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A Summer Project Proposal Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University
in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration

People’s Campus
Tribhuvan University

March, 2021
1. Context information

Education is a major industry for social, economic and political development which is
affected by the environment in which it exists (Adediran, Ojomo, & Adayanju, 2015). The
academic performance of students play a major role in producing quality graduates that
will later become great assets to the country responsible for development of the country
both economically and socially (Ali, Jusoff, Ali, Mokhtar, & Salamt, 2009). Students'
performances depend on learning facilities such as the academic environment, library
facilities, computer facility and so on (Karemera, 2003). Home related factors such as
students’ family members, gadgets used, available learning materials, and financial
status has a wide effect on the academic performance of the respondents.

2. Statement of the problem

The research will be directed towards answering following questions.

1. Is there any significant difference in the communication, learning facilities, home
related aspects and academic performance?
2. Is there any difference in the academic performance of male and female?
3. What is the relationship of communication, learning facilities, and home related
aspects on academic performance?
4. What is the impact of communication, learning facilities, home related aspects on
academic performance?

3. Purpose of the study

The major objectives of the study will be to determine the factors affecting student’s
academic performance among the BBA students in Kathmandu. The specific purposes
of the study are listed as follows:
1. To examine any significant difference in the communication, learning facilities,
home related aspects and academic performance
2. To investigate any significant difference between academic performance of male
and female
3. To determine the relationship of communication, learning facilities, home related
aspects on academic performance
4. To analyze the impact of communication, learning facilities, home related aspects
on academic performance

4. Significance of the study

This research study will aid future researchers in giving a standard and synchronized
way of making their work accessible. The significance of this study can be enlisted as:

1. This study will help teachers and academicians to better understand students then
formulate and implement effective and efficient plans and strategies accordingly.

2. This study will facilitate students, parents, and counselors to analyze what and how
the performance is affected by certain variables and how they can be adjusted to achieve
quality results.

3. This study will help future researchers uncover critical areas in the educational
process that many researchers were not able to explore.

5. Related theories

The theories that are reviewed in this study are: Tinto’s integration theory and
Walberg’s theory of educational productivity.

5.1 Tinto’s integration theory

Tinto's integration theory was developed by Vincent Tinto in 1993. The main points of
Tinto’s integration theory is that social and academic integration in relation to a student
commitment to the institution and/or outside efforts (Chrysikos, Ahmed, & Ward, 2017).
When schooling, skills and abilities are combined they lead to a set of commitments,
goals and intentions from and to an institution. Tinto also stated that when students
access universities, they incorporate a set of background features. Attitudes, pre-entry
attributes and family background are the characters involved. Individual attitude
includes gender, age, race and aptitude. Qualifications and achievements are the
attributes of pre-entry characters. Family background characters include family
education level, family expectations and family social status.

5.2 Walberg’s theory of educational productivity

Walberg proposed the model of educational productivity in which there are first seven
factors and later nine factors are identified. The nine factors are ability, development,
motivation, quantity, quality, home, classroom, peer group and mass media divided into
three parts. Ability, development and motivation come under aptitude which represents
the student individual characteristics. Quantity and quality come under instruction that
reflects instructional characteristics. Finally, home, classroom, peer group and mass

media are under an environment that represents characteristics of the learning
environment. These factors influenced students’ cognitive, behavioral and affective
outcomes which mostly focus on academic achievement. In conclusion, this model
helps to describe the effects of student individual characteristics, instructional
characteristics and learning environment on the quality of learning outcomes.
Neumann, Kauertz, and Fischer (2012) explained Walberg’s (1981) model of
educational productivity with mentioning the effects of nine factors on learning

6. Empirical review

The study will review some of the articles on related subject matter to identify the
explanatory and outcome variable related to the subject. The summary of the major
articles on this subject matter is presented in the appendix 1.

7. Theoretical framework of the study

A research framework has been used to help focus on the variables in the study.
Student’s academic performance depends on independent variables such as learning
facilities, communication etc. The research framework of the study is in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1

Theoretical framework of the study

Learning facilities

Communication Academic

Home related aspects

Gender (male
and female)

The study will attempt at determining effects of the selected variables namely learning
facilities, communication and home related factors on student’s academic performance.
The moderating variable is gender with two levels i.e. male and female.

