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JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement

complex features on web pages, such as dynamic content, multimedia, animation,

interactivity and more². JavaScript can run on both the client-side (browser) and
the server-side (Node.js, Deno) and can interact with other web technologies like
HTML and CSS².

Here is a summary of some of the main concepts and features of JavaScript:

- Data types: JavaScript offers seven primitive types: Number, BigInt, String,
Boolean, Symbol, Undefined and Null. Everything else is an Object. Common object
types include Function, Array, Date, RegExp and Error¹ [^2 ^].
- Operators: JavaScript supports various operators for performing arithmetic
operations (+ - * / % **), comparison operations (== === != !== < > <= >=), logical
operations (&& || !), bitwise operations (& | ^ ~ << >> >>>), assignment operations
(= += -= *= /= %= **= &= |= ^= <<= >>= >>>=), string concatenation (+), conditional
operator (?:), comma operator (,), spread operator (...), optional chaining
operator (?.) and nullish coalescing operator (??)[^1 ^] [^2 ^].
- Variables: JavaScript allows you to declare variables using var, let or const
keywords. var declares a variable with function scope or global scope. let declares
a variable with block scope. const declares a constant variable that cannot be
reassigned[^1 ^] [^2 ^].
- Control structures: JavaScript supports various control structures for
conditional execution (if...else, and looping execution (for, while,
do...while). You can also use break and continue statements to alter the flow of
loops[^1 ^] [^2 ^].
- Functions: JavaScript treats functions as first-class objects that can be
assigned to variables, passed as arguments or returned from other functions. You
can declare functions using function declarations or function expressions. You can
also use arrow functions for concise syntax[^1 ^] [^2 ^].
- Objects: JavaScript uses objects to store collections of properties and methods
that can be created and manipulated dynamically. Objects are based on prototypes
rather than classes for inheritance. You can use object literals ({}) to create
objects directly or use constructors (new) to create objects from predefined
templates[^1 ^] .
- Arrays: JavaScript arrays are objects that store multiple values in a single
variable. Arrays are zero-indexed and have a length property that indicates the
number of elements. You can use array literals ([]) to create arrays directly or
use the Array constructor to create arrays from parameters[^1 ^] [^2 ^].
- Events: JavaScript supports event-driven programming which means it can respond
to user actions or other events that occur in the browser or environment. Events
are handled by callback functions that are registered with event listeners using
addEventListener() method[^2 ^] [^5 ^].
- Asynchronous programming: JavaScript supports asynchronous programming which
means it can perform multiple tasks without waiting for one to finish. Asynchronous
code can use callbacks , promises or async/await syntax to handle asynchronous
operations[^2 ] [ 5 ].
- Latest JavaScript features: JavaScript supports the latest features of ECMAScript
, such as classes , modules , arrow functions , template literals , destructuring
assignments and more . These features can make your code more concise and
expressive[^2 ] [ 4 ].

If you want to learn more about JavaScript or see some examples of JavaScript
code , you can check out some of these resources :

- The official website of JavaScript :

- The documentation page of MDN Web Docs :
- A tutorial on JavaScript by javatpoint :
Source: Conversation with Bing, 19/3/2023(1) JavaScript language overview -
JavaScript | MDN - Mozilla.
introduction_to_JavaScript Accessed 19/3/2023.
(2) JavaScript - Overview - Accessed
(3) JavaScript - Overview - Accessed
(4) What is JavaScript? - Learn web development | MDN - Mozilla.
What_is_JavaScript Accessed 19/3/2023.
(5) JavaScript Summary - CodeProject. Accessed 19/3/2023.

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