Affidavit of The Facts Glenda Allen

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empire state of morocco

moorish national republic federal government

 ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ 
 ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world ~ 
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis
canada / mexico / and americana islands
 ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ 
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
 ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ 

1st Shawwal 2023 [April 21,2023]

all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione.
i am sovereigne livinge justise glenda bernadette allen in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria
persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne
annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents of the greate pharoahs uf kemet ande of the annciente
moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye
vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne de jure
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time
ande at all pointes in time nunc pro tunc.

to all elected, all non-elected, and to all appointed united states republic officials, Public Servants,
and Officers of Trust, etc., doing business as, of, and for the Federal, State, City, and Municipal
Governments; including their Personnel, their Contractors, and their other associate Corporate
Entities doing business at north america / al maghrib; and to all ‘Third Party Interlopers’ or
Contractors, etc.,: concerning their fiduciary obligations, their official oaths, and their duties
enumerated in the organic american constitution, adopted for governance of the united states republic;
all binding treaties; the established law of the land; and all statutory and civil law codes of the land,
etc., know all men by these following publications and presents:

i, glenda bernadette allen , in capitis diminutio nolo), am a moorish noble of the al moroccan
empire (north america / al morocco) in propria persona (my own proper self); being a moorish al
moroccan national – a heir and descendant of the ancient moabites / moors, by birthright, by
freehold, by primogeniture and by inheritance; being aboriginal and indigenous to the land(s)
(amexem / americas) territorium hereditaments of my ancient moabite / moorish al moroccan fore-
mothers and fore-fathers - to wit: that upon my inherited nobility, and upon my private aboriginal
/ indigenous proper person status and commercial liability; i, glenda bernadette allen, in propria
persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes, being duly affirmed, and standing squarely
affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points of light:’ - love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice, do
declare and proclaim upon divine law; natures law, universal law, moorish al moroccan birthrights,
constitutional law, treaty agreements, international law, do declare and state that I am a natural flesh
and blood divine being, as opposed to an artificial or fictitious "persons" such as corporations.
v. Brewer, 43 Neb. 800, 02 N. W. 320, 47 Am. St. Rep. 770; Smith v. Trust Co., 4 Ala. 508.

all CITIZENS, Citizens and citizens are subject to me, and are commanded to honor my
sovereignty, and to obey me immediately of each and all of my sovereign commands at all times. i
am in propria persona, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes at this time, and at all points in time.

Case Law: “The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency,
aspect, court, etc.., can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the
contracts between them.” (S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow vs. Doane’s Administrators, 3 U.S. 54; 1
L.E.d. 57; 3 Dall. 54, Supreme Court of the United States 1775)
i, glenda bernadette allen, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo and in proprio heredes, do

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continental united
states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
hereby rebut and refute the fraud of the colorable warship name; the CORPORATE NOM DE
ALLEN that are summoned to appear at the colorable MAGISTRATE COURT: CITY OF
DECATUR / STATE OF GEORGIA: COUNTY OF DEKALB on April 25, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., File
Number: 22D19542
i, glenda bernadette allen, am commanding the enforcement of the organic constitution for the
united states of america (1791), and the 10 bill of rights, --- the treaty of peace and friendship
between morocco and the united states (1787) & (1836), --- common law --- moorish law --- the
zodiac constitution by c.m. bey ©AA222141 / library of congress, washington, d.c., --- the charter of
the united nations, --- 61/295 - united nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples, --- the
united nations declaration of the rights of the child, --- the united nations declaration of human
rights, --- executive order 13107 – implementation of human rights treaties, --- and all other
international human rights law;shall be the (supreme law of the land), and is binding on all persons

