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Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 41(1985) 207—214 207

Elsevier Science Publishers By., Amsterdam — Printed in The Netherlands

On the magma chamber characteristics as inferred from surface

geology and geochemistry: examples from Mexican
geothermal areas *
Surendra P. Verma **

Departamento de Geotermia, Dir’isiàn de Fuentes de EnergIa, Instituto de Incestigac,one,s Elêctrica,s, Apt/u. Postal 475. (‘uernrn’aca.
Mor. 62000 (Mexico)

Verma. S.F., 1985. On the magma chamber characteristics as inferred from surface gcolog~and gcochemistr~: examples
from Mexican geothermal areas. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.. 41: 207—2 14.

A procedure is described which enables us to obtain estimates of some physical and chemical characteristics of
sub-surface magma chambers. This is applied to three geothermal areas of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) in central
Mexico. The approximate volumes estimated for the underlying chemically and thermally zoned magma chambers are:
3 for Los 1-lumeros. 600 km3 for La Priniavera. and 400 knT~for Los Azufres. These estimates will have to he
1500 km
modified as more geological—geochemical data become available.

1. Introduction thermal ftelds. especially those located in the cir-

cum-Pacific volcanic-chain, are related to im-
The actual geophysical methods, especially those portant volcanic structures and may be underlain
based on ‘active’ seismology, have proved to be by one or more magma bodies at shallow depths.
very effective in tracing subsurface magma bodies These may act as the heat source required for the
beneath volcanic structures (Rundle et al.. 1985) geothermal development.
but are extremely expensive and time-consuming.
Therefore, some cheaper alternative and/or com-
plementary techniques must be sought and devel- 2. The present approach
oped. Elders et al. (1984) made an elegant attempt
to model the magmatic heat source in the Cerro In a subduction environment beneath a con-
Prieto (Mexico) geothermal system using the avail- tinental plate, magmas may have one or more of
able geological—geochemical—geophysical data. We the following petrogenetic components: oceanic
show that geochemistry can be used to help resolve plate without sediments, oceanic plate with sedi-
many problems related to magma genesis and ments, upper mantle wedge with or without water,
chamber processes in volcanic areas and, when and lower. mtddle or upper continental crust. Fur-
combined with geological data, can provide im- ther. any of the following processes may be domi-
portant constraints on magma bodies. Many geo- nant: partial fusion or anatexis, crystal fractiona-
tion, mixing of magmas. assimilation and diffusive
transport. etc. Figure 1 gives a schematic account
* This paper is from Symposium Sb, ‘Physics of the Earth’s of these components and processes.
Interior from the Regional Assembly of the IASPEI held at
Hyderabad, India on November 2, 1984. Figure 2 presents a generalized view of our
** Earlier publications of the author are also under the name approach. Our strategy is to first study a volcanic
of S. Pal, centre from the geological and geochemical points

~ot~iccomposit~n~Thes:, ~ ~
D B CONTnENTAL logical formations, mass-balance estimates from

surface magma bodies. These results could then be

Fig. 1. Magma genesis in a subduction environment. The
petrogenetic components are: (1) oceanic plate without sedi- complemented with those of thermal modelling,

ments, (2) oceanic plate with sediments. (3) upper mantle with gravity survey, magnettcs, tellurics. and seismo-
or without water. (4) lower continental crust. (5) middle con- logical studies. Thus with a combined geochemical
tinental crust, and (6) upper continental crust. The processes and geophysical approach, the model could be
are: (A) partial fusion or anatexis. (B) crystal fractionation. (C) refined and checked.
mixing of magmas. (D) assimilation and (E) diffusive transport.

of view. This involves surface geology, drill-hole 3. Application

geology (if available), geochemistry (major and
trace elements), K—Ar dating of young rocks, and We now report on the efforts of such a modell-
radiogenic isotopes (t7Sr/56Sr, 143Nd/144Nd, etc.). ing in three geothermal areas of Mexico, viz., Los
These studies will provide us with a description of Humeros, Los Azufres, and La Primavera; all
the rock-types in the area, the chemical composi- located in the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB) and
tion of the magmas, their eruptive history and related to important silicic volcanic centres. Figure
3 gives their locations within the Belt as well as the
present-day tectonic features.






ISOTOPES . ~-----
--- iio’ .\ i~o’ I


~ ~gTMLLOnI~ EISM0L0UYj I ~ I 9O~ w

Fig. 3. Location of Los Humeros, La Primavera, and Los

Azufres volcanic centres, in the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB).
Other tectonic elements are EPR = East Pacific Rise and MAT
L = Middle America Trench. The map has been modified after

Fig. 2. Schematics of our approach for the study of a volcanic López-Ramos and Sànchez-Mejorada (1976) and Atwater
centre. (1970).

