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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation

Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 1

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Traditional Brick ( Small Dachi Appa) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 11 I Head I 1300.00 I 14300.00 I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 34 I Head I 1200.00 I 40800.00 I 165700.00 I
I I Labour I 140 I Head I 790.00 I 110600.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Dachi Appa I 10760 I Nos. I 29.00 I 312040.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 1.5687 I m3 I 21275.00 I 33374.09 I I
I I Surkhi I 1.5687 I m3 I 14000.00 I 21961.80 I 377126.36 I

I I Sand I 3.1375 I m3 I 3107.72 I 9750.47 I I

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

I I Actual Rate I 542826.36 I

I Rate per m2:- 6242.50 I 15% OverheadI 81423.95 I

I I Total I 624250.31 I
I Rate per ft2:- 580.16 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I

I Grand Total I 624250.31 I

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 2
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Telia Brick in Machin made 8"X8"(1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar with (1:1) lime _____________________________________
surkhi pointing
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I ______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
_____________I Tradi. Mason I 4.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 5400.00 I 8955.00 I
I Labour I Labour I 4.5 I Head I 790.00 I 3555.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Telia Brick I 254 I Nos. I 35.50 I 9017.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.177 I m3 I 21275.00 I 3765.68 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.177 I m3 I 14000.00 I 2478.00 I 15674.01 I
I I Sand I 0.133 I m3 I 3107.72 I 413.33 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 24629.01 I
I Rate per m2:- 2832.34 I 15% OverheadI 3694.35 I
I I Total I 28323.36 I
I Rate per ft2:- 263.23 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 28323.36 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 1

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 3

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100

Item:- New Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay

_____________________________________________________ __________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
_____________I Awale I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 12 I Head I 1700.00 I 20400.00 I I
I I Awale I 12 I Head I 1400.00 I 16800.00 I 92500.00 I
I I Labour I 70 I Head I 790.00 I 55300.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Jhingati I 19368 I Nos. I 11.25 I 217890.00 I I
I Material I Clay I 11.25 I m3 I 318.60 I 3584.25 I 221474.25 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 313974.25 I
I Rate per m2:- 3610.70 I 15% OverheadI 47096.14 I
I I Total I 361070.39 I
I Rate per ft2:- 335.57 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 361070.39 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 4 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Old Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying on roof with 3" clay
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Awale I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 12 I Head I 1700.00 I 20400.00 I I
_____________I Awale I 12 I Head I 1400.00 I 16800.00 I 92500.00 I
I I Labour I 70 I Head I 790.00 I 55300.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Jhingati I 19368 I Nos. I 8.00 I 154944.00 I I
I Material I Clay I 11.25 I m3 I 318.60 I 3584.25 I 158528.25 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 251028.25 I
I Rate per m2:- 2886.82 I 15% OverheadI 37654.24 I
I I Total I 288682.49 I
I Rate per ft2:- 268.29 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 288682.49 I
I I __________________ Approved by:-
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 2
Government of Nepal
I Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation I

Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 5

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10

Item:- Brick soling on edge in lime, surkhi and sand (1:1:3)


Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount

_____________ _______________________________ I ____________ _____________________________________
I Labour I I
_____________I Tradi. Mason I 1.1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1320.00 I 2742.00 I
I I Labour I 1.8 I Head I 790.00 I 1422.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Local Bricks I 750 I Nos. I 14.54 I 10905.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.103 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2191.33 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.103 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1442.00 I 15498.62 I
I I Sand I 0.309 I m3 I 3107.72 I 960.29 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 18240.62 I
I Rate per m2:- 2097.67 I 15% OverheadI 2736.09 I
I I Total I 20976.71 I
I Rate per ft2:- 194.95 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 20976.71 I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 6 I
I Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Old Brick soling on edge in lime, surkhi and sand (1:1:3)

_____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________ ______________________________ _______________________________ I _____________
Labour I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 1.1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1320.00 I 2742.00 I
I I Labour I 1.8 I Head I 790.00 I 1422.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Lime I 0.103 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2191.33 I I
I Material I Surkhi I 0.103 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1442.00 I I
I I Sand I 0.309 I m3 I 3107.72 I 960.29 I 4593.62 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 7335.62 I
I Rate per m2:- 843.60 I 15% OverheadI 1100.34 I
I I Total I 8435.96 I
I Rate per ft2:- 78.40 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 8435.96 I
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________I
Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:- I
____ ____________ I

Page 3
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 7
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Highly Dressed stone wall in lime surkhi ,sand (1:1:2)__not > 60 cm.Thick
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 34126.80 I
I I Labour I 37.92 I Head I 790.00 I 29956.80 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Block stone I 1.00 I M3 I 2224.85 I 2224.85 I I
I Material I Bond stone I 0.10 IM3 I 2224.85 I 222.49 I I
I I Lime I 0.1125 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2393.44 I 7355.02 I
I I Surkhi I 0.1125 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1575.00 I I
I I Sand I 0.225 I m3 I 3107.72 I 699.24 I I
I Kuri I 4 I Nos. I 60.00 I 240.00 I I
I I ___________ I ____________ I
I ____________ Rate per m3:- 47704.09 I Actual Rate I 41481.82 I
I I 15% OverheadI 6222.27 I
I Rate per ft3:- 1350.82 I Total I 47704.09 I
I __________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
__Grand Total 47704.09
__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 8

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Highly Dressed stone wall in lime surkhi ,sand (1:1:2) with old stone__not > 60 cm.Thick
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 19148.40 I
I I Labour I 18.96 I Head I 790.00 I 14978.40 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Lime I 0.1125 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2393.44 I I
I Material I Surkhi I 0.1125 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1575.00 I I
I I Sand I 0.225 I m3 I 3107.72 I 699.24 I 4667.68 I
I _____________________________________________________________I ___________ I I
I Rate per m2:- 27388.49 I Actual Rate I 23816.08 I
I I 15% OverheadI 3572.41 I
I Rate per ft2:- 775.55 I Total I 27388.49 I
I ____________ __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
Grand Total I 27388.49 I
Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:- I

Page 4
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 9
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Nepali Sal wood work for beam,joist,column etc.(8'-0" to 12'-0")
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Carpenter I 17.65 I Head I 1125.00 I 19856.25 I I
I Labour I Labour I 1.76 I Head I 790.00 I 1390.40 I 21246.65 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Salwood I 1.05 I m3 I 220718.75 I 231754.69 I I
I Material I Nail I 0.50 I kg I 120.00 I 60.00 I 231814.69 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 253061.34 I
I Rate per m3:- 291020.54 I 15% OverheadI 37959.20 I
I I Total I 291020.54 I
I Rate per ft3:- 8240.71 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 291020.54 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 10
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 5" Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I I Traditional I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 650.00 I
I I Tradi. Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I 3279.50 I
I I Labour I 1.05 I Head I 790.00 I 829.50 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Peti Stone I 10.5 I r.m. I 4592.00 I 48216.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.029 I m3 I 21275.00 I 616.98 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.029 I m3 I 14000.00 I 406.00 I 49329.10 I
I I Sand I 0.029 I m3 I 3107.72 I 90.12 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 52608.60 I
I Rate per m:- 6049.99 I 15% OverheadI 7891.29 I
I I Total I 60499.89 I
I Rate per ft:- 1844.51 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 60499.89 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by_____________ ______________ I

Page 5
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation

Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 11
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Chimney Brick work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 1950.00 I I
I I Labour I 2.2 I Head I 790.00 I 1738.00 I 4241.00 I
I I Labour I 0.7 I Head I 790.00 I 553.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 560 I Nos. I 14.54 I 8142.40 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 11772.81 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 16013.81 I
I Rate per m3:- 18415.88 I 15% OverheadI 2402.07 I
I I Total I 18415.88 I
I Rate per ft3:- 521.47 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 18415.88 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 12 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Double bamboo Scaffolding works
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I _____________
I Head Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1300.00 I 1398.80 I
I Labour I Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1200.00 I 1291.20 I I
I I Labour I 59.18 I Head I 790.00 I 46752.20 49442.20 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Bamboo I 58 I Nos. I 210.00 I 6090.00 I I
I Material I coconut rope I 757 I Nos. I 13.20 I 9992.40 I 16082.40 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Note: The bamboos are to be used twice (0.5x210=115) I Actual Rate __ 65524.60 I
I Rate per m2:- 753.53 I 15% OverheadI 9828.69 I
I I Total I 75353.29 I
I Rate per ft2:- 70.03 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 75353.29 I
I I __________________ Approved by:- ___________ _____________ I ____________ I

Page 6
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 13 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Single bamboo Scaffolding works
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Head Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1300.00 I 1398.80 I I
I I Labour I 29.59 I Head I 790.00 I 23376.10 24774.90 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Bamboo I 32 I Nos. I 210.00 I 3360.00 I I
I Material I coconut rope I 430 I Nos. I 13.20 I 5676.00 I 9036.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Note: The bamboos are to be used twice ((0.5x210=115) I Actual Rate __ 33810.90 I
I Rate per m2:- 388.83 I 15% OverheadI 5071.64 I
I I Total I 38882.54 I
I Rate per ft2:- 36.14 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Grand Total __ 38882.54 I
___________ _____________ I ____________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 14 I

Fiscal Year:- Rate Analysis for:- 1 I
Item:- Middle class Gongacha (Corner bird) fixing works
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I __________
I Labour I I I I I I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I Gongacha I 1 I Nos. I 276.00 I 276.00 I 276.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 276.00 I
I Rate per No.:- 317.40 I 15% OverheadI 41.40 I
I I Total I 317.40 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 317.40 I
I ___________ _____________ I ____________ I

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

I __________________ Approved by:-

Page 7
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 15 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- Jhingati Nailing works
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Labour I Labour I 1.00 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I 790.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I Nail I 0.1 I kg. I 112.00 I 11.20 I 11.20 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 801.20 I
I Rate per r.m.:- 92.14 I 15% OverheadI 120.18 I
I I Total I 921.38 I
I Rate per r.ft.:- 28.09 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 921.38 I
I ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 16 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Dhuri Chang (horizontal and vertical)works
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I __________
I Awale Head I 3.5 I Head I 1700.00 I 5950.00 I
I Labour I Awale I 2 I Head I 1400.00 I 2800.00 I I
I I Labour I 12 I Head I 790.00 I 9480.00 18230.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Vertical Dhuri I 5904 I Nos. I 25.00 I 147600.00 I I
I Material I Horizontal Dhuri I 656 I Nos. I 25.00 I 16400.00 I 164000.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 182230.00 I
I Rate per r.m:- 2095.65 I 15% OverheadI 27334.50 I
I I Total I 209564.50 I
I Rate per r.ft:- 638.92 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 209564.50 I