doing business as Court Officers, Judges, Magistrates, Law Enforcement, Military, and all Public
Officials and Public Servants, Officers of Trust, Etc., doing business as, of, and for the Federal,
State, County, City, and Municipal Governments; including their Personnel, their Contractors, and
their other Associate Corporate Entities, etc., doing business at north america / al morocco; to
consider them as one document as far as the (supreme law of the land and authority) are concerned.
“the constitution for the united states of america, is the supreme law of the land; and any court, law,
act, statute, executive orders, house resolutions, bills, policies, etc., etc., that are repugnant to the
organic constitution for the united states of america; is null and void of law and has no standing.
by freehold inheritance, i, glenda bernadette allen, in capitis diminutio nolo), retain all
substantive rights, protections and immunities; and are to enjoy the exercising of all of my
substantive rights, and to operate upon consummated right-law, isonomi principles; having vested
constitutional secured rights and immunities from Taxation, and from Criminal and Civil
Jurisdiction by and of the union states republic (u.s.a.), pursuant to, but not limited to, the article III
consular court, and the ‘acts of state’ to wit:
“every sovereign state (people) is bound to respect the independence of every other sovereign
state (people) and the courts of one country (people) will not sit in judgment on the acts of the
government of another, done within (the same or) its own territory…”

and furthermore, the “sovereign unum sanctuam and papal authoritee” is now
with the moors; so that means that all persons doing business as lawmakers, politicians, judges,
magistrates, court officers, law enforcement agencies, military, etc., etc., have no jurisdiction over
the free moors; the bey’s, el’s dey’s, al’s and ali’s, in the inherited land of the moorish al moroccan
nation, namely, u.s.a., canada, mexico, central america, south america, and the adjoing islands.
the true nobles of the al moroccan empire, are sovereign, private, and are to be self-governed by
‘right-law’ principles and customs. i, glenda bernadette allen, furthermore assert my full birthright
inheritance, sovereignty and substantive rights and claim to hereditaments by being a sundry free
moor and a (natural being), in reference to the following:

United States Supreme Court – acts of state: “every sovereign state (people) is bound to respect
the independence of every other sovereign state (people), and the courts of one country (people) will
not sit in judgment on the acts of the government of another, done within (the same or) its own
territory…” Underhill v. Hernandez, 168 U. S. 250, 18 Sup. Ct. 83, 42 L. Ed. 456;

case law: “while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself
remains with the people, by whom and for whom, all government exists and acts.” Lee vs. Hopkins,
118 U.S. 356.
in reference to organic american law, all elected, all non-elected, and all appointed United States
Officials, Public Servants, and Officers of Trust, etc., doing business as, of, and for the Federal,
State, City, and Municipal Governments; including their Personnel, their Contractors, and their other
associate Corporate Entities doing business at north america / al morocco; and to all ‘Third Party

