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A digital citizen is a person who participates in using online technology in an

appropriate manner. A digital footprint is a digital trail one leaves behind as

they use the internet. This is created through one's activities and communication
online. Proper digital citizenship should begin in the classroom. Students should
be taught to keep their personal information private. This prevents private
information from leaking out and being hacked by a stranger. Another
suggestion is to have a nickname instead of your real name on certain sites. This
prevents others from stalking. Teachers should teach students to think before
they post something because deleting does not mean it is gone forever. Students
need to know that pictures and words can be recovered, and it can be used
against them in the future. In my class, I have class discussion posts where
students discuss what learned and they have a chance to practice online etiquette
through commenting on their classmate’s post.

Cyberbullying is bullying someone through electronic means. This is generally

a message to hurt someone's feelings and can quickly lead to detrimental
consequences if it is not addressed. There are many ways to deal with
cyberbullying. One way is to not respond or retaliate to a cyberbully. This
prevents the problem from escalating further. Student should block the
cyberbully to prevent further communication, save the evidence instead of
deleting it, and report the online abuse. The student should tell a trusted adult
about the cyberbullying so they can step in and assist. Cyberbullying is not
tolerated in my classroom. It has never occurred, but I would immediately put a
stop to it by speaking with the student and their guardian.

Copyright protects a creator’s original work by allowing them to decide the

right to use and distribute their work. The idea is to protect a person’s work so
they can make profit. As educators, it is our duty to find out if the information
we are using is copyright materials and if we have the right to use and reproduce
it. People can use public domain as it is not copyright protected. Fair Use allows
people to use copyright information without permission. However, the
transformations need to be completely new. Fair Use allows teachers to use
copyright material for educational purposes. Teachers need to keep in mind how
much material they are copying and if it will hurt the market. Teachers need to
keep in mind that there are certain amounts of content they cannot use. To be
safe from copyright violations, teachers need to be sure to look up their source
and see if they have the right to use it, provide credit when needed, and/or cite
the source. I have been guilty of using copyright materials as a teacher. Teacher
Pay Teachers is a great website, but I have been guilty of using their material
that another teacher purchased instead of purchasing it myself. After reading the
impact it has on the creator, I will be sure to rectify my actions.

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