Approved by:-

I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I


Page 8
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 17 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Dhuri Chang (horizontal and vertical)__large sized works
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Awale Head I 3.5 I Head I 1700.00 I 5950.00 I
I Labour I Awale I 2 I Head I 1400.00 I 2800.00 I I
I I Labour I 12 I Head I 790.00 I 9480.00 18230.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Vertical Dhuri I 4500 I Nos. I 84.00 I 378000.00 I I
I Material I Horizontal Dhuri I 656 I Nos. I 84.00 I 55104.00 I 433104.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 451334.00 I
I Rate per r.m:- 5190.34 I 15% OverheadI 67700.10 I
I I Total I 519034.10 I
I Rate per r.ft:- 1582.42 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 519034.10 I
I ___________ _____________ I ____________ I

Page 9
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 19
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- 1"thick Nepali Sal wood planking works
____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
Trad.Head Carp I 0.00 I Head I 1300.00 0.00
I I Tradi.Carpenter I 14.30 I Head I 1200.00 I 17160.00 I
I Labour I Labour I 1.43 I Head I 790.00 I 1129.70 I 18289.70 I
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ ______________ I
I I Salwood I 2.75 I m3 I 197764.00 I 543851.00 I I
I Material I Nail I 20.00 I kg I 112.00 I 2240.00 I 546091.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I I Actual Rate I 564380.70 I
I Rate per m2:- 6490.38 I 15% OverheadI 84657.11 I
I I Total I 649037.81 I
I Rate per ft2:- 603.20 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 649037.81 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 10
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 20 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 I
Item:- Earth work in Exacavation---soft and silty clay
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I _____________
I Labour I Labour I 0.7 I Head I 790.00 I 553.00 553.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Tools and I I I I I I
I Material I Equipment I 3% of labour I I 16.59 I 16.59 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 569.59 I
I Rate per m3:- 655.03 I 15% OverheadI 85.44 I
I I Total I 655.03 I
I Rate per ft3:- 18.55 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 655.03 I
I ___________ _____________ I ____________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 21 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 I
Item:- Earth work in Exacavation---Hard clay with soft stone
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Labour I Labour I 0.8 I Head I 790.00 I 632.00 632.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Tools and I I I I I I
I Material I Equipment I 3% of labour I I 18.96 I 18.96 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 650.96 I
I Rate per m3:- 748.60 I 15% OverheadI 97.64 I
I I Total I 748.60 I
I Rate per ft3:- 21.20 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 748.60 I
I ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I

Approved by:-

Page 11
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 22
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Lime Concrete in Foundation and wall in (1:2:4) lime, sand and brick ballast.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Labour I Tradi. Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I 3760.00 I
I I Labour I 4 I Head I 790.00 I 3160.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.224 I m3 I 21275.00 I 4765.60 I I
I I Brick Ballast I 0.85 I m3 I 2500.00 I 2125.00 I 8273.54 I
I I Sand I 0.445 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1382.94 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 12033.54 I
I Rate per m3:- 13838.57 I 15% OverheadI 1805.03 I
I I Total I 13838.57 I
I Rate per ft3:- 391.86 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 13838.57 I
Approved by:-
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 23
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Chimney Brick on edge Soling
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I 3767.50 I
I I Labour I 3.25 I Head I 790.00 I 2567.50 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 750 I Nos. I 14.54 I 10905.00 I I
I Material I Sand I 0.71 I m3 I 3107.72 I 2206.48 I 13111.48 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 16878.98 I
I Rate per m2:- 1941.08 I 15% OverheadI 2531.85 I
I I Total I 19410.83 I
I Rate per ft2:- 180.40 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 19410.83 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Page 12
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 24
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Chimney Brick on flat Soling
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I 1390.00 I
I I Labour I 1 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 420 I Nos. I 14.54 I 6106.80 I I
I Material I Sand I 0.71 I m3 I 3107.72 I 2206.48 I 8313.28 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 9703.28 I
I Rate per m2:- 1115.88 I 15% OverheadI 1455.49 I
I I Total I 11158.77 I
I Rate per ft2:- 103.71 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 11158.77 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 25

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Chimney Brick work in mud mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 3096.00 I
I I Labour I 0.7 I Head I 790.00 I 553.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 560 I Nos. I 14.54 I 8142.40 I I
I Material I Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 318.60 I 133.81 I 8276.21 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 11372.21 I
I Rate per m3:- 13078.04 I 15% OverheadI 1705.83 I
I I Total I 13078.04 I
I Rate per ft3:- 370.33 I I I
Grand Total 13078.04

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Approved by:-

Page 13
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 26
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Chimney Brick work in mud mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2701.00 I
I I Labour I 0.2 I Head I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 560 I Nos. I 14.54 I 8142.40 I I
I Material I Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 318.60 I 133.81 I 8276.21 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 10977.21 I
I Rate per m3:- 12623.79 I 15% OverheadI 1646.58 I
I I Total I 12623.79 I
I Rate per ft3:- 357.46 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 12623.79 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 27

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Dismantling Chimney Brick work in mud mortar and throwing 10 metre away.
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
Labour I Labour I 1.06 I Head I 790.00 I 837.40 I 837.40 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Actual Rate I 837.40 I
Rate per m3:- 963.01 I 15% OverheadI 125.61 I
I Total I 963.01 I
Rate per ft3:- 27.28 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 963.01 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

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Approved by:-

Page 14
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 28
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Dismantling Chimney Brick work in cemnt mortar and throwing 10 metre away.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Labour I 2.12 I Head I 790.00 I 1674.80 I 1674.80 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 1674.80 I
I Rate per m3:- 1926.02 I 15% OverheadI 251.22 I
I I Total I 1926.02 I
I Rate per ft3:- 54.54 I I I
Grand Total 1926.02
Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 29

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Dismantling R.C.C. or R.B.C work and throwing 10 metre away.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Labour I 11 I Head I 790.00 I 8690.00 I 8690.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 8690.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 9993.50 I 15% OverheadI 1303.50 I
I I Total I 9993.50 I
I Rate per ft3:- 282.98 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 9993.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

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Page 15
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Item No:- 30

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1

Item:- Dismantling Plain cement or lime concrete and throwing 10 metre away.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Labour I 4 I Head I 790.00 I 3160.00 I 3160.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 3160.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 3634.00 I 15% OverheadI 474.00 I
I I Total I 3634.00 I
I Rate per ft3:- 102.90 I I I
Grand Total 3634.00

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 31

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Dismantling Cement or Lime Plaster and throwing 10 metre away.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Labour I 0.108 I Head I 790.00 I 85.32 I 85.32 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 85.32 I
I Rate per m3:- 98.12 I 15% OverheadI 12.80 I
I I Total I 98.12 I
I Rate per ft3:- 2.78 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 98.12 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Page 16
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis Item no:- 32

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1

Item:- Dismantling Jhingati roofing and throwing 10 metre away.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Tradi.Mason I 0.054 I Head I 1200.00 I 64.80 I I
I Labour I Labour I 0.081 I Head I 790.00 I 63.99 I 128.79 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 128.79 I
I Rate per m3:- 148.11 I 15% OverheadI 19.32 I
I I Total I 148.11 I
I Rate per ft3:- 13.76 I I I
Grand Total 148.11

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 33

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Dismantling Tile roofing and throwing 10 metre away.
____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I .Mason I 0.054 I Head I 1125.00 I 60.75 I I
I Labour I Labour I 0.081 I Head I 790.00 I 63.99 I 124.74 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 124.74 I
I Rate per m3:- 143.45 I 15% OverheadI 18.71 I
I I Total I 143.45 I
I Rate per ft3:- 13.33 I I I
Grand Total 143.45

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Approved by:-

Page 17
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 34
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma Appa (Traditional Local Brick--large) work in yellow mud mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Tradi. Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2701.00 I
I I Labour I 0.2 I Head I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Ma Appa I 550 I Nos. I 0.00 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Yellow Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 1000.00 I 420.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 2701.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 0.00 I 15% OverheadI 405.15 I
I I Total I 3106.15 I
I Rate per ft3:- 0.00 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 35

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma Appa (Traditional Local Brick--small) work in yellow mud mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Tradi. Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2701.00 I
I I Labour I 0.2 I Head I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Ma Appa I 610 I Nos. I 22.00 I 13420.00 I I
I Material I Yellow Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 1000.00 I 420.00 I 13840.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 16541.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 19022.15 I 15% OverheadI 2481.15 I
I I Total I 19022.15 I
I Rate per ft3:- 538.64 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 19022.15 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-
Approved by:-

Page 18
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 36
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma Appa (Traditional Local Brick--large) work in yellow mud mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Tradi. Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 3096.00 I
I I Labour I 0.7 I Head I 790.00 I 553.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Ma Appa I 550 I Nos. I 0.00 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Yellow Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 1000.00 I 420.00 I 420.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 3516.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 0.00 I 15% OverheadI 527.40 I
I I Total I 4043.40 I
I Rate per ft3:- 0.00 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 37

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma Appa (Traditional Local Brick--small) work in yellow mud mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Tradi. Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 3096.00 I
I I Labour I 0.7 I Head I 790.00 I 553.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Ma Appa I 610 I Nos. I 22.00 I 13420.00 I I
I Material I Yellow Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 1000.00 I 420.00 I 13840.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 16936.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 19476.40 I 15% OverheadI 2540.40 I
I I Total I 19476.40 I
I Rate per ft3:- 551.51 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 19476.40 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-
Approved by:-

Page 19
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 38
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Two layers of plastic felt laying on roofing with bitumen.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 2.3 I Head I 1125.00 I 2587.50 I I
I I Labour I 4.6 I Head I 790.00 I 3634.00 I 6221.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I plastic felt I 22 I M2 I 117.75 I 2590.50 I I
I Bitumen I 25 I kg. I 109.52 2738.00
I Material I Sand I 0.31 I m3 I 3107.72 I 0.00 I 5328.50 I
I fire wood I 80 I kg. I 18.00 I 0.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 11550.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 1328.25 I 15% OverheadI 1732.50 I
I I Total I 13282.50 I
I Rate per ft2:- 123.44 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 13282.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 39