3.1. Los Ilumeros LOS HsPlERos REFINED MODELING,

The first application of the present approach

was carried out by Verma (1 984a) for Los Humeros 100 ~ %~ PARENTAL MAGMA = OLIvINE BASALT

caldera located about 180 km east of Mexico City. 1

Since then, more refined computations have been 20 ST 0 LIQUID ERUPTED 80 ST 0 MINERALS

carried out (Verma, 1985) and the results are de- T 7% OF 20% PHENOCRYSTS

scribed here.
The geology of Los Humeros caldera has been
reported by Pérez-Reynoso (1978), Yanez-Garcia
(1980), Ferriz and Mahood (1984), and Ferriz 950 °~

(1985). Major and trace element geochemistry of

igneous rocks from the area is given by Verma and 93 ST 0 LIQUID 57 ST 0 MINERALS

LOpez-M. (1982), Verma (1984b). and Ferriz + 8% PHENOCRYSTS

(1985). Ferriz (1985) also reports microprobe data XALTIPAN

on the constituent mineral phases of most volcanic ~ ST ~+ ERUPTED IGNIMBRITE 90 ST 7, LEFT BEHIND

units from the caldera. K—Ar dates on eruptive RHY DA

units of the volcanic centre are reported by Ferriz 8751 C

and Mahood (1984). Finally, Sr and Nd radiogenic 78 ST 7 LIQUID
isotopes are presented by Verma (1983). 2%PHENDCRYSTA ) 22 ST 0 MINERALS
Preliminary geochemical modelling was done I
by Verma (1984a) using mineral compositions XALTIPAN

taken from literature as at that time they were not 8 si~0 ERUPTED ~~TE 92 ST 0 LEFT BEHIND
available for samples from Los Humeros. More L 800 °C
refined estimates using the actual mineral data
from Ferriz (1985) are summarized in Fig. 4 using Fig. 4. A schematic crystal fractionation model for Los Humeros
volcanic centre.
the mass-balance procedures given by Bryan et a!.
(1968). Thus to obtain a rhyolitic magma from a
parental olivine basaltic magma, a large propor- A schematic diagram of the magma chamber in
tion of minerals (about 92 wt.%) must be sep- Los Humeros is shown in Fig. 5. The depth of
arated and left behind in the magma chamber if about 5 km for the top of the magma chamber is
the evolved rhyolitic magma erupted with little based on the thermal modelling of the area by Prol
phenocryst content (as is the case, for example, et al. (1984) and González-Morân et al. (1985).
with the most voluminous Xaltipan ignimbrite The shallow nature of the magma chamber is also
unit). The implications of this modelling for Los supported by the major and trace element modell-
Humeros volcanic centre are summarized in Table ing (Verma, 1984b) which requires plagioclase as
I. It is assumed that the net density of the sep- the dominant phase to be separated from the
arated mineral phases is similar to that of the mafic magma to generate the more evolved corn-
corresponding evolved magma. It can be seen that positions. A volume of about 1 500 km3 estimated
although many eruptive units contribute to the for the magma chamber perhaps is only a mini-
minerals left behind (in the magma chamber), the mum estimate for this area, as recent influx of
Xaltipan ignimbrite alone exceeds these estimates mantle-derived basaltic magmas into the magma
by almost an order of magnitude. It must be chamber have not been taken into account.
pointed out that the crystal fractionation model The chemically zoned nature of the magma
(from a parental basaltic magma) for the genesis chamber is supported by the diversity of chemical
of Los Humeros volcanic centre seems to be sup- compositions encountered in Los Humeros
ported by the data on trace elements and radio- volcanic centre (Verma and Lôpez-M., 1982; Per-
genie isotopes (Verma, 1983, 1984b). riz, 1985) as well as the presence of alternate

MACAMAZES thermally zoned and partly solidified (Ferriz, 1985;

