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Dysphagia 18:196–202 (2003)

DOI: 10.1007/s00455-002-0105-0

Gender, Age, Vessel Size, Cup vs. Straw Sipping, and

Sequence Effects on Sip Volume

Harry T. Lawless, PhD, Sharon Bender, BS, Carol Oman, MS, and Cathy Pelletier, PhD, MS, CCC/SLP
Department of Food Science, New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Abstract. Two experiments were performed to ex- dysphagia, as it has implications for what is to be
amine the effects of cup size, gender, age, and pa- considered a normal baseline and what volumes
rameters of sipping (cup vs. straw and sequence) on should be given in diagnostic tests of swallowing
sip volume. Increasing the size of the vessel from 150 disorders. Sip volume may be influenced by many
to 600 ml increased the volume of a sip by about 15%. variables. Variability in mouth size, the nature of the
Males took larger sips and had significantly larger container, viscosity, taste and temperature of the
maximum oral capacities than females. However, in a sample, and the subject’s age and gender might all
second group of taller females and shorter males, the affect the volume of a sample that is sipped and/or
difference in sip size between genders was minimized. swallowed.
A second experiment examined sip size from a cup Different values for a normal sip size have
and straw drinking, the effects of sequential sipping been reported in the literature. Halpern [1] reported
(one to five sips), personal characteristics (height, an average of 12.75 ml for a single sip of water, with a
weight), age, and gender on sip volume. Height was a range of 4–29 ml. Adnerhill et al. [2] reported about
good predictor of individual differences in sip vol- 25 ml for men and 20 ml for women but some de-
ume. Cup drinking produced larger sip volumes than crease in volume from one to three sips. Nilsson et al.
straw drinking, but only in a group of adults and not [3] reported a mean of 25.6 ml for a single sip from a
in an elderly group. Volume per sip decreased across straw but a decrease to 21.1 ml during three forced
sips. A reasonable guide for cup sipping is about 25 repetitive swallows. In attempting to replicate the
ml per sip for males and 20 ml for females. However, circumstances in poisonings, Jones and Work [4]
this rule should be modified as a function of cup size, asked adult subjects to ingest the entire contents of a
straw sipping, and sequential sipping. sample container and divided the volume by the
number of swallows. This study of ‘‘piecemeal’’ or
Key words: Sip volume — Deglutition —
multiple swallowing of larger sips led to estimated 21
Deglutition disorders.
ml as an average for men and 14 ml for women. Two
studies have reported much lower volumes of sipped
or swallowed samples. Hamlet et al. [5] reported
Halpern [1] classified the sip as ‘‘the basic unit of swallow volumes of 9 ml for water and 7 ml for
human liquid ingestion behavior.’’ A sip is the por- thickened juice. However, only 10 ml of sample was
tion of liquid taken into the mouth at one time during provided. Steele and Van Lieshout [6] reported con-
the process of consuming a beverage. Sip volume is of sistent volumes less than 10 ml from three subjects
interest to clinical practitioners and investigators of using repeated sips of samples of different (available)
Several studies have documented a gender
difference in sip size with men taking 20–30% larger
Correspondence to: Harry T. Lawless, Ph.D., Department of Food
sips than women [2,3]. This difference could be a re-
1 Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. Telephone: sult of body size, so a simple question is whether men
2 (607) 255-7363; E-mail: and women of approximately the same height and
H.T. Lawless et al.: Age, Gender, and Method Effects on Sip Volume 197

weight would take similar size sips or whether the Table 1. Mean heights and weights
gender difference would persist. Experiment 1 ad-
Males Females
dressed this issue. Another way to examine the body
size question would be to look at the overall size of Height Weight Height Weight
the oral cavity. Because of its irregular shape, this (cm) (kg) (cm) (kg)
could be estimated by filling it with liquid and mea- Group 1 176 62.0 164 49.6
suring the volume of that liquid. Mouth volume was Group 2 174 59.7 168 51.5
examined by two methods: (1) asking participants to Group 3 179 67.0 163 53.7
voluntarily fill their mouth to its maximum capacity Group 4
(Experiment 1) and (2) actually filling the oral cavity Young 181 79.5 164 62.7
Elderly 167 68.2 158 62.2
with water while the participant was supine (Experi-
ment 2).
Given the disparate values for normal sips in
the literature, it seems likely that subject character-
istics and methodological variables influence sip vol-
ume. The general objective of this work was to
investigate variables that might determine or modu-
late the volume of a sip. Due to the possibility of
interaction effects, variables were included that had
been previously studied, such as gender, age, and the
effects of sequential sipping (numbers of sips). In
order to explore the variable of age, a cohort of rel-
atively healthy free-living adults in their seventh
through ninth decades were recruited for comparison
to a group of younger adults.

