Temperature: Stress

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UNIT 6: Language Test


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes.
blood jumping remedy sickness temperature
0 Look her temperature is high. It’s over 40º.

1 Jenni gets terrible travel sickness when she’s in a car or coach.

2 I’ve never been bungee jumping and I never plan to.

3 Has the doctor taken your blood pressure yet?

4 Why don’t you try the chocolate remedy? It may stop your cough.

appetite migraine prescription poisoning surfing

5 The doctor gave her a appetite for the medicine.

6 If you are ill, you usually lose your prescription.

7 I think we may have food poisoning. We are very all sick.

8 She’s got a migraine. It’s much worse than a normal headache.

9 Did you enjoy kite surfing yesterday?


2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the words.

Ewa: Hello, Jane. What’s the matter? You look very 0 stressed

Jane: Yes, I am. I went to the doctor this morning because I’ve had some
dizziness (dizzy) recently, which makes me fall over.

Ewa: Really? I’m sorry to hear that. When did it start?

Jane: It started with an 2 infection in a cut on my arm.

It’s really 3 painful.
They don’t seem to know what this strange 4 illness is either, which is worrying.

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UNIT 6: Language Test


They’ve given me some medicine, but I was 5 allergic (allergy) to it so that didn’t help.

The doctor now says that I may have to have a small 6 operation(operate).

Ewa: No wonder you feel so stressed.

3 Complete the second sentence in reported speech.
0 ‘We didn’t go to the party last night.’
They said they hadn’t gone to the party the night before.
1 ‘Can you help me with my bag, please?’
Jane asked me if I could help her with her bag.
2 ‘You need to stay in bed for few days.’
The doctor said I needed to stay in bed for a few days.
3 ‘We are visiting our cousins tomorrow.’
They said they were visiting their cousins the next day.
4 ‘Did you get the medicine this morning?’
He asked me if I got the medicine that morning.
5 ‘Why are you waiting here for me?’
She asked me why was I waiting there for her for her.
6 ‘Don’t leave your bag on the floor.’
He told me not to leave my bag on the floor.
7 ‘I’ll take you to the hospital later.’
He said he would take me to the hospital later.
8 ‘Did you see them yesterday?’
She asked me if I had them the previous day.
4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I 0 went (go) to the dentist yesterday and
I 1 told (tell) him that
I 2 had (have) toothache for several days.
I 3 said (say) that something
wasn’t (not be) right with one of my teeth because it hurt so much.
He 5 asred (ask) me 6 to opened (open) my mouth.
When he looked inside he saw the problem immediately and said that
he 7 would (have) to take the tooth out.
© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 2
UNIT 6: Language Test


5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the boxes.
afraid matter tried were what would
Alan: Hey, you sound awful. What’s the 0 matter?
Bella: I‘ve got a sore throat. It’s driving me mad.
Alan: Have you 1 tried drinking lemon and honey? It usually works for me.

Bella: I don’t like lemon and honey. Carol, if you 2

were me,
what 3
would you do?
Carol: I don’t know 4 what to suggest,
I’m 5 afraid. I’m not good at this kind of thing

better should taking thought were

Bella: Come on, Alan, any other ideas?
Alan: Well, I’d recommend 6 taking an aspirin.
Bella: That doesn’t work.
Carol: You 7 should stay in bed then
and you’d 8 better not talk too much.

Alan: Have you 9 thought about having some throat sweets?

Bella: Yes. They help for a short time.
Alan: If I 10 were you I’d stay in bed for the rest of the day.
Bella: Okay and I can watch my favourite TV programmes.
6 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
Both / Neither / Either Jimmy 1 and / or / nor I like extreme sports.
Both / None / Either of us love walking and swimming,
but we wouldn’t want to go 3 either / neither / any skydiving 4 nor / or / and snowboarding.
Our friends, Sam and Jane, want us to try one of them, but we 5 both / two / all refused.
They say we never try 6 both / none / any new sports and that we should always try new

All / Both / None of our other friends have done
all / either / neither of these extreme sports, but for some reason Sam and Jane think
Jimmy and I should do at least one of them.
We’ve told them that we might try bodyboarding or surfing,
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UNIT 6: Language Test


but I wouldn’t do 9 either / any / none other extreme sport.

Any / All / Either of our friends think we’re mad to let Sam and Jane make us do an
extreme sport, but we’re looking forward to it.


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