Design and Implementation of Electronic Voting System (Online Web Based)

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DIPLOMA IN D17030007









Online Election System would have Candidate registration, document
verification, auto-generated User ID and pass for candidate and Voters. Admin
Login which will be handled by Nigeria Independent Electoral Commission.
Candidate Login which will be handled by Candidate, Voters will get Unique ID
and Password, which they can use to vote for a Candidate only once per
Election. The project is beneficial for Nigeria Independent Electoral
Commission, Voters as the can get to know the candidate background and
choose wisely, and even for Candidate. The software system allows the
Candidate to login in to their profiles and upload all their details including their
previous milestone onto the system. The admin can check each Candidate
details and verify the documents, only after verifying Candidate’s ID and
Password will be generated, and can remove faulty accounts. The software
system allows Voters to view a list of Candidates in their area. The admin has
overall rights over the system and can moderate and delete any details not
pertaining to Election Rules.
On-line Voting System project is a web based system that facilitates the
running of elections and surveys online. Users are individuals who interact with
the system. All user interaction is performed remotely through the user's web
browser. Users are provided with an online registration form before voting user
should fill online form and submit details these details are compared with
details in database and if they match then user is provided with username and
password using this information user can login and vote. If conditions are not
correct entry will be cancelled. It contains two level of user’s administrator level
and voter level where each level has different functionality.
Modules: Admin Login, Candidate Document Verification, Candidate Login,
Voters Login, Voters can view Candidate’s data, Admin dashboard has overall
functional rights, Appropriate data processing and handling, System generated
ID and Password for Candidate and Voters, Result Calculation module, Election
Creation module, Voting conduction module.
Software Requirements: Windows (ultimate, enterprise), HTML, JavaScript,
Hardware Components: Processor – Dual Core, Hard Disk – 50 GB, Memory
Application: This system can be used by Election Commission for Election
Conducted all over Nigeria.
Keywords: Online Voting, HTML, JavaScript, MYSQL, WAMPP, PHP.

On-line Voting System is a web based system that facilitates the running of
elections and surveys online. The aim of electronic voting schemes is to provide
a set of protocols that allow voters to cast ballots while a group of authorities
collect votes and output the final result. Problems with voting machines extend
from the quality of the locks, to the need for a printed audit trail, to the hacking
of the communication links. Although voting makes many people to believe that
voting is the perfect application for technology, but in reality applying it is hard.
For a voting system to be ideal, four attributes must be satisfied: anonymity,
scalability, speed, and accuracy. This system has been developed to simplify the
process of organizing elections and make it convenient for voters to vote
remotely from their home computers while taking into consideration security,
anonymity and providing auditioning capabilities.
In the recent years there are many literatures on online voting. While
online voting has been an active area of research in the recent years,
efforts to develop real-world solutions have just begun posing several
new challenges. The use of insecure Internet, well documented cases
of incorrect implementations and the resulting security Breaches have
been reported recently. These challenges and concerns have to be
resolved in order to create public trust in online voting.
Online Voting System provides the online registration form for the
users before voting and makes the users to cast their vote online. The
system is to be developed with high security and user friendly.

Aims of the Project

1. Democracy: The system should be "democratic" in the sense that: it will
permit only eligible voters to vote (eligibility) and it will ensure that each
eligible voter can vote only once (un-reusability).
2. Privacy: The system should ensure that: none of the actors involved in the
voting process (organizers, administrators, voters etc.) can link any ballot
(contextually) to the voter who cast it, and that no voter can prove that he or she
voted in a particular way.
3. Integrity: The necessary mechanism should be employed in order to
guarantee that: no one can duplicate his or someone else's vote and no one can
change someone else's vote.
4. Accuracy: The system functionality should ensure that no one can falsify or
modify the result of the voting by eliminating a valid vote or counting an invalid
vote in the final tally.
5. Verifiability: The system should allow and support anyone to independently
verify that all votes have been counted correctly.
6. Convenience: The system should allow and assist voters to cast their votes
quickly, in one session, and with minimal equipment or special skills.
7. Flexibility: The system should allow a variety of ballot formats and it should
be customized to the specific characteristics of the voting processes.
8. Mobility: The system should not pose any restrictions on the location from
which a voter can cast a vote.
9. Efficiency: The election can be held in a timely manner (i.e. all computations
during the election are done in a reasonable amount of time and voters are not
required to wait on other voters to complete the process).
10. Scalability: The size of the election should not drastically affect