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continental united
states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Interlopers’ or Contractors, etc.,: concerning their fiduciary obligations, their official oaths, and their
duties enumerated in the organic american constitution, adopted for governance of the united states
republic; all binding treaties; the established law of the land; and all statutory and civil law codes of
the land, etc., are obligated by the “supreme law of the land” to take notice of the written instruments
agreed upon by the people of the Union or of a particular state as the absolute rule of action and
decision for all departments and officers of the government in respect to all the points covered by it,
which must control until it shall be changed by the authority which established it, and in opposition
to which any act or ordinance of any such department or officer is null and void. in other words,
“we moors are bound, including all officers of this court are to interpret the organic “constitution for
the united states of america” in the light of the law as it existed at the time it was adopted. the
organic constitution is a written agreement, as such, its meaning does not alter. that which it meant
when it was adopted, it means now.
“as you already know; the organic “constitution for the united states of america” is the (supreme
law of the land). and all non-article iii colorable courts are repugnant to the constitution for the
united states of america and is null and void of law concerning moors. in other words,
case law: “all laws which are repugnant to the constitution are null and void.” Marbury v. Madison,
5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803).
the moroccan empire has a business arrangement with the british empire / united states
[european corporate contract citizens - caucasian men]. see: moroccan / u.s. treaty agreements:
“treaty of peace and friendship of (1787 & 1836), between morocco and the united states.”
i, glenda bernadette allen, am commanding this court, the enforcement of the treaty of peace and
friendship of 1787, between morocco and the United States. this treaty is enforceable and one of the
longest unbroken treaties in U.S. history.
“neither the congress of the United States, nor the Legislatures of the States can disregard a treaty
agreement, and do not have the power to nullify treaties which founded this nation many years ago.”
“treaties are the law of the land and a rule of decision in all courts.”
“a treaty is the law of the land whenever its provisions prescribe a rule by which the rights of a
private citizen or subject may be determined. so therefore, it is the duty of all officials, whether
legislative, judicial, executive, administrative, or ministerial, to so perform every official act as not
to violate constitutional provisions. treaty provisions prevail over any conflicting provisions of State
law, County law, City law, etc.”
“all colorable laws, judicial, executive, administrative, or ministerial, which are repugnant to the
constitution for the united states of america, are null and void,” and where rights secured by the
“constitution for the united states of america” are involved, there can be no rule-making of
legislation which could abrogate them.”
“under the united states republic’s constitutional system of government, the claim and exercise of
constitutional rights cannot be converted into a crime. for a crime to exist, there must be an injured
party, and there can be no sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this constitutional right.”
so therefore, a “moorish al moroccan national” cannot be lawfully convicted on any false accusation
frame-up charges, because the evidence against glenda bernadette allen, or any moor by his or her
own moorish al morocaan peers, must be concrete proof beyond a shadow of a doubt.”
“if any tribunal (court) finds absence of proof of jurisdiction over glenda bernadette allen, or any
other moor, then the case must be dismissed, because the accuser of which are a foreign agent, bears
the burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.”
“lack of federal jurisdiction cannot be waived or overcome by agreement of parties”, and “want of
jurisdiction” may not be cured by consent of parties. --- whereas, in light of jurisprudence ‘stare
decisis’ supreme court decisions, facts, and law; and counter to the negative and ‘colorable’ social
conditions instituted by State Persons of the Union States Society; there exists a blatant ‘Want of

