular excluded for quality control purposes of color appearance. Master
color matching utilizes Specular Included for a measurement of color position without the effects of gloss and
texture. Gloss Measurements. Measure and record the gloss meter reading upon receipt of the master standard (Primary Gloss Master
and/or PPAP Master). Measure the gloss on the master plaque’s non-grained surface unless directed otherwise
by GM. These measurements will be used to verify the integrity of the masters throughout their lifetime. Gloss Meter Readings. Use a 60 degree geometry gloss meter in accordance with ASTM D523 and
ASTM D2457.
Note: The user may determine which measurement methods to use if no color and gloss measurement
parameters are described on the master.
3.1.4 Monitor the Primary Master Standard and PPAP Masters for color and gloss regularly to ensure its quality
by periodically numerically measuring the color and gloss. Record the data, which shall be available upon
request. Replace with a new master if the master shifts in color by more than 0.3 DE (0.5 DE CMC), and/or in
gloss > 0.25 units for Primary Gloss C (PGC) or Primary Gloss E (PGE) gloss masters and > 0.5 for Primary
Gloss F (PGF), and other higher gloss masters.

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Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale, 02/19/2020 09:14:17 MST

3.1.5 PPAP Masters and AAR approved parts shall be handled as described in 3.1.2. More detailed part storage
conditions may be specified by GM Supplier Quality. Lost or damaged AAR approved parts, including parts
which no longer are within tolerance of the original AAR visual approval and measurements, shall require a new
AAR submission and approval for replacement in accordance with the PPAP manual.
3.2 Supplier Responsibility for Maintaining Part Appearance Attributes.
3.2.1 It is the supplier’s responsibility to retain signed-off parts when the GM Appearance Quality Launch Lead
gives PPAP AAR approval. One part per color, minimum, shall be retained from the PPAP Harmony Review for
the life of the program by the supplier. An additional appropriate number of parts (typically three (3) parts to
support their supply chain) of each color, per cavity, can be submitted and signed by GM Appearance Quality
Launch Lead. The original part signed and dated by the GM Appearance Quality Launch Lead shall be referred
to as the AAR Master Part Sample.
3.2.2 The supplier shall measure the color and gloss of the part being submitted for PPAP AAR approval to
obtain numeric values for color and gloss. The tristimulus values and gloss units must be logged by the supplier
using the supplier’s equipment. The tristimulus and gloss values shall be recorded on the AAR for documentation
3.2.3 Specific areas on a part must be identified for obtaining the most accurate and appropriate gloss readings.
The target locations shall be determined and measured by the supplier with GM Supplier Quality (SQ) approval
during part development. The target locations shall include a method to ensure measurement repeatability, such
as, but not limited to, templates, guides, or measurement fixtures. Record the average of three (3) readings from
each measurement location in accordance with standard SPC practices. In addition, the visual comments must
be recorded. Comments shall be kept on attributes such as flow lines, knit lines, mottling, surface
inconsistencies, and other anomalies. Typically, three (3) points on the part’s surface shall be identified. Larger
parts will require more points. Documentation shall be available during the part run at rate trials and made
available upon request at later times.
Note: GM match-to criteria is visual; visual always overrides numerical readings.
3.2.4 The supplier shall resubmit color and gloss data on the AAR after the PPAP Appearance Harmony Review
if adjustments to color and gloss are made to the part for vehicle harmony.
3.2.5 The AAR Master Part Sample signed by Appearance Quality Launch Lead and the GM Master Standard
(i.e., Primary Color, Primary Gloss or PPAP Masters) become the manufacturing location’s primary visual and
numerical standard. Any change noted in production parts should require visual evaluation to the GM Master
Standard for adherence.
3.2.6 Subsequent production parts must be measured for color and gloss at a frequency as outlined in the
supplier’s production control plan.
Note: The supplier may benefit from investigating the use of a multiple angle gloss meter and using the
85 degree geometry in parallel with the 60 degree geometry for low gloss applications. Other advances, current
and future, which improve the measurement precision, accuracy, and repeatability for color and gloss, should
also be investigated. Measured numeric color and gloss readings shall be recorded and plotted on a control chart in
accordance with standard SPC practices. Readings/plots shall be charted by color and by tool to obtain usable
results. Part visual evaluations of color and gloss relative to the GM Master, with comments, shall also be
recorded. “Gloss Meter Readings” when measured at precise and predefined locations on the part and coupled
with “Visual Evaluation”, becomes an effective tool for monitoring acceptable gloss during production runs.
Measurements must be taken in the same specific areas on the part as originally agreed upon and recorded at
the time of AAR approval, as outlined in 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. The supplier should expect that the SPC analysis of color and gloss will drive the need to also identify,
understand, measure, plot, and analyze the unique process parameters that affect color and gloss.
3.2.7 The color and gloss measurement’s initial recommended control limit for the original AAR Master Part
Sample shall be ± 3 σ based upon the initial part capability run.
Note: GM match-to criteria is visual; visual evaluation overrides numerical readings. Numerical evaluations are
to aid the part manufacturer’s process control.

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3.2.8 The supplier shall set up color and gloss tolerances that correlate to and support the visual approvals of
the AAR Master Part Sample. The gloss tolerances shall protect against the production part’s gloss shifting to
the next gloss level.
3.2.9 Guidelines for a supplier Control Plan for color and gloss as well as Preventative Maintenance for tool
cleaning (in machine aerosol spray with air blast to dry ice blasting cleaning) recommendations, and gloss control
blasting (media or grit blasting) for surface texture adjustments are described in separate documentation.
3.3 Documentation. The test report shall contain: the sample identification, testing date, measurement
equipment identification, equipment geometry, equipment setup parameters, measured values that include
standard deviation, and identification of the masters that include the date of release.

4 Validation
Not applicable.

5 Provisions for Shipping

Not applicable.

6 Notes
6.1 Glossary.
CIELAB (L*a*b* color space): Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (International Commission on
Illumination) representation of colors using the coordinates in a uniform color space consisting of lightness
variable L* and chromaticity indices a* and b*.
Illuminant D65: A commonly used standard illuminant defined by the International Commission of Illumination.
6.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols.
σ Sigma
AAR Appearance Approval Report
AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group
CMC Colour Measurement Committee
CTDAR Color and Trim Design Appearance Release
DAR Design Appearance Release
IMDS International Material Data System
PGC Primary Gloss C
PGE Primary Gloss E
PGF Primary Gloss F
PPAP Production Part Approval Process
QC Quality Control
SPC Statistical Process Control
SQ Supplier Quality

7 Additional Paragraphs
7.1 All materials supplied to this standard must comply with GMW3059, Restricted and Reportable Substances,
including the requirement to submit a full material composition disclosure to GM via the International Material
Data System (IMDS).

8 Coding System
This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows:

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Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Licensee=Vuteq/5990662001, User=Osmond, Angela
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale, 02/19/2020 09:14:17 MST

9 Release and Revisions

This standard was originated in March 2006. It was first approved by the Global Appearance Council in February
2008. It was first published in May 2008.
Issue Publication Date Description (Organization)
1 MAY 2008 Initial publication.
2 JUN 2013 Minor editorial changes to improve accuracy of document. (Global Design
3 AUG 2019 Revised to current template. (Global Appearance Quality)

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Copyright General Motors

Provided by IHS Markit under license with General Motors Licensee=Vuteq/5990662001, User=Osmond, Angela
Reproduction, distribution or publication of these standards is expressly prohib Not for Resale, 02/19/2020 09:14:17 MST

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