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Read pages 15-27 in your textbook.

Complete questions 1,3, 4, and 5 on Page 27.

1. What does the term “Renaissance” mean? Why did the renaissance begin in northern
Italian cities? How were the city-states governed?
Renaissance is a term for rebirth. The fact that Italy was such a powerful, prosperous nation was
one of the main reasons the Renaissance got started there. It served as a commercial link between
the West and Asia's more affluent nations. Italy was made up of city-states, the first since
antiquity, that claimed to have the highest level of religious authority. By the 14th century,
republican governments that centralized power in the hands of a small group of people had given
way to despotic or mercantile oligarchies. The city-states regularly engaged in war.
3. List the similarities and differences between the Renaissance in Italy and Northern
The main difference identified was that while Northern Renaissance writers concentrated on
remaking society according to Christian ideas, Italian Renaissance writers concentrated on
materialistic matters and improving the individual. Because both movements drew inspiration
from the humanistic writings of classical Greek and Roman authors, they had many similarities.
4. How did art change during the Renaissance?
During the Renaissance, the artistic revolution of the Renaissance reflected its culture and values
and altered how Westerners viewed art as well as the standing of artists to this day. It was a
reflection of Christian history and principles. Also, it was significant in devotional practice and
dealt with worldly issues.

5a. How did the printing press transform both the private and public lives of Europeans?
The printing press quickened the spread of knowledge, discoveries, and literacy in Renaissance
Europe. Education and social literacy became more accessible as books became much cheaper
than manuscripts. The audience for the written word was still mainly wealthy and male, however,
it began to broaden over time. The printing press was a major factor in disseminating the ideas of
the new Reformation thinkers.
5b. Compare the effects of printing with advances in communication technologies today.
What barriers are overcome and created in each case?
The printing press increased the dissemination of knowledge and the speed of communication.
Posters, flyers, leaflets, and several other materials wouldn't exist without it. Information would
take literally ages to propagate. For instance, if the dissemination of information about
COVID-19 and where to obtain vaccines was delayed, a terrible situation would arise.
Additionally, modern technologies facilitate communication and enable long-distance
communication. There has been a shift away from in-person meetings and towards online
communication. As a result, technology has fundamentally changed how we interact with one
another, eradicating potential structural, psychological, and physical barriers.

5c. Do you believe that through information and education, it is possible to perfect human
beings and society? Explain.

No, I don't believe that civilization can support ideal humans. Utopias can never really exist
since different people have different ideas of what is ideal. Whatever knowledge people may
acquire through information and schooling, soft skills and personal attributes are ultimately what
define who they are as a person. If you are conceited or egotistical, it doesn't matter whether you
have a 98% in physics. There is always space for improvement, therefore if you want to become
a "perfect human being," focus on improving yourself as a person first, not caught up in what
society needs to change; because WE are society.

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