Goals of the Project

 Provision of improved voting services to voters through fast and convenient
 Reduction of the cost incurred by the Government during election period in
paying the very many electoral officials employed for the
conduct of the manual voting system.
 Checks to ensure that the eligible voters who are registered are the only ones
who should vote.
 Reinforce its transparency and fairness.
 Increased turnout of Votes.
 Ensure credible election.

Project Objectives.
 To design and implement an online web based voting system for the conduct
of elections in Nigeria.
 To analyse the current election system and suggest modern development of an
electronic online voting web based system which will
allow voters to cast their votes in a more convenient way.
 To review the current voting system with a view of specifying requirements
for a web based voting system
 To design a web based prototype of a voting system for voters.
 To create a web base system that is capable of verifying voter’s details before
 To develop a web based voting system that is transparent, reliable, tamper
proof and that will provide a platform for voting.
 To come up with a web based system that will allow the election results to be
release immediately after voting have been ended.
 To design a web based voting system that should support multi-user
 To design a web based voting system that is fully automated.
 To develop a web based voting system that will provide concrete security
features like creating users and assigning privileges to
users of the system.
 To develop a web based voting system that should be capable to keep track of
all the detailed descriptions of the voters and the
whole details of services offered by the electoral organization.
 To develop a web based voting system that will ensure that various outputs
(reports) should be available online any time.
 To develop a web based voting system that should be able to handle
extremely large volumes of data (i.e. large database support).
 Test and review the system for usability and functionality.

Scope of Study
It is focused on studying the existing system of voting in Nigeria and to make
sure that the people’s vote counts, for fairness in the elective positions. This will
also produce: Less effort and less labour intensive, as the primary cost and focus
primary on creating, managing, and running a secure web voting portal.
Increasing number of voters as individuals will find it easier and more
convenient to vote, especially those living outside Nigeria.
The scope of the project is that it will use the ID and password created
by user to register him/her in the voting site, through this all the
details of voter are saved in database with advanced technology. It is
an advanced technology used in recent times by other countries like
United States of America that practice E- voting system. It increases
the internet knowledge of the users which is very necessary for current



 Time consuming -Existing manual system of voting.
 Long Queues-Voters may also leave without voting there by disfranchising
 High intolerable percentage of lost or even miscounted ballots.
 Result of the elections are not release immediately thereby giving room for
election rigging.
 Too much paper work - difficult as papers become bulky.
 Errors during data entry.
 Voters locked out from voting.
 The electoral officials who facilitate the voting process and the voters
experience hard time using the current voting system-manual system.

This project is an important step towards streamlining this effort to developing a