Experiment 1: Effects of Gender, Body Size,

and Cup Volume

Materials and Methods

Healthy adults between the ages of 19 and 60 years (median = 32)

were recruited from the Cornell community to participate in the
study. Subjects were paid to attend three 15-minute sessions. Fig. 1. Mean sip volume and maximum fluid intake volume plotted as
Group 1 consisted of 24 males and 26 females. Group 2 was se- a function of cup size for males and females in Experiment 1: (upper
lectively recruited to provide a sampling of taller women and panel) Group 1, (lower panel) Group 2.
shorter men in order to provide a gender comparison with the body
size variable minimized. It consisted of 25 males and 25 females.
Heights and weights for all groups are shown in Table 1. Data were analyzed using a split-plot design with gender as
Subjects’ sips and maximum capacities were measured as a between-group factor. All other factors were repeated measures,
follows: The drinking cups were filled to 0.6 cm below the top of and subjects (within groups) were analyzed as a random effect.
the rim with room temperature spring water and were refilled after Duncan tests were used to compare individual means. Correlations
each replicate and task. Subjects sampled from three cups of 150, were used to examine the relationships among variables.
300, and 600 ml. Only one cup was presented per session; the cup
order was counterbalanced and assigned randomly to subjects.
Subjects were told to take a sip of water as if to drink, but instead
of swallowing, they were to spit this water into a sample cup. This Results and Discussion
was repeated immediately thereafter. Subjects were then instructed
to fill their mouths with as much water as possible without dis-
comfort, and then to spit this water into a sample cup. Expecto- Group 1
ration was used to decouple the volume sipped from what might be
swallowed and to avoid any feeling of fullness that might occur Means for the size of a sip are shown in Figure 1 (upper panel).
with progression through the samples. Volumes in this experiment Males had about 50% higher sip volumes than females for each cup
were similar to those found in Experiment 2 in which swallowing size [F(l,48) = 16.9, p < 0.001] (filled symbols). Average sip
was the rule. Volume was determined by weighing the original cup volumes increased slightly with cup size [F(2,96) = 4.67, p < 0.05],
before and after expectoration and subtracting the difference. from 23.7 to 27.2 ml from smallest to largest, a change of about
198 H.T. Lawless et al.: Age, Gender, and Method Effects on Sip Volume

Table 2. Correlations (Pearson) of sip volume and maximum oral

volume with body size measurements

Sip volume Maximum Weight

Group 1
Maximum 0.486*
Weight 0.349* 0.468*
Height 0.357* 0.379* 0.618*
Group 2
Maximum 0.347*
Weight 0.068 0.309*
Height 0.012 0.499* 0.625*

*p < 0.05.

