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C LeDuc 1

Goals and S.M.A.R.T Objectives

Presentation Title: Build A Better Breakfast

Goal(s)* Objectives* Situational Activities Delivery Modes Evaluation

Factors Planned
1. To guide adults While filling out Ask attendees - Food demo/taste Egg bites prepped Review responses
on how to pair the post-quiz, at who eats testing for attendees to to post quiz
together foods to least 40% of breakfast? What taste test. Will questions
create a balanced, attendees will be do they choose? verbally explain
healthy breakfast. able to provide how to make them
two examples of and demonstrate
how they will how easy it is to
include healthier microwave them if
breakfast options. prepped ahead.
2. To teach adults All attendees will Encourage Presentation Presentation will Review responses
the importance be able to come up discussion by be shown on the to post quiz
and benefits of with one food or asking questions TV screen in front questions;
consuming nutrition goal they throughout of the room and engagement
breakfast. have for themself presentation printed out for throughout
after the lesson. everyone.Slides presentation and
will be in English after food demo
and Spanish.
3. To guide adults After the Have attendees Chair stretches Demonstrate 3 Participation while
to practice presentation while join activity and demonstration chair stretches in demonstrating
mindfulness and sitting in a chair, ask them how they front of class stretches
demonstrate chair 100% of attendees might practice
stretches. will know how to mindfulness
perform at least
one chair stretch.
C LeDuc 2

➢ Before presentation starts, ask the class to share what their favorite breakfast foods are or what they ate that morning
for breakfast
➢ Presentation
➢ Pre/Post tests
➢ Food demo - egg bites (forks, paper plates)
➢ Giveaway - metal spoon holders
Extension Activities: N/a
➢ Offer giveaway and print out of presentation, which includes the egg bite recipe
➢ Thank everyone for join, walk around asking how they liked the egg bites and if they would make the recipe themselves

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