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Single layers of plastic felt laying on roofing with bitumen
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1.1 I Head I 1125.00 I 1237.50 I I
I I Labour I 3.5 I Head I 790.00 I 2765.00 I 4002.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I plasticfelt I 11 I M2 I 117.75 I 1295.25 I I
I Bitumen I 15 I kg. I 109.52 1642.80
I Material I Sand I 0.31 I m3 I 3107.72 I 0.00 I 2938.05 I
I fire wood I 60 I kg. I 18.00 I 0.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 6940.55 I
I Rate per m2:- 798.16 I 15% OverheadI 1041.08 I
I I Total I 7981.63 I
I Rate per ft2:- 74.18 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 7981.63 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-

Page 20
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 40
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Traditional Brick (Small Dachi Appa) work in (1:4)cement sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 11 I Head I 1300.00 I 14300.00 I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 34 I Head I 1200.00 I 40800.00 I 165700.00 I
I I Labour I 140 I Head I 790.00 I 110600.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Dachi Appa I 10760 I Nos. I 29.00 I 312040.00 I I
I Material I Cement I 1.275 I mt I 16100.00 I 20527.50 I 342574.36 I
I I Sand I 3.22 I m3 I 3107.72 I 10006.86 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 508274.36 I
I Rate per m2:- 5845.16 I 15% OverheadI 76241.15 I
I I Total I 584515.51 I
I Rate per ft2:- 543.23 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 584515.51 I

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 41
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Traditional Brick (Dachi Appa-large size) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 11 I Head I 1300.00 I 14300.00 I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 34 I Head I 1200.00 I 40800.00 I 165700.00 I
I I Labour I 140 I Head I 790.00 I 110600.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Dachi Appa I 9486 I Nos. I 0.00 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 1.006 I m3 I 21275.00 I 21402.65 I I
I I Surkhi I 1.006 I m3 I 14000.00 I 14084.00 I 41739.38 I
I I Sand I 2.012 I m3 I 3107.72 I 6252.73 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 207439.38 I
I Rate per m2:- 0.00 I 15% OverheadI 31115.91 I
I I Total I 238555.29 I
I Rate per ft2:- 0.00 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 21
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 42

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1

Item:- Disposing waste materials by Tractor (small) including labour

_____________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I _____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Material I Tractor fare I 1 I No. I 0.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 0.00 I
I Rate per no. 0.00 I 15% OverheadI 0.00 I
I I Total I 0.00 I
I Rate per no. 0.00 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 43

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10

Item:- Iron belt for Eaves Board

_________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I _____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Labour I Tradi.Carpenter I 0.3 I No. I 1200.00 I 360.00 I 360.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Iron belt I 10 I nos. I 121.00 I 1210.00 I I
I Material I Nails I L.S. I I I 5.00 I 1215.00 I
I I Actual Rate I 1575.00 I
I Rate per no. 181.13 I 15% OverheadI 236.25 I
I I Total I 1811.25 I
I Rate per no. 181.13 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 1811.25 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:-
I I __________________ Approved by:- ____________________

Page 22
I Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis 44
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1

Item:- Wind Bell 4"

_____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I _____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Material I Wind bell I 1 I No. I 476.00 I 476.00 I 476.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 476.00 I
I Rate per no. 547.40 I 15% OverheadI 71.40 I
I I Total I 547.40 I
I Rate per no. 547.40 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 547.40 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 45 I
I Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Terracota Carnesh of Two layers over wooden carnesh

_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________ ______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
Labour I I
I I Mason for carving I 0.2 I Head I 1420.00 I 284.00 I 323.50 I
I I Labour I 0.05 I Head I 790.00 I 39.50 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Carnesh Brick I 15 I nos. I 33.00 I 495.00 I 495.00 I
I ___________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 818.50 I
I Rate per r.m:- 941.28 I 15% OverheadI 122.78 I
I I Total I 941.28 I
I Rate per r.ft:- 286.98 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 941.28 I
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________I
Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:- I
____ ____________ I

Page 23
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 46
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- One side Dressed (Ashlar masonry) stone wall in lime surkhi ,sand (1:1:2)__not > 45 cm.Thick
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 19970.00 I
I I Labour I 20 I Head I 790.00 I 15800.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Block stone I 1.00 I M3 I 2224.85 I 2224.85 I I
I Material I Bond stone I 0.10 IM3 I 2224.85 I 222.49 I I
I I Lime I 0.138 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2935.95 I 8174.57 I
I I Surkhi I 0.138 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1932.00 I I
I I Sand I 0.2765 I m3 I 3107.72 I 859.28 I I
I I ___________ I ____________ I
I ____________ Rate per m3:- 32366.26 I Actual Rate I 28144.57 I
I I 15% OverheadI 4221.69 I
I Rate per ft3:- 916.50 I Total I 32366.26 I
I __________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
__Grand Total 32366.26
__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 47

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- One side Dressed (Ashlar masonry) stone wall in cement ,sand (1:4)__not > 45 cm.Thick
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 19970.00 I
I I Labour I 20 I Head I 790.00 I 15800.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Block stone I 1.00 I M3 I 2224.85 I 2224.85
I Bond stone I 0.10 IM3 I 2224.85 I 222.49
I Material I Cement I 0.135 I m.t. I 16100.00 I 2173.50 I I
I I Sand I 0.36 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1118.78 I 5739.62 I
I _____________________________________________________________I ___________ I ____________ I
I Rate per m3:- 29566.06 I Actual Rate I 25709.62 I
I I 15% OverheadI 3856.44 I
I Rate per ft3:- 837.21 I Total I 29566.06 I
I ____________ __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
Grand Total I 29566.06 I
Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:- I

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 48
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Lhakayan works ( taking two number in one set )
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Tradi.mason I 0.1 I Head I 1200.00 I 120.00 I I
I Labour I Labour I 0.25 I Head I 790.00 I 197.50 I 317.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lhakayan I 10.10 I set I 5500.00 I 55550.00 I 55550.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 55867.50 I
I Rate per set 6424.76 I 15% OverheadI 8380.13 I
I I Total I 64247.63 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 64247.63 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 49

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 5" Peti Stone work in (1:4) cement sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I I Traditional I I I I I
I Labour I Carpenter I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I
I I Tradi. Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I 3229.50 I
I I Labour I 1.05 I Head I 790.00 I 829.50 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Peti Stone I 10.5 I m I 4592.00 I 48216.00 I I
I Material I Cement I 0.042 I m.t. I 16100.00 I 676.20 I 49153.25 I
I I Sand I 0.084 I m3 I 3107.72 I 261.05 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 52382.75 I
I Rate per m:- 6024.02 I 15% OverheadI 7857.41 I
I I Total I 60240.16 I
I Rate per ft:- 1836.59 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 60240.16 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by_____________ ______________ I

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 50
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Corner /Nhekan Stone work ( 23cm.*23cm.*35cm.)
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I I Traditional I I I I I
I Labour I Head mason I 0.03 I Head I 1300.00 I 39.00 I
I I Labour I 0.02 I Head I 790.00 I 15.80 I 54.80 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Corner Stone I 1 I No. I 1900.00 I 1900.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.001 I m3 I 21275.00 I 21.28 I 1921.28 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 1976.08 I
I Rate per no.:- 2272.49 I 15% OverheadI 296.41 I
I I Total I 2272.49 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 2272.49 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 51

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Highly Dressed stone wall in cement sand (1:4)__both face dressed with 4"thick stone
layer by layer --30cm.thick wall
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 3 I Head I 1125.00 I 0.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I mason I 71 I Head I 1125.00 I 0.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Block stone I 1.00 I M3 I 2224.85 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Bond stone I 0.10 IM3 I 2224.85 I 0.00 I I
I I Cement I 0.135 I m.t. I 16100.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I Sand I 0.36 I m3 I 3107.72 I 0.00 I I
I I ___________ I ____________ I
I Rate per m3:- 0.00 I Actual Rate I 0.00 I
I I 15% OverheadI 0.00 I
I Rate per ft3:- 0.00 I Total I 0.00 I
I __________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
__Grand Total 0.00

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 52
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Highly Dressed stone wall in cement sand (1:4)__both face dressed with 4" to to 6" thick
stone layer by layer not less than30cm.thick wall
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 2.5 I Head I 1125.00 I 2812.50 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 47842.50 I
I I mason I 37.92 I Head I 1125.00 I 42660.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Block stone I 1.00 I M3 I 2224.85 I 2224.85 I I
I Material I Bond stone I 0.10 IM3 I 2224.85 I 222.49 I I
I I Cement I 0.135 I m.t. I 16100.00 I 2173.50 I 5979.62 I
I I Sand I 0.36 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1118.78 I I
I kuri 4.00 nos 60.00 I 240.00 I ____________ I
I Rate per m3:- 61895.44 I Actual Rate I 53822.12 I
I I 15% OverheadI 8073.32 I
I Rate per ft3:- 1752.67 I Total I 61895.44 I
I __________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
__Grand Total 61895.44

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 53

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 7
Item:- Highly Dressed facing stone wall in cement sand (1:4)__with 4" to to 6" thick stone

_____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 2.5 I Head I 1125.00 I 2812.50 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 47842.50 I
I I mason I 37.92 I Head I 1125.00 I 42660.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Block stone I 1.00 I M3 I 2224.85 I 2224.85 I I
I Material I Bond stone I 0.10 IM3 I 2224.85 I 222.49 I I
I I Cement I 0.135 I m.t. I 16100.00 I 2173.50 I 5979.62 I
I I Sand I 0.36 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1118.78 I I
I kuri 4.00 nos 60.00 I 240.00 I ____________ I
I Rate per m2:- 8842.21 I Actual Rate I 53822.12 I
I I 15% OverheadI 8073.32 I
I Rate per ft2:- 821.77 I Total I 61895.44 I
I __________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
__Grand Total 61895.44