N: ~ Verma, 1985).
3.2. La Primavera
I + L __ ~ ~

The geology of La Primavera caldera (located

towards west of the City of Guadalajara) has been
Go’) GRANITES the subject of many studies and discussions (Ma-
o,: o~: :,‘: I ~ \. .1:;:, SOHUTS
,zi~ —i~ ,,. hood, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1983; Demant and
~ZtII~~IIIII~II/\ oL Vincent, 1978; Wright, 1981, 1983; Clough et al.,
~ 1981 Walker et al 1981) The geochemistry of the
:G’.~— ~ volcanic products has been reported by Mahood
(1981a,b) whereas the K—Ar dates are given by
Mahood (1977, 1980) and Mahood and Drake
~ (1982) The main units of this volcanic centre and
-‘ ,G 0,0 ;~: ~ some of their characteristics are summarized in
Table II It is seen that a total volume of some
where between 50 and 60 km3 of the magma
Fig. 5. A schematic model of the magma chamber underlying erupted from this centre has been rhyolitic in
Los Humeros volcanic centre, composition, with Si0
2 from 75 to 77%. Mahood
(1981a) discussed the major and trace element
data on La Primavera in terms of several models
light-coloured felsic and dark-coloured mafic and pointed out that simple crystal fractionation
pumice layers in the caldera (Verma, 1983; 1984b). and partial melting models are inadequate to ex-
It is also likely that the magmatic heat source is plain the data. She visualized the existence of a

Some physical and chemical parameters of Los Humeros volcanic centre (Verma and LOpez-M., 9982; Ferriz and Mahood, 1984;
Ferriz, 9985; this work)

Formation/flow Magma eq. 3) Age

(Ma) Temp.
(°C) (%)
Si02 Minerals left
behind (km3)
01. basalt 0.25 (km <0.02 1070 49 —

Rhyodac..dacites 10 0.03—0.02 910 59—69 70

Cuicuijtic tuff 0.1 69—72 1
LimOn and other andesites 6 0.04—0.02 960 56—59 20
Llano andesite ignim. 0.9
Xoxoctic tuff 0.6 890 65 2
Cueva Ahumada lavas 0.9 0.06
Zaragoza ignimbrite 10 0.90 880—920 54—71 64
Zaragoza basal fall 2.0 855 71 20

Faby tuff 10 0.24 875 69—73 100

Post-Xal. rhyolites 4.7 0.36—0.22 73—76 54
Xaltipan ignimbrite 115 0.46 800—875 69—77 1200
Pre.Xal. rhyolites 0.1 0.47
Teziutlhn Formation 60 3.5—1.6

(LHC = Los Humeros caldera, LPC = Los Potreros caldera, EXC = El Xalapazco caldera).

compositionally and thermally zoned silicic magma value of 600 km3 as a minimum volume for La
chamber beneath the caldera and the influence of Primavera magma chamber which may actually be
melt structure and complex volatile transport as chemically zoned. The temperature of its top may
the main processes responsible for its formation. lie close to about 800°C(in accordance with the
However, it is not stated as to what the nature of evolved nature of its erupted products and rather
the source region was and what the parental mag- young radiometric-dates). Thermal modelling
mas were from which the evolved products were should be carried out to get an idea of its depth.
actually derived. A ‘guess’ is made by Mahood
(1980) that a large-scale melting of crustal material 3.3. Los Azufres
gave rise to La Primavera magmas.
There is a great difficulty, at present, in obtain- The area of Los Azufres (located about 200 km
ing estimates on the size of the magma chamber in west of Mexico City) is already quite developed
La Primavera as the exact nature of the parental from the geothermal point of view. More than 30
magma(s) is not known. There are no radiogenic wells have been drilled and five well-head genera-
isotope data (Sr, Nd or Pb isotopes) yet available tors with a total capacity of 25 MW of electricity
on the erupted products. So, the nature of their have already been installed (since August, 1982).
source region can not be ascertained. However, if Before long, the installed capacity of Los Azufres
we assume that (1) their source lies in the mantle will be increased many-fold (Alonso-Espinosa,
or in subducted slab, with little contribution from 1984).
the continental crust, (2) the mass-balance data of The geology of the area is described by Garfias-
Los Humeros (Fig. 4) apply to this region as well F. and Gonzalez-S. (1978), Camacho (1979),
(in spite of the possibility that fractional crystalli- Garfias-F. and Rodriguez-S. (1982), De Ia Cruz et
zation may not be a dominant petrogenetic al. (1982), and Dobson (1984). The data on
process), and (3) the net density of the separating whole-rock chemistry are given recently by Dob-
mineral phases is not drastically different from son (1984) and Cathelineau et al. (1985). K—Ar
that of the associated magmas, then considering dates have been reported by Demant et al. (1975),
the rather aphyric or very slightly porphyritic na- Aumento and Gutierrez-N. (1980), and Dobson
ture of most La Primavera erupted magmas, it is (1984). A summary of the available data is given in
possible to get some estimate on the minimum size Table III.
of the underlying magma chamber. This is sum- Only a few microprobe data on the constituent
marized in Table II. We obtain an approximate ‘fresh’ minerals are available and this makes it

