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Social studies «History» 5.

Social studies «History» 5.1

Important dates

1000 -1100 Viking area ended

1349/1350 The Black Plague/Black Death came
to Norway
1397 Union with Denmark
1517 Protestantism
17th of May 1814 The Constitution was signed
1898 Men over the age of 25 could vote
1900 Child Welfare act, Labour
1905 (7th of June) The end of the union with Sweden
1913 Womens right to vote in Norway
9th of April 1940 The start of WW2 in Norway (the
8th of May 1945 The end of WW2 in Norway (the
1949 Norway became a member of NATO
The 67 Discovering the oil in the North Sea
1972/1994 Norway said no to membership in the EU
1978 Abortion act
1989 Sami storting
2009 Gay marriage recognized
2012 End of state church
Social studies «History» 5.1

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