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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

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Bioaccumulation of metals in fish species from water and sediments in

macrotidal Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India: A metropolitan
city effect
M. Jayaprakash a, R. Senthil Kumar a, L. Giridharan b, S.B. Sujitha c, S.K. Sarkar d,
M.P. Jonathan c,n
Department of Applied Geology, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai 600 025, India
Department of Geology & Mining, Government of Tamil Nadu, Guindy, Chennai 600 032, India
Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (CIIEMAD), Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Calle 30 de Junio
de 1520, Barrio la Laguna Ticomán, Del. Gustavo A. Madero, C.P. 07340 Mexico Distrito Federal, Mexico
Department of Marine Science, University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Calcutta - 700 019, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Accumulation of trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) were investigated in water, sediment
Received 1 April 2015 (n ¼20) along with six fish of diverse feeding guilds (Sillago sihama, Liza parsia, Etroplus suratensis, Or-
Received in revised form eochromis mossambicus, Arius parkii and Gerres oyena) from the Ennore creek, northern part of Chennai
22 May 2015
metropolitan megacity, southeast coast of India. Dissolved trace metals (DTMs) in surface water samples
Accepted 26 May 2015
Available online 17 June 2015
and total trace metals (TTMs) in surface sediments (top 0–10 cm) indicate that concentration pattern of
metals was higher in the discharge point of the river/channels entering the main creek. The maximum
Keywords: mean values of DTMs exhibited the following decreasing order (expressed in mg/L): Fe (1698)4 Mn
Water (24)4Zn (14.50) 4Pb (13.89) 4Ni (6.73) 4Cu (3.53) 4Co (3.04) 4Cr (2.01) whereas the trend is
somewhat different in sediments (mg g  1): Fe (4300) 4Mn (640)4Cr (383) 4Zn (155)4 Cu (102) 4Ni
(35)4Pb (32) 4Cd (0.51) are mainly due to the industrial complexes right on the banks of the river/
Trace metals
Bioaccumulation channels. Species-specific heterogeneous patterns of tissue metal loads were apparent and the overall
Ennore creek metal enrichment exhibited the following decreasing order (expressed in mg g  1): Cu (7.33)4Fe
SE coast of India (6.53) 4Zn (4.91) 4 Cr (1.67)4Pb (1.33)4Ni (0.44) 4 Mn (0.43) 4Co (0.36) 4 Cd (0.11). This indicates
that metals are absorbed onto the different organs, which is also endorsed by the calculated values of
bioaccumulation factor (BAFs) (avg. muscle 117, gill 126, liver 123, intestine 118) in fishes. The high
calculated biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) (0.437) for the species Arius parkii is considered to
be a potential bioindicator in this region. The enrichment of trace metals is also supported by the as-
sociation of metals in water, sediments and different body organs (muscle, gill, liver, intestine) of fish
samples. Comparative studies with other coastal regions indicate considerable enrichment of DTMs &
TTMs in sediments as well as in various organs of fish samples. Holistic spatial, temporal monitoring and
comprehensive regional strategies are required to prevent health risks and ensure nutritional safety
& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction deposition, geological weathering and run-off from adjacent

agricultural lands as natural input (Monroy et al., 2014). These
Over the last three decades, the continental and marine eco- metals pose a high environmental risk due to their long time
systems are subjected to excessive metal contamination due to the persistence in nature and possible bioaccumulation and bio-
progressive industrial growth and increase in population. Metals magnification (Uysal et al., 2009). Essential metals like manganese
sources to the aquatic regions are mostly brought in by industries, (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) play a major
house hold sewages as external inputs and atmospheric role in the biological activities of marine organisms, and non-
essential metals like cadmium, lead and arsenic are the most toxic
Corresponding author. Fax: þ 52 55 57296000. elements. Even essential metals may be toxic for the biological
E-mail address: (M.P. Jonathan). activities of organisms above certain concentrations (Merciai et al.,
0147-6513/& 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
244 M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

