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Mohamed Bennouna

Biographical Note

MOHAMED BENNOUNA was born in Marrakesh (Morocco), on 29

April 1943.
He holds degrees in public law and in political science from the
Universities of Nancy and the  Sorbonne in Paris. In 1970 he received a
diploma from The Hague Academy of International Law and in 1972 a
Doctorate in international law from the University of Nancy.
Mr. Bennouna is currently a Judge of the International Court of Justice
(since 2006) and a Member of the Institute of International Law.
Previously, he served as: Judge ad hoc of the International Court of
Justice for the dispute between the Republic of Benin and the Republic
of Niger (2002–2005); Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Morocco to the United Nations (2001–2006); Judge of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1998–2001);
Director-General of the Arab World Institute (Institut du monde arabe,
Paris) (1991–1998); Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the
United Nations (1985–1989).
He was a Member of the United Nations International Law Commission,
Geneva (1986–1998) and first Special Rapporteur of the International Law
Commission on the question of diplomatic protection (1997–1998).
Mr. Bennouna was a Professor at the Faculty of Law of Mohammed V
University of Rabat and Casablanca, Morocco, and later he became
Dean of the Faculty (1972‑1984). He is Founder and first Director of
the Revue juridique, politique et économique de Maroc (1976). He also taught
public law and political sciences at the Sorbonne in Paris and was visit­
ing  Professor at various universities: Tunis, Algiers, Nice, New  York,
Thessaloniki, Paris.
Mr. Bennouna’s was elected Chairman of the Sixth Committee (Legal
Matters) at the Fifty-ninth Session of the General Assembly of the United
Nations (2004). His legal expertise includes chairing the Group of 77
and China at the United Nations (2003); being a Member of the Unesco
World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology
158 mohamed bennouna

(COMEST) (2002–2006); Member of the Unesco International Panel on

Democracy and Development (1997–2002) and of the Unesco International
Bioethics Committee (1992–1998); chairing a panel of the United Nations
Compensation Commission, Geneva (1992–1995). He was also Legal
Counsel to the Moroccan delegation at numerous sessions of the United
Nations General Assembly (1974–1985), and Member of the Moroccan
delegation at the United Nations Conference on the Law of the
Sea (1974–1982).
Mr. Bennouna holds several awards: the National prize for culture
(Morocco); Medal for culture (Yemen) and Knight of the National Order of
the Legion of Honour (France).

List of Principal Publications

Le consentement à l’ingérence militaire dans les conflits internes, Librairie générale de droit
et de jurisprudence, Paris, 1974.
Le droit international du développement : tiers monde et interpellation du droit international,
Berger Levrault, Paris, 1983.
La spécificité du Maghreb arabe  : actes du colloque organisé par la fondation du Roi
Abdul-Aziz, les 6 et 7 décembre 1990, Fondation du roi Abdul-Aziz, Casablanca, 1992.

Hague Academy Courses

“Le droit international relatif aux matières premières”, Recueil des cours, The  Hague
Academy of International Law, Vol. 177, 1982.
“Les sanctions économiques des Nations Unies”, Recueil des cours, The Hague Academy of
International Law, Vol. 300, 2002.

“Le Maghreb entre le mythe et la réalité”, revue Intégration, 1974, No. 1.
“Les fonds marins entre l’héritage commun et la querelle des héritiers”, Revue iranienne des
relations internationales, 1975, No. 5.
“Le Sahara occidental devant la Cour internationale de Justice”, Revue juridique, politique et
économique du Maroc (RJPEM), 1976, No. 1.
“Le nouvel ordre économique international et la doctrine juridique”, RJPEM, 1977, No. 2
“Le Maroc et le droit de la mer”, RJPEM, 1979, No. 6.
“Les droits d’exploitation des ressources minérales des océans”, Revue générale de droit
international public, 1980, Vol. 84.
“L’admission d’un nouveau membre à l’Organisation de l’Unité africaine”, Annuaire français
de droit international (AFDI), 1980, Vol. 26.
“The outer limit of the continental shelf”, In R.-J.  Dupuy (ed.), The management of
humanity’s resources: the Law of the Sea, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1982.
“Réalité et imaginaire en droit international du développement”, Le droit des peuples à
disposer d’eux-mêmes - Mélanges offerts à Charles Chaumont, Pedone, Paris, 1984.

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