Page 27
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 54 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- 20 gauge Brass plate making and fixing on roof.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I H. Metal worker I 1 I Head I 1300.00 I 1300.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 3.33 I Head I 1200.00 I 3996.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9246.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Brass sheet I 86.9 I kg. I 1127.00 I 97936.30 I 97936.30 I
Nail, silicon,mseal
__________________________________________________________________________ 2178.90
I I etc @ 20.25/ft2 _ l/s _______ ___________ _____________ I I
I I Actual Rate __ 109361.20 I
I Rate per m2:- 12576.54 I 15% OverheadI 16404.18 I
I I Total I 125765.38 I
I Rate per ft2:- 1168.82 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Grand Total __ 125765.38 I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 55 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 I
Item:- Making and fixing of Bhairab of 20 gauge Brass plate
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I H. Metal worker I 0.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 650.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I I
I I Labour I 0.5 I Head I 790.00 I 395.00 1645.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Brass sheet I 0.09 I kg. I 1127.00 I 101.43 I 101.43 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 1746.43 I
I Rate per no.:- 2008.39 I 15% OverheadI 261.96 I
I I Total I 2008.39 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 2008.39 I
I ___________ _____________ I ____________ I

Page 28
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 56 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- 20 gauge Copper plate making and fixing on roof.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I H. Metal worker I 1 I Head I 1300.00 I 1300.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 3.33 I Head I 1200.00 I 3996.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9246.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Copper sheet I 86.9 I kg. I 1485.00 I 129046.50 I 129046.50 I
Nail, silicon,mseal
__________________________________________________________________________ 2178.90
I I etc @ 20.25/ft2 _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I I
I I Actual Rate __ 140471.40 I
I Rate per m2:- 16154.21 I 15% OverheadI 21070.71 I
I I Total I 161542.11 I
I Rate per ft2:- 1501.32 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 161542.11 I
___________ _____________ ______________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 57 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 I
Item:- Making and fixing of Bhairab of 20 gauge Copper plate
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I H. Metal worker I 0.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 650.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I I
I I Labour I 0.5 I Head I 790.00 I 395.00 1645.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Copper sheet I 0.09 I kg. I 1485.00 I 133.65 I 133.65 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 1778.65 I
I Rate per no.:- 2045.45 I 15% OverheadI 266.80 I
I I Total I 2045.45 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 2045.45 I
I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 29
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 58 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- 22 gauge Copper plate making and fixing on roof.(Indian)
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I H. Metal worker I 1 I Head I 1300.00 I 1300.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 3.33 I Head I 1200.00 I 3996.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9246.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 22 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Copper sheet I 69.04 I kg. I 1485.00 I 102524.40 I 102524.40 I
Nail, silicon,mseal
__________________________________________________________________________ 2178.90
I I etc @ 20.25/ft2 _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I I
I I Actual Rate __ 113949.30 I
I Rate per m2:- 13104.17 I 15% OverheadI 17092.40 I
I I Total I 131041.70 I
I Rate per ft2:- 1217.86 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 131041.70 I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 59 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- 26 gauge Copper plate making and fixing on roof.(Indian)
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________
I H. Metal worker I 1 I Head I 1300.00 I 1300.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 3.33 I Head I 1200.00 I 3996.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9246.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Copper sheet I 55.88 I kg. I 1485.00 I 82981.80 I 82981.80 I
Nail, silicon,mseal
__________________________________________________________________________ 2178.90
I I etc @ 20.25/ft2 _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I I
I I Actual Rate __ 94406.70 I
I Rate per m2:- 10856.77 I 15% OverheadI 14161.01 I
I I Total I 108567.71 I
I Rate per ft2:- 1008.99 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Grand Total __ 108567.71 I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 30
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 60 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- 22 gauge Brass plate making and fixing on roof.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I H. Metal worker I 1 I Head I 1300.00 I 1300.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 3.33 I Head I 1200.00 I 3996.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9246.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Brass sheet I 69.04 I kg. I 1127.00 I 77808.08 I 77808.08 I
Nail, silicon,mseal
__________________________________________________________________________ 2178.90
I I etc @ 20.25/ft2 _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I I
I I Actual Rate __ 89232.98 I
I Rate per m2:- 10261.79 I 15% OverheadI 13384.95 I
I I Total I 102617.93 I
I Rate per ft2:- 953.70 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 102617.93 I
Approved by:-
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 61 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 I
Item:- 26 gauge Brass plate making and fixing on roof.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I H. Metal worker I 1 I Head I 1300.00 I 1300.00 I
I Labour I Metal worker I 3.33 I Head I 1200.00 I 3996.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9246.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I 20 gauge I I I I I I
I Material I Brass sheet I 55.88 I kg. I 1127.00 I 62976.76 I 62976.76 I
Nail, silicon,mseal
__________________________________________________________________________ 2178.90
I I etc @ 20.25/ft2 _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I I
I I Actual Rate __ 74401.66 I
I Rate per m2:- 8556.19 I 15% OverheadI 11160.25 I
I I Total I 85561.91 I
I Rate per ft2:- 795.18 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 85561.91 I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I

Approved by:-

Page 31
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 62
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Gold gilding work (new coat) 1/4 tola per sq.ft
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Gold gilder I 215 I Head I 1200.00 I 258000.00 I 258000.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Mercuey I 3.76 I tola I 3498.00 I 13152.48 I I
Goal @ 1/4 tola per
I Material I sft. I 26.9 I tola I 3498.00 I 94096.20 I 108248.68 I
I I safty measure _ l/s _______ _ 1000.00 __ 1000.00 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 366248.68 I
I Rate per m2:- 42118.60 I 15% OverheadI 54937.30 I
I I Total I 421185.98 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3914.37 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 421185.98 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 63

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1.772
Item:- Window carving (except lattice jali) including wood
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 4 I Head I 1500.00 I 6000.00 I I
I I Carver I 35 I Head I 1420.00 I 49700.00 I 70110.00 I
I Carpenter I 10 I Head I 1125.00 11250.00
I I Labour I 4 I Head I 790.00 I 3160.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 6.883 I cft. I 5800.00 I 39921.40 I 39921.40 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 110031.40
I Rate per m2:- 71408.64 I 15% OverheadI 16504.71 I
I I Total I 126536.11 I
I Rate per ft2:- 6636.49 I I I
Grand Total 126536.11

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Page 32
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 64
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 0.92
Item:- Carved salwood Lattice (jali) of Carved Window highly carving including wood
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 6 I Head I 1500.00 I 9000.00 I I
I I Carver I 18 I Head I 1420.00 I 25560.00 I 40975.00 I
I Carpenter I 5 I Head I 1125.00 5625.00
I I Labour I 1 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 1.6238 I cft. I 5800.00 I 9418.04 I 9418.04 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 50393.04 I
I Rate per m2:- 62991.30 I 15% OverheadI 7558.96 I
I I Total I 57952.00 I
I Rate per ft2:- 5854.21 I I I
Grand Total 57952.00

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I


Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 65

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 0.92
Item:- Carved salwood Lattice (jali) of Carved Window (second type) including wood
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 3 I Head I 1500.00 I 4500.00 I I
I I Carver I 6 I Head I 1420.00 I 8520.00 I 19435.00 I
I Carpenter I 5 I Head I 1125.00 5625.00
I I Labour I 1 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Sal wood I 1.299 I cft. I 5800.00 I 7534.20 I 7534.20 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 26969.20 I
I Rate per m2:- 33711.50 I 15% OverheadI 4045.38 I
I I Total I 31014.58 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3133.04 I I I
Grand Total 31014.58

Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-

Page 33
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 66
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1.06
Item:- Wooden Column highly carving works excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 2 I Head I 1500.00 I 3000.00 I I
I I Carver I 25 I Head I 1420.00 I 35500.00 I 45370.00 I
I Carpenter I 4 I Head I 1125.00 4500.00
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 0 I cft. I 6250.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 45370.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 49222.17 I 15% OverheadI 6805.50 I
I I Total I 52175.50 I
I Rate per ft2:- 4574.55 I I I
Grand Total 52175.50

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 67

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1.75
Item:- Wooden Column carving work excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 3 I Head I 1500.00 I 4500.00 I I
I I Carver I 30 I Head I 1420.00 I 42600.00 I 54270.00 I
I Carpenter I 4 I Head I 1200.00 4800.00
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 3.75 I cft. I I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 54270.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 35663.14 I 15% OverheadI 8140.50 I
I I Total I 62410.50 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3314.42 I I I
Grand Total 62410.50

Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-

Page 34
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 68
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 0.2812
Item:- Salwood Carved Mirap works including wood(between careved Post)
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 0.5 I Head I 1500.00 I 750.00 I I
I I Carver I 6 I Head I 1420.00 I 8520.00 I 11185.00 I
I Carpenter I 1 I Head I 1125.00 1125.00
I I Labour I 1 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 0.7413 I cft. I 5800.00 I 4299.54 I 4299.54 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 15484.54 I
I Rate per m2:- 63325.82 I 15% OverheadI 2322.68 I
I I Total I 17807.22 I
I Rate per ft2:- 5885.30 I I I
Grand Total 17807.22

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 69

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 0.6
Item:- Beam carving works above Column excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 2 I Head I 1500.00 I 3000.00 I I
I I Carver I 9 I Head I 1420.00 I 12780.00 I 20400.00 I
I Carpenter I 2 I Head I 1125.00 2250.00
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 4.6596 I cft. I I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 20400.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 39100.00 I 15% OverheadI 3060.00 I
I I Total I 23460.00 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3633.83 I I I
Grand Total 23460.00

Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-

Page 35
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 70
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 0.7744
Item:- Carnesh carving works excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 3 I Head I 1500.00 I 4500.00 I I
I I Carver I 10 I Head I 1420.00 I 14200.00 I 26695.00 I
I Carpenter I 5 I Head I 1125.00 5625.00
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Sal wood I 7.67 I cft. I I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 26695.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 39642.63 I 15% OverheadI 4004.25 I
I I Total I 30699.25 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3684.26 I I I
Grand Total 30699.25

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 71

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Carved Tudal(6'x4"x6") works excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 1 I Head I 1500.00 I 1500.00 I I
I I Carver I 24 I Head I 1420.00 I 34080.00 I 36705.00 I
I Carpenter I 1 I Head I 1125.00 1125.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 1.52 I cft. I 5600.00 I 8512.00 I 8512.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 45217.00 I
I Rate per no:- 51999.55 I 15% OverheadI 6782.55 I
I I Total I 51999.55 I
Grand Total 51999.55