2014). Fishes being an early warning indicator of pollution in the 2. Materials and methods
aquatic systems are considered to be the most standard choice as
test organisms because they are the best understood organism in 2.1. Study area
the marine regime and its significance to man as a source of
protein (Murtala et al., 2012). Ennore creek (13°13′54.48″N, 80°19′26.60″E) is located in the
Trace metals in natural waters especially in river and in es- southeast coast of metropolitan Chennai mega city, India. The total
tuarine region is brought in by various sources, which includes area of the creek is  4 sq. km and is nearly 400 m wide, with an
natural or external input. The metals after entering the aquatic average depth of 5–7 m. Its channels connect it in to the Pulicat
medium is transformed, transported and often gets precipitated Lake to the north and to the Kortalaiyar River in the south Araniar
and Kortalaiyar are the two seasonal rivers which transverse En-
owing to changing environment in the water arising due to the
nore creek. The creek lies between the highly populous Chennai
various geochemical processes (Gaillardet et al., 2003; Yang et al.,
megacity and Pulicat Lake which is the second largest brackish
2014). Many studies have been conducted in various aquatic re-
water in India. This region experiences a semi-diurnal tidal activity
gions to identify the partitioning, transformation and absorption
at the mouth of the creek experiencing interaction of fresh and
of elements onto different organisms (Agah et al., 2009; Ammann,
saline waters. The northern part of the creek has two well spelt
2002; Wang and Liu, 2003; Zhang et al., 2008). The studies were industrial developments of North Chennai Thermal Power Plant,
made to understand the geochemical process, partitioning of trace petrochemicals, automobiles (light & heavy), chemicals and the
metals and its relation with dissolved/solid phases. Ennore Port, whereas the southern arm of the creek consists of the
In any developed metropolitan cities different kind of wastes industries, utilities, suburbs, and residential areas and fishing
are introduced into the river system, which has often led to a hamlets. Buckingham Canal which trends N–S along the coast
significant impact on quality of the aquatic ecosystem and its serves as an open sewer receiving untreated domestic and in-
metal concentrations especially in sediments (Tessier and Camp- dustrial effluents. The chief source of metal input to the water
bell, 1988; Buckley et al., 1995; Li et al., 2000). Metals are accu- body is from the discharge of chemicals, leachates, paints, fertili-
mulated in the sediments due to the discharge from leaded ga- zers and other waste products which are directly drained into the
soline, chemical manufacturing industries, transportation vehicles; creek region from the surrounding industries (Jayaprakash et al.,
corrosion of underground pipes, coal based thermal power plant 2008). The study area is also surrounded by three industrial belts
and municipal wastes. In smaller shallow creeks having low en- namely the Manali, Ennore–Tiruvottiyur and Ambattur–Padi
ergy conditions the metals are often deposited or adsorbed onto complexes.
the finer particles in the estuarine region and it is also re- The region also consists of mangroves in the creek arm leading
mobilized/transferred back to the water column depending upon to Pulicat Lake. Despite the human impacted pollution factors, the
the variation in the reducing oxygen deficient conditions (Martin, greatest pressure is the closure of the creek mouth due to sand
accretion resulting deficient tidal flow. Economically, the area is
2000; Chatterjee et al., 2007).
used for shell fishing as large number of oysters is present in the
Metal bioaccumulation in fishes can be used as bioindicators
region. The city's growth rate was 7.77% during 2001–2011 and the
that can directly distress the fish character/ behavior or can be
urban population account nearly 8,653,521 according to 2011
transferred to the consumers in the food web structure, including
humans as they occupy a range of trophic levels and they have a
known ability to accumulate the pollutants (Burger, 2006). The 2.2. Sample collections and analysis
dissolved metal ions from the surrounding waters enter the body
surface of fish through the gills, whereas the particulate metal The collection of water and sediment samples in the study area
fractions in the sediments enter via the alimentary tract. In fishes, is plotted in Fig. 1.
taking up of metals from water, the gills show higher concentra-
tion than other organs, whereas fish accumulating heavy metals 2.2.1. Water
from sediments show elevated metal levels in the gut compared to Surface water samples were collected from 20 sites scattered
gills or other organs (Yang et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2013). The throughout the study region using Aqua trap water sampler. 2 ml
metal accumulation in fish depends on the physico-chemical of conc. HNO3 was added to each sample (1 L) in the field itself
properties of water and the ecological factors. Studies on various (after filtration) for further analysis. Liquid–liquid extraction
fishes in different environments have addressed that the physio- technique of Mentasti et al. (1989) was adopted in the present
logical conditions, trophic position, age, body size, feeding beha- study to know the concentration level of dissolved trace metals
vior, sex, spawning status of individual species will affect the (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb, Zn). A 100 ml unfiltered sample was
bioaccumulation pattern of metals in the same environment taken in a separating funnel, which was subsequently mixed with
(Farkas et al., 2003). In any aquatic environment, the higher metal 2 ml of 2% ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC). Con-
sequently, they were extracted using 10 ml of iso-butyl methyl
concentrations can often affect the ecological balance of the region
ketone (IBMK) after severe agitation. The extracted aqueous phase
via bioaccumulation in different organisms, food chains and it is
was back extracted using conc. HNO3 and high purity water. The
also dependent on the bioavailability (Bryan and Langston, 1992;
traces of organic solvents in the solvents in the solutes were
Matthiessen and Law, 2002; Duquesne et al., 2006. Previous stu-
evaporated on a low temperature hot plate and the final solution
dies have been reported focussing on the levels of contamination
was determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS). The
in water and sediments (Jayaprakash et al., 2008), hence the pre- precision of the instrument was checked through the chemical
sent study has been undertaken to address an integrated account standards (Merck, Germany) with control blanks yielding a
of the metal concentration in selective fish species in the context quantitative value of 100 74.1%. Certified reference material
of both water and sediments from Ennore creek, an industrial and (SLRS-4) of River water was used to cross-check the precision of
human impacted water body situated in the northern part of our analytical method and measurement, which was around
Chennai metropolis, India. The study is imperative since rapid 711.8% to that of certified values.
industrialization and urbanization have adversely affected the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS Perkin Elmer AA 700) was
Ennore coastal regions in SE coast of India. used to measure the concentration level of metals in water
M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255 245

Fig. 1. Study area map and sampling locations in the macro-tidal estuary Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India.

