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1.Among the different Body Systems,choose 1 system that you consider as most
interesting and state your reason why?
▪ The heart does not need the body to beat; instead, the heart produces its own
electrical impulses that cause it to do so. For this reason, the bodily system I
have chosen is the cardiovascular system. Even when cut off from the rest of
the body, the heart will keep beating as long as it is getting oxygen. The heart
is a coordinated machine where the right side pumps blood into the lungs and
the left side pumps back into the body. We may better understand what can go
wrong, why, and how we can attempt to prevent it by studying how the
cardiovascular system functions in a healthy state.

2.From your chosen body system,identify 1 disorder/abnormality and its

medical/surgical management.You may include images of the signs and
1 Disorder/Abnormality
▪ Heart attack - happens when a part of the heart muscle does not receive
enough blood. This can occur due to a blockage, a tear in an artery around the
heart, or if the heart requires more oxygen than is available.
Medica/Surgical Management
▪ Bypass Surgery-also known as CABG,pronounced “cabbage”,Coronary After
Bypass done via Open heart surgery.
Reasons for Procedure
▪ One of the most common and effective procedure to manage the blockage of
the blood to the heart muscle.
▪ Improves the Blood supply and oxygen to the heart.
Signs and Symptoms
1. Chest Pain

2. Felling lightheaded
3. Pain discomfort in shoulders and arms

4. Pain or discomfort in the neck and back

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