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Page 36
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 72
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Carved Kunsal(6'6"x5"x8") works excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 1 I Head I 1500.00 I 1500.00 I I
I I Carver I 16 I Head I 1420.00 I 22720.00 I 25345.00 I
I Carpenter I 1 I Head I 1125.00 1125.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 2.1 I cft. I 5800.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 25345.00 I
I Rate per no.- 29146.75 I 15% OverheadI 3801.75 I
I I Total I 29146.75 I
Grand Total 29146.75

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 73

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10.707
Item:- Carved Three Bay Window(except jali) works excluding wood
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 25 I Head I 1500.00 I 37500.00 I I
I I Carver I 225 I Head I 1420.00 I 319500.00 I 404300.00 I
I Carpenter I 28 I Head I 1125.00 31500.00
I Labour I 20 I Head I 790.00 15800.00
I I __________________ __________ _______
_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 49.94 I cft. I 5800.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 404300.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 43424.40 I 15% OverheadI 60645.00 I
I I Total I 464945.00 I
I Rate per ft2:- 4035.72 I I I
Grand Total 464945.00

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Page 37
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 74
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 2.3522
Item:- Carved Door (except khapa) works excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 6 I Head I 1500.00 I 9000.00 I I
I I Carver I 47 I Head I 1420.00 I 66740.00 I 84980.00 I
I Carpenter I 4 I Head I 1125.00 4500.00
I Labour I 6 I Head I 790.00 4740.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 21.57 I cft. I 5800.00 I I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 84980.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 41547.06 I 15% OverheadI 12747.00 I
I I Total I 97727.00 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3861.25 I I I
Grand Total 97727.00

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I


Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 75

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Carved Nas 3"thick works excluding wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Carver I 2 I Head I 1420.00 I 2840.00 I 2840.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 0.2647 I cft. I 6250.00 I I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 2840.00 I
I Rate per m:- 3266.00 I 15% OverheadI 426.00 I
I I Total I 3266.00 I
I Rate per ft:- 995.73 I I I
Grand Total 3266.00

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I


Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Page 38
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation

Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 76
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 1.5" thick Eaves Board of Sal wood with three side plaining
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Carpenter I 1.43 I Head I 1125.00 I 1608.75 I
I Labour I Labour I 0.143 I Head I 790.00 I 112.97 I 1721.72 I
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ ______________ I
I I Salwood I 0.4125 I m3 I 220718.75 I 91046.48 I I
I Material I Nail I 0.45 I kg I 112.00 I 50.40 I 91096.88 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I I Actual Rate I 92818.60 I
I Rate per m2:- 10674.14 I 15% OverheadI 13922.79 I
I I Total I 106741.39 I
I Rate per ft2:- 992.02 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 106741.39 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 77

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Traditional Brick ( small Dachi Appa) work in yellow mud mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 11 I Head I 1300.00 I 14300.00 I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 34 I Head I 1200.00 I 40800.00 I 165700.00 I
I I Labour I 140 I Head I 790.00 I 110600.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Dachi Appa I 10760 I Nos. I 29.00 I 312040.00 I I
I Material I Yellow clay I 5.817 I m3 I 1000.00 I 5817.00 I 317857.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 483557.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 5560.91 I 15% OverheadI 72533.55 I
I I Total I 556090.55 I
I Rate per ft2:- 516.81 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 556090.55 I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-
Approved by:-

Page 39
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 78
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Traditional Brick (Small Dachi Appa) work using existing old bricks in yellow mud mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 11 I Head I 1300.00 I 14300.00 I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 34 I Head I 1200.00 I 40800.00 I 165700.00 I
I I Labour I 140 I Head I 790.00 I 110600.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Dachi Appa I I Nos. I 29.00 I I I
I Material I Yellow clay I 5.817 I m3 I 1000.00 I 5817.00 I 5817.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 171517.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 1972.45 I 15% OverheadI 25727.55 I
I I Total I 197244.55 I
I Rate per ft2:- 183.31 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 197244.55 I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 79

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Traditional Brick (Dachi Appa-large size) work using existing old bricks in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi,
sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Traditional I I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 11 I Head I 1300.00 I 14300.00 I I
I I Tradi. Mason I 34 I Head I 1200.00 I 40800.00 I 165700.00 I
I I Labour I 140 I Head I 790.00 I 110600.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Dachi Appa I I Nos. I 0.00 I I I
I Material I Lime I 1.5687 I m3 I 21275.00 I 33374.09 I I
I I Surkhi I 1.5687 I m3 I 14000.00 I 21961.80 I 65086.36 I
I I Sand I 3.1375 I m3 I 3107.72 I 9750.47 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 230786.36 I
I Rate per m2:- 2654.04 I 15% OverheadI 34617.95 I
I I Total I 265404.31 I
I Rate per ft2:- 246.66 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 265404.31 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-
Approved by:-

Page 40
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 80 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Old Jhingati (8-3/4"*4") laying ( using existing jhingati )on roof with 3" clay
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ______________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I _____________
I Awale I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 12 I Head I 1700.00 I 20400.00 I I
_____________I Awale I 12 I Head I 1400.00 I 16800.00 I 92500.00 I
I I Labour I 70 I Head I 790.00 I 55300.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Jhingati I I Nos. I 8.00 I I I
I Material I Clay I 11.25 I m3 I 318.60 I 3584.25 I 3584.25 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 96084.25 I
I Rate per m2:- 1104.97 I 15% OverheadI 14412.64 I
I I Total I 110496.89 I
I Rate per ft2:- 102.69 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 110496.89 I
I ___________ _____________ ______________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 81 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Dhuri Chang (horizontal and vertical)__small sized using existing
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Awale Head I 3.5 I Head I 1700.00 I 5950.00 I
I Labour I Awale I 2 I Head I 1400.00 I 2800.00 I I
I I Labour I 12 I Head I 790.00 I 9480.00 18230.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Vertical Dhuri I I Nos. I 25.00 I I I
I Material I Horizontal Dhuri I I Nos. I 25.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 18230.00 I
I Rate per r.m:- 209.65 I 15% OverheadI 2734.50 I
I I Total I 20964.50 I
I Rate per r.ft:- 63.92 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 20964.50 I

Approved by:-

Page 41
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 82
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Chimney Brick work in mud mortar for above ground floor (using existing bricks)
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1125.00 I 1125.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 3021.00 I
I I Labour I 0.7 I Head I 790.00 I 553.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 560 I Nos. I I 0.00 I I
I Material I Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 318.60 I 133.81 I 150.40 I
Scaffolding @3% of labour I I I 16.59
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 3171.40 I
I Rate per m3:- 3647.11 I 15% OverheadI 475.71 I
I I Total I 3647.11 I
I Rate per ft3:- 103.27 I I I
Grand Total 3647.11

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 83

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Chimney Brick work in mud mortar for ground floor (using existing bricks)
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1125.00 I 1125.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2626.00 I
I I Labour I 0.2 I Head I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 560 I Nos. I I 0.00 I I
I Material I Clay I 0.42 I m3 I 318.60 I 133.81 I 138.55 I
Scaffolding @3% of labour I I I 4.74
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 2764.55 I
I Rate per m3:- 3179.23 I 15% OverheadI 414.68 I
I I Total I 3179.23 I
I Rate per ft3:- 90.02 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 3179.23 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-
Approved by:-

Page 42
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 84

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 50 mm thick Flag Stone laying in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand mortar.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 2 I Head I 1125.00 I 2250.00 I I
I I Labour I 4.5 I Head I 790.00 I 3555.00 I 5805.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I 50 mm flag stone I 11 I m2 I 1108.28 I 12191.08 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.044 I m3 I 21275.00 I 936.10 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.043 I m3 I 14000.00 I 602.00 I 14126.97 I
I I Sand I 0.128 I m3 I 3107.72 I 397.79 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 19931.97 I
I Rate per m2:- 2292.18 I 15% OverheadI 2989.80 I
I I Total I 22921.77 I
I Rate per ft2:- 213.03 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 22921.77 I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 85

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 37.5 mm thick Flag Stone laying in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand mortar.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 2 I Head I 1125.00 I 2250.00 I I
I I Labour I 4.5 I Head I 790.00 I 3555.00 I 5805.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I 37.5 mm flag sto I 11 I sq.m. I 946.88 I 10415.68 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.042 I m3 I 21275.00 I 893.55 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.041 I m3 I 14000.00 I 574.00 I 12268.59 I
I I Sand I 0.124 I m3 I 3107.72 I 385.36 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 18073.59 I
I Rate per m2:- 2078.46 I 15% OverheadI 2711.04 I
I I Total I 20784.63 I
I Rate per ft2:- 193.17 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 20784.63 I

I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-

Page 43
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 86

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 25 mm thick Flag Stone laying in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand mortar.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1125.00 I 1687.50 I I
I I Labour I 4.5 I Head I 790.00 I 3555.00 I 5242.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I 25 mm flag stone I 11 I m2 I 817.76 I 8995.36 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.039 I m3 I 21275.00 I 829.73 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.038 I m3 I 14000.00 I 532.00 I 10711.37 I
I I Sand I 0.114 I m3 I 3107.72 I 354.28 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 15953.87 I
I Rate per m2:- 1834.70 I 15% OverheadI 2393.08 I
I I Total I 18346.95 I
I Rate per ft2:- 170.51 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 18346.95 I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 87

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Lime Concrete in Foundation and wall in (1:2:4) lime, sand and aggregate.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ___________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Labour I Tradi. Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I 3760.00 I
I I Labour I 4 I Head I 790.00 I 3160.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.224 I m3 I 21275.00 I 4765.60 I I
I I 40 mm aggregt I 0.85 I m3 I 3319.61 I 2821.67 I 8970.21 I
I I Sand I 0.445 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1382.94 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Actual Rate I 12730.21 I
I Rate per m3:- 14639.74 I 15% OverheadI 1909.53 I
I I Total I 14639.74 I
I Rate per ft3:- 414.55 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 14639.74 I
Approved by:-

Page 44
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 88

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Flush pointing in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand on Brick wall.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 10 I Head I 1125.00 I 11250.00 I I
I I Labour I 10 I Head I 790.00 I 7900.00 I 19150.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.085 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1808.38 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.085 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1190.00 I 3790.85 I
I I Sand I 0.255 I m3 I 3107.72 I 792.47 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 22940.85 I
I Rate per m2:- 263.82 I 15% OverheadI 3441.13 I
I I Total I 26381.98 I
I Rate per ft2:- 24.52 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 26381.98 I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 89