framework and identify necessary properties that a secure and trusted online
voting system must satisfy to reduce discovery redundancy. Such a framework
will allow us to evaluate as well as compare the merits of existing and future
candidate online voting schemes.
According to Cranor, L.F., & Cytron, R.K. (1996), An online web based
voting system should support multi-user environment and system should be
fully automated.
According to Lui Qi, (2016), online voting system should provide concrete
security features like creating users and assigning privileges to users of the
system and should be capable to keep track of all the detailed descriptions of the
client and the whole details of services offered by the client organization.
According to Topiwala, M. (2015), various outputs (reports) of online voting
system should be available online any time and the system should be able to
handle extremely large volumes of data (that is large database support).
This software is being developed for use by everyone with a simple and self-
explanatory layout. This is a software that can be used by people to vote in an
election. All the user must do is login and click on his favourable candidates to
register his vote. The development and testing is done on internet. While online
voting system has been an active area of research in recent years, the use of
insecure Internet, well documented cases of incorrect implementations reported
recently. These challenges are to be resolved so that public should cast their
vote in secure and convenient way. Proposed online voting system is a voting
system by which any Voter can use his/her voting rights from anywhere in
According to Kozakova (2011), Online voting system contains: (a) Voter’s
information in database. (b) Voter’s Names with ID and password. (c) Voter’s
vote in a database. (d) Calculation of total number of votes. Various operational
works proposed in the system are: Recording information of the Voter in
database. Checking of information filled by voter. Discard the false information.
Each information is sent to election commission.
Existing System: Manual voting is exercise into two different ways. The
election is done physically in the Polling units on ballot papers been thumb
printed with ink. Proxy voting: The person who is unable to be physically
present authorized other person on behalf of him enclosed in an envelope and
his ballot and post it. The problem with this system is that not always the ballets
are reached in time. The proxy person may exercise other ballet then the one
sent by the voter. Rexha, B. N. (2012).
According to Ansolabehere S. Stewart C. (2005), In the existing system, there
are no specific websites dedicated to voters who can participate voting from any
location. There are many applications on e-voting for political parties but there
are very few web applications which are used for voting or general questions or
election-related topics questions.
Proposed System Review: Online Voting System(OVS), is an advanced
modern innovative approach to the Independent National Electoral Commission
of Nigeria that will provides facilities of User Registration for Online Voting
and many other facilities. The main purpose of the system is to enable registered
voters to cast their vote online and Ensure transparency. The system will bridge
the research gaps in terms of tools & technology. In this proposed system we
can get the result without manually counting. The computerized counting of
election results is simple. In the system development method, the Rapid
Application Development methodology is designed to give much faster
development and higher quality results to the proposed system. According to the
E-voting system success at Brazil elections since 1996, Luciano Santos,
(2014), Advantages of Rapid Application Development to online web based
system includes but not limited to the followings • Reduced development time •
High quality system is created • Reduce cost • Increased reusability of
components • Greater flexibility • Encourage user feedback.
Shittu H. (2007), stated the system analysis and functional
requirements as follows;  The system will be able to allow the voters to key
in their details as will be required by the system.  Allow registered users to
login to the system.  The system should authenticate users during login. that is
the user should be what he/she claims to be.  The system should allow an
authenticated user to cast a vote.  The system should release voting results at
the end of the election.  The system should allow the administrator (voting
officer) to manage candidates, that is adding contestants, removing contestants
Non-Functional  System will support response time for addressing severe
issues in less time.  system will provide documentation to inform users of
system functionality and any change to the system.  system will provide
friendly graphical Interface to ensure ease of use when end users utilize system
functionality (Usability).  The system will be able to be integrated in future if
need be.  The system will be available for voters during the election period on
the internet.  The product has a server back-end which takes care of
authenticating the users and maintaining necessary data structures. The internal
memory requirement will be constant or linearly dependent on the number of
users depending on the provision of changing the vote at a later time. The
external data about the candidates (with photographs) and the posts or the poll
questions and the answers will be given as input only at the server end. Login
and password is used for identification of Voter.
Bellis, M. (2007), stated that the online web voting system, is about developing
e-voting system for election purpose which will have features of admin and
user. Here admin will post candidates based on the election or subject related to
position the are contesting for to be voted. Voters can log in and vote to
candidate and view political parties and votes for each election results.
According to Steve M, (2004), Features of the proposed system: Online
voting is a software system through which a voter can give votes through
registering themselves on the voting website. all the information in sites which
has been entered are stored in database, for each page in the website have its
own database table. It deals with design, build and test an online voting system
that facilitates user (the person who is eligible for voting), candidate (Candidate
are the users who are going to stand in elections for their respective party),
Election Commission Officer (Election Commission Officer who will verify
whether registered user and candidates are authentic or not) to participate in
online voting. This online voting system is highly secured, and its design is very
simple, ease of use and also reliable.

