Weight Functions For Edge and Surface Semi-Elliptical Cracks in Flat Plates and Plates With Corners

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Engineering Fracrure Mechanics Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 459-475, 1990 0013-7944/90 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain. 0 1990 Pergamon Press pk.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place,
London WClE 7JE, U.K.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada N2L 3Gl

Abstract-A family of weight functions for edge and semi-elliptical surface cracks in flat plates and
angular corners is presented in the paper. The weight functions were derived using the Bueck-
ner-Rice definition of weight function and the Petroski-Achenbach crack opening displacement
expression. A method of deriving the closed form weight functions is presented together with a
discussion on the basic assumptions and limitations. The accuracy of all weight functions was
examined with respect to available stress intensity factor data.

A,, A,, A, parameters of the geometric stress intensity correction factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack
in a flat plate under uniform tension; Newman-Raju formula
a crack length for an edge crack or crack depth for a semi-elliptical surface crack
half crack length of a semi-elliptical surface crack
> modulus of elasticity
F geometric correction factor for the reference stress intensity factor K,
F(a/s a/c, c/w, 9) geometric stress intensity correction factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite
thickness and finite width under uniform tensile loading used as the reference stress intensity
factor; Newman-Raju formula
F* geometric stress intensity correction factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite
thickness and infinite width (c/w +O) under uniform tensile loading used as the reference stress
intensity factor; Newman-Raju formula
F, geometric stress intensity correction factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack emanating from an
angular corner a in a plate of finite thickness and finite width under uniform tension
F” geometric stress intensity correction factor for an edge crack emanating from an angular corner
a in a semi-finite plate with a step
P geometric stress intensity correction factor for an edge crack emanating from the right angle
comer in a semi-finite plate with a step (a = 90”)
geometric stress intensity correction factor for an edge crack emanating from an angular comer
a in a finite thickness plate with a step
geometric stress intensity correction factor for an edge crack emanating from the right angle
(a = 90”) corner in finite thickness plate with a step
G parameter of the crack opening displacement function
H generalized modulus of elasticity: H = E-for plane stress; H = E/(1 - v2)-for plane strain
h step height
parameters of the crack opening displacement function
stress intensity factor
stress intensity factor for an edge crack emanating from an angular comer a in a semi finite plate
with a step
stress intensity factor for an edge crack emanating from the right angle comer (a = W) in a semi
finite plate with a step
stress intensity factor for an edge crack emanating from an angular corner a in a finite thickness
plate with a step
stress intensity factor for an edge crack emanating from right angle corner (a = 90”) in a finite
thickness plate with a step
stress intensity factor for an edge crack in a finite thickness plate
stress intensity factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack emanating from an angular comer a in
a finite thickness plate with a step
stress intensity factor for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a finite thickness flat plate
reference stress intensity factor
stress intensity factor corresponding to the new local stress system one,(x).
parameters of the general weight function
parameters of the weight function for an edge crack emanating from the right angle (a = 90”)
corner in a finite thickness plate with a step

460 X. NIU and G. GLINKA

parameters of the Bueckner’s weight function for an edge crack in a flat plate of finite thickness t
parametersof the weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite
thickness t and finite width w
parameters of the weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite
thickness 1 and infinite width, c/w-r0
parameters of the weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack emanating from an angular
corner Q in a finite thickness plate with a step
m(x, a) weight function
m:cx, a, a/r) weight function for an edge crack in a finite thickness plate
m?k a, a/t, 90) weight function for an edge crack emanating from the right angle corner (a = 90’) in a finite
thickness plate with a step
Mx, a, a/t, af weight function for an edge crack emanating from an angular corner a in a finite thickness plate
with a step
m!Oc, a, a/t, ale, c/w) weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite thickness t and width w
mZP(x,a, a/t, a/c) weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite thickness t and infinite
width, c/w -+O
mXx. a, a/t. a/c, c/w, of weight function for a ~~-ellipti~i crack emanating from an angular corner o!in a finite thickness
plate with a step and finite width w
normalized stress distribution with respect to the characteristic stress IT,
applied stress system
applied stress system associated with the reference stress intensity factor
plate thickness
crack opening displacements corresponding to the reference stress intensity factor
reference crack opening displacement function for an edge crack
reference crack opening displacement function for an edge crack emanating from the right angle
(a = 90’) corner in a finite thickness plate with a step under uniform tension
reference crack opening displacement function for a semi-eliip~~l surface crack in a flat plate
of finite thickness f and finite width w under uniform tension
w plate width
X distance from the surface or the corner tip
Y geometric stress intensity correction factor
corner angle
; angle co-ordinate for description of the elliptic& crack front
P corner tip radius
a(x) local stresses normal to the crack surface, i.e. normal stresses on the plane x-z
%(X) distribution of local reference stresses normal to the prospective crack plane and corresponding
to the reference stress intensity factor K,
flmv (xl new local distribution of stresses normal to the prospective crack plane and corresponding to the
stress intensity factor K,,$,
CO characteristic stress or the nominal stress