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Flush pointing in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand on dressed stone/Boulder stone wall.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 10 I Head I 1125.00 I 11250.00 I I
I I Labour I 10 I Head I 790.00 I 7900.00 I 19150.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.17 I m3 I 21275.00 I 3616.75 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.17 I m3 I 14000.00 I 2380.00 I 7581.69 I
I I Sand I 0.51 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1584.94 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 26731.69 I
I Rate per m2:- 307.41 I 15% OverheadI 4009.75 I
I I Total I 30741.44 I
I Rate per ft2:- 28.57 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 30741.44 I
Approved by:-

Page 45
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 90

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Rulled pointing in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand on Brick wall.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 10 I Head I 1125.00 I 11250.00 I I
I I Labour I 15 I Head I 790.00 I 11850.00 I 23100.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.085 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1808.38 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.085 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1190.00 I 3790.85 I
I I Sand I 0.255 I m3 I 3107.72 I 792.47 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 26890.85 I
I Rate per m2:- 309.24 I 15% OverheadI 4033.63 I
I I Total I 30924.48 I
I Rate per ft2:- 28.74 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 30924.48 I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 91

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Rulled pointing in ( 1:1:3 ) lime, surkhi, sand on dressed stone/Boulder stone wall.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 10 I Head I 1125.00 I 11250.00 I I
I I Labour I 15 I Head I 790.00 I 11850.00 I 23100.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.17 I m3 I 21275.00 I 3616.75 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.17 I m3 I 14000.00 I 2380.00 I 7581.69 I
I I Sand I 0.51 I m3 I 3107.72 I 1584.94 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 30681.69 I
I Rate per m2:- 352.84 I 15% OverheadI 4602.25 I
I I Total I 35283.94 I
I Rate per ft2:- 32.79 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 35283.94 I
Approved by:-

Page 46
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 92
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 15
Item:- 2"plain shutter with Gand and khur.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carpenter I 0.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 650.00 I I
I Carpenter I 4 I Head I 1200.00 4800.00 5845.00
I Labour I 0.5 I Head I 790.00 395.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 27.81 I cft. I 5800.00 I 161298.00 I 161298.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 167143.00 I
I Rate per m2:- 12814.30 I 15% OverheadI 25071.45 I
I I Total I 192214.45 I
I Rate per ft2:- 1190.92 I I I
Grand Total 192214.45
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 93
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 4" Nagol Stone ( 10" X4" ) work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I I Traditional I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 0.25 I Head I 1300.00 I 325.00 I
I I Tradi. Mason I 0.75 I Head I 1200.00 I 900.00 I 1639.75 I
I I Labour I 0.525 I Head I 790.00 I 414.75 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Nagol Stone I 10.5 I m I 3280.00 I 34440.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0145 I m3 I 21275.00 I 308.49 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0145 I m3 I 14000.00 I 203.00 I 34996.55 I
I I Sand I 0.0145 I m3 I 3107.72 I 45.06 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Actual Rate I 36636.30 I
I Rate per m:- 4213.18 I 15% OverheadI 5495.45 I
I I Total I 42131.75 I
I Rate per ft:- 1284.51 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 42131.75 I

Approved by:-

Page 47
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 94
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10m
Item:- Traditional Kassimo Brick work in (1:1:3) lime,surkhi, sand mortar
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Traditional I I I I I I
Labour I Head Mason I 0.25 I Head I 1300.00 I 325.00 I I
I Tradi. Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I 1604.00 I
I Labour I 0.1 I Head I 790.00 I 79.00 I I
I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Kassimo Brick I 55 I Nos. I 28.00 I 1540.00 I I
Material I Lime I 0.014 I m3 I 21275.00 I 297.85 I I
I Surkhi I 0.014 I m3 I 14000.00 I 196.00 I 2077.36 I
I Sand I 0.014 I m3 I 3107.72 I 43.51 I I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Actual Rate I 3681.36 I
Rate per m:- 423.36 I 15% OverheadI 552.20 I
I Total I 4233.56 I
Rate per ft:- 129.07 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 4233.56 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 95
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 5" Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar using existing stone
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I Traditional I I I I I
Labour I Head Mason I 0.25 I Head I 1300.00 I 325.00 I
I Tradi. Mason I 0.75 I Head I 1200.00 I 900.00 I 2054.50 I
I Labour I 1.05 I Head I 790.00 I 829.50 I I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Peti Stone I 0 I r.m. I 7174.09 I 0.00 I I
Material I Lime I 0.029 I m3 I 21275.00 I 616.98 I I
I Surkhi I 0.029 I m3 I 14000.00 I 406.00 I 1113.10 I
I Sand I 0.029 I m3 I 3107.72 I 90.12 I I
I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Actual Rate I 3167.60 I
Rate per m:- 364.27 I 15% OverheadI 475.14 I
I Total I 3642.74 I
Rate per ft:- 111.06 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 3642.74 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by_____________ ______________ I

Page 48
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 96
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Chimney Brick on flat Soling using existing brick
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I 1390.00 I
I I Labour I 1 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 0 I Nos. I 14.54 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Sand I 0.71 I m3 I 3107.72 I 2206.48 I 2206.48 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 3596.48 I
I Rate per m2:- 413.60 I 15% OverheadI 539.47 I
I I Total I 4135.95 I
I Rate per ft2:- 38.44 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 4135.95 I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 97
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- Single Scaffolding using existing Bamboo
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Head Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1300.00 I 1398.80 I
I I Labour I 29.59 I Head I 790.00 I 23376.10 24774.90
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ I ______________
I I Bamboo I 0 I Nos. I 210.00 I 0.00 I
I Material I coconut rope I 430 I Nos. I 13.20 I 5676.00 I 5676.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ___________________________________
I Note: The bamboos are to be used twice (0.5x64=32) I Actual Rate __ 30450.90
I Rate per m2:- 350.19 I 15% OverheadI 4567.64
I I Total I 35018.54
I Rate per ft2:- 32.55 I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ___________________________________
I Grand Total __ 35018.54
___________ _____________ I ___________________________________
Prepared by:- Checked by:-

_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by:-

Page 49
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 98

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Sal Wood shoring using existing wood
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Carpenter I 10 I Head I 1125.00 I 11250.00 I I
I Labour I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 I 15200.00 I
I I __________________ . _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Salwood I 0 I m3 I 220718.75 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Nail I 10.00 I kg I 112.00 I 1120.00 I 1120.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 16320.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 18768.00 I 15% OverheadI 2448.00 I
I I Total I 18768.00 I
I Rate per ft3:- 531.45 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 18768.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 99
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma appa Brick(large) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2543.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Ma appa I 550 I Nos. I 0.00 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 3630.41 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 0.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 0.00 I 15% OverheadI 0.00 I
I I Total I 0.00 I
I Rate per ft3:- 0.00 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by:-

Page 50
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 100
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma appa Brick(large) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 2.2 I Head I 790.00 I 1738.00 I 3696.00 I
I I Laabour I 0.2 I hhead I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Ma appa I 550 I Nos. I 0.00 I 0.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 3630.41 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 0.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 0.00 I 15% OverheadI 0.00 I
I I Total I 0.00 I
I Rate per ft3:- 0.00 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 101

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma appa Brick(small ) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2543.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Ma appa I 610 I Nos. I 22.00 I 13420.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 17050.41 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 19593.41 I
I Rate per m3:- 22532.42 I 15% OverheadI 2939.01 I
I I Total I 22532.42 I
I Rate per ft3:- 638.04 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 22532.42 I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- _____________ ______________ I

_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by:-

Page 51
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 102
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Ma appa Brick(small) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 2.2 I Head I 790.00 I 1738.00 I 3696.00 I
I I Laabour I 0.2 I hhead I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Ma appa I 610 I Nos. I 22.00 I 13420.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 17050.41 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 20746.41 I
I Rate per m3:- 23858.37 I 15% OverheadI 3111.96 I
I I Total I 23858.37 I
I Rate per ft3:- 675.59 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 23858.37 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 103
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 5
Item:- Snake Carnesh Brick Work
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 0.25 I Head I 790.00 I 197.50 I 1397.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Snake body I 30 I Nos. I 28.00 I 840.00 I I
I Material I Snake neck I 2 I Nos. I 71.00 I 142.00 I I
I I Head I 2 I Nos. I 133.00 I 266.00 I 1248.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 2645.50 I
I Rate per m:- 608.47 I 15% OverheadI 396.83 I
I I Total I 3042.33 I
I Rate per ft:- 185.51 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 3042.33 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-

_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by:-

Page 52
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 104
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Black saddle Base stone (12"x12"x10" size ) for wooden column.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 0.15 I Head I 1200.00 I 180.00 I I
I I Labour I 0.105 I Head I 790.00 I 82.95 I 262.95 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I I I I I I I
I I Hard stone* I 1.00 I Nos I 10000.00 I 10000.00 I 10000.00 I
I I ___________ I ____________ I
I ____________ Rate per No:- 11802.39 I Actual Rate I 10262.95 I
I I 15% OverheadI 1539.44 I
I Rate per No:- 11802.39 I Total I 11802.39 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
The rate of Hard stone is calculated from saddle stone. __Grand Total 11802.39
__________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 105

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Sal Wood shoring work
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Carpenter I 10 I Head I 1200.00 I 12000.00 I I
I Labour I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 I 15950.00 I
I I __________________ .
__________________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Salwood* I 1 I m3 I 27589.84 I 27589.84 I I
I Material I Nail I 10.00 I kg I 112.00 I 1120.00 I 28709.84 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 44659.84 I
I Rate per m3:- 51358.82 I 15% OverheadI 6698.98 I
I I Total I 51358.82 I
I Rate per ft3:- 1454.31 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
The rate is calculated by assuming that the shoring can be done I Grand Total I 51358.82 I
six times and after that the scrape value will be 25%.(1900x35.315x.075)/6 _____________ ______________ I

I Prepared by:- Checked by:-

_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by:-

Page 53
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 106
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Existing Ma appa Brick(large) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for above ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 2.2 I Head I 790.00 I 1738.00 I 3696.00 I
I I Laabour I 0.2 I hhead I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 3630.41 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 7326.41 I
I Rate per m3:- 8425.37 I 15% OverheadI 1098.96 I
I I Total I 8425.37 I
I Rate per ft3:- 238.58 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 8425.37 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 107

