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Submitted to:
Mr. Christian Robenny G. Acidera

Submitted by:
Alyza Faith B. Duran
I. Barangay Problems
Problem #1: Burning of Plastics
Burning plastic also releases black carbon (soot), which contributes to climate change and air
pollution. Burning plastic smells awful. It also gives you that choking feelings which is no
surprise when you know that plastic is basically made of oil and gives off toxic fumes when it
burns. According to my research there is a study that says burning of plastics can increase the
risk of heart disease, aggravates respiratory ailments such as asthma and emphysema and cause
rashes, nausea or headaches, and damages the nervous system.

Say no to disposable plastic, plastic straws, and other single-use plastics. Avoid plastics that
cannot be recycled if other alternatives exist. Avoid products with excess or unnecessary plastic
packaging. Adopt reusable items such as water bottles, shopping bags, keep cups, and travel
I. Barangay Problems
Problem #2: Clogged Canal
Clogged canals in our barangay are caused by trash that blocked the passage. The canal is
open and has no cover, which means that if garbage has a way to enter and become a nest of
the mosquitoes that harm human health, it tends to overflow because water could not flow.

One possible way to change the attitudes and behavior of people who unknowingly dump
trash is to conduct seminars dedicated to environmental campaigns. This includes
maintaining sewage systems and preventing diseases caused by unhealthy human
environments. Mosquito barangay, it dominates, invades, and targets human health. 
II. Town/City Problems
Problem #1: Waste disposal
Waste disposal is an activity that directly contributes to the many environmental hazards
involved in locating waste dumps, determining exactly where waste has been dumped over
time, determining who owns it and how it is disposed of. Determining what is appropriate or
inappropriate is a key issue in environmental disputes. 

One of the solutions is to motivate people and to promote the importance of going green. We
should motivate the people by putting up inspirational and motivational advertisements and
posters promoting the importance of proper garbage disposal. Placing these around the town
will allow all the residents to be aware that the government is taking a big step in
implementing and promoting the cleanliness of the town.
II. Town/City Problems
Problem #2: Clogged Canals
The dumping of garbage into drains and canals severely impeded the free flow of water,
causing flooding even in light rains. The stagnant water and unpleasant odors from the canals
contributed to the proliferation of mosquitoes and other insects that carried diseases such as
dengue fever, Zika virus and malaria.  

As the citizen of our barangay, I want to be part of the solution and not destruction. I will
recommend to the barangay to have a general cleaning once a month, not just for the said
issued but it can also cover other things.
III. Town/City Problems
Problem #3: Smoke from vehicles
Smoke from a vehicle can cause air pollution. Unburned or partially burned fuel is typically
what causes smoke from vehicles. The emission of engine oil can also result in smoky
exhaust. In most cases, black smoke is caused by incompletely burned diesel fuel. Blue,
white, and other colored smoke is typically caused by the burning of engine oil or unburned
fuel vapor.

One of the solutions is Cycling it requires no gasoline and, therefore, no harmful vehicle
emissions or smog are released into the air when a person is riding his or her bicycle. Opting
to use your bicycle a few times a week, instead of your car, is one of the simplest ways to
lower your environmental footprint.
III. Province Problems
Problem #1: Deforestation
Deforestation is the loss of forest habitat for purposes such as urban development, farming,
or mining. It occurs all around the world. The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause
climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for Indigenous people.

There are numerous ways that an individual can do on their own to address the issue of
deforestation. They include minimizing the amount of wood you use, planting native trees,
buying environmentally friendly products, recycling paper, consuming fewer products made
from wood, voicing your concerns to the appropriate authorities, urging forestry corporations
to behave properly, and more. We must treat the forests as living communities rather than
just as resources to be exploited; education, however, is the most powerful change agent.
III. Province Problems
Problem #2: Trash on the streets
One of the oldest problems in our streets, roads and highways is the problem of trash. Everywhere
you look, you see car owners dumping waste on the side of the roads. Household trash fills up
every empty and non-empty plot of land around us.

Stop Throwing Things Out a simple and obvious choice is to reduce waste by using and
throwing out less in the first place. Some states have implemented regulatory policies to
reduce reliance on landfills. Recycling: Converting Waste into Raw Material Recycling
works in a variety of ways. It lowers the financial and environmental costs of land clearing
and disposal.
III. Province Problems
Problem #3: Traffic
Traffic congestion increases vehicle emissions and breaks down ambient air quality, and
recent studies have shown an increase in morbidity and mortality for drivers, commuters, and
people living near major highways.

Reducing the number of miles, you drive is the best way to reduce air pollution from
motor vehicles. If you can, try walking or biking to your destination. You will emit zero
pollutants. For longer distances, try riding the bus or train. If public transportation is not
an option where you live, you may be able to carpool with someone who lives nearby.
You will pollute less and spend less money at the pump.

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