and fatigue analyses of welded and notched components are often carried out[l, 21 by
using fracture mechanics models. This requires accurate calculations of stress intensity factors. Such
calculations are usually complicated by the fact that semi-ellipti~l cracks have to be analysed in
three dimensional bodies and this is particularly true for cracks occurring in weldments. It is known
that the stress intensity factor for a crack in a welded joint depends on the global geometry of the
joint, the weld profile, crack geometry and type of loading. Therefore, calculation of the stress
intensity factor even for one type of weldment requires detailed analysis of several geometric
parameters and loading systems. Such calculations can be carried out by means of appropriate
weight functions.
The main objective of this study was to derive the weight functions for both edge and
semi-ellipti~l surface cracks in flat plates and plates with angular corners. To achieve this, a
systematic procedure was established on the basis of the theory of the weight function developed
by Bueckner[3], Rice[4], and Petroski-Achenbach method/$]. Four major weight functions have
been derived in closed forms as a result of applying the procedure. Details of the derivation of the
weight functions and subsequent verification are presented in the paper.

The stress intensity factors can be calculated by integrating the product of weight function
m(x, a) and stress distribution CT(X)in the potential crack plane:

K= a a(x)m(x, a) dx. (11

Weight functions for cracks

(a) (b)

q (x) urt

Fig. I. Stress systems S,, u,(x) and displacements u, necessary for the derivation of the weight function
m(x,a): (a) applied nominal reference stress system S, and the corresponding local reference stress
distribution (T,(X); and (b) the local stress system a,(x) and corresponding crack opening displacement
U,(& a).

It was shown by Buecknerp] and Rice[4] that the weight function m(x, a) for a two-dimensional
cracked body under mode I loading is a unique property of geometry and it can be defined as:
H au,
rn(X,r+;F‘~. (2)

In order to derive the weight function (2), a reference stress intensity factor K, for a given geometry
under any stress system ,S, needs to be known (Fig. 1) together with the corresponding crack
opening displa~ment field U&X,a). An appropriate reference stress intensity factor K, can often
be found in the literature, but the corresponding crack opening displacements u,(x, a) are difficult
to find because these data very seldom accompany the stress intensity factor solutions. To overcome
this difficulty, Petroski and Achenbach[S] proposed an approximate crack opening displacement
function U&X,a) for plane problems:

F = K,/o&i (4)
Thus, if the reference stress intensity factor Kr is known, the only unknown in eq. (3) is the
parameter G. Petroski and Achenbach[S] have shown the parameter G can be determined from the
self-consistency of eq. (1) by putting K = Kr, a(x) = G,(X) and substituting (2) for m(x, a):

Kr=; ’ u,(x) 2
r 0
dx (5)

dx) = we)- W
After substituting (3) into (5) and solving it for G, Petroski and Achenbach obtained the following
G = (I, - 4F&&)&


EFM %/3-G
462 X. NW and G. GLINKA

z*= a,(x)@ - x)‘i2 dx (8)

j 0

z, = cr,(x)(a - .)3'2 dx. (9)

s 0

Substitution of relation (3) into (2) and rearrangement lead to the weight function (10) analogous
to the weight function (Al. 1) derived for edge cracks by Bueckner[6]:

m(x, a) =
M =Wa+4F+3G
I (11)

It should be emphasized that eq. (10) represents the general form of weight functions derived by
using the Petroski-Achenbach method. This means that the derivation of a weight function for any
particular geometry can be reduced to dete~ination of parameters M, and Mz only.
It can be readily demonstrated that if uniform local stress is used as the reference stress system,
ie. a,(x) = cr, eqs (11) and (12) can be reduced to:
M,=A+3B-4 (13)

1 (14)

A=---.- (15)

s 0

F2a da

. (16)

Once functions F and a,(x) are known, the appropriate weight functions can be easily derived from
eqs (6-16). Knowing the weight function m(x, a) the stress intensity factor K,,,, can be calculated
from eq. (1) for any local stress system (mew(x).