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continental united
states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Jurisdiction’ on the part of the Union States republic (u.s.a.); its Agents, Personnel, Contractors, and
Assigns. axioms are legally in force under national and international law attending these issues. and
this affiant does not waive any rights whatsoever; and does not transfer power of attorney; and does
not willingly consent to any public trial or hearing in any “colorable tribunal venue” or non-article
iii, unconstitutional colorable city court jurisdiction. the official oaths, the obligations, and the
fiduciary duties of all accusers and bound ‘claimants’ to national law and order; civilization
principles fixed in organic constitutional law, still stands!
definition and truth still rules. non-compliance to the supreme law of the land, is a federal and
international law offence. in addition, any ruling that involves violation of due process of law, under
the fifth, sixth, or seventh amendments, is also a void judgment. “void judgment can be attacked or
vacated at any time and there is no statute of limitation. a void judgment is one which, from its
inception, was a complete nullity and without legal effect.”
it is reasonable to assume that there is no lawful method for government to put restrictions or
limitations on rights belonging to the natural aboriginal indigenous people (moors). the organic
constitution for the united states of america’s republic (derived from ancient moabite / moorish law)
and still remains ‘the supreme law of the land’. and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under
the authority of the united states, shall be the supreme law of the land, and any law that is repugnant
to the constitution for the united states of america, shall remain forever ’colorable’ and is null and
void. in other words, unenforceable.
i, glenda bernadette allen, do not abandon any of my estate rights; i do not waive any substantive
rights; and will not transfer ‘power of attorney’ to any foreigner; and does not willingly consent to
any public trial or ministerial hearing in any ‘colorable tribunal venue’ or involvement with any non-
article iii, unconstitutional Colorable Jurisdiction. the official oaths and bonds; the obligations; and
the fiduciary duties of all accusers and proof-bound ‘claimants’ to the organic national constitution
and treaty law and order; the civilization principles fixed in constitution law, still stands! definition
and truth still rules. non-compliance is a federal law violation and international law offence and
trespass. so therefore, i, glenda bernadette allen, do hereby demand a dismissal of this case and/or
any and all unconstitutional sanctions, claims, or other warrants or charges made or issued by
DEKALB MAGISTRATE COURT, which are devoid of true identity personages; a denial of ‘due
process’ of a ‘trial’ by a jury of my own moorish al moroccan national peers; or absent of a verified
and lawful indictment, sanctioned by an assembled grand jury; and that i be availed all lawful
constitutional - secured safeguards, established by the supreme law; with documented proper
jurisdiction and venue confirmed and in place.
wherefore all parties of interest are authorized by this writ, pursuant to national and international
law, to honor all substantive rights and constitutional immunities reserved for, and to, this aboriginal
/ indigenous free and sovereign moor / muur*… all Public Officials are to enlist all available and
appropriate measures to ensure, and assure, that all of my substantive rights and constitutionally
protected secured rights and immunities are not violated, not breached, nor abridged. the sovereign,
natural being, named herein, glenda bernadette allen, is not to be arrested nor held for detention
under any ‘colorable’ circumstances! the natural person named herein is non-obligatory and thus
exempt from customs, tariffs, taxation, ‘owner in fee’ permit-deception constructs, and from any
other hindrance or restriction of his or her freedoms, allodial properties, compensations, etc. the
moor: glenda bernadette allen, (bearer of this indigenous peoples’ document) is to be treated with
all due respect and ‘due process’ rights under the law. all available and appropriate measures are to
be taken to prevent injustice, harm, false arrest, trumped –up charges, or attack on the natural being’s
person, personal property, conveyances, freedoms, rights and dignity.
i, glenda bernadette allen , in capitis diminutio nolo), do not sanction any unconstitutional rules,
policies, colorable courts, or acts of misprision committed by any of the U.S. Governments, State
Officials, County City Officials, etc., at any level, claimed by any of them, in the name of the united
states republic. nor do i assent to any implied Colorable Policies made by alleged representatives, as
being sanctioned by the people and citizens. consider any formerly assumed constructs alleged to be
related to me as being misrepresentations and thusly ‘cured’ forthwith. so let it be known…:
represent means to ‘depict’ to ‘portray’, to ‘symbolize’ and to ‘stand for’. so let it be known that
the Union States Society ‘Bar Association’ Lawyers, Esquires, and Attorneys of European

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continental united
states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
Colonial descent and/or of Subject Status and any other Foreign Corporations, cannot depict, portray
or symbolize a free moor; as they are not of the same nation jurisdiction, customs, or national peers;
and cannot sit in judgment of any free moor (acts of state). Europeans are not aboriginal indigenous
to the land (americas / al morocco), moors are aboriginal indigenous!

Union States Judges, Magistrates, Lawyers and Attorneys operate in Demo - Political Format, are
contrary to article IV, section 4 of the constitution for the united states of america. moors operate in
a republican form of government, conjoined with isonomi principles - being in harmony with the
constitution for the united states of america. moors respect constitution principles.

all “unconstitutional tribunals” operating under the Union States Society, conflicts with, and is
repugnant to “due process” under constitutional principles, and functions primarily in ‘Colorable’
Procedures, so therefore, no ‘fair’, ‘just’ trial, or remedy is availed to the natural peoples of the land,
through such ‘Colorable’ Processes!

All officers of the Court are required to take an oath of office to uphold the Constitution
of the United States.

“The Constitution for the United States of America binds all judicial officers at Article 6,
wherein it does say, “This Constitution and the Laws of the United States which shall be
made in pursuance thereof, and all Treaties made, or which shall be made under the
authority of the United States, shall be the Supreme Law of the Land, and the Judges of
every State shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to
the Contrary, not withstanding,” see Clause 2.”