sediments and in fish samples. Suitable chemical standard and The samples were then digested using a hot block digestion ap-
Standard Reference Material (SRMs) were used in all the three paratus at a temperature of 60 °C for 30 min. After the sample
components during the analysis. The recovery levels and the cooled down, 10 ml of HNO3 was added and again heated for 120–
concentration level were within the acceptable limits. 150 °C temperature until the solution turned dark in color. 1 ml of
H2O2 was then added to obtain a clear solution for filtration pro-
2.2.2. Sediment cess. The filtered samples were analyzed using AAS to estimate the
Sediment samples were procured from 20 sites all over the metal (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Cd) concentrations (Agemian
creek using Van Veen grab sampler. The samples were dried (at et al., 1980). For precising the analytical results, certified reference
40 °C) and powdered in an agate mortar for the digestion proce- material (CRM-TMF Lot 1204706) for trace metals in fish were
dures. About 1 g of dried sediment sample was digested with an used. The CRMs were injected after every fifth sample to check the
acid mixture containing HClO4 þHF þHCl and the residue was accuracy of the analysis and the experimental procedure. The
dissolved with concentrated HCl and finally diluted to 25 ml overall results of the entire analysis were within 86.52 and
(Loring and Rantala, 1992). The sample solution was analyzed in 102.17 71.42%.
flame AAS to estimate the metal concentrations (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni,
Pb and Zn). Likewise, MESS-1a known Standard Reference Material 2.3. Data analyses
(SRM) was run after every fifth sample to check the precision of
our analysis and the recovery percentage with reference to the 2.3.1. Enrichment factor in sediments (EFs)
certified values were between 91.38 and 98.80 7 1.93%. Generally EF calculation is used to identify the nature of en-
richment in any particular element above uncontaminated back-
2.2.3. Fish ground values. In addition, EF method normalizes the concentra-
Fish samples from the study region were collected from local tion value of the particular metal with reference to Fe or Al (e.g.
fishermen fishing in the creek region alone. Nearly 10 individual Windom et al., 1989; Ravichandran et al., 1995). Since, Fe is often
fishes of each species of similar size were collected for greater present above the natural concentration; Fe was used as the re-
representation. The fish species considered for the present study ference value in the present study (Niencheski et al., 1994; Sharma
belong to diverse feeding guilds as follows: Sillago sihama (Silla- et al., 1999; Abrahim and Parker, 2008). EF is calculated using the
gindae; omnivorous), Liza parsia (Mugilidae; herbivorous), Etroplus following formula: EF ¼Mx  Feb/Mb  Fex, where Mx and Fex are
suratensis (Cichlidae; herbivorous),Oreochromis mossambicus (Ci- the sediment sample concentrations of trace metal and Fe, while
chlidae; omnivorous), Arius parkii (Ariidae; herbivorous) and Gerres Mb and Feb are the concentrations in a suitable background [Upper
oyena (Gerreidae; herbivorous). The samples procured from the continental Crust (UCC) values in the present study] as reference
creek were later transferred to laboratory and refrigerated until material (Wedepohl et al., 1989).
further analysis. The organs of the fish were dissected using a
stainless ted scalpel. About 5 ml of HNO3 and H2SO4 were added to 2.3.2. Bio-accumulation factor (BAF)
each dissected organ in a digestion tube and was allowed to react. Bio-accumulation factor is defined as the ratio of the concentration
246 M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

of metal in an organism to that of the concentration of metal in water 2.3.4. Statistical analysis
during steady state or equilibrium (Opperhuizen, 1991). The uptake of Correlation analyses data were generated separately for all the
metals could differ in each organism as they follow a passive diffusion three components (water, sediment, fishes). The correlations of
mechanism analogous to that of oxygen uptake (Van der Oost et al., different elements were calculated using different p values (0.5;
2003). The BAF is calculated using the formula: BAF¼Concentration of 0.1; 0.001) for water, sediments and for different organs in fish
metal in the organism/Concentration of metal in water. samples. The whole set of statistical analysis was done using Sta-
tistica (version 10).
2.3.3. Biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF)
BSAF are calculated to assess the net bioaccumulation of che-
micals by an organism as a result of uptake from environmental 3. Results
sources and processes (Burkhard et al., 2005). Efficiency of metal
accumulation in the fish species was evaluated to determine BSAF 3.1. Dissolved trace metals (DTMs)
using the formula (Thomann et al., 1995): BSAF¼ Concentration of
metal in the organism/Concentration of metal in sediments. As- Concentration pattern of DTMs (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn) is
sessment of BSAF is a vital factor since the concentration of metals presented in Fig. 2a–h. The concentration pattern of the DTMs in-
in such biota is used not only for the ecological risk assessment but dicates an average (expressed in mg/L) of 1698 for Fe, 23.75 for Mn,
are highly required for the characterization of the biota under 2.0 for Cr, 3.5 for Cu, 6.7 for Ni, 3.05 for Co, 13.9 for Pb and 14.5 for Zn
study as well as its consequent human health assessments. respectively. Based on the average of DTMs the following decreasing

Fig. 2. a–h Dissolved trace metals (DTMs: Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn) from Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India.
M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255 247