3. i. An edge crack emanating from the right angle corner in a finite t~i~k~e~s plate
Determination of a weight function by using the Petroski-Achenbach method requires the
knowledge of the reference stress intensity factor K, for given geometry and mode I stress system
6, (x). Thus, in order to derive the weight function for a crack emanating from the right angle corner
in a finite thickness with a step (Fig. 2a), the already available stress intensity factor solutions
needed to be analysed first.
Several analytical solutions for cracks emanating from corners in semi-finite plates have been
produced by Hasebe et al.[7] using the mapping technique. More recently Hasebe and Matsuura[8)
were able to derive the stress intensity factor for a crack emanating from the right angle corner
(Fig. 2a) in a finite thickness plate with a step. It was decided to choose the stress intensity factor
data for the edge crack emanating from the right angle corner under the tensile loading as the
Weight functions for cracks 463

Fig. 2. Crack emanating from an angular corner in a plate with a step: (a) crack in a finite thickness
with a right angle corner; and (b) crack in a finite thickness plate with an angular comer a.

reference data, i.e. K, = KT, where

lul” = o,&F~. (17)
As the corresponding reference through thickness stress distribution a,(x) in the potential crack
plane in the untracked body was not provided by Hasebe et aZ.[8], finite element stress analysis
was carried out[9] to obtain the reference stress distribution a,(x) in the form of eq. (5a).
Based on the reference stress intensity factor Kr produced by Hasebe et a1.[8] and
corresponding reference stress distribution (IJx), the crack opening displacement function
UJX, a, a/t, 90) was determined from eq. (3), and then the weight function mT(x, a, u/t, 90) from
eq. (10):

mr(x, a, u/t, 90) = &[l+M:@)+Ma~$)‘] (18)

M” _ 8(e)‘u + 4F? + 3G:
el -
Mz = 2(‘3”)‘a- G:

It is worth noting that both the finite element calculations of the reference stress distribution C,(X)
and Hasebe et u1.[7,8] analyses were conducted for sharp corners with the corner tip radii p = 0.
As a consequence the final results may not be accurate for short cracks which were under the
influence of the stress singularity at sharp corners. It would be more realistic to assume that the
notch tip radius is p > 0 and the maximum stress in the notch tip is finite. It is also known that
Bueckner’s weight function (Al.l) for edge cracks in finite thickness plates gives good stress
intensity factor estimations for short cracks emanating from notches with tip radii p > 0. Therefore,
for cracks of depth a +O the weight function (18) should tend to the Bueckner’s weight function
derived[6] for an edge crack in a finite thickness plate (see Appendix 1). This condition was taken
into account in deriving the final polynominal expressions for parameters Mz and ME in the
464 X. NW and G. GLINKA

weight function (18):

&if2 = 0.6643 - 12.7438 ; 0 1.5 3.0

- 3285.1810 0 ;

6 7.5

+ 14162.5870 0 ; - 30127.1580 0 4 f 258119.535 0 f 9; (18a)


Mz=0.1117+3.8570 6 -30127.1580 0 ; 3.0 + 285.4393 0 f 4s

- 64,.6118(;y + 934.4:38(;y5 - 596.8319(;)? (18b)

The polynominal expressions were fitted to the data obtained for crack depth range 0 < a/t < 0.5
with the accuracy of +3%.

3.2. An edge crack emanating from an angular corner u in a jinite thickness plate
A general solution to the problem of a crack originating from an angular corner a in a finite
thickness plate (Fig. 2b) has not been obtained yet. However, solutions have been obtained for
cracks in semi-finite plates (t +CQ) by Hasebe[8], and the stress intensity factors were given as:

K” = oo&Fa. (19)
The geometric correction factors F” were given in a tabular form in refs[7,8]. These data made it
possible to calculate the relative effect of the angle tl in semi-finite plates in relation to the crack
emanating from the right angle corner:
K” F”
-_=-* (20)
Kw F*
It was assumed that the relative effect of the corner angle a would be independent of the plate
thickness. As a result, the following approximate relation can be established:
F” F;
This lead to the approximate weight function for a crack emanating from an angular corner in a
finite thickness plate with a step as discussed in ref.[9]:

mE(x, a, a/t, a) = $ mr(x, a, a/t, 90). (22)

The ratio of the geometric stress intensity correction factors derived by Hasebe et a1.[7,8] for
semi-infinite plate was finally summarized in the form of eq. (22a) for corner angles a within the
range of ~16 <a < 7113 and the relative crack depths 0 <a/h < 0.5:

$=l+(ia-2)[1-f(f)] forainradians CW

f(a/h) = 1.0355 - 3.3324(iy5 + 21.5999(~~‘” - 58.8513(:)11

+81.6246(;)10- 56.9396($‘+ 15.8784(;)10.

