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Coding Worksheet: In-depth Coding of Sample Data

Name: Skyler Dallas

“A Study To Assess Teacher Educators’ Attitudes Towards Technology Integration In Classrooms” By Nishta
Initial Codes (codes noticed on Color of Code in Data Set Sample Data (observations of data Potential Focused Codes (I.e.
initial observations of sample (if color-coding) in primary source that correspond additional codes noticed by doing
data) with the code) close analysis of sample data)

Technology use in education (no color codes) “As an innovative tool, technology Technology “enhances”
has played a central role in teaching, according to the
improving teaching and learning in article.
light of educational reforms around
the globe (Kahveci, Sahin and Genc,
(p. 190)
Teacher attitudes “The excess of studies conducted on Article concluded that most of
teacher characteristics including their findings were positive
perceptions, beliefs and attitudes attitudes from teachers in their
indicate the primacy of study.
understanding what drives teachers
to integrate technology in their
Positive outcomes/attitudes “Overall, the teacher educators After the study, researchers
showed positive attitude towards concluded that teachers are
technology usage, as shown by the interested in integrating
mean score for each subscale being technology in the classroom.
4.0 and above (on a 5-point scale).”
(p. 198)
Ages of teachers “Next finding of this study revealed This study found that the age
significant difference in attitude of teachers contributes to their
towards technology with respect to attitudes on involving
age of teacher educators. Younger technology in the classroom.
age group scored lower than the
middle age group. However, no
significant differences emerged
among younger and older; middle
and older age groups.”
(p. 198)
“Also around 63% of the teachers
who are 25 years or younger versus
only 32% of the teachers who are 56
years or older have a positive
attitude towards the use of the
Internet in their own teaching.”
(p. 199)

“What factors facilitate teacher skill, teacher morale, and perceived student learning in technology-using
classrooms?” By Amy L Baylor
Interviews by Administration (no color codes) “A structured interview was It was concluded that
conducted and tape recorded with administration sees potential
each chief school administrator to gains from incorporating
gather information regarding the technology into the school.
following variables, as shown
in Table 1: technology planning,
leadership, professional
development, and teacher
Interviews by Teachers “A structured teacher interview Teachers became more
was conducted with each of the informed and familiar with the
94 teachers to identify the use of technology which
teacher's perception of technology resulted in a negative outcome,
in the classroom regarding the as stated below.
following variables, as shown
in Table 1: curriculum alignment,
technology use, impact on content
acquisition, impact on HOTS, and
technology integration.”
Positive attitudes given by “Administrators may serve as The article concluded that if
those involved positive role models for both administrators portray a
students and faculty. If teachers positive attitude to the rest of
and students perceive that the the school, others will be
administrator values and uses influenced to use the
educational technology, it may be
technology at hand.
more widely incorporated in the
classroom and more
conscientiously used by
Negative outcomes “Unexpectedly, it was found Teachers who used technology
that teacher non-school use of outside of the classroom often
technology negatively affected left out the importance of
the impact on content explaining and teaching
acquisition. Perhaps the more unfamiliar students with the
the teacher used technology technology at hand.
out of the classroom, the more
s/he was a more advanced user
and may have focused on the
technology itself rather than
the application of the
technology in the classroom.”

“Elementary school teachers’ ICT use in the classroom and motivators for using ICT” By Celebi Uluyol and Sami
Positive attitudes (no color codes) “The most frequently occurring Some teachers have found that
incentive for the teachers to use incorporating communication
ICTs is their own expectations. technology in the classroom
These include increasing students' encourages involvement
attention and involvement, saving among the students.
time, making their job easier and
using media-rich teaching
Negative attitudes “Another finding that is also Some teachers from this
striking is that the teachers research choose not to use
(except for one individual who communication technology in
uses e-mail, instant messaging their classrooms or in their
and web design) do not use any personal life.
communication technologies.”
Teacher Interviews “I believe that technology use can Many teachers from this
save time. Instead of writing research concluded that they
everything on the board, which enjoy the integration of
takes lots of time, I project the communication technology in
content onto the board.” the classrooms.
Technology use in education “ICT innovation requires This article concluded that
investment in curriculum change incorporating technology into a
and, most important of all, in the school is hard work and must
teachers and administrators.” be done so thoughtfully and
“Introducing ICT into schools is
like a jigsaw puzzle, comprising
many different pieces, each of
which is indispensable. All these
pieces should be considered
“Teachers and Technology: Present Practice and Future Directions” By Isha DeCoito and Tasha Richardson
Teacher use of technology (no color codes) “Teachers in this study indicated This study shows that teachers
that they used a variety of use technology in a variety of
technologies for multiple reasons different ways, incorporating a
in their classrooms. Emergent variety of different
themes of motivation – “Try to applications into the
keep it fun if possible, and
involve the students. … I’m
trying to use technology more
when I can, and use computers
when we can,” and, “Because I
think it’s important for the kids to
be comfortable with it, because
they are going to be using it” –
and accessibility were highlighted
in the interview data.”

Student use of technology “Survey data revealed that This survey concludes that
teachers identified student use of students have reacted to the
technology as slightly more use of technology in the
positive than neutral, and classroom in a positive
included accessing online manner.
resources (3.68), working on
projects (3.11), problem solving
(3.27), supporting higher order
thinking (3.03), and generating
new ideas and representing
information (3.14; see Table 1).
Both online collaboration (2.57)
and the use of researchers’
professional tools (2.19) were
rated slightly negatively by

Types of technology “The most commonly used The article displays the most
technology was digital cameras common methods of
(88%), followed by presentation technology use in the
(82.4%), and tablets (including classroom as well as how often
Chromebooks; 77%). Simulations the applications are used by
and email followed (71% each), this select group of teacher
then digital video games and
social platforms (47% each) and
class planning (35%).”

Preliminary Data Analysis:

In my research paper, I plan to include key pieces of data such as the positive outcomes from sources as well as the negative outcomes
from sources that have been collected. From this data, I have found that every source shares a pattern of including the shift a
classroom goes under when and if a school makes the decision to incorporate technology. Another pattern I have recognized is the
acknowledgement that incorporating technology into a school is a big adjustment and must be handled with care. Many of my sources
have supported the use of technology in the classroom. For these reasons, my current claim is that technology has a positive impact on
child development and education.

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