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Website Design

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This portfolio website is a showcase of my skills and experience as a web developer. It is built
using React JS, Vite, and Tailwind CSS. The website includes a home page, about me page,
skills page, assignments page, and projects page.

The home page features a large hero image with my name. The about me page provides more
information about me, including my education, and interests. The skills page lists my
technical skills, and the assignments page showcases some of my previous work. The projects
page features a more detailed description of my most recent projects.

The website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. It is responsive, so it looks

great on all devices.

Software Used
React JS is a JavaScript library that is used to build user interfaces. It is known for its
component-based architecture and its ability to create interactive and dynamic web
Vite is a build tool that is used to create fast and efficient web applications. It is known
for its blazing-fast development speed and its ability to bundle multiple JavaScript
libraries into a single file.
Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that is used to style web applications. It is known for its
utility-based approach to CSS, which makes it easy to style web applications without
writing a lot of code.

The code for this portfolio website is available on GitHub:

Steps Taken to Create

The following steps were taken to create this portfolio website:

1. I started by creating a new React project using Vite.

2. I then installed Tailwind CSS as my CSS framework.
3. I created different pages for my website, including the home page, about me page, skills
page, assignments page, and projects page.
4. I added content to each page, including text, images, and code snippets.
5. I styled each page using Tailwind CSS.
6. I tested the website to make sure it worked properly.
7. I deployed the website to my personal domain taken from GoDaddy.

While creating my portfolio website, I learned a lot about React JS, Vite, Tailwind CSS, and
web development in general. Some of the specific things I learned include:

How to use React JS to build user interfaces

How to use Vite to create a fast and efficient development environment
How to use Tailwind CSS to style websites quickly and easily
How to create a website with a navbar

How to deploy a website to GitHub and a personal domain

Thank you!

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