The weight functions (18) and (22) are valid for relative crack depths a/t < 0.5. This is because
in deriving eqs (18a) and (18b) the curve fitting was only attempted over the relative crack depth
range 0 < a/t < 0.5 in order to ensure that satisfactory accuracy could be achieved with a simple
polynominal expression. It was also felt, that deep cracks should not be significantly affected by
the corner, and therefore flat plate solutions can be used for cracks of depth a/t > 0.5.
Weight functions for cracks 465


(b) 2c
2 Br 0 “IS

Fig. 3. Surface semi-elliptical crack in a finite thickness flat plate: (a) general view and the system of
co-ordinates; and (b) cross section view and the angular coordinate.


The best known stress intensity factor solutions for surface semi-elliptical cracks in finite
thickness plates are those derived by Newman and Raju[lO] for cracks under pure bending and
tension. The Newman-Raju solution (A2.1) for a semi-elliptical surface crack under tension was
used here as the required reference stress intensity factor K,:

K, = q&iF(a/t, a/c, c/w,f$). (23)

The coordinates and notations used for description of the crack geometry and stress distribution
are given in Fig. 3. The geometry correction function F(a/t, a/c, c/w, 4) is given in Appendix 2.
However, it should be mentioned that the displacement function proposed by Petroski-
Achenbach[S] was for one dimensional cracks. Therefore, application of function (3) is based on
the assumption that this function would also be appropriate for semi-elliptical surface cracks.
Mattheck et al.[l 1,121 have shown that the method proposed by Petroski and Achenbach can
indeed be used for the surface semi-elliptical cracks in flat plates. However, due to the one
dimensional nature of function (3) it is not possible to describe the entire crack opening
displacement field which in the case of semi-elliptical cracks is of two-dimensional nature, i.e. a
function of both x, z coordinates (Fig. 3). However, eq. (3) can be used, as shown by Mattheck
et a1.[12], to describe displacements field u,(x, a, a/t, a/c, c/w) in the symmetry plane x-y along axis
x. This means that the resulting weight function would allow the stress intensity factor to be
calculated only at the deepest crack point A, located at the end of the minor axis. According to
Mattheck et a/.[ 11, 121,if Newman-Raju solution for the stress intensity factor at the deepest point
of a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate under tension is used as the reference stress intensity
factor, the displacement field u,(x, a, a/t, c/a, c/w) can then be determined from eq. (5).
Although calculations of the stress intensity factor for semi-elliptical cracks were carried
out[9, 131 on the basis of the weight function resulting from eq. (2), no closed solution was given
for the weight function concerned. Hence, efforts were made in this study to derive such an
expression which may significantly simplify the calculation procedure in calculating the stress
intensity factors for surface semi-elliptical cracks in finite thickness plates.
It has been shown in Section 2 that application of the Petroski-Achenbach method leads to
weight functions of the general form given by eq. (10). Thus, the weight function for a semi-elliptical
466 X. NW and G. GLINKA

surface crack in a finite thickness plate can be written as:

m,P(x,a, a/t, a/c, c/w) = J&[l+~f+M:z(~~]. (24)

Parameters M$‘,and ME are functions of crack geometry and can be determined from eqs (13) and
(14) if the Newman-Raju solution (eq. A.2.1) for surface semi-elliptical cracks in flat plates under
uniform tension is used as the reference stress intensity factor. However, in order to perform the
integration in eq. (16) analytically, it was found necessary to expand the trigonometric function
set (y) in Newman-Raju solution (eq. A.2.1) into a power series:

& W2” (25)

where: E,, = Euler numbers-(see Appendix 3).

Substituting the geometric correction factor F from Newman-Raju solution (A2.1) into eqs (15)
and (16) results in relations (26) and (27):


0; *;- l)“E,, c

kgf $
a zmcn-2

n m (2n)! ‘2m* 0

where: C,=Af;Cz=2A,Az;C,=A:+2A,A3;Cq=2A2A3;C5=Af.
It was found that sufficient accuracy could be achieved by using only the first ten terms of
the series (25). Consequently, the expression for parameters M$ and MS can be calculated from
eqs (13) and (14) as:
A4,q=A,P+3@-4 (28)


It should be emphasised that the weight function (24) is derived for the deepest point of a
semi-elliptical surface crack in a plate of finite thickness t and finite width W.
It should also be noted that the aspect ratio a/c is kept constant when the differentiations and
integrations involving the geometric correction factor Fare carried out with respect to crack depth a.