Project Design and Implementation

The system will be designed and implemented to support a wide range of voting
processes in respect to their:
Type: Polls, plebiscites, etc.
Coverage: Inter-organizational, local, regional, etc.
Specific sociological and behavioural characteristics: Voter groups with special
needs, ballot type (text, pictures, multimedia, etc.).
This can be achieved by providing easy configuration of the system. This
requirement is addressed by the highly modular three-tier system architecture
that is proposed. Specifically:
The presentation tier will support in an easy and user-friendly way the
interaction of the user with the system through a conventional WWW browser
or WAB enabled mobile phones. Furthermore, this tier may implement a "local
validation component" managing the validation of selected data at the front-end,
in an attempt to minimize network traffic.
The services tier will actually be the e-VOTE service platform together with the
associated application modules, this is the tier that actually provides the entire
system functionality. Even at this level, the implementation modular in order to
facilitate straightforward procedures for re-configuring the system. Each
module will be as generic as possible and its interoperability with the service
platform and the remaining application modules will be tested and evaluated.
The data tier will actually form the storage space of the system. Specifically, it
will accommodate space for registered voters.
This project consists of 3 major modules

 Admin Login with Username & Password
 Add & View Candidate Achievements
 Add & View Voter Achievements
 Logout
 Candidate Register with his/her details
 Login with Username & Password
 Update Profile
 View Achievements
 Logout
 Register
 Login
 Update Profile
 View Achievements
 Logout

Activity Diagram:
1. Home page
It is the welcome page of the website, having all the feature options of the
2. Registration page
This is the register page, where the voter, candidate and can register themselves.
They all have to enter basic information best of their known. All the information
registered in the website are saved in the respective database not require
geographical proximity of the voters. For example, soldiers abroad can
participate in elections by voting online.
3. Login page
User Login: After registering into the website, this information is saved to the
database and sent to the election commission. The user can Login to the website
with his unique USERNAME and PASSWORD generated through registration.
There is an option for FORGOT PASSWORD, in case user forgets his password
then he/she can go with option of forgot password. Candidate Login: After
registration candidate can see his/her profile and can edit his/her profile. The
candidate has facilitated with all the latest news update regarding election.

Project Testing and Evaluation

E-voting Testing and Evaluation Procedure
To control the conduct of tests of software developed in the course of the
EVOTE project, in order to ensure that tests are properly planned and carried
out, and this is evidenced. Tests may have quantified objectives, such as
percentage coverage of functionality. Software Testing in E-VOTE has 3 stages:
 unit testing
 integration testing
 validation testing
The Team leader at each development site is responsible for implementing the
test procedure. The test plan is subject to evolution and update as development
When it is required to test a software item, a test plan is prepared, and one or
more test specifications are developed to identify the precise tests to be carried
out. Tests are carried out according to the test plan and applicable test
specifications, and a report is prepared summarising the results of the tests.
The following terminology is used:
test case: A triple (event, input data, expected results), a component of a
test scenario: All the information necessary to execute a test, that is.
 objective
 initial test configuration
 input data
 logical behaviour of scenario
 test case linking
A scenario corresponds to the test of a specific function or command written in
a specification. A scenario verifies that a given specification requirement or
functionality has been implemented.
test suite: a grouping of a number of scenarios
Testing consists of the following stages:
 test planning
 test specification
 test execution
 test reporting
 test evaluation and release
Tests should be automated as much as possible by using tools which allow:
 repeated execution of test suites
 observation of software behaviour
 archiving of test inputs and outputs
Test Planning
Unit and integration testing will be carried out by the development team.
Validation testing will be performed by an independent test team.
Prepare a test plan identifying:
 the general approach, resources and schedules for the testing
 separate elements of testing, with test objectives, and corresponding test
specifications required
Subject the test plan to technical review within the Work Package
Test Specification
For each separate element of testing, prepare a test specification identifying the
precise tests to be conducted to meet the test objectives, including test inputs
and expected results, and test procedures or detailed instructions for carrying
them out, as necessary. Test specifications may be subject to technical review
within the Work Package, but this is optional.
A test specification is structured into test suites, themselves made up of test
scenarios, all uniquely identified. Note that a test case may appear in several
scenarios. Test suites, scenarios and cases will be specified to execute in a
particular order.
Test Execution
Execute the tests according to the test plan, the test specifications, and defined
test procedures. When execution is automated, command files or simulation
scripts may define test procedures.
When errors are encountered, report them to the person responsible for the
software item for correction. Use the EVOTE ISSUE Reporting procedure if the
software has already been released, or if the software is a pre-release version
undergoing validation testing by another partner. For the in-house testing of
software prior to its release, note that:
 for unit and integration tests, the development team will correct errors
"in-line" without external reporting
 for validation tests, performed by an independent team, external reporting
via an anomaly report, or appropriate in-house document, will be used, with
classification and recording of actions
In some circumstances it may be possible to use a temporary work-around to
allow further testing to continue before permanent correction.
If coverage objectives have not been reached, corrective action should be taken,
such as the specification of additional test suites, or application of other quality
controls when the coverage cannot be achieved.
When the software has been corrected, repeat the test that failed to confirm it
has been cleared, and any other tests the result of which may have been affected
by the change.
Test Reporting
Prepare a Test Report on the tests executed. This should:
 identify the tests carried out, referencing the test plan and the applicable
test specifications
 describe the results of the tests, whether successful or not; identifying
 faults found and cleared
 faults found and still outstanding
 identify any tests which were not carried out
Test Evaluation and Release
The Work Package Leader shall review the Test Report and evaluate whether
the test has been passed or not. Evaluation will involve estimating whether the
tests have achieved their objectives, the adequacy of the tests, and quantifying
test coverage.
If the test has been passed, the software shall be released using the E-VOTE
Release Procedure. E-VOTE Problem Reports shall be raised for any residual
faults found which have not been cleared.
If the test has not been passed both further testing and correction is conducted
until it passes, or an intermediate release is produced, with markers introduced
into the software to signal execution of untested code. When such a marker is
subsequently activated in use, an ISSUE Report is arisen.

