Name: Hodan Abdurrahman Mahmoud Department: MBA Citation

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Name: Hodan Abdurrahman Mahmoud

Department: MBA

Human Resource Management: The Emerging Trends
Author(s): Tanuja Agarwala
Source: Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Jan., 2002), pp. 315-331
Published by: Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources

Organizations are always competing in the modern commercial world. The demand for
the organizations to continuously improve as the level of competition rises each year is has never so importance for people
Changes in the environment? Changes outside of the company? Cause immediate
organizational adjustments. In the 1970s and 1980s, organizations mainly responded
unplanned to demands of external change. However, to deal with change, the late 1990s
and the twenty-first century demand more proactive and strategic human resources
management (HRM) techniques.
The main drivers behind the evolution of HRM are competition, globalization, and
changes in the commercial, social, economic, and technological domains, which present a
significant challenge to modern human resource management. According to theoretical
research on the subject, HR procedures have an impact on employees' attitudes,
behaviors, perceptions, and organizational effect
-According to theoretical research on the subject, HR procedures have an impact on
employees' attitudes, behaviors, perceptions, and organizational effectiveness.

 Climate, as well as other HR performance metrics that result in

 Efficacy inside an organization (Rao, 1990; Kinicki et al., 1992). It is
 It is obvious that both HR practices and innovations have an impact.
 outcomes for both the organization and the employee
 However, actual data on the employee's mediating function

Research summary
The discipline of human resource management (HRM) is ever-evolving. As businesses
make the adjustments required to stay competitive, the HRM function and practices
cannot remain static. The moment has come to modernize and reinvent HR procedures.
Regarding the novel HR practices that the organizations were experimenting with, the
necessity for HR innovations, and the employee and organizational outcomes expected by
the organization, the review of academic and research literature was highly illuminating.
The study's objectives were to comprehend the new IHRPs and trends in human
resources management (HRM) that firms are implementing, as well as the factors that led
to these changes. It also sought to detect any potential negative effects of these practices.
The goal of the study was to investigate the problems with creative HR practices in
businesses. The following were the main goals of the initial investigation:
 To come to an agreement on what constitutes innovative HR practices.
 Acquiring examples of Innovative HR Practices and comprehending the nature of
HR alterations and innovations being implemented by firms.
 To determine the results that firms anticipate achieving by using cutting-edge HR

A strength is a resource or capacity the organization can use effectively to achieve its
objectives. A weakness is a limitation, fault or defect in the organization that will keep it
from achieving its objectives. An opportunity is any favorable situation in the
organization environment
The main goal of conducting an expert interview program was to determine the general
trends in the application of HRM in the organizations, the changes and innovations that
have occurred therein over the last few years, and the results the organizations anticipated
from HR innovations. The goal of the interviews was to bring together some of the
opinions made by the experts and summarize them in order to provide a broad
perspective on the problem. Therefore, the debate that follows is not grounded in
statistics. Here, the primary goal is to draw generalizations from interview data
According to the experts, competition was a key factor encouraging organizations to
innovate in their human resource operations.

They claimed that paying attention to HRD procedures was necessary for
organizational survival in the modern world. Almost all of the specialists whose opinions
were sought expressed that the primary goal was of an economic nature. The experts also
thought that increased competition had resulted

Closing statement
Human resource management influence development rapidly it can improve employee
motivation in a bussiness and pay attention to company policy and law respectively
which can increases the efficiency of company and get higher profit
Drawing conclusions from the debate above, it becomes clear that although while the
people element has always been significant, its significance will increase in the future.
This is due to the fact that the business environment is changing, necessitating an even
greater emphasis on the personnel function within organizations. To increase the
effectiveness of the organization, the management of human resources must place a high
priority on the developing component. It becomes essential to change a variety of
ordinary tasks and shape them to benefit employees' development.

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