sequential order is observed Fe4Mn4Zn4Pb4Ni4Cu4Co4Cr. 3.2. Total trace metals in sediments (TTMs)
Higher values of DTMs Fe 570–4771; Mn 14.55–51.50; Cu 3.40–5.35;
Ni 6.50–10.40; Co 2.20–7.60; Pb 9.10–26.60; Zn 15.40–36.50] are Distribution pattern of trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn,
observed in the discharging points (Site nos. 1, 2, 9, 11, 18, 20) of Cd) is presented in Fig. 3a–h. The concentration pattern in the
smaller river mouths/channels close to the Pulicat lake. The higher sediments indicates an overall average value of 4.30% for Fe,
values of DTMs could be attributed to the activity of Fe dissolution 640 mg g  1 for Mn, 383 mg g  1 for Cr, 102 mg g  1 for Cu, 35 mg g  1
for Ni, 32 mg g  1 for Pb, 155 mg g  1 for Zn and 0.51 mg g  1 for Cd
from reduced oxygen (anoxic) sediments present in the region
respectively. Higher values were observed for most of the metals
(Jayaprakash et al., 2008). In these types of short, small scale oxygen
Fe (5.40%), Mn (1009 mg g  1), Cr (637 mg g  1), Cu (207 mg g  1)
deficiency zones in estuarine region the behavior of Fe and Mn will
from station 12 and Fe (5.18%), Mn (812 mg g  1), Cr (429 mg g  1),
not be similar, where Fe is often found in dissolved form, but Mn
Cu (195 mg g  1), Ni (52 mg g  1), Zn (205 mg g  1), Cd (0.80 mg g  1)
remains in solid phase (Yeats and Strain, 1990; Tappin et al., 1995;
in station 5 is observed.
Sokolowski, et al., 2001). The higher values of Cu, Ni, Co, Pb and Zn in The higher values of TTMs in the surface sediments (in the
the discharge points of smaller channels also indicate that they are discharge point from channels) is primarily attributed to the ex-
due to the newly arrived fluvial particles. In addition, the solid Fe ternal source mainly due to manufacturing, chemical, rubber,
dissolution and oxygen deficiency accompanied by stagnated water paint, tannery and metal based industries located (industrial
conditions also promote the increase in dissolved concentration complexes) in the region and in the upstream side. In addition,
(Chiffoleau et al., 1994; Szefer et al., 1995; Glasby and Szefer, 1998). coagulation, precipitation process which often happens during the

Fig. 3. a–h Total trace metals (TTMs: Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd) in sediments from Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India.
248 M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

mixing of fresh water and salt water in the estuarine regions, Breslin and Sanudo-Wilhelmy, 1999; Leoni and Sartori, 1997).
where it could be the lower pH and dissolved oxygen that occurs Concentration pattern of Pb in sediments especially Pb varied from
due to the low flow condition in the creek region (Horowitz, 1991; 26 to 41 mg g  1 and it also indicates higher values near the

Fig. 4. a–f Concentration of trace metals in six different species and four organs (muscle, gill, liver, intestine) from Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India.
M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255 249

