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Consumer Behavior
By: Mtra. Mariana Sierra
Learning Objectives
Understanding Consumer Behavior

1. Describe the stages in the consumer

purchase decision process.

1. Identify the major influences on

consumer behavior.
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

The stages a buyer passes through in making

choices about which products and services to
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

1. Problem recognition
Perceiving a difference between ideal and
actual situation big enough that triggers a

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

2. Information Search
• Internal Search.

• External Search:
o Personal Sources

o Public Sources

o Marketer-Dominated
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

3. Alternative Evaluation
Clarifies the problem for the consumer
suggesting criteria to use for the purchase and
yielding brand names that meet the criteria.

• Evaluative Criteria are the objective and

subjective attributes used to compare

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

3. Alternative Evaluation
• Consideration Set. Group of brands a
consumer would consider acceptable to buy
among all the brands which he is aware.

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

4. Purchase Decision
a) Which seller to buy from?
b) When to buy?

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

5. Post purchase Behavior

When the consumer compares the purchased
product with his/her expectations:
• Satisfied. Buy product again and tell 3 people.
• Dissatisfied. Won’t buy again and complain to 9

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Understanding Consumer Behavior
Consumer Purchase Decision Process

5. Post purchase Behavior

Cognitive Dissonance is the post purchase
psychological tension when consumers have
doubts of their decision.

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011


Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Situational Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

● Purchase Task. Why you’re buying.

● Antecedent States. Consumer’s mood, cash


Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Situational Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

● Social Surroundings. People present

when your buying.

● Physical Surroundings. Decor, music,


● Temporal Effects. Time of the day when

you’re purchasing.

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Understanding Consumer Behavior
Influences on Consumer Decisions

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

The energizing force that stimulates behavior
to satisfy a need.

To express yourself? To achieve an ideal? To obtain external recognition?

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

A person’s consistent
behaviors and responses
to recurring situations.

Traits are inherited or

formed in early age.

Kaser, Gustav, Insight Discovery – Carl Gustav Jung, 2013

Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer
Process by which we select, organize and
interpret information.

Consumers preferred the sweet taste, then

Coca Cola launched the New Coke…
The biggest disaster in marketing history…
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

1)Selective Perception
Consumers filter exposure, comprehension
and retention of information.

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

2) Subliminal Perception
Seeing or hearing messages without being aware.

2020 Advertising Campaign in Italy

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Consumer Learning
Behaviors that result from repeated experiences
and reasoning.

Behavioral Learning. Cognitive Learning.

Repeated experience. Observing the outcomes
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011 of others
Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Learnt predisposition to respond to a product or
brand in a consistently favorable or unfavorable
way. Shaped by values and beliefs.

Planned obsolescence! Too expensive! Low wages!

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Brand Loyalty. Is a favorable attitude and

consistent purchase of a single brand over time. A
behavior turned into a habit, as a result from
positive reinforcement in every experience.

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Psychological Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Consumer Lifestyle
Behaviors, interests, activities and values.
Analyzed by Psychographics.

Go Pro Camera targeted to adventurous bikers.

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Influences on Consumer Decisions

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Sociocultural Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Personal Influence
Views, opinions and behavior of others.

Opinion leaders have reach and influence over

decision making.
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Sociocultural Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer
Personal Influence
Influencer Marketing when a
brand pays a social media
influencer to promote their

● Nanoinfluencers (Less than 10k

● Microinfluencers (between 10k
and 100k)
● Macroinfluencers (between 100k
and 1M)
Personal Influence
Spokespersons are paid by the
brand to represent it.
Sociocultural Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer
Personal Influence

Word-of-mouth. Influencing people in a

conversation. Powerful and trustworthy.
Magnified in social media.

Viral Tik Tok Products of 2022

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

Sociocultural Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer
Family Influence
Family life cycle. Distinct phases that a family
progresses through from formation to
retirement. Each brings different purchase

Young singles target for Young marrieds driven by Older married are a sizable
electronic devices. needs of the children market for vacation trips.
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011
Sociocultural Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Social Class Influence

Relatively permanent, homogeneous
divisions in society. Occupation, source of
income and education.

Exhibit common buying

behavior, attitudes and

Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011 70% of kids in rural communities of

Mexico have Coca Cola for breakfast.
Sociocultural Influences
Of the Purchase Decision Process of an End Consumer

Set of values, ideas and attitudes that are learned
and shared among the members of a group.

2020 Limited Edition of cups in Cielito Querido with very

Mexican anecdotes and messages.
Kerin, Marketing, McGrawHill, 2011

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