Effects of Sleep and Body Temperature Rhythms: Regular

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Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (1 995), 49, 299-304

Regular Article
Effects of hCRH on sleep and body temperature rhythms
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Kurume University School ofMedicine, Kurume, lapun

Abstract W e investigated the effects of human corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH) on the sleep structure and
body temperature rhythms of seven healthy young men. Polysomnographic recordings were obtained and
body temperatures were monitored continuously for 48 h in each subject following the intravenous
administration of saline or of 100 pg hCRH. The administration of hCRH was associated with a significant
phase-advancement in body temperature rhythm v5 the saline control. The administration of hCRH affected
non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep by reducing significantly slow wave sleep (SWS) and sleep
efficiency, whereas the percentage of sleep stages 1 and 2 were increased significantly. These changes in body
temperature rhythms and sleep structure induced by hCRH resembled those observed in patients with
endogenous depression, except for the findings during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. W e hypothesize
that a hypersecretion of hCRH in patients with endogenous depression may help to explain the changes in
body temperature rhythms and sleep structure often reported in such patients.

Key words body temperature rhythm, depression, human corticotropin-releasing hormone, polysomnography.

INTRODUCTION latency, an increase in REM sleep in early sleep and in

interrupted sleep, a decrease in slow wave sleep (SWS) and
The hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis consists of human
sleep efficiency, and a tendency toward early morning
corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH), a hypothalamic
a ~ a k e n i n g . ~A- 'decrease
~ in the amplitude and an advance-
hormone, the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), and
ment, or delay, in the phase of body temperature rhythm
cortisol. Human corticotropin-releasing hormone acts on
have been reported in such p a t i e n t ~ . l ~ -Although
'~ these
the anterior pituitary to induce the secretion of ACTH,
changes are generally regarded as markers for depression,
which stimulates the secretion of corticosteroids by the
few studies have evaluated the effects of an elevated serum
adrenal. The corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) nerve
level of CRH on sleep."-18 Accordingly, we studied the
cell bodies are distributed widely in the hypothalamus and
effects of the intravenous (i.v.) administration of hCRH in
surrounding limbic structure. These cells send nerve fibers
seven healthy young men in order to evaluate its effects on
to the autonomic nerve center in the brainstem and are
the sleep structure and body temperature rhythm. Such
believed to control the function of the autonomic nervous
effects were compared with data published previously on
system.'J The intraventricular administration of CRH in
endogenous C R H levels in depressed patients.
rats accelerates the cardiovascular function, elevates the
blood glucose concentration, and accelerates sympathetic
~ , ~addition to stimulating the
nervous system a ~ t i v i t y . In SUBJECTS AND METHODS
release of ACTH, CRH suppresses the secretion of growth
hormone (GH) and of luteinizing hormone (LH).5-7 W e evaluated seven healthy male medical students (aged
The secretion of CRH is increased by stress. The associa- 20-27 years; mean, 24.6) who remained at the sleep labora-
tion between the hypersecretion of CRH and depression has tory of Kurume University throughout the 6 day study.
received attention ever since Nemeroff et a / . reported that Each subject provided his informed consent for participa-
the concentration of CRH is increased in the cerebrospinal tion. Daily meals were provided at 08.30, 12.30, and
fluid of patients suffering from depression.8 Characteristic 18.30 h. During the course of the study, the subjects were
disturbances in sleep structure and body temperature have prohibited from napping, exercising, drinking alcohol, and
been reported in patients with depression. Studies of de- taking medication. The subjects slept at Kurume University
pressed patients have also shown a reduction in REM for two nights prior to treatment so as to facilitate their
acclimatization to our sleep laboratory. At 21.30 on the third
day, 5 mL of saline was administered intravenously via an
Correspondence address: Yuichiro Tsuchiyama, Department of Neuropsychia- indwelling catheter placed in the median vein. Recordings
try, Kurume University School of Medicine, 67 Asahi-machi, Kurume, Fuku-
aka, Japan. of polysomnography (PSG) were started at 22.00. Subjects
Recevived 25 May 1995; revised 3 July 1995; accepted 18 August 1995. were awakened the next morning at 06.00 if they had not
300 Y. Tsuchiyama et al.

awoken spontaneously. Recordings were performed in ac- sleep laboratory was 25 “ C , and the humidity was 70%. Each
cordance with the standard guidelines of Rechtschaffen and subject completed the self-rating scale developed by Beck in
Kales.” Records were evaluated visually every 20 s accord- order to evaluate the incidence of depressive symptoms
ing to those criteria. At 21.30 on the fifth day, each subject before and after the administration of hCRH.” Each subject
received a single 100 pg dose of hCRH i.v., and the PSG also provided his own assessment of the sleep pattern (sleep
was again recorded. Prior to administration, the hCRH was latency, sleep periods, number of awakenings).
dissolved in 5 mL of sterile saline. Blood samples were The Student’s t-test and XY correlation were used in
collected through an indwelling catheter 15 min prior to statistical analysis. A level of P < 0.05 was accepted as
administration and again at 15 and 30 min after the admin- statistically significant.
istration of saline and/or hCRH. Samples were immediately
centrifuged at 4 ” C , then stored at - 8 0 ° C until assayed.
Plasma concentrations of ACTH and cortisol were deter- RESULTS
mined by radioimmunoassay.
Changes in serum concentrations of ACTH and
A thermistor (Memory-mac Model VTM2-005, Vein
cortisol following administration of saline and
Co. Ltd, Toyo Physical Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) was placed in
the rectum for the 48 h period following the administration
of saline and/or hCRH so as to record the body temperature. Figure 1 shows the changes in serum concentrations of
Readings of body temperature were obtained using Mac- ACTH and cortisol following the administration of saline
reader Model VMS3-232. A personal computer was used for and hCRH. No significant differences were found between
data processing. Successive measurements of body tempera- the concentrations of ACTH or cortisol at baseline prior to
ture were obtained every 1 min. Body temperature rhythms the administration of saline or hCRH. Following hCRH
were analyzed by the visual assessment of the raw data and administration, the serum ACTH concentration increased
by analysis of data collected every 30 min using the least- significantly after 15 min and again at 30 min relative to
squares spectrum method. The ambient temperature in the levels following saline administration. Thirty min after