4. I. Surface ~erni-~l~i~ti~~~crack in an i~~~ite~y wide p&e of Jinite t~~~k~es~t

The weight function (24) can be further simplified for cases of large widths i.e. c/w+?. This
would eliminate the necessity of using Euler numbers and simphfy the necessary summations:

M,TP= A,*P + 3BfP - 4 (31)

A&‘t)2 + 2A~(~/t)4
A$9=4 (331
A, + Az(a/t)* + A&z/~)~
B*p 5&% J C, a 2n-2
s (34)
c 0f *
Weight functions for cracks 461

Fig. 4. Surface semi-elliptical crack emanating from a corner in a finite thickness plate.



To account for the effect of an angular corner on the stress intensity factor, it was assumed
that the relative effect of corner angle 01was the same for both edge and semi-elliptical cracks. In
other words, the ratio of the stress intensity factor for an edge crack in a flat plate to that of an
edge crack emanating from a corner is equal to the analogous ratio for semi-elliptical cracks (Figs
3 and 4) of the same depth and under the same stress system b(x):
K,” Kf
-=- (35)
K,” Kf


K:=$fKf. (36)
Relation (36) can also be expressed in terms of previously derived weight functions, in the form
K;= ’ a(x)m;(x, a/t, a/c, a/w, a) dx
o(x)N(x,a,a,/t,~)dx (I
= s a(x)m~(x,a,a/t,a/c,c/w) dx. (37)
a(x)m,P(x, a, a/t) dx ’

The weight function m:(x, a, a/t, a) is given by expression (22). The weight function mg(x, a, a/t)
for an edge crack in a flat plate was derived earlier by Bueckner[6] and its details are given in
Appendix 1. The semi-elliptical surface crack weight function m:(x, a, a/c, a/t, c/w) is given by eq.
(24). Thus, based on eq. (37) the stress intensity factor can be calculated for a semi-elliptical surface
crack emanating from a corner (Fig. 4) by using the three weight functions listed above. Relation
(37) has been validated[l3] against finite element data and the agreement was found to be good
for a wide range of crack depths a/t and crack aspect ratios a/c.
However, calculation of stress intensity factors using eq. (37) is somewhat cumbersome and
it does not show explicitly the weight function m:(x, a, a/t, a/c, c/w, a). For these reasons it was
decided to derive the weight function expression in a closed form. It was found that the
Petroski-Achenbach method could once again be employed to obtain the desired weight function.
As mentioned in Section 2, weight functions can be derived using Petroski-Achenbach method
providing that a reference stress intensity factor solution K, and the corresponding displacement
system u, are known. Therefore, for the problem under consideration an appropriate stress intensity
468 X. NW and G. GLINKA

factor solution needed to be selected first. Apparently, in this case, the only available choice would
be the reference stress intensity factor K, for the uniform tensile local stress system, i.e. or(x) = oO,
calculated from eq. (37):
Mx, a, ait, a) dx a
K, = a,, s ’ (1 mp(x, a, aJt, a/c, c/w) dx. (38)
mF(x, a, a/t) dx ’
As all weight functions used in eq. (38) have been derived in closed forms, it is easy to show that
the reference stress intensity factor K, can also be expressed in a closed form since all the
integrations can be performed analytically. By substituting eqs (18), (22), (24) and (A 1.1) into eq.
(38), the reference stress intensity factor K, can be given as:
K, = Froo,/% (3%
F ---2$F”
I- 15n P
l5 + j”,q’ + 3”s
(15 + 5&J, + 3MF& w
The remaining task is straightforward. Substituting F, into eqs (1316) leads to the desired weight
function (41):

m:(x,a/t, a/c, c/w, a) = &L[l +M:,r$)+Mh(+)?] (41)


5,/% a Ffa da
B; = s
8a’F, *
It is worth noting that the procedure of deriving the weight functions described above can also
be applied to any other problems in which similar assumptions on geometric correction factors are


It was mentioned above that the approximate relation (21) was used to derive the weight
function m:(x, a, a/t, a) for an edge crack emanating from an angular comer in a finite thickness
plate. It was also assumed that the angle effect on the stress intensity factor at the deepest point
of a surface semi-elliptical crack (eq. 35) could be calculated as the ratio of stress intensity factors
for edge cracks. Therefore, it was necessary to validate the derived weight functions against data
produced by other investigators. The validation was carried out by comparing stress intensity
factors with available analytical and finite element data.