discharge points, which is mainly due to the coal based thermal inputs (Krishna et al., 2014). This low toxic, essential trace element
power plant situated right on the bank of the creek and the at- aids in the glucose metabolism. In the present study, the highest
mospheric deposit (Bargagli et al., 1997; Li et al., 2000). Higher concentration of Cr (0.596 mg g  1) was observed in the gills of Liza
values of Cd is observed in both the sides of the river bank espe- parsia. There were only narrow variations in the Cr levels for all
cially in stations 8–10 (0.72–0.75 mg g  1) and 14–17 (0.58– the species. Cu is an essential metal in the activity of proteins/
0.62 mg g  1). The main anthropogenic source is the municipal enzymes during fish spawning and higher feeding activity (Fili-
sludge as the creek receives from adjacent metropolitan city pović-Marijić et al., 2014). In the liver, the species Gerres oyena
through various canals as well as from the huge industrial com- showed marked potential in accumulating Cu (2.408 mg g  1) due
plexes very close to the study area. to specific binding proteins (Papagiannis et al., 2004), while Or-
The higher concentration of trace metals (TTMs) in sediments eochromis mossambicus recorded the lowest concentration of Cu
would have originated from DTMs since that the metal distribu- (1.308 mg g  1) in the intestine. Copper in the dissolved form is
tion is high in the discharge points of smaller rivers and channels, highly toxic to the aquatic organisms than associated with the
which brings in the external input (Bradl, 2005). Moreover, in the particulates and the dissolved ions taken up by the gills are found
low flow conditions as in the case of present study, most of the to fall within an average concentration of 1.721 mg g  1. Cu being
metals are precipitated or absorbed onto the finer sediments in an important element for the synthesis of hemoglobin can also
the estuarine region with organic particles and due to the sul- lead to toxicity when the intake is high (Velusamy et al., 2014). The
phidic nature of sediments (Zwolsman et al., 1997; Jiann et al., concentration of Ni in the ecosystem is due to the effluents from
2005). metallurgical, chemical and food processing industries, in the case
of Ennore creek the highest concentration of Ni (0.193 mg g  1) was
3.3. Trace metals in fishes observed in the gills of Gerres oyena which is inferred as the intake
from the surrounding waters. The concentration of Ni was found
The concentration pattern of metals in muscle, gill, liver, intestine to be high (0.193 mg g  1) in the intestine of G.oyena, species in-
in the six different species is presented in Fig.4.a–f., viz., Sillago si- habiting sandy bottom in shallow depths and feeding on small
hama (Fig. 4a), Liza parsia (Fig. 4b), Etroplus suratensis (Fig. 4c), Or- algae (Eisler, 1998) and is attributed to the high affinity of Ni to
eochromis mossambicus (Fig. 4d), Arius parkii (Fig. 4e) and Gerres biota particularly with the phytoplanktons. In the case of Co, all
oyena (Fig. 4f). In spite of living in the same ecological conditions, the the species showed high concentrations in the gills, which are
six different fish species demonstrated variations in accumulation of mainly due to intake of dissolved ions from the surrounding wa-
metals which might be attributed to their feeding habits, trophic ters. The average concentration of Co in the fish species was
levels and the contamination gradients of these sources. The hier- 0.355 mg g  1 and the lowest concentration of 0.026 mg g  1 was
archy of mean concentration of trace metals analyzed is as follows: observed in the liver of Arius parkii and the highest concentration
Arius parkii (32.048 mg g  1)4Liza parsia (26.765 mg g  1)4Sillago of Co (0.152 mg g  1) was observed in Gerres oyena. Cobalt, an es-
sihama (20.81 mg g  1)4Gerres oyena (20.529 mg g  1)4Oreochromis sential metal for the nitrogen assimilation, erythrocyte maturation
mossambicus (19.735 mg g  1)4Etroplus suratensis (18.739 mg g  1). and the diet of fish, could be toxic even present in lesser quantities
The dissimilarities in the metal levels could be attributed to the ha- (Yaqub and Javed, 2012).
bitat and feeding behavior of each individual species. Majority of the In case of Pb, one third of the species tend to accumulate in the
species thrive in shallow depths feeding on small algae, diatoms, muscle with a total concentration of 2.05 mg g  1. However, highest
detritus and organic matter. The species with the highest metal concentration (0.50 mg g  1) of Pb was observed in the gills of
concentration, Arius parkii thrives in the continental coast entering Gerres oyena. In general, Pb is highly toxic element to the fishes
estuaries and normally feeds on smaller fishes and shrimps. This which would also damage all organs if the levels are excessive. In
species has the highest possibility to intake contaminants from the this study, the average concentration of Pb (1.33 mg g  1) is above
land as well the untreated effluents from the industries. The orders of the permissible limit (0.50 mg g  1) set by FAO (1983). Our results
the concentration of the metals analyzed in this region are as follows: clearly indicate that the region is contaminated to a wider extent
Cu4Fe4Zn4Cr4Pb4Ni4Mn4Co4Cd. with respect to Pb. Cadmium, which is a non-essential element
The highest concentration of Fe (4.34 mg g  1) was observed in with no biological role, is said to be toxic even at low levels. In
the gill of Liza parsia, whereas lowest Fe concentration of general, Cd is assimilated from food more rapidly in fresh water
0.571 mg g  1 was observed in the intestine of Gerres oyena. The habitats. Higher levels of Cd are observed in the intestine
high average value of total Fe concentration (6.53 mg g  1) reveals (0.03 mg g  1), as Cd has the ability to replace the essential metals.
that the region experiences an increased input of organic matter, The maximum concentration (0.143 mg g  1) of Cd was recorded in
anthropogenic metals from industries and domestic sewage dis- Oreochromis mossanbicus which inhabits the water bodies even at
posal (Satheesh-Kumar and Kumar, 2011). Higher levels of Fe were reduced water levels. Higher values of Pb and Cd in muscle and
observed in the intestine (12.18 mg g  1) of all the species, which is liver are attributed to the indiscriminate disposal of unused lead
clearly due to the fact of increased feeding rate and metabolic based motor batteries and the coal combustion in thermal power
activity during fish spawning (Filipović-Marijić and Raspor, 2014). plant. Other possible sources of Pb and Cd are atmospheric de-
However, in the case of liver (11.084 mg g  1), Fe tends to accu- position of aerosols and the industrial effluents in the creek and
mulate in the hepatic tissues owing to the physiological role of the upstream region (Marcus et al., 2013).
organ for maintaining the blood cells (Gorur et al., 2012). Nearly all In most fish species Zn is taken up through the food and in this
the species depicted high concentration of Mn in their gills (all study maximum concentration is observed in the intestine
values in mg g  1 0.12, 0.27, 0.12, 0.11, 0.18, 0.14) as these organs are (5.53 mg g  1), gills (3.26 mg g  1) and in the liver (1.97 mg g  1) of
the chief route for metal ion exchange from water because of their Arius parkii as the species inhabits the continental coast in direct
large surface areas that assist rapid diffusion of toxic elements contact with the effluents. Evidently, there is rapid assimilation of
(Dhaneesh et al., 2012). Overall concentration pattern of Mn in- Zn for its role as an essential element (Dallinger et al., 1987).
dicates higher values of Mn in the gills of Liza parsia species The organs demonstrated variation in the accumulation of
(0.267 mg g  1) and the lowest concentration in the muscles metals and they are ordered as: intestine4 gill 4liver4muscle,
(0.069 mg g  1) of Arius parkii. which is probably due to their physiological roles in fish meta-
Fishes being resistant to chromium content are affected par- bolism. The elevated metal concentration in gill might be attrib-
tially when there is increase in concentration due to the external uted to (i) presence of mucous layer covering the organ which
250 M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

Table 1
Correlation matrix of water, sediment and trace metals from Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India.

Fe Mn Cr Cu Ni Co Pb Zn Cd

Water (n¼ 20) (p o 0.05*, 0.01 þ , 0.001‡)* þ ‡

Fe 1.00 0.94* þ ‡ – – – – – – –
Mn 1.00 – – – – – – –
Cr 1.00 – – – – – –
Cu 1.00 – – – – –
Ni 1.00 0.71* þ ‡ – – –
Co 1.00 0.75* þ ‡ 0.60 þ –
Pb 1.00 0.67 þ –
Zn 1.00 –
Cd –

Sediment (n ¼20) (p o0.05*, 0.01 þ , 0.001‡)

Fe 1.00 0.68* þ ‡ 0.51* – 0.76* þ ‡ – 0.60* þ 0.50* –
Mn 1.00 0.79* þ ‡ 0.83* þ ‡ 0.59* þ – 0.54* 0.60* þ –
Cr 1.00 0.67* þ 0.62* þ – – 0.54* –
Cu 1.00 0.50* – – 0.56* –
Ni 1.00 – 0.52* 0.55* –
Co – – –
Pb 1.00 0.66* þ –
Zn 1.00 –
Cd 1.00

Fish muscle (n ¼6) (p o 0.05)