8. Hypotheses of the study

The study will be carried out based on certain hypotheses. With the help of hypotheses
we will be able to analyze the student’s academic performance with respect to various
determining factors. Following will be the hypotheses made in order to study the
student’s academic performance:

Ho1: There is no significant mean difference in the perception of learning facilities

across male and females.

Ho2: There is no significant mean difference in the perception of communication across

male and females.

Ho3: There is no significant mean difference in the perception of home related factors
across male and females.

Ho4: There is no significant mean difference in the perception of students' academic

performance across male and females.

Ho5: There is no significant relationship of learning facilities with students' academic


Ho6: There is no significant relationship of communication with students' academic


Ho7: There is no significant relationship of home related factors with students'

academic performance.

Ho8: There is no significant impact of learning facilities on students' academic


Ho9: There is no significant impact of communication on students' academic


Ho10: There is no significant impact of home related factors on students' academic


9. Research design

The research design to apply in this research is quantitative. Considering the objective
the study will adopt descriptive, relational and causal research design to deal with
various issues raised in this study.

10. Population and sample of the study

A population is an entire pool from which a statistical sample is drawn. The population
for this study will be students from the BBA colleges affiliated to Tribhuvan University
(TU) located inside the Kathmandu Metropolis. Convenience sampling will be carried
out to select the sample.

11. Nature and sources of data

The survey questionnaire will be designed to generate the primary data whereas
secondary sources of data will be gathered from various books, articles and other
publications. The questionnaire is depicted in annexure.

12. Research methods used for data collection and analysis

The study will employ various statistical tools. Followings are the statistical tools used
in this study:

12.1 Frequency

The study will use frequency methods to find the total responses given by the
respondents regarding the gender, college type, ranking the questions and different
variables in Likert scale questions.

12.2 Percentage

In this research study, the percentage will be calculated for family type and for ranking
the questions.

12.3 Mean

The study will use arithmetic mean to find out the average of the responses given by
the respondents regarding the variables in Likert scale questions. AM value of the
responses in Likert scale questions will be calculated on all samples.
(𝑁 + 1)⁄
𝑀𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑛 (𝑀𝑑) = 2 𝑡ℎ 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚
Where, N= Number of statement

12.4 Median

The study will use median to calculate the mid value of the responses provided by the
respondents in a Likert scale question, which will be calculated on the whole sample.

∑ 𝑓𝑥
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 =

X = Value of responses of each independent or dependent variable
N = Number of statements
12.5 Standard deviation

The study will employ standard deviation to calculate all the responses under variables
such as learning facilities, communication, home related aspects and academic
performance provided in Likert scale for all samples.



X= Value of responses of each dependent or independent variable

𝑋̅= Mean value of responses of each dependent and independent variable

N= Number of responses
12.6 Variance

The study will use a variance method to calculate the responses provided in Likert scale
for all samples.

12.7 Independent sample t-test

The study will use an independent sample t-test to calculate the relationships between
independent and dependent variables. Independent sample t-test is useful for comparing
two group means for statistical significance. In this study an independent sample t-test
will be used in Likert scale to find the significant difference.

12.8 Correlation

This study will perform correlation to calculate the responses that will be provided in
Likert scale to find the degree of relation between independent and dependent variables
for all samples.
√𝑛𝑥−(𝑥)2 √𝑛𝑦−(𝑦)2

n= Number of responses
x= Value of independent variable

y= Value of dependent variable
12.9 Regression

The study will employ regression to explore the impact of independent variables on
dependent variables for all samples. The theoretical model for the relationship is
formulated as equation below:
Y= students academic performance
X1=learning facilities
X3=home related factors
b1= coefficient of learning facilities
b2= coefficient of communication
b3= coefficient of home related factors

13. Definition of the variables

The definition of each variables used in this study are as follows:

13.1 Learning facilities
Learning facilities means the entire scope of human, physical and social infrastructure
provided for the purpose of teaching and learning process (Adigeb, Anake, & Undie,
2017). Learning facilities are of direct relevance to the students’ academic performance
because students rely on the library facilities, computer lab, qualified teachers,
playgrounds and family income as well. Hence, if the students realize that the learning
facilities they are given are effective then they can get the higher scores during the
examination since it gives motivation to them.

