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Lesson #2

I am leaving here a list of ideas for you to use as your own brief but try to come up with
another that really moves you. Can be something very personal, based on an experience or
something you went through, that can be good or bad. There is a chance someone,
somewhere will relate to it as well. And even if they don’t, it can still be a good outlet for you
to express yourself.

Here are some of the ideas:

● Feeling ● Technology
● Sounds
● Sins dependency
● Antonyms
● Tarot ● Social cause
and synonyms
● Deck cards (global warming,
● Seasons ● Overcoming
ocean pollution,
● Months LGBTI, women’s
● Growth
● Sayings rights, fight
● Book illustrations poverty and many
● Movie posters more)
● Helping out
● Music tracks ● Self portraits
● Album covers
That’s how I
organize my work
Think about a theme or a phrase and start
adding some keywords associated with
that idea. Brainstorm for a while to find
some clues that will guide later on when
you start sketching your thumbnails
Template to organize your ideas:

My theme is: ________________________________________________________

The phrase that will inspire me is: ___________________________________________________________________

My keywords are

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