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Existing Ma appa Brick(small ) work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.7 I Head I 790.00 I 1343.00 I 2543.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 3630.41 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 6173.41 I
I Rate per m3:- 7099.42 I 15% OverheadI 926.01 I
I I Total I 7099.42 I
I Rate per ft3:- 201.03 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 7099.42 I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- _____________ ______________ I

_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by:-

Page 54
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 108

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Sal Timber work for beam,joist,column etc.(12'-0" above)
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Carpenter I 17.65 I Head I 1125.00 I 19856.25 I I
I Labour I Labour I 1.76 I Head I 790.00 I 1390.40 I 21246.65 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Salwood I 1.05 I m3 I 317835.00 I 333726.75 I I
I Material I Nail I 0.50 I kg I 112.00 I 56.00 I 333782.75 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 355029.40 I
I Rate per m3:- 408283.81 I 15% OverheadI 53254.41 I
I I Total I 408283.81 I
I Rate per ft3:- 11561.20 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 408283.81 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 109

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Sal Timber work for beam,joist,column etc.(up to 8'-0" )
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I I Carpenter I 17.65 I Head I 1125.00 I 19856.25 I I
I Labour I Labour I 1.76 I Head I 790.00 I 1390.40 I 21246.65 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Salwood I 1.05 I m3 I 204827.00 I 215068.35 I I
I Material I Nail I 0.50 I kg I 112.00 I 56.00 I 215124.35 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 236371.00 I
I Rate per m3:- 271826.65 I 15% OverheadI 35455.65 I
I I Total I 271826.65 I
I Rate per ft3:- 7697.20 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Grand Total I 271826.65 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 55
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 110

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Chimney Brick work in (1:1:2) lime,surkhi, sand mortar for ground floor
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 1950.00 I I
I I Labour I 2.2 I Head I 790.00 I 1738.00 I 3846.00 I
I I Labour I 0.2 I Head I 790.00 I 158.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Chimney Brick I 560 I Nos. I 14.54 I 8142.40 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0875 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1861.56 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0875 I m3 I 14000.00 I 1225.00 I 11772.81 I
I I Sand I 0.175 I m3 I 3107.72 I 543.85 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 15618.81 I
I Rate per m3:- 17961.63 I 15% OverheadI 2342.82 I
I I Total I 17961.63 I
I Rate per ft3:- 508.61 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 17961.63 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 111
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- Telia Brick (Machin made) 6"x6"in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar with (1:1) lime surkhi pointing
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I ______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
_____________I Tradi. Mason I 4.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 5400.00 I 8955.00 I
I Labour I Labour I 4.5 I Head I 790.00 I 3555.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Telia Brick I 440 I Nos. I 24.50 I 10780.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.177 I m3 I 21275.00 I 3765.68 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.177 I m3 I 14000.00 I 2478.00 I 17437.01 I
I I Sand I 0.133 I m3 I 3107.72 I 413.33 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 26392.01 I
I Rate per m2:- 3035.08 I 15% OverheadI 3958.80 I
I I Total I 30350.81 I
I Rate per ft2:- 282.07 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 30350.81 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 56
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 112
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- 12.5 mm thick lime, surkhi and sand plaster in 1:1:2 ratio
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I ______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
_____________I Tradi. Mason I 12 I Head I 1200.00 I 14400.00 I 27040.00 I
I Labour I Labour I 16 I Head I 790.00 I 12640.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.46 I m3 I 21275.00 I 9786.50 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.46 I m3 I 14000.00 I 6440.00 I 19085.60 I
I I sand _ 0.92 _______ _
__________________________________________________________________________ 3107.72 __ 2859.10 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 46125.60 I
I Rate per m2:- 530.44 I 15% OverheadI 6918.84 I
I I Total I 53044.44 I
I Rate per ft2:- 49.30 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 53044.44 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 113

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100
Item:- 20 mm thick lime, surkhi and sand plaster in 1:1:2 ratio
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I ______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
_____________I Tradi. Mason I 14 I Head I 1200.00 I 16800.00 I 31810.00 I
I Labour I Labour I 19 I Head I 790.00 I 15010.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.69 I m3 I 21275.00 I 14679.75 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.69 I m3 I 14000.00 I 9660.00 I 30026.88 I
I I sand _ 1.83 _ m3
__________________________________________________________________________ _ 3107.72 __ 5687.13 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 61836.88 I
I Rate per m2:- 711.12 I 15% OverheadI 9275.53 I
I I Total I 71112.41 I
I Rate per ft2:- 66.09 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 71112.41 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Page 57
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 114
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 6 m2
Item:- 0.50 mm 24 gauge(midium) colour plain sheet roofing works
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I skilled I 2 I Head I 1200.00 I 2400.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 4770.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
colour plain sheet
I Material I 24 gauge I 7.2 I m2 I 601.22 I 4328.78 I I
I I 8mm nut bolt I 18 I nos I 29.00 I 522.00 I 9470.78 I
j hook 33 nos 137.00 4521.00
I I washer _ 33 _ nos _ 3.00
__________________________________________________________________________ __ 99.00 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 14240.78 I
I Rate per m2:- 2729.48 I 15% OverheadI 2136.12 I
I I Total I 16376.90 I
I Rate per ft2:- 253.67 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 115

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 0.50 mm 24 gauge(midium) colour plain sheet ridge roofing works
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I skill I 2 I Head I 1200.00 I 2400.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 4770.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
colour plain sheet
I Material I 24 gauge I 12 I m I 366.54 I 4398.48 I I
I I washernut bot etc _ l/s _ nos _ 100.00
__________________________________________________________________________ __ 100.00 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 4770.00 I
I Rate per m:- 548.55 I 15% OverheadI 715.50 I
I I Total I 5485.50 I
I Rate per ft:- 167.24 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Page 58
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 116
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 m3
Item:- Stone work in foundation in lime surkhi sand 1:1:2 ratio
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I mason I 1.5 I Head I 1125.00 I 1687.50 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 5637.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I Stone I 1.1 I m3 I 601.22 I 661.34 I I
I I Lime I 0.139 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2957.23 I 6428.52 I
Surkhi I 0.139 I m3 I 14000.00 1946.00
I I Sand I 0.278 I m3
__________________________________________________________________________ I 3107.72 __ 863.95 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 12066.02 I
I Rate per m3:- 13875.92 I 15% OverheadI 1809.90 I
I I Total I 13875.92 I
I Rate per ft3:- 392.92 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 117

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 m3
Item:- Stone work in foundation in lime stone dust 1:4 ratio
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I mason I 1.5 I Head I 1125.00 I 1687.50 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 5637.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I Stone I 1.1 I m3 I 601.22 I 661.34 I I
I I Lime I 0.1112 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2365.78 I 3671.78 I
stone dust I 0.4448 I m3 I 1449.33 644.66
I I Actual Rate __ 9309.28 I
I Rate per m3:- 10705.67 I 15% OverheadI 1396.39 I
I I Total I 10705.67 I
I Rate per ft3:- 303.15 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Page 59
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 118

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 7
Item:- Highly Dressed facing stone wall in lime stone dust (1:4)__with 4" to to 6" thick stone

_____________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Tra Head Mason I 2.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 3250.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 I 48280.00 I
I I mason I 37.92 I Head I 1125.00 I 42660.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Block stone I 1.00 I m3 I 2224.85 I 2224.85 I I
I Material I Bond stone I 0.10 I m3 I 2224.85 I 222.49 I I
I I lime I 0.09 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1914.75 I 4883.85 I
I I stone dust I 0.36 I m3 I 1449.33 I 521.76 I I
I I ___________ I ____________ I
I Rate per m2:- 8734.06 I Actual Rate I 53163.85 I
I I 15% OverheadI 7974.58 I
I Rate per ft2:- 811.72 I Total I 61138.43 I
I __________ I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ I____________ I ____________ I
__Grand Total 61138.43

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 119

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10m
Item:- Traditional Nago Brick work in (1:1:3) lime,surkhi, sand mortar
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Traditional I I I I I I
Labour I Head Mason I 0.25 I Head I 1300.00 I 325.00 I I
I Tradi. Mason I 1 I Head I 1200.00 I 1200.00 I 1604.00 I
I Labour I 0.1 I Head I 790.00 I 79.00 I I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I nago Brick I 74 I Nos. I 31.00 I 2294.00 I I
Material I Lime I 0.014 I m3 I 21275.00 I 297.85 I I
I Surkhi I 0.014 I m3 I 14000.00 I 196.00 I 2831.36 I
I Sand I 0.014 I m3 I 3107.72 I 43.51 I I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 60
I Actual Rate I 4435.36 I
Rate per m:- 510.07 I 15% OverheadI 665.30 I
I Total I 5100.66 I
Rate per ft:- 155.51 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Grand Total I 5100.66 I
I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 120
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 4" Peti Stone work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I I Traditional I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1300.00 I 650.00 I
I I Tradi. Mason I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I 3279.50 I
I I Labour I 1.05 I Head I 790.00 I 829.50 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I I Peti Stone I 11 I r.m. I 3280.00 I 36080.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.029 I m3 I 21275.00 I 616.98 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.029 I m3 I 14000.00 I 406.00 I 37193.10 I
I I Sand I 0.029 I m3 I 3107.72 I 90.12 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 40472.60 I
I Rate per m:- 4654.35 I 15% OverheadI 6070.89 I
I I Total I 46543.49 I
I Rate per ft:- 1419.01 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ __ ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 46543.49 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by_____________ ______________ I
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 121
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 m3
Item:- Stone work with existing stone in foundation in lime surkhi sand 1:1:2 ratio
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I mason I 1.5 I Head I 1125.00 I 1687.50 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 5637.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I Stone I 0 I m3 I 601.22 I 0.00 I I
I I Lime I 0.139 I m3 I 21275.00 I 2957.23 I 5767.18 I
Surkhi I 0.139 I m3 I 14000.00 1946.00
I I Sand I 0.278 I m3
__________________________________________________________________________ I 3107.72 __ 863.95 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 11404.68 I
I Rate per m3:- 13115.38 I 15% OverheadI 1710.70 I
I I Total I 13115.38 I
I Rate per ft3:- 371.38 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Page 61
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I
0.00 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ _ Approved by_____________ ______________ I