13.2 Communication
Effective communication is regarded as a vital matter to strengthen the teacher-student
relation (Frymier, 2007). Communication skills help students to have trust, and success
in their academic life. Communication is determined by the ability to comprehend in
English language and ability to understand the teachers. Students with proper
communication skills will be more likely to contribute to class discussions, will

ultimately achieve more their experience in class, and will be more productive members
in group projects.

13.3 Home-related aspects

Home support plays a vital role in the achievement of students (Bonci A, 2008). Home
related factors include people and things found in the student’s house that influence to
a lesser or higher degree their academic performance. These include the students’
parents, elders, and siblings; gadgets used for communication; financial capability and
learning materials available for the students. Olufemi, Adediran, and Oyediran (2018)
viewed home related aspects as a measure with regard to education status of parents,
family size, income of the family, and occupation.

13.4 Academic performance

Academic performance can be defined as the student’s ability to demonstrate the

performance of professional skills or behaviors (Alshammari, Saguban, Pasay-an,
Altheban, & Al-Shammari, 2017). Accomplishments of difficult assignments, solving
problems, doing home works and making the student ready in all subjects are the
important variables in achieving academic performance. Students' behavior towards
study depends on the satisfaction they drive while achieving good academic

Adediran, A. A., Ojomo, B. U., & Adayanju, E. O. (2015). Fostering national integration and
development in Nigeria through inclusive education in O. A. Adebimpe and Theo
Ajobiewe (eds.) contemporary issues in the management and administration of
tertiary institution in Nigeria. Abeokuta. Pee & Gee Press and Publishers.
Adigeb, Anake, & Undie. (2017, September). The impact of educational facilities on students
teaching learning processes In Aboekuta, Ogun State,Nigeria: Need for councelling
approaches. European Journal of Educational Studies, 3(9), 611-626.
Ali, N., Jusoff, K., Ali, S., Mokhtar, N., & Salamt, A. (2009). The Factors Influencing
Students’ Performance at Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah, Malaysia. Canadian
Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures, 3(4).
al-rahmi, W. m., alfarraj, o., alzahrani, a., yahaya, n., & al-rahmi, a. m. (n.d.). integrated three
theories to develop a model of factors affecting students academic performance in
higher education. 7, 28725-28742.
Alshammari, F., Saguban, R., Pasay-an, E., Altheban, A., & Al-Shammari, L. (2017). Factors
affecting the academic performance of student. Journal of Nursing Education and
Practice, 36-43.
Bee, S. D. (2012). The impact of teacher's communication skills on teaching. Retrieved from
Bonci A. (2008). A research review: the importance of families and the home environment.
National Literacy Trust.
Chrysikos, A., Ahmed, E., & Ward, R. (2017). Analysis of tintos students integration theory.
International Journal Of Comparative Education And Development, 19(2/3), 97-121.
Retrieved from 2396-7404
Evans G, & Kim P. (2013). Childhood poverty, chronic stress, self-regulations, and copying.
Child Development Perspective, 7, 43-48.
Frymier, A. B. (2007). Students classroom communication Effectiveness, communication
Karemera, D. (2003). The Effects of academic environment and background characteristics on
students' satisfaction and performance. The Case of South Carolina State University's
School of Business. College Student Journal, 37(2), 298-311.
Neumann, K., Kauertz, A., & Fischer, H. E. (2012). Second International Handbook of
Science Education. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-9041-7_18
Olufemi, O. T., Adediran, A. A., & Oyediran, W. O. (2018, october). Factors affecting
students'academic performance in colleges of education in Southwest,Nigberia.
British Journal Of Education, 6(10), 43-56.
Wlodkowski, R. J., & Ginsberg, M. B. (2017). Enhancing adult motivation to lean. A
comprehensive guide for teaching all adults.
Appendix I
Study Major findings
 Investigated positive relationship between attendance and student's performance
 Observed inverse relationship between time allocation and performance of
Hijazi and student
Naqvi (2006)  Found positive impact of mother's education on student's performance
 Showed negative impact of family income on student's performance
 Showed negative effect of mother's age on student's performance
 Found significant and positive impact of communication on students’ performance
 Identified significant and positive impact of learning facilities on students’
Mushtaq and performance
Khan(2012)  Found significant and positive impact of proper guidance on students’ performance
 Observed insignificant and negative impact of family stress on students’
 Observed home environment impact on academic achievements are positive
 Recognized significant and positive effect of interest on academic achievement
Dev (2016)
 Analyzed General mental ability have positive impact on academic achievements
 Found achievement score of girls and differ significantly
 Identified positive relation between marriage and academic performance
Massah and  Found significant relation between parents' education and academic performance
Fadly (2016)  Observed no significant relation between family size and academic performance
 Identified no significant impact of students' age on academic performance
 Identified positive and significant impact of learning facilities on student
Singh, Malik
 Found positive and significant effect of communication skills on student
and Singh
 Showed positive and significant proper guidance from parents on student
 Concluded gender had positive and significant effect on academic performance of
Alshammari, students
Saguban, Pasay-  Found negative and not significant effect of types of school on academic
an, Altheban performance
and Al-
 Examined positive and not significant effect of age on academic performance
(2017)  Analyzed marital status had positive and not significant effect on academic
 Identified significant and positive influence of teaching style on the academic
Yousef (2017)  Observed significant positive effect of English language and communication on
 Found no influence of assessment methods on academic performance
 Found positive relationship between students habit and academic performance
 Explained positive relationship between parental background and academic
Adediran and performance
Oyediran (2018)  Found significant positive relationship between school environment and academic
 Identified significant positive impact of lecturers effectiveness on performance
 Identified a strong positive influence of learning techniques on academic
Mohamed  Explained a strong positive relationship of home related aspect on academic
(Aligees), Dahie performance
and Warsame  Found a strong positive relationship between study habits and student academic
(Suldan) (2018) performance
 Analyzed a strong influence of physical resources on student academic
Appendix II
Questionnaire on 'Factors Affecting Students' Academic Performance'