Fe 1.00 0.71 0.54 0.62 0.69  0.50 0.79 – –
Mn 1.00 – 0.70 – – 0.57 – –
Cr 1.00 – 0.97  0.64 –  0.66 –
Cu 1.00 – – – 0.64 –
Ni 1.00  0.71 0.50  0.61 0.50
Co 1.00  0.50 0.81  0.66
Pb 1.00 – –
Zn 1.00  0.83
Cd 1.00

Fish gill (n¼ 6) (p o 0.05)

Fe 1.00 0.93 0.65 0.50 –  0.51 – – –
Mn 1.00 0.70 0.50 – – – – –
Cr 1.00 0.49 – – – – –
Cu 1.00 – –  0.50 0.69 –
Ni 1.00 0.70 0.57 – 0.50
Co 1.00 0.67 – 0.80
Pb 1.00 – 0.96
Zn 1.00 –
Cd 1.00

Fish liver (n¼ 6) (po 0.05)

Fe 1.00 0.50 –  0.66 – –  0.50 –  0.53
Mn 1.00 –  0.86 – – –  0.55 –
Cr 1.00 – – – 0.52 – –
Cu 1.00 – – – – –
Ni 1.00 –  0.75 – –
Co 1.00  0.53  0.73 –
Pb 1.00 – 0.72
Zn 1.00  0.50
Cd 1.00

Fish intestine (n¼ 6) (p o 0.05)

Fe 1.00 0.87 – –  0.63 – – 0.50 –
Mn 1.00 – –  0.64 – – 0.50 –
Cr 1.00 –  0.50 – 0.62 0.89 –
Cu 1.00 – 0.60 0.50 0.77 –
Ni 1.00 0.50 –  0.51 –
Co 1.00 – –  0.50
Pb 1.00 0.70 0.71
Zn 1.00 –
Cd 1.00

facilitates rapid accumulation of metals (ii) high volume of water storage part (liver) accumulates the metals (Sidoumou et al.,
filtered than other organs and (iii) close contact with the sur- 2005). The lower accumulation of metals in the muscles is due to
rounding water giving rise to greater and faster accumulation the low fat affinity to adsorb or combine with the heavy metals
(Pringle et al., 1968). The order of organs also suggests that the and the low metabolic activity (Uluturhan and Kucuksezgin, 2007).
M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255 251

In the case of higher value in intestine, metals enter as a compo- individual species. The positive relationship also indicates that the
nent of sediment fractions and they represent an important source input of dissolved and bioavailable metals is more compared to the
of contamination in fish. Among the two main path ways, water flow condition, which in turn accumulates (or) increases in the
and food the latter always results in a high risk of contamination. organisms and in sediments in time.