15%. The second replicate was an average of 1.3 ml larger than the
first [F(1,48) = 7.12, p < 0.01]. The means for the maximum
amount of liquid that could be held comfortably in the mouth are Fig. 2. Mean volume per sip for males and females as a function of
also shown in Figure 1 (upper panel, open symbols). Males could the requested number of sips, in Experiment 2, Group 3.
take more water into their mouths than females across cup sizes
[F(1,48) = 27.3, p < 0.001]. In this case, cup size was irrelevant
(no significant effects). Although the volume of a sip was affected
by cup size, the volume of water a subject could hold in the mouth ment 1. Group 3 consisted of 31 men and 30 women recruited from
was not affected. The second replicate was 2.6 ml larger than the the Cornell University community. Subjects ranged in age from 19
first [F(l,48) = 11.5, p < 0.001], possibly due to becoming familiar to 57 years (mean = 27, median = 25). Subjects were paid to
with the cup sizes and being more comfortable with the task. Sip attend five sessions on five separate days for a total of 3.5 hours of
and maximum capacity were correlated and related to height and their time. The additional time for this study was due to taste
weight, as shown in Table 2. This suggests that the oral volume evaluations which are not reported here.
difference may not be entirely a gender effect since the males in this Group 4 consisted of 89 men and women from two age
experiment were generally taller and heavier than the females. groups. The first subgroup was recruited from the Cornell Uni-
versity community (N = 67, a healthy young control group, 34
female, 18–54 years of age, mean = 26, median = 23). The second
subgroup was recruited from the retirement community of Kendal
Group 2 at Ithaca (N = 22, a group of free-living older adults, 14 female,
60–94 years of age, mean = 79, median = 80). The residents were
Means for the size of a sip in this group are shown in the lower asked to be participants only if they could easily carry on a co-
panel of Figure 1. Here, the gender difference was not significant herent conversation. One older subject was confined to a wheel-
(filled symbols). Sips increased again with cup size [F(2,96) = 5.8, chair but weight and height were measured at his monthly doctor’s
p < 0.01] and the second replicate was larger than the first [F(1,48) appointment. Subjects were paid $20 to attend four sessions on
= 5.54, p < 0.05]. The means for the maximum liquid amount that four separate days for a total of one hour of their time. No subject
could be comfortably held in the mouth are also shown in Figure 1 reported difficulty swallowing.
(open symbols). Again, males took more water into their mouths For Group 3, data collection proceeded as follows: Subjects
than females [F(1,48) = 18.3, p < 0.001]. Cup size was irrelevant completed five sessions on five different days. Subjects were in-
for the maximum amount. The second replicate was slightly larger structed not to eat or drink at least one hour before the session,
than the first replicate [F(1,48) = 15.87, p < 0.001]. Decreasing the come to the lab hungry or thirsty, and to arrive on time. In the first
body size difference between the genders led to more equal sip session height, weight, mouth volume, and sip size measurements
volumes, but the gender difference persisted in the maximum vo- were taken and bitterness sensitivity and salivary flow rates were
lume that was taken. Table 2 (Group 2) shows that the sip volume estimated (data from the last two not reported here).
was no longer correlated with height and weight, perhaps because For sip size estimation, subjects were presented with five
of the restricted range of those variables. The maximum volume randomly coded, preweighed 300-ml cups filled 0.6 mm from the
was still correlated with height and weight, however. top with water at room temperature (21°C) and a sample ran-
domization sheet with their panelist number. Subjects were asked
to take one, two, three, four or five sequential sips out of each cup.
The order in which they took the sips was randomized at each
session. To each subject, a sip was defined as a normal drink of
water—not a ‘‘taste’’ and not a ‘‘gulp’’—an amount that can be
Experiment 2: Examination of Gender, Number
taken into the mouth and cleared with one swallow. For multiple
of Sips, Cup vs. Straw Sipping, and Age sips, they took consecutive (or serial) swallows (no break to take
the cup away from the mouth). The experimenter showed subjects
exactly what was to be done if they expressed any uncertainty at all
Materials and Methods about the task at hand. A practice cup of water was also available
for those who felt they needed one. When the task had been
Subjects for Experiment 2 made up two groups labeled Group 3 completed, the residual in each cup was weighed and recorded. An
and Group 4 to distinguish them from the two groups in Experi- average sip size was calculated by subtracting the residual weight
H.T. Lawless et al.: Age, Gender, and Method Effects on Sip Volume 199