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are the students of BBA 6th Semester of People's Campus. The purpose of this
study is to examine the factors affecting students' academic performance. We would
be really grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill up this questionnaire to
assist us in our study. Your responses will be anonymous. Thank you for your
cooperation is expected to add academic value and will be highly appreciated.

Students of 6th Semester
People’s Campus
General Background
1. Gender 1. Male 2. Female
2. College: ……………………….……………………………
3. College type: 1.Private 2. Government
4. Family type: 1. Nuclear 2. Joint
Basic and variables related information
5. Which of the following factors influences your academic performance? Please rank
them in order of importance where 1 is the most important and 4 is the least
Parents and family
College and teachers
S No. Questions Yes No
6. Do you have supportive parents and teachers?
7. Do you use all facilities available in your college?
8. Do you prefer internet access while learning?
9. Can you freely communicate with your teacher?
10. Are you motivated when your teacher guides and praises you?
11. Which of the following factors do you think is important for improving one's
academic performance? Please tick the statements of your choice. (Multiple answers
 Peaceful home environment
 Active class participation
 Availability of study materials and internet access
 Parental support and teacher’s motivation
 Practical and understandable teaching techniques

Following are the factors affecting students' academic performance. Please tick a right
mark to reflect your opinion that shows the level of agreement or disagreement at the
end of each statement. The answers provided to the statements provided to the
statements will be measured on Likert scale. 5 point measurement scale with
explanation is below:

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Disagree nor Agree Agree Strongly Agree

Item Responses
12 Learning facilities 1 2 3 4 5
My classroom is well equipped with the necessary materials
like internet, projectors, laptops etc.
12.2 Fast internet access in the library motivates me.
I am happy with the facilities provided to me by my
universities like computer lab, science lab etc.
The faculty members are supportive in making me
understand the subject matter.
13 Communication
13.1 I am scared of communicating in English with my teachers.
13.2 I share my views in classroom discussions.
13.3 Student-teacher interaction motivates me for learning.
14 Home-related factors 1 2 3 4 5
14.1 Both my parents are working
14.2 I have more than two siblings.
14.3 I help my parents in household chores regularly.
14.4 My parents motivate me to improve my studies.
15 Academic performance 1 2 3 4 5
15.1 I pay attention in class every day.
15.2 I study the lessons I missed if I was absent during the class.
15.3 Solving problem is a useful hobby for me.
I enjoy doing homework and activities because it helps me to
improve my skills in every subject.

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