3.4. Correlation matrices

4. Trace metal enrichment/accumulations
Correlation matrix results for the DTMs in water, TTMs in se-
diments and TMs in different organs of fish (muscle, gill, liver, and 4.1. Enrichment factor (EFs)
intestine) is presented in Table 1.
Statistically significant relationship between Fe and Mn EFs were interpreted based on Birch, 2003, where EFo1 in-
(r2 ¼0.94) indicates that during low flow conditions in low depth dicates no enrichment, o3 is minor, 3–5 is moderate, 5–10 is
regions often Fe/Mn flocculation takes place, which also results in moderately severe, 10–25 is severe, 25–50 is very severe and4 50
higher values due to mixing (Turner et al., 1991; James et al., 1993; is extremely severe. Based on the calculations the following se-
Klimkhammer and Bender, 1981). The positive relationship be- quential order is seen Mn (10.22) 4 Cd (4.48) 4Cr (3.73) 4Co
tween Co vs Ni (r2 ¼ 0.71), Pb vs Co (r2 ¼ 0.75), Zn vs Co (r2 ¼0.60), (3.32) 4Zn (1.85) 4Pb (1.59) 4Ni 0.65. The element-wise dis-
Pb (r2 ¼0.67) indicates high similarities in the distribution and tribution pattern indicates a variation for Mn and it is termed as
their behavior in the creek region mainly due to external inputs. severe; Cd, Cr, Cu is enriched moderately, whereas Zn, Pb and Ni
Association of Fe vs Mn (r2 ¼ 0.68), Cr (r2 ¼0.51), Ni (r2 ¼0.76), indicates low enrichment except in some stations especially in the
Pb (r2 ¼0.60), Zn (r2 ¼ 0.50) and Mn vs Cr (r2 ¼0.79), Cu (r2 ¼0.83), entry point of river waters. This suggests a direct external input
Ni (r2 ¼0.59), Pb (r2 ¼0.54), Zn (r2 ¼0.60) in sediments infers that mainly through industrial, atmospheric deposits and municipal
Fe/Mn acts as metal scavengers in the study area. The association wastes (González and Brügmann, 1991; Acevedo-Figueroa et al.,
of the metals also clearly indicates that it is naturally present as 2006). The higher EF values for Mn, Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn are also
part of the weathering process and also from external source (Wen attributed to the remobilization and reduced condition in the
and He, 1985; Li et al., 2000). However, the association of Cr vs Cu aquatic region and its extensive use in metal based industries
(r2 ¼0.67), Ni (r2 ¼ 0.62), Zn (r2 ¼0.54); Cu vs Ni (r2 ¼0.50), Zn (Förstner and Wittmann, 1983; Soto-Jiménez et al., 2003)
(r2 ¼0.56); Ni vs Pb (r2 ¼0.52), Zn (r2 ¼ 0.55); Pb vs Zn (r2 ¼ 0.66)
suggest that the region experiences considerable amount of ex- 4.2. Bioaccumulation factor in fishes (BAFs)
ternal input from coal burning, untreated industrial sewage dis-
posal, direct municipal disposal into the river system (Alloway, The bioaccumulation factor of metals (Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Co, Pb,
1990; Leoni and Sartori, 1997; Wong et al., 2007). The association Zn) for individual species is calculated and presented in Fig. 5a–h.
of metals in sediments also indicates that it is a direct reflection of Based on the calculated BAF values, the metals are ranked as fol-
the anoxic state of the creek region, where Fe/Mn oxides often lows: Cu 4Cr4 Zn4 Co 4Pb 4Ni 4Mn 4Fe. It is evident that the
adsorb other metals and it is also the result of the external dis- highest bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of Ni, Pb, Mn, Co, Cr and Fe
charges at various points of the river and channels. were observed in the gills, whereas Cu and Zn were observed in
Correlation of Fe and Mn with different organs of fish samples the liver and intestine respectively. Copper was found to be highly
distinctly refers the elemental behavior and its presence in each accumulated in the fish species of the present study and it is at-
organ. Fe is mainly correlated with Mn [r2 ¼ 0.71, 0.93, 0.50, 0.87 tributed to the high amounts of industrial and domestic wastes
(in all organs)], Cr [r2 ¼0.54, 0.65 (in muscle & gill)], Cu [r2 ¼0.62, from the surrounding regions. Copper (2155) and Cr (1195) with
0.50 (in muscle & gill)], Ni [r2 ¼0.69 in muscle alone] and Mn with BAF41000, signifies slow accumulation and their potentiality for
Cr [r2 ¼0.70 in gill], Cu [r2 ¼0.70, 0.50 (in muscle & gill)], Pb chronic effects and accretion in the food chain of organisms (De-
[r2 ¼0.57 (in muscle)] respectively. The positive correlations of Fe, Forest et al., 2007; Kwok et al., 2014).
Mn with other elements also establish that these two elements are
natural metal scavengers, which adsorb other trace metals along 4.3. Biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF)
with them. Positive correlation of Pb vs Ni (r2 ¼0.57), Co (r2 ¼0.67)
in gill; Cr (r2 ¼0.52, 0.62) in liver and intestine; Cu (r2 ¼0.50) in BSAF is a parameter which describes the accumulation of se-
intestine suggest the presence of higher concentration of surface diment in associated organic compounds or metals into the tissues
water. This is very well supported by the positive correlations of Pb of ecological receptors (Alam et al., 2012). Based on the BSAF
vs Co and Ni vs Co indicating its availability in water and sediments calculated average values for the present study, the metals are
in the region, which, in turn, is absorbed directly by the organisms. ordered as Cd (0.202) 4Cu (0.072) 4Pb (0.042) 4Zn (0.032) 4Ni
Previous studies have also endorsed the present observation that (0.013) 4Cr (0.004) 4Mn (0.001) 4Fe (0.0015) respectively. The
the heavy metal concentrations in fish are largely affected by the higher values of Cd (0.202) signifies faster rate of accumulation in
concentration in water they lived (Lin, 2009; Dsikowitzky et al., the species. The mean concentrations of all the metals in fish
2013, PuYang et al., 2015). Significant positive correlation of Zn vs species were lower than that of the sediments. According to Dal-
Cu (r2 ¼0.64, 0.69) in muscle, gill; Co (r2 ¼0.81) in gill; Cr linger (1993), the fish species can be classified based on the BSAF
(r2 ¼0.89), Cu (r2 ¼0.77), Pb (r2 ¼0.70) in intestine is also observed. values which include the macroconcentrator (BSAF 42), micro-
Likewise, positive relationship is observed in Cd vs Ni (r2 ¼ 0.50) in concentrator (1 oBSAFo2) and deconcentrator (BSAF o 1) and
muscle, gill; Co (r2 ¼0.80) in gill; Pb (r2 ¼ 0.96, 0.72, 0.71) in gill, this is revealed that the studied species are deconcentrators
liver and intestine in the fish samples collected from the region. (Dallinger, 1993). According to the BSAF values, the species could
The similarity in trace metal associations in the gill indicates that it be ordered as Arius parkii 4Oreochromis mossambicus 4Gerres
is the principal tissue for concentrating these metals and also due oyena 4Etroplus suratensis4 Liza parsia 4Sillago sihama. Thus the
to its contact directly with the pollutants in the aquatic medium. species Arius parkii with the highest (0.437) BSAF would be con-
The large surface area of the gill is also a possible reason for the sidered as a potential bio-indicator in the region for the assess-
accumulation of trace metals (Wu et al., 1986; Al-Yakoob et al., ment of environmental pollution status. The BAFs and BSAFs tend
1994). The changes or possible variations in the association of to vary depending on the food web structure, the trophic level and
metals also depend on the feeding habits and growth period of life history of organism (Burkhard, 2003).
252 M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

Fig. 5. a–h Bioaccumulation of trace metals in fish samples from Ennore creek, Chennai, SE coast of India.