from the original weight and dividing this amount by the number
of sips taken.
For mouth size estimation, subjects were presented with
three randomly coded, preweighed, 300-ml cups filled 0.6 cm from
the top with water at room temperature (21°C). To assure that each
subject’s mouth would have the same position, they were asked to
lie down on the table in the conference room. They were asked to
use their mouth much like a glass. The experimenter would fill the
subject’s mouth with water from the sample cup. Subjects were
asked to form a seal (to prevent leakage into the pharynx) as the
mouth was filled. They were asked to open their mouth as much as
possible (phrased as ‘‘drop your jaw’’ and the experimenter dem-
onstrated), accept the water being poured into the mouth, and
motion to the experimenter when they thought their mouth was
full. A subject’s mouth was considered full if, when closing the lips
together (with the jaw still open, i.e., back teeth not approximating)
the subject could feel the water behind the top front teeth or be-
tween the front teeth and lips. The experimenter practiced with the
subjects until they felt comfortable with the method and measured
in triplicate. No one aspirated or reported discomfort. The residual
in the cups was weighed and the difference recorded. Mouth vol-
ume was estimated by subtracting the residual weight from the
original weight. Mouth volume and sip size tasks were repeated on
four subsequent days to provide five replications.
For Group 4, data collection proceeded as follows: Height,
weight, and mouth volume measurements were made as with
Group 3, except that panelists were not required to lie back to fill
the oral cavity for mouth volume measurements. This would have Fig. 3. Mean volume per sip for males and females of different age
been difficult with elderly subjects. Subjects remained seated for groups as a function cup vs, straw sipping and increasing numbers of
this procedure. For sip size measurements, a sip was defined as a sips in Experiment 2, Group 4.
normal drink of water—not a ‘‘taste’’ and not a ‘‘gulp’’—an
amount that can be taken into the mouth and cleared with one
swallow. In all other respects this procedure was similar to that of highly correlated with height (r = +0.75, p < 0.05).
Group 3. Straw drinking was assessed in the third and fourth ex- This variable along with the requested numbers of
perimental sessions. For the straw-drinking conditions, the cups of sips proved to have the strongest weighting in a re-
water were prepared in the same way as in the first and second
sessions, except that straws were placed in the cups, making sure
gression model, as shown in Table 3. A reasonable
that they were not touching the bottom. A sip was still defined as a predictive equation was constructed from height and
normal drink of water. For multiple sips, panelists were asked to number of sips, with R2 of 27.4% (as opposed to
swallow consecutively, which meant performing a continual sip– 33.2% when all variables are included) as follows:
swallow–sip–swallow action (not removing the straw from the
mouths). Sip volume ¼ 26:7 þ 28:7 ½height(m)
1:70 ðnumber of sipsÞ
The estimated mouth volume using the supine
Results and Discussion filling method was 54 ml for women (range=35.8–
95.8) and 66.4 ml for men (range=36.7–111.2). Note
Group 3 that this method produced lower mean values than
the voluntary filling-to-maximum procedure in Ex-
There was a significant effect of gender on sip size periment 1 which produced values in the range of 65
[F(l,59) = 11.48, p < 0.01]. As expected, males took ml for women and 85 ml for men. The supine position
larger sips. Mean volume per sip decreased as the probably involves different sensory input than a
subjects were instructed to take additional numbers maximal liquid bolus taken in an upright position.
of sips (1–5) as shown in Figure 3 [F(4,236) = 101, Having one’s mouth filled while supine is a somewhat
p < 0.0001]. Sip volumes of men and women con- unnatural feeling and may have induced subjects to
verged as the numbers of sips increased [interaction change their oral configuration or simply be more
F(4,236) = 4.76, p < 0.01]. The question of whether cautious in the amount they would accept in order to
the gender difference was again due to a body size avoid any aspiration.
difference was addressed by a multiple regression, For Group 4, cup sipping produced larger
using age, gender, height, weight, mouth volume, and volumes than straw sipping [F(1,85) = 71.1, p <
sip number as predictor variables. Mean sip size was 0.0001], but this was primarily due to a difference
200 H.T. Lawless et al.: Age, Gender, and Method Effects on Sip Volume

Table 3. Multiple regression predictors for sip size—Group 3 Another possible reason for decreased volume is in-
creased mucosal thickening [7].
Coefficient t-ratio p-value