Project Timeline

Work Package Work Description Weeks Comm
title ent
WP1 Meeting with the This work package will provide the 1-5
project supervisor. appropriate project management support
Selection of Project infrastructure. It will monitor progress
title. of the overall project title selection,
Submission of proposal and it will formulate a
project proposal and framework for facilitating the interaction
presentation. between project supervisor and the
WP2 Dissemination and In this work package a Dissemination 6
Use Plan, - and Use Plan will be produced for the
Interaction with project in order to enhance project
people and actualization and create enabling ground
gathering relevant for project to kick start.
materials for the
system design.
WP3 User Requirements This work package will identify and 7
and Specifications document in an iterative manner the
of the e-VOTE requirements of the different “actors”
Services involved in the voting process.
Following that it will identify the
required system attributes and specify
the services to be offered by the e-
VOTE system for each actor type.
WP4 Functional During this work package the 8
Specification and architectural model and system
System Architecture functionality required for satisfying the
User Requirements, will be specified in
an iterative manner
WP5 Quality Strategy This work package will specify the 9
quality components, as well as methods
for monitoring them, which will be used
during the e-VOTE development,
evaluation and demonstration stages.
Furthermore, it will specify the
procedures that will be adopted for
ensuring interoperability between the
various system components and
WP6 Technical Design During this Work package the functional 10
and System specifications of the e-VOTE service
Implementation platform and its associated application
modules, will be utilized for the
technical design, implementation and
initial testing of an electronic voting
system simulating, over the Internet, the
existing voting processes.
WP7 Pilot System The aim of this Work package is to 11
Validation specify and set-up a pilot e-VOTE
system, among the participating
partners, that will be used to validate the
functionality developed.
WP8 Demonstration and During this work package the e-VOTE 12
Assessment prototype system will be assessed for its
services as working, Nigerian by
Demonstrator, in order to move to an
established platform for the provision of
electronic voting services Nigeria- wide.
WP9 Implementation and This work package will specify the e- 12
Presentation VOTE Nigeria-wide electronic voting
service platform and will provide plans
for implementation and presentation of
the system.