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 122
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1.772
Item:- Window carving (except lattice jali) including wood
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 4 I Head I 1500.00 I 6000.00 I I
I I Carver I 35 I Head I 1420.00 I 49700.00 I 70110.00 I
I Carpenter I 10 I Head I 1125.00 11250.00
I I Labour I 4 I Head I 790.00 I 3160.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 6.883 I cft. I 5800.00 I 39921.40 I 39921.40 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 110031.40 I
I Rate per m2:- 71408.64 I 15% OverheadI 16504.71 I
I I Total I 126536.11 I
I Rate per ft2:- 6636.49 I I I
Grand Total 126536.11

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 123

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 0.92
Item:- Carved salwood Lattice (jali) shutter of Carved door including wood
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 3 I Head I 1500.00 I 4500.00 I I
I I Carver I 6 I Head I 1420.00 I 8520.00 I 19435.00 I
I Carpenter I 5 I Head I 1125.00 5625.00
I I Labour I 1 I Head I 790.00 I 790.00 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 1.299 I cft. I 5800.00 I 7534.20 I 7534.20 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 26969.20 I
I Rate per m2:- 33711.50 I 15% OverheadI 4045.38 I

Page 62
I I Total I 31014.58 I
I Rate per ft2:- 3133.04 I I I
Grand Total 31014.58

Prepared by:- Checked by:- Approved by:-

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 124
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 3.00 ft2
Item:- Carved Tudal works excluding wood taking size
I Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 1 I Head I 1500.00 I 1500.00 I I
I I Carver I 24 I Head I 1420.00 I 34080.00 I 36705.00 I
I Carpenter I 1 I Head I 1125.00 1125.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 1.52 I cft. I I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 36705.00 I
I Rate per ft2:- 14070.25 I 15% OverheadI 5505.75 I
I Rate per m2:- 151395.89 I Total I 42210.75 I
Grand Total 42210.75

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 125

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 4.33 ft2
Item:- Carved Kunsal works excluding wood taking size
I Description I Type _____________________________________________________
I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount ____________________
I Total Amount I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
_______________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ____________ I
I Labour I Head Carver I 1 I Head I 1500.00 I 1500.00 I I
I I Carver I 16 I Head I 1420.00 I 22720.00 I 25345.00 I
I Carpenter I 1 I Head I 1125.00 1125.00
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Sal wood I 2.1 I cft. I 5800.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 25345.00 I
I Rate per ft2:- 6731.35 I 15% OverheadI 3801.75 I
I Rate per m2:- 72429.33 I Total I 29146.75 I

Page 63
Grand Total 29146.75

Prepared by:- Checked by:-

Approved by:-

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 126 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Double MS black pipe Scaffolding works
_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I _____________
I Head Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1125.00 I 1210.50 I
I Labour I Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1125.00 I 1210.50 I I
I I Labour I 59.18 I Head I 790.00 I 46752.20 49173.20 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
1.5" dia Midium
pipe 2.28
I I Rs I 58 I Nos. I 1108.08 I 10711.44 I I
I Material I clamp I 757 I Nos. I 135.00 I 17032.50 I 27743.94 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Note: The pipes are to be used sixth (1/6x1108.08=184.68) I Actual Rate __ 76917.14 I

I Rate per m2:- 884.55 I 15% OverheadI 11537.57 I

I I Total I 88454.71 I
I Rate per ft2:- 82.21 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total __ 88454.71 I
I I __________________ Approved by:- ___________
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 127 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 100 I
Item:- Single MS black pipe Scaffolding works
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Head Mason I 1.076 I Head I 1125.00 I 1210.50 I I
I I Labour I 29.59 I Head I 790.00 I 23376.10 24586.60 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
1.5" dia Midium
pipe 2.28
I I Rs I 32 I Nos. I 1108.08 I 5909.76 I I
I Material I clamp I 430 I Nos. I 135.00 I 9675.00 I 15584.76 I

Page 64
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Note: The pipes are to be used sixth (1/6x1108.08=184.68) I Actual Rate __ 40171.36 I
I Rate per m2:- 461.97 I 15% OverheadI 6025.70 I
I I Total I 46197.06 I
I Rate per ft2:- 42.93 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Grand Total __ 46197.06 I
___________ _____________ I ____________ I

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology

Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 128 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 5 kg I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge copper sheet gajur making and fixing on roof.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 5 I Head I 1200.00 I 6000.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9950.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I copper sheet I 5.5 I kg. I 1485.00 I 8167.50 I 8167.50 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 18117.50 I
I Rate per kg:- 4167.03 I 15% OverheadI 2717.63 I
I I Total I 20835.13 I
I Rate per kg:- 4167.03 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 129 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 5 kg I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge brass sheet gajur making and fixing on roof.
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 5 I Head I 1200.00 I 6000.00 I I
I I Labour I 5 I Head I 790.00 I 3950.00 9950.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I brass sheet I 5.5 I kg. I 1127.00 I 6198.50 I 6198.50 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 16148.50 I
I Rate per kg:- 3714.16 I 15% OverheadI 2422.28 I
I I Total I 18570.78 I
I Rate per kg:- 3714.16 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I


Page 65
Gajur size thikness in
hight wright approx . kg mm
12" 1.2 16 1.60
18" 2 18 1.25
24" 3.5 20 1.00
30" 5 22 0.80
36" 7.2 24 0.63
42" 10 26 0.50
48" 14 metal mm3
54" 19.5 brass 0.00000850
60" 27 copper 0.00000870

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 130 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10 Rft I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge 6"/8" copper/brass sheet Eaves/ jhallar butta making ( labour cost only).

_____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 3 I Head I 1200.00 I 3600.00 I I
I I Labour I 3 I Head I 790.00 I 2370.00 5970.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I brass sheet I 0 I kg. I 1127.00 I 0.00 I 0.00 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 5970.00 I
I Rate per ft:- 686.55 I 15% OverheadI 895.50 I
I I Total I 6865.50 I
I Rate per m:- 2251.88 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 131 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 no I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge 15" brass sheet Kunpa making and fixing on roof (avg wt 2 kg ).
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 1.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 1800.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.5 I Head I 790.00 I 1185.00 2985.00 I
I I __________________ __________ _______
__________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I brass sheet I 2 I kg. I 1127.00 I 2254.00 I 2254.00 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 5239.00 I
I Rate per no:- 6024.85 I 15% OverheadI 785.85 I

Page 66
I I Total I 6024.85 I
I Rate per no:- I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 132 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 no I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge 12" brass sheet Kunpa making and fixing on roof (avg wt 1.8 kg ).
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 0.75 I Head I 1200.00 I 900.00 I I
I I Labour I 0.75 I Head I 790.00 I 592.50 1492.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I brass sheet I 1.8 I kg. I 1127.00 I 2028.60 I 2028.60 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 3521.10 I
I Rate per no:- 4049.27 I 15% OverheadI 528.17 I
I I Total I 4049.27 I
I Rate per no:- I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 133 I

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 no I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge 15" copper sheet Kunpa making and fixing on roof ( avg wt 2 kg)
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 1.25 I Head I 1200.00 I 1500.00 I I
I I Labour I 1.25 I Head I 790.00 I 987.50 2487.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I copper sheet I 2 I kg. I 1485.00 I 2970.00 I 2970.00 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 5457.50 I
I Rate per no:- 6276.13 I 15% OverheadI 818.63 I

Page 67
I I Total I 6276.13 I
I Rate per no:- I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 134 I
Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1 no I
Item:- 20/22 /26 gauge 12" copper sheet Kunpa making and fixing on roof (avg wt 1.8 kg).
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
_____________________________ _____________ _______________________________ I ___________
I Labour I Metal worker I 0.75 I Head I 1200.00 I 900.00 I I
I I Labour I 0.75 I Head I 790.00 I 592.50 1492.50 I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I ____________ I
I Material I copper sheet I 1.7 I kg. I 1485.00 I 2524.50 I 2524.50 I
I I _ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ I
__________________________________________________________________________ I
I I Actual Rate __ 4017.00 I
I Rate per no:- 4619.55 I 15% OverheadI 602.55 I
I I Total I 4619.55 I
I Rate per no:- I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ I ____________ I

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 135

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 10
Item:- 5" Nagol Stone ( 10" X5" ) work in (1:1:1) lime, surkhi,sand mortar
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
____________________________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
I I Traditional I I I I I
I Labour I Head Mason I 0.25 I Head I 1300.00 I 325.00 I
I I Tradi. Mason I 0.75 I Head I 1200.00 I 900.00 I 1639.75 I
I I Labour I 0.525 I Head I 790.00 I 414.75 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Nagol Stone I 10.5 I m I 4592.00 I 48216.00 I I
I Material I Lime I 0.0145 I m3 I 21275.00 I 308.49 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.0145 I m3 I 14000.00 I 203.00 I 48772.55 I
I I Sand I 0.0145 I m3 I 3107.72 I 45.06 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I

Page 68
I I Actual Rate I 50412.30 I
I Rate per m:- 5797.42 I 15% OverheadI 7561.85 I
I I Total I 57974.15 I
I Rate per ft:- 1767.51 I I I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I Prepared by:- Checked by:- I Grand Total I 57974.15 I

Approved by:-

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Culture, Tourism & Civil Aviation
Department of Archaeology
Rate Analysis

Project:- Inside Kathmandu Valley Item No:- 136

Fiscal Year:- 2078/079 Rate Analysis for:- 1
Item:- Cornice works in lime, surkhi and sand mortar 1: 1:1 ratio
____________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ____________________
Description I Type I Quantity I Unit I Rate I Amount I Total Amount
I ______________________________ _______________________________ I ____________
_____________I Tradi. Mason I 0.5 I Head I 1200.00 I 600.00 I 860.70 I
I Labour I Labour I 0.33 I Head I 790.00 I 260.70 I I
I I __________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
I Material I Lime I 0.049 I m3 I 21275.00 I 1042.48 I I
I I Surkhi I 0.049 I m3 I 14000.00 I 686.00 I 1880.76 I
I I sand _ 0.049 _ m3
__________________________________________________________________________ _ 3107.72 __ 152.28 ______________ I
I I Actual Rate I 2741.46 I
I Rate per m2:- 3152.68 I 15% OverheadI 411.22 I
I I Total I 3152.68 I
I Rate per ft2:- 293.00 I I 0.00 I
__________________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________ I
I I Grand Total I 3152.68 I
_________________________________ __________ _______ ___________ _____________ ______________ I
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