6.1. Stress intensity factors for an edge crack emanating from an angle corner a in a plate of finite
thickness t
In order to verify the weight function (22) the stress intensity factors were calculated for a crack
(Fig. 2b) emanating from a comer angle a’ = 45”. The comer tip was assumed to have the finite
radius of p = 0.04t. The corresponding through thickness stress distribution a(x) in the prospective
crack plane, necessary for eq. (l), was calculated (Fig. 5) using the finite element method. It should
Weight functions for cracks 469


a 1 2 3 4 6
1 2 3 4 x10-l
- Weioht function (221
x/t 0 Finiteelement data I141
Fig. 5. The local through thickness stress distribution a(x) Fig. 6. Comparison of the weight function based stress
in a finite thickness plate with the comer angle a = 45” and intensity factors with finite element data for an edge crack
comer tip radius p = 0.041, under tensile loading. emanating from the comer angle a in a finite thicknessplate
under tensileloading;a = 45”,p = 0.04~

be noted that the stress field a(x) shown in Fig. 5, was calculated for untracked body under
uniform tensile loading. The stress intensity factors were calculated by integration of the weight
function rn: (x, a, a/t, a) given by relation (22) and the stress distribution o(x) determined from the
finite element analysis. The weight function based stress intensity factors were compared (Fig. 6)
with the finite element data[l4] obtained for cracks in T-butt welded joints which are geometrically
similar to the case shown in Fig. 2(b). Both stress intensity factors are presented in the normalized
form of the geometric stress intensity correction factor Y.

The agreement is good except for short cracks of depth a < 0.02t. The discrepancies could result
from the differences in the local weld toe geometry because the weldments studied by Smith[l4]
had sharp weld toe corners p = 0 whereas in the present study the weld toe radius was p = 0.04t.
6.2. Stress intensity factors at the deepest point of a surface semi-elliptical crack in a$at plate of
jinite thickness t
The finite element data published by Newman and Raju[lO] and Isida[ 151were used to validate
the weight function (24). It was mentioned earlier that the Newman-Raju expression, derived for
semi-elliptical cracks under tensile loading (Fig. 3), was used as the reference stress intensity factor.
Therefore, it would be appropriate to validate the weight function mr(x, a, a/t, a/c, c/w) using the
data obtained for semi-elliptical surface cracks under bending. The results are presented in the form
of the normalized stress intensity correction factor Y (eq. 42).
The comparison was made for several crack shapes 0 < a/c < 1 as shown in Fig. 7. Again,
the agreement is good for all crack depths 0 < a/t < 0.8 and crack aspect ratios 0 G U/C < 1.
The same weight function (24) was also used to calculate stress intensity factors for nonlinear
stress distribution (43) analysed by Shiratori et a/.[161

where: n = 2, 3.
( >
1 -a
470 X. NIU and G. GLINKA

2 4 6 a

-Weight function (24)

A a/c-O.0
V a/c-O.06 Finite element data I101
cl a/c-0.4
0 e/c-l.0
Fig. 7. Comparison of the weight function based stress intensity factors with finite element data calculated
for the deepest point of a semi-elliptical surface crack in a tlat plate under bending load: c/w = 0; weight
function (24) data; finite element[lO] data.

(a) (b)



0 0 0

1 I I I I I I I I
0 2 4 d 8 0 2 4 0 8
X10“ x10“
a/t a/t
- WeiQht function (24)
A a/c-0.2
v a/c-0.4 Finite element data [Ml Finite element data il6l
q elc=OB 0 a/c=08
0 a/c= 1.0 0 a/c-l.0
Fig. 8. Comparison of the weight function baaed stress intensity factors calculated for the deepeat point
of a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate the under non-linear stress fields, c/w = 0: (a) for the
quadratic stress distribution; and (b) for the cubic stress distribution.
Weightfunctions for cracks 471

4 i
s/t a/t
- Weight function (41) - Weight function (41)
A aJc=Q.25 A a/c-O.25
z ;$ - 8.F Equation 1371 v e/c=033 Finite element data I171
0 ale-0.5
o s,c:1:0 0 a/c = 1.0
Fig. 9. Comparison of the closed form (41) weight function Fig. 10. Comparison of the weight function based stress
based stress intensity factors calculated for the deepest point intensity factors calculated for the deepest point of semi-
of semi-elliptical crack emanating from an angle comer in elliptical crack emanating from an angle comer in a finite
a finite thickness plate under tension loading with the data thickness plate under tension loading: c/w = 0, a = 45”: and
calculated on the basis of the combination (37) of simple p = amt.
weight functions, a = 45”, s/l = 0.04, c/w = 0.

Again, the comparison (Fig. 8) of stress intensity factors calculated from the weight function
(24) with the finite element data obtained by Shiratori et a1.[16] shows good agreement over the
range of aspect ratios 0.2 f a/c < 1.0 and crack depths 0 <a/t 6 0.8.