Denial of Discovery is in direct violation of my Constitutionally Secured Rights to “Due

Process of Law” which is a direct violation of your oath of office.

The 5th Amendments require that all persons within the United States must be given due
process of the law and equal protection of the law.

“Due process of law implies the right of the person affected thereby to be present before
the tribunal which pronounces judgment upon the question of life liberty, or property, in
its most comprehensive sense; to be heard, by testimony or otherwise, and to have the
right of controverting, by proof, every material fact which bears on the question of right
in the matter involved.”

“If any question of fact or liability be conclusively presumed against him, this is not due
process of law, Zeigler v. Railroad Co., 58 Ala. 599.”

“In Interest of M.V., 288 Ill.App.3d 300, 681 N.E.2d 532 (1st Dist. 1997). Without
subject-matter jurisdiction, all of the orders and judgments issued by a judge are void
under law, and are of no legal force or effect. In Interest of M.V., 288 Ill.App.3d 300, 681
N.E.2d 532 (1st Dist. 1997) ("Every act of the court beyond that power is void").

Centralized Small Claims is not an Article III court; and has no delegated jurisdiction /
authority under the Supreme Law of the Land, and unconfirmed by the Congress of the
United States.

“The parties to the Compact of the United States Constitution further agreed that the
enumeration in the Constitution of certain Rights shall not be construed to deny or
disparage others retained by the People (Article 9 of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution
for the United States).”

“When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the
judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial
capacity; courts in administering or enforcing statutes do not act judicially, but merely
ministerially. Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 583.”

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continental united
states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.
“. . . Courts in administrative issues are prohibited from even listening to or hearing
arguments, presentations, or rational. ASIS v. US, 568 F2d 284.”

“Ministerial officers are incompetent to receive grants of judicial power from the
legislature, their acts in attempting to exercise such powers are necessarily nullities.
Burns v. Sup., Ct., SF, 140 Cal. 1.”

I, Glenda Bernadette Allen, do not, under any condition or circumstance, by threat,

duress, or coercion, waive any rights Inalienable or Secured by the Constitution or
Treaty, and, hereby requests this Magistrate Court fulfill their obligation to preserve the
rights of this Petitioner (A Moorish American) and carry out their Judicial Duty in ‘Good

All UNCONSTITUTIONAL Citations – Summons / Ticket – Suit / (misrepresented) Bill

of Exchange: Docket Number # 22D19542, and any other ‘Order’ or ‘Action’ associated
with it / them, to be dismissed and expunged for the record on it’s face and merits.

i, glenda bernadette allen , in capitis diminutio nolo), am a real, live flesh and blood, breathing,
aboriginal indigenous divine and natural being (moslem) - born sanguineous of a natural thinking
and animated mother, do solemnly, sincerely, and squarely affirm that the foregoing facts contained
in this constructive and actual notice, by affirmed affidavit, are true. this ‘notice’ is constructed to
the best of my knowledge, conjoined to my culture, customs and beliefs; being actual, factual, and
restorative in nature to my ancient traditions and customs; presented as correct, and not misleading,
etc.; - being the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. as with our ancient traditions and
customs, i entreat to all:

hibu (love), haqq (truth), salaam (peace), hurryatun (freedom), adl (justice),
all rights reserved without prejudice; u.c.c. 1-207 / 308, u.c.c. 1-103.

i am:
in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris in proprio solo in proprio heredes.
knowtise to agente is knowtise to principall. knowtise to principall is knowtise to agente.

empire state ov morocco

united states for north america
moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente
ani yun wiya territory
c/o 8920 Eves Road
Near corporate Roswell, Georgia
washington territory, northwest amexem, morocco
latitude: 33°.99825 longitude: 84°.30498
unniversall naturall airea codde: x:7z73rt y: nmzq3q
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo
amen, amen dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo

aboriginal and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' – continental united
states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and inheritors of the land.

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