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Knowledge is a journey that we all must take A path that winds and twists without a

break Through valleys deep and mountains high We seek the truth that makes us sigh

In books and lectures, we find our guide To navigate the world and reach inside The
mysteries of life, the secrets of the mind We seek the knowledge we hope to find

With every page we turn, a new world unfolds With every lesson learned, our mind's
door opens and behold We see the beauty of the world in a new light We understand
the meaning of life's plight

With knowledge, we gain power and might We take on challenges, we win every fight
We learn from our past, we plan for our future We strive to be better, we seek the truth,
and we nurture

So let us all embrace the gift of knowledge With open hearts and minds, let's
acknowledge The power that lies within our reach The power of knowledge that we
must teach.

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