Intercept )16.58 )1.98 0.0486

Age 0.13 2.66 0.0082
Gender 1.52 1.39 0.1657 Discussion
Height 16.49 3.11 0.0020
Weight 0.04 1.48 0.1389
Mouth volume 0.06 2.39 0.0175 The volume of a sample presented in swallowing
Number of )1.70 )6.98 <0.0001 studies can alter the temporal characteristics of a
requested sips swallow. Tracy et al. [8] examined volumes of 1, 5, 10,
and 20 ml and noted a decrease in oral transit time
and an increase in the duration of cricopharyngeal
opening with increasing volume. These results strike a
noted with the younger subjects and not the elderly cautionary note in that the choice of small sample
sample. Once again volume per sip decreased as the volumes relative to a normal sip may produce a
number of requested sips increased [F(4,340) = 94.0, swallow with characteristics that deviate from the
p < 0.0001]. The cup/straw difference attenuated as normal temporal pattern. To the extent that re-
the number of sips increased [interaction F(4,340) = searchers wish to study normal swallowing, the
20.0, p < 0.0001]. choice of a representative volume for the sample is
There were no main effects of age in spite of important. Current data suggest that uses of very
the fact that the elderly were shorter and lighter small volumes such as 1 ml for clinical assessments of
than the young controls (t-tests, p < 0.01). The swallowing may be an unrealistically small volume.
failure to observe an overall age difference in sip However, unnatural but standardized situations may
volume is noteworthy in light of the differences in still be useful as reference conditions for diagnostic
body size, which might have been expected to fa- purposes if their value and utility can be demon-
cilitate smaller observed sip sizes for the elderly strated.
subjects. However, an age difference did appear for A gender difference in sip volume has been
the cup sipping that was attenuated for straw sip- noted previously [3,5,6,9]. However, the results
ping [interaction F(l,85) = 25.38, p < 0.0001], there shown here suggest that this might simply be a result
was a small three-way interaction of this effect with of differences in body size. Although the correlation
the increasing number of sips [F(4,340) = 2,46, p < itself does not prove a causal relationship, the gender
0.05]. As seen in the lower panel of Figure 3, the difference was virtually eliminated when gender
difference between cup and straw sipping was gone groups were better matched for height. Overall, the
for the elderly group in all comparisons but the consideration of height provided a good predictor of
single sip condition. There was no gender effect for sip volume; however, the relationship is not ironclad.
this group, but this equivalence is not conclusive due The elderly group tested in Experiment 2 might have
to the small numbers of male elderly subjects tested. been expected to take much smaller sip volumes but
Gender differences may be less salient for older age there was no overall age effect and only an interaction
groups. Data from the young group alone showed showing differences in the single sip condition. At-
once again that males took larger sips than females tempts to estimate overall mouth volume by ad libi-
with repeated sipping, but there was no difference tum filling were more responsive to age and gender
for the single sip condition [interaction F(4,248) = differences. However, absolute levels (volume esti-
3.04, p < 0.05]. mates) varied as a function of the instructions and
Mouth volume estimates were similar to those method and should be considered exploratory until
of Group 3 for the young group, with a mean of 68.7 further systematic study.
ml (both genders, range = 25.5–127.4 ml). The older Parameters defined by the experimental
group had significantly lower mouth volume esti- method can also modify volume estimates. Increases
mates of 43.4 ml (range = 14.2–73.2 ml) [t(45) = 5.6, in cup size produced a small but statistically signifi-
p < 0.0001] and, as noted above, they were shorter cant increase affecting sip volume. Our interest in this
and weighed less. Anecdotal reports noted by one variable was based on anecdotal reports from the oral
reviewer suggest that elderly individuals may recruit health care industry that cap volumes on mouthwash
the velum to aid in creating a posterior oral seal to products would affect the amount used per wash and
compensate for age-related dysfunction of the tongue thus affect sales. Researchers in taste perception and
base. This could result in a smaller oral volume. intake studies should be sensitive to the effects of the
H.T. Lawless et al.: Age, Gender, and Method Effects on Sip Volume 201

serving vessel on ad lib sampling. A difference in cup In conclusion, these studies show effects of
vs. straw sipping showed that larger volumes were gender, age, body size, cup volume, number of sips,
taken by the younger group for cup sipping. Steele and sipping method (cup vs. straw) on sip volume.
and Van Lieshout [6] did not see this difference; Further research should collect normative data on
however, they tested only three individuals and conditions such as cup/straw sipping and their in-
measured volumes over eight sequential sips, which teractions with age. Our exploration of maximum
may have attenuated the effect. Our data showed an oral volume produced variable results and also re-
interaction in which the difference between the two quires further study. Reviewers pointed out that some
methods was smaller with repeated sips. spillage into the pharynx may have occurred with the
Information about normal sip volume is of attempts to fill the oral cavity to a maximum amount.
obvious importance to clinical and physiological There was no attempt to monitor this possibility in
studies of swallowing. Stimulus volume is also im- our study but it could be monitored in future studies
portant in studies of oral perception and particularly radiographically. Although some of the effects are
taste. Perceptions of sample volume, taste intensity, small, physiologists and practitioners in swallowing
and taste persistence vary with concentration and studies should be cautious in assuming there will be
volume of the stimulus [10,11]. Taste thresholds an overall average sip size for individuals without
generally decrease as stimulus volume increases [12– reference to the specific methodological parameters
15]. Judgments of taste intensity might vary as a used in the assessments.
function of not only the stimulus volume but how
well that volume coats the oral epithelium. Subjects
Acknowledgments. The authors thank John Horne and Ricky
with larger oral surfaces might report lower intensi- Nurse for their assistance in this research. This work was supported
ties due to stimulus distribution, especially with small by NIH grant DC-00902.
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