Some physical and chemical parameters of La Primavera volcanic centre (Mahood, 1980, 1981a,b, 1983; Wright, 1981; Walker et al.,
1981; Mahood and Drake, 1982; this work)

Formation/flow Magma eq. Age Si0

3) (Ma) (%) 2 Minerals(km3)
behind left
erupted (km
Southern arc lavas 7 0.060—0.025 76—77 80
Younger ring domes 3 0.075 76—77 35
Older ring domes 5 0.095 75—76 58
Rhyolitic domes 0.095? 76—77
Tala tuff (Rio catiente
ignimbrite) 35 0.095 76—77 400
Rhyolitic lavas 0:145—0.100 75—77
SE See text for assumptions.

Some physical and chemical parameters of Los Azufres volcanic Centre (Demant et al.. 1975; Aumento and Gutierrez-N.. 1980;
Garfias-F. and Rodriguez-S., 1982; Dobson, 1984; Cathelineau et al., 1985; this work)
Formation/flow Magma eq. Age SiO, Minerals left
3) (Ma) (%) behind (km3) A
erupted (km
Yerbahuena rhyolite 8 0.30—0.14 71—75 92
San Andrés dac.-rhyodac. 18 0.33 65—70 162
Agua Fria rhyolites 13 1.03—0.84 70—74 150

Andesites—minor hasalts 18—1.4 30—62

GE see text for assumptions.

difficult to carry out precise mass-balance compu- that large silicic rnagmatic systems may possess
tations using the major-element data. Sr or Nd magma chambers at least 10 times as voluminous
isotopic data have also not been reported for Los as the amount of magma erupted in caldera-for-
Azufres geothermal field as is the case with La ming ash flow events, because the ratio between
Primavera volcanic centre as well. Therefore, pet- the volumes estimated for the magma chamber
rogenetic modelling can not be done at present. and the corresponding ash-flow magma equivalent
However if we use the mass-balance model put is close to 10 for the Mexican geothermal areas
forth for Los Humeros, we can obtain some pre- (see Tables I—Ill).
liminary estimate on the size of the magma cham-
ber in Los Azufres. This is done in Table III.
Thus, an approximate minimum volume of 400 5. Conclusions
km3 is obtained for this volcanic centre. The tem-
perature of the upper part of the magma chamber It is shown that a combined geological—geo-
may be somewhat lower than 800°Cas the younger chemical approach is quite useful in the study of
eruptions have been felsic in their compositions magma chamber characteristics underlying silicic
and took place earlier than about 0.14 Ma ago volcanic centres. Geophysical techniques such as
(Table III). thermal modelling should be helpful for further
understanding such problems.
The proposed scheme is successfully applicable
4. Other considerations in one of the three areas exemplified in the present
study (Los Humeros) whereas in the other two
The volume and other estimates obtained here areas (La Primavera and Los Azufres) further data,
depend on a series of assumptions which should be especially those involving microprobe mineral
tested as far as possible. This includes the consid- compositions and radiogenic isotopes, are needed
eration of other important processes such as diffu- before better estimates on the underlying heat
sion and volatile-complex controlled differentia- sources could be obtained.
tion and crustal assimilation (Hildreth, 1981;
Bacon et al., 1981). The effects of uncertainties in
volume estimates of the different geological forma- Acknowledgements
tions as well as in the amount of the crystal
differentiation could also be taken into account. The author is grateful to CONACyT, lIE and
Nevertheless, it appears that the present volume IASPEI for each of them having provided partial
estimates should be correct by a factor of two or supports which enabled him to attend the IASPEI
better. They are also compatible with the conclu- Regional Assembly at Hyderabad. India. This work
sion of Smith and Shaw (1975) and Smith (1979) has been supported by Instituto de Investigaciones

Eléctricas. Partial support comes from CON ACyT Ferriz. H.. 1985. Zoneamiento composicional y mineralogico en
through a project-grant PCCBBNA-022813. I am los productos eruptivos del centro volcànico de Los
Humeros, Puebla. Mexico. Geofis. Int., (Sp. Vol. MVB -
grateful to my wife Terul for her continued sup- Part 1, Editor, S P. Verma), 24: 97—157
port during the development of the present work. Ferriz. H. and Mahood, G A, 1984 Eruption rates and
A. Patiho is thanked for drafting of the figures. positional trends at Los 1-lumeros volcanic center, Puehla,
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