Project Finance
Federal Government Financing: N 23,000,000
Salary (N) NAIRA
Bonus & Commissions N 2,000,000
Employee Incentive N 1,000,000
Employee Benefits N 500,000
Temporary Labour N 1,500,000
Total Salary & Benefits: N 5,000,000
Seminars & Training N 300,000
Consulting Fees N 700,000
Legal Fees N 900,000
Other Professional Fees N 100,000
Contracted Services N 500,000
Recruitment N 300,000
Advertising N 400,000
Travel & Entertainment N 600,000
Office Expense N 200,000
Telephone N 300,000
Computer Lease N 900,000
Repairs & Maintenance N 700,000
Utilities N 300,000
Office Supplies N 200,000
Dues & Subscriptions N 300,000
Office Rent N 500,000
Postage N 100,000
General Insurance N 900,000
Taxes & Licenses N 1,000,000
Total Other Expenses: N 10,000,000
Total Budgeted Expenses: N 20,000,000


Research Design and Sample Size: The study will use a survey to
evaluate the impact of electronic voting system in Nigeria. The design was
adopted because of its appropriateness in describing the current situation. The
population of the study are eligible voters in Nigeria. Nwankwo (1999) stated
that the population of any research work is the universe of such group; of people
or object which a researcher is interested in. In obtaining the sample size of the
population, from 36 states and the federal capital territory Abuja of Nigeria will
be selected through random sampling, five local government areas will be
selected from each states for the study. I will in these local government areas
obtain a sample element of 100 respondents which also means respondents from
each selected local government area through a probabilistic sampling
Research Instrument and Technique: The primary sources of data
collection will be through the use of questionnaire, personal observation and
interview. The primary instrument that will be use for the collection of data for
this study is the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be designed in open and
closed ended patterns. Further, in order to reduce the possibility of questionnaire
missing or getting lost in transit, the questionnaire will be retrieved the same
manner in which they are going to be administered. The data collected will be
presented in tables and analysed using non-parametric simple percentages and Z
– test statistical technique will be used in order to confirm the stated hypothesis.
Reliability of Research Instrument: The validity of an instrument refers
to the extent to which it measures what was intended to measure. The validity of
the scales that will be utilized in this study will assess for content and construct
validity. After the survey had been completed the reliability of the scales will
further examine by computing their coefficient alpha (Crombach Alpha). All
scales will be found to exceed a minimum threshold of 0.7 suggested by
Nunnally (1978).
Research Findings and Analysis: In the course of this study 120
questionnaire will be distributed to eligible voters in Nigeria in order to
critically evaluate the impact of electronic voting in Nigeria vis-à-vis the efforts
of the government on the development of the system. The contribution will be
gathered from eligible voters in Nigeria within the 36 states of Nigeria and the
federal capital territory Abuja. A total 120 questionnaires will be sent out of
which at least 100 is expected to be valid and useful for the study. This
represents 83% which is good enough, as it is reliable and generalizable.
Research Hypotheses Testing: The hypothesized statements will be tested
using the Z – test statistical tool as earlier stated. The tests will be conducted at
95% confidence interval and 0.005 level of significant. The decision rule was
that if the calculated Z is less than the critical value (1.96), we accept, if not we
reject. The following are predicted result of the hypothesis when tested:
HO1: Financial constraint is not a serious factor militating against effective
design and implementation of electronic voting system in Nigeria.
As shown in the predicted result, the calculated Z= 3.2 is greater than the
critical Z= 1.96. i.e. the null hypothesis will be rejected, in order words: there
are other major barriers other than financing that hinders the effective design
and implementation of electronic voting system in Nigeria.
HO2: Lack of management skill on Information Technology does not hamper
the design and implementation of electronic voting in Nigeria. In testing this
hypothesis, the result has proved that the stated hypothesis is wrong by
revealing that, the calculated Z=4 is greater than the critical Z= 1.96. In view of
this result,
I will reject the stated hypothesis which means that the lack of management
skill on Information Technology affect the design and implementation of
electronic voting system in Nigeria.

This project will enable a voter to cast his/her vote through internet without
going to voting booth and additionally registering himself/herself for voting in
advance, proxy vote or double voting is not possible, fast to access, highly
secure, easy to maintain all information of voting, highly efficient and flexible.
The using of online voting has the capability to reduce or remove unwanted
human errors. In addition to its reliability, online voting can handle multiple
modalities, and provide better scalability for large elections.
The system will be Fast and easy way of conducting Election, Voters can view
background of each Candidate, Candidate can present themselves against voters, Admin can
verify the documents and details of Candidate, System Generated Unique ID and Password
gives more Secure Logins, Result will be out after 2 Hrs of Election.

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