4.4. Comparison studies Cu of 102 mg g  1 (except PEC, SEL, ERM), Ni value of 35 (35 mg g  1)
is above TEC, LEL and ERL. Zn value of 155 mg g  1 is above UCC,
A comparative account is presented for all the three compo- TEC, LEL, ERL and Cd of 0.51 mg g  1 is above UCC, alone respec-
nents (water, sediment and fishes) in Table 2. tively. The above concentration pattern clearly demonstrates that
The distribution pattern and average concentration of DTMs in apart from natural source, considerable amount is available as
water indicate an increase of 25% for Fe and a five-fold increase of bioavailable form, from the external input (anthropogenic source)
Pb than the stipulated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which will be automatically absorbed into the organisms present
values. The higher values for Fe in dissolved phase is due to the in the region.
remobilization of Fe in low condition in the creek region and Pb The comparison table for fish samples indicates ten to fifteen
due to the activity of coal based power plant in the region. In se- fold increases for Fe, Mn is found in Liza parsia and almost close to
diments, Fe (4300 mg g  1), Cr (383 mg g  1) and Pb (32 mg g  1) is reference values in other samples. Cr concentration indicates two
above the stipulated guidelines, Mn is above UCC and LEL values, to six fold increase than the reference values. Cu values in the fish
M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255 253

Table 2
Comparison of concentration pattern of water, sediment and fish data set with that of other toxicological values.

Fe Mn Cr Cu Ni Co Pb Zn Cd References

Water (mg/L)
Present study 1698 23.66 2.01 3.53 6.73 3.04 13.89 14.50 –
EPA1 1000c – 74a – 52a – 2.5b 120a 0.25d EPA (1995a, 1980b, 2014c, 2001d)

Sediment (mg g  1)
Present study 4300 640 383 102 35 – 32 155 0.51
UCC2 3490 52 85 25 44 17 17 71 0.098 Taylor and Mclennan (1985)
TEC3 – – 43.4 31.6 22.7 – 35.8 121 0.99 MacDonald et al. (2000)
PEC4 – – 111 149 48.6 – 128 459 4.98 MacDonald et al. (2000)
LEL5 2000 460 26 16 16 – 31 120 – USEPA (2001)
SEL6 4000 1100 110 110 75 – 250 820 – USEPA (2001)
ERL7 – – 81 34 20.9 – 46.7 150 1.2 Long et al. (1995)
ERM8 – – 370 270 51.6 – 218 410 9.6 Long et al. (1995)

Fish (mg g  1)
Present study
Sillago Sihama 6.69 0.4 1.09 6.99 0.41 0.39 0.97 3.81 0.06
Liza Parsia 11.318 0.575 1.944 7.052 0.468 0.348 1.116 3.86 0.084
Etroplus Suratensis 4.351 0.424 1.499 6.915 0.391 0.316 1.45 3.289 0.104
Oreochromis Mossambicus 5.268 0.355 1.716 6.843 0.417 0.303 1.542 3.148 0.143
Arius Parkii 7.818 0.45 2.037 8.051 0.385 0.324 1.516 11.353 0.114
Gerres Oyena 3.706 0.386 1.746 8.113 0.595 0.449 1.387 4.021 0.126

Permissible limits in fishes

FAO (1983)9 – – – 30 – – 0.5 30 0.5
WHO (1985)10 – 0.5 0.15 3 0.6 – 2 10–75 –
EU (2001)11 0.5 – 1 1 1.5 – – – –
FEPA (2003)12 – 0.5 0.15 1.3 0.5 – 2 75 –
EU (2008) – – 0.5 0.5–1 – – – 30 0.05–0.1

Environmental Protection agencya-d.
Continental crustal values.
Threshold effect concentration.
Probable effect concentration.
Lowest effect level.
Severe effect level.
Effects range low.
Effects range medium.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
World Health Organization.
European Union.
Federal Environmental Protection Agency.

samples from the study area indicate two to five fold increase. rent organs which is evidenced from enrichment factor (EFs),
Gerres oyena exhibits higher levels of Ni than the estimated bioaccumulation factor (BAF), biota-sediment accumulation factor
threshold values set forth by EU and FEPA. Lead concentration (BSAF) values. The accumulation of potentially toxic elements
(0.97–1.54 mg g  1) indicates two to three fold increase than the especially Pb and Cr in the fish tissues (especially in G. oyena)
stipulated FAO values. Zn concentration pattern indicates that it is requires immediate attention for better conservation of this pro-
within the limit, whereas for Cd concentration it is high only when ductive wetland. The authors strongly recommend for holistic
compared to the permissible values set by EU. The above increase spatial and temporal monitoring and comprehensive regional
in metal intake in fish samples is alarming as it will directly enter strategies to prevent health risks through dietary intake of fish and
into the human food chain and will affect the human health. to ensure nutritional safety conditions.

5. Conclusion Acknowledgments

This study fills a gap by providing integrated baseline data of SBS thanks CONACyT for the research fellowship. MPJ thank the
the enhanced bioavailability of metals in fishes in the context of Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), CONACyT, México and
abiotic matrices (DTMs in water, TTMs in sediments) from the EDI, COFAA of IPN, México. This article is the 81st contribution
Ennore creek region adjacent to the megacity Chennai, SE coast of from Earth System Science Group (ESSG), Chennai, India.
India. The negative impact of intensive anthropogenic activities
from the megacity are well-evidenced with the metal enrichment
in the water and sediment samples in the entry points of rivers Appendix A. Supporting information
(Kortalaiyar and Kosistalaiar) and channels in the creek. Likewise,
the concentration pattern of trace metals in the six different fish Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
species also specifies the rate of metal accumulation in its diffe- the online version at
254 M. Jayaprakash et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 120 (2015) 243–255

042. These data include Google maps of the most important areas 001.
described in this article. EPA, 2014. Updates: Water quality standards handbook (Online version). EPA-823-
B- 94-005.
European Union (EU), 2001. Commission Regulation as Regards Heavy Metals, Di-
rective, 2001/22/EC, No: 466.
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