6.3. Stress intensity factors at the deepest point of surface semi-elliptical crack emanating from an
angular corner a in a jinite thickness plate
The stress intensity factors at the deepest point of a semi-elliptical surface crack emanating
from an angular comer (Fig. 4) were calculated first using the weight function (41) and eq. (37).
The calculations were carried out for tensile loading and the comer angle a = 45”. The same
through thickness stress distribution b(x) was used (Fig. 5) as in the case of the edge crack
emanating from the angular corner a = 45”. The stress intensity factors calculated by using the
weight function (41) and eq. (37) are compared in Fig. 9. The data was shown in terms of the
geometric stress intensity correction factor Y (eq. 42) multiplied by the constant 71/2 order to
separate individual curves and make the diagram more readable. The agreement between the two
sets of data was good and it proved that the choice of the reference stress intensity factor (38) was
Finally, the stress intensity correction factors obtained from the weight function (41)
were compared (Fig. 10) with the finite element data[l7] for T-butt welded joints geometrically
similar to the case shown in Fig. 4. The agreement between the two sets of data was found to be
within f 2%.

The method used for derivation of all weight functions presented above was bassed on
Bueckner-Rice formula (2) and the crack opening displacement function (3) proposed by Petroski
and Achenbach. The applicability of the Petroski-Achenbach method has been discussed in
472 X. NIU and G. GLINKA

refs[l8, 19,201. More recently it has been demonstrated[21] that stress fields with large gradients
can be used as the reference stress system provided that some requirements on the stress system
are satisfied. This indicates that it was appropriate to use the procedure in deriving the weight
function (18) which was associated with a large gradient stress system.
It should be noted that eq. (3) was derived for plane problems only. However, it was shown
that the same method can also be useful in the case of semi-elliptical surface cracks. It was found
that all weight functions derived on the basis of Petroski-Achenbach crack opening displacement
function (3) can be reduced to one general form (10). Thus, the derivation of any particular weight
function is reduced to determination of parameters M, and M,.
The first weight function was derived for an edge crack emanating from the right angle corner
in a plate of finite thickness with a step. The weight function (18) was derived using the analytical
solution of Hasebe et a1.[7,8] as the reference stress intensity factor. As a consequence, the weight
functions (18) inherits all features of this solution. Thus, the weight function (18) is valid for the
corner angle a = 90” and crack depths 0 < a/t < 0.5. The height of the step is the same as the base
plate thickness, i.e. h = t.
The second weight function (22) was the one for an edge crack emanating from an angular
corner a in a finite thickness plate with a step. Derivation of the weight function (22) required an
additional assumption because there was no available stress intensity factor solution which could
be used as the reference stress intensity factor. It was assumed (eqs 20 and 21) that the relative
effect of the corner angle a would be independent of plate thickness. This assumption and the
weight function (22) were validated against finite element stress intensity factors obtained for
similar geometrical configurations, i.e. cracks in T-butt weldments. The agreement was better than
+3% over the entire range of relative crack depths 0 < a/t < 0.5. The final curve fitting for the
polynominal expressions covered corner angles x/6 Q a < n/3. The analyses were carried out for
the step height equal to the base plate thickness, i.e. h = t. As the weight function (22) contains
the previously derived weight function (18) it is valid for the crack depth range 0 < a/t i 0.5. The
weight function (22) could be developed to the same general form as eq. (10) but, due to the simple
form of expression (22) it is left as it stands.
The third weight function (24) was developed for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a finite
thickness flat plate. The Newman-Raju solution (A2.1) for a semi-elliptical surface crack subject
to uniform tension loading was used as the reference stress intensity factor. It was also assumed
that the crack opening displacements along the minor axis of the semi-ellipse could be satisfactorily
described by eq. (3) as shown earlier by Mattheck et al.[l 11.The consequence of using eq. (3) was
that the whole analysis was reduced to one point on the crack front, i.e. to the deepest point A
of the semi-ellipse at the end of the minor axis. The weight function (24) can only be used with
one-dimensional local stress fields depending on coordinate x, since the crack opening displacement
function (3) was proposed for plane problems only. The weight function (24) has also inherited
the applicability range of the Newman-Raju formula (A2.1). Hence, the weight function (24) is
valid for aspect ratios 0 < a/c < 1 and crack depths as defined in Appendix 2. The stress intensity
factors calculated on the basis of weight function (24) are within 3% agreement with the available
finite element data.
The fourth weight function (41) was the one for a semi-elliptical surface crack emanating from
an angular corner in a finite thickness plate with a step. In addition to the same assumptions (eqs
20 and 22) made in the case of deriving the weight function (24), an assumption leading to eq. (36)
was also introduced. This additional assumption implies that the ratio of the stress intensity factor
for an edge crack in a flate plate to that of an edge crack emanating from an angular corner is
equal to the analogous ratio for semi-elliptical surface cracks of the same depth and under the same
local stress system. This lead to the stress intensity factor expression (37) given by a combination
of three weight functions derived previously. Using the following expression (38) as the reference
stress intensity factor, the weight function (41) was derived in a closed form. The validity ranges
of the weight function (41) are the same as those of the three weight functions used in expression
(38). Thus, the weight function (41) is only applicable to the deepest point of the semi-ellipse. The
local stress field must be of one dimensional nature, i.e. stress dependent only on the coordinate
x. Finally, the weight function (41) is valid for corner angles 7r/6 < u < n/3 and crack depths
0 G a/t < 0.5.
Weight functions for cracks 473

It is worth noting that the method employed above required a reference stress intensity factor
solution to be known. However, only two weight function (18) and (24) were derived from known
reference stress intensity factors. In the case of weight functions (22) and (41) reference stress
intensity factors were not readily available and assumptions had to be introduced to obtain the
required solutions by combination of simpler weight functions derived earlier. Subsequent,
application of the Petroski-Achenbach method led to the desired weight function. It is felt that
the multiple use of the Petroski-Achenbach approach can also be applied in cases other than those
described above where the reference stress intensity factor is not directly available.
It should also be emphasized that all the weight functions presented above were derived for
mode I loading only. However, it is known that in geometry configurations such as those analysed
in this paper, mixed mode situations may occur. Fortunately, the mode II contribution in the
configurations studied above is relatively small and apparent in the case of short cracks. The mode
I situation is the dominant one.
The intention of this paper was to develop tools for calculating stress intensity factors for
cracks in weldments which are often subjected to complex external loads and nonlinear residual
stresses. The application of above weight functions is the calculation of stress intensity factors for
cracks near welds such as those in T-butt weldments.
The calculations were carried out using a computer program with coded weight functions
described above. All necessary integrations and differentiations were conducted using numerical

Weight functions for cracks in flat plates and plates with corners have been derived using the
Petroski-Achenbach crack opening displacement function. It was found that the crack opening
displacement function can be applied both for one-dimensional edge cracks and for semi-elliptical
surface cracks. However, the weight functions for semi-elliptical cracks are valid only for the
deepest point on the crack front. There are five original weight functions presented in the paper:
(1) the weight function for an edge crack emanating from the right angle corner (a = 90”) in
a plate of finite thickness with a step;
(2) the weight function for an edge crack emanating from an angular corner (n/6 < a < rc/3)
in a plate of finite thickness with a step;
(3) the weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite thickness and
finite width;
(4) the weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack in a flat plate of finite thickness and
infinite width; and
(5) the weight function for a semi-elliptical surface crack emanating from an angular corner
(n/6 < a < rc/3) in a plate of finite thickness with a step and finite width.
It has been shown that the multiple use of the Petroski-Achenbach approach makes it possible
to derive weight functions in cases for which reference stress intensity factors are not readily
available. It has also been shown that application of the Petroski-Achenbach crack opening
displacement function resulted in weight functions of the same general form for all geometrical
configurations analysed in the paper. The derived weight functions were validated against available
literature data and the agreement was better than f3%.

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Bueckner’s weight function(6] for an edge crack in a plate ofJinite thickness t



M$ = 0.6147 + 17.1944(;>’ + 8.4822($

M& = 0.2502 + 3.289Q(;)1 f 70.0444@


Newman-Raju stress intensity factor[lOJ f or surface semi-elliptical crack in a finite thickness and
finite width plate under tensile loading

valid for a/t < 1.25(a/c -I-0.6) and 0 <a/c d 0.2

or a/t r; 1 and 0.2 C a/c Q co


A,=l.l3-0.09; (A2.3)
A,= -0.54+----- (A2.4)
0.2 + a/c
Weight functions for cracks 415



hi =m (A2.6)


Q = 1 + 1. ; ‘? for a Q c (A2.7)
The stress intensity factor expression (A2.1) was fitted to finite element data with an accuracy of f 5% over the crack depth
range 0 < a/t C 0.8. The accuracy of expression (A2.1) for crack depths 0.8 Q a/t d 1 is not known.


Euler numbers
E,= 1
E2= -1
E, = 5
E6= -6
E, = 1358
E,, = -5052
E,, = 2702765

E,, = - 199360981
E,, = 19391512145
E,, = -2 404 879 675 441
E m = 370 371 188 237 525.

(Received 12 Apt+/ 1989)

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