ACTH Cortisol

40 i
Effects of hCRH on sleep and body temperature rhythms 30 1

hCRH administration, the serum concentration of cortisol Table 2. Mean values of sleep parameters assessed in seven subjects on
increased significantly as compared with saline. nights following the administration of saline or hCRH

Saline ( m e a n t s.d.) hCKH ( m e a n t s.d.1

Body temperature following hCRH
No significant differences were found in the actual measure- Total sleep (min) 403.5 k 4 1 . 6 375.4 ? 53.7*
ments of the mean temperature (TPmean, "C), the mean Sleep efficiencv (oh) 84.1 t 8.7 78.2 ? 11.2**
maximal temperature (TPmax, "C), the mean minimal Stage 1 t 2 (min) 286.0 k35.5 290.0 k 36.7
temperature (TPmin, " C), the mean difference between Stage 1 + 2 (0%) 70.8 k 3.8 77.8 t 6.8**
TPmax and TPmin (TPdif, "C), and the times coinciding SWS (miti) 44.4 t 19.3 25.8t15.1**
with TPmax and TPmin during the 48 h recording period sws ( O h ) 11.4 t 5 . 8 6.9 f3.7*
following saline and hCRH injection (Table 1). However, REM (min) 71.7k22.6 57.5 +22.9*
analysis of temperature rhythms by the least squares spec- KEM ("/o) 17.5 t 4.9 14.8 k 5.0
trum method demonstrated a significant advancement in the Time awake after 26.7 t 29.6 42.6t34.1*
acrophase with the administration of hCRH vs saline. No sleep onset (min)
significant differences were found between the best fitted Sleep latency (min) 54.8 t 28.9 67.1 t 3 0 . Y
period, amplitude, or mesor. REM latency (min) 77.0 k 46.9 74.4 k 22.6
SWS latency (min) 23.0 i6.5 22.1 t 5 . 6
Changes in sleep structure following hCRH REM number (min) 4.1? 1.0 4.1 k 1.3
REM cycle (min) 108.8t21.6 116.5 t 46.9
In Table 2, mean values of sleep parameters are compared for
KEM duration (min) 21.5t4.7 15.2 t 4 . 6
hCRH w saline. Sleep efficiency and SWS each decreased
significantly following hCRH. The percentage of sleep * P < 0.1, **P < 0.05
stages 1 and 2 increased significantly following the adminis-
tration of hCRH. The total sleep time (TST) ( P < 0.071), Table 3. Comparison of sleep parameters between the first and
percentage of SWS ( P < 0.77) and REM sleep ( P < 0.074) second halves of the night following the administration of saline or
all tended to decrease, but not to a significant extent, on the hCKH
night following the administration of hCRH. The amount
of time awake after sleep onset tended to increase with Saline ( m e a n t s.d.) hCRH (mean t s.d.)
hCRH but not to a significant extent. No change in E M
First halJ'of.n(qhr
latency was observed following hCRH.
Stage 1 + 2 (rnin) 119.0 k 31.1 124.0f29.1
The effects of hCRH on sleep structure were investigated
Stage 1 t 2 (Yo) 66.8k 8.3 75.2 k 9.8*
in the first us the second halves of the night (Table 3). In the
SWS (min) 37.1 k 14.9 20.0 t 11.5**
first half, only SWS decreased significantly with hCRH
SWS (90) 22.1 t 10.3 12.4f7.3*
administration, while the %SWS tended to decrease. The
%sleep stages 1 and 2 showed a tendency to increase in the KEM (min) 21.1 * 12.2 21.5 k 9 . 8
first half of the hCRH night. In the second half, no REM (Oh) 11.1k6.0 12.4k5.5

Second halfof'night

Table 1. Mean values of parameters of body temperature rhythm Stage 1 + 2 (min) 1 6 7 . 0 f 12.4 167.0t15.7
during a 48 h period following the administration of saline or hCKH Stage 1 t 2 (Yo) 74.4 k 4.6 80.5 k 6.5
SWS (min) 7.0 k 8.7 6.3 t 7.2
Saline (mean k s.d.) hCKH (mean f s.d.) sws (010) 3.2 k 4.2 3.0 k 3.4
REM (min) 50.5 k 14.2 35.8 ? 15.9*
Visual analysis $actual measurements
E M (90) 22.4k6.1 16.6 t 6.2"
TPmean (' C) 37.0 k 0.1 37.0 k 0.1
TPmax ("C) 37.7 * 0.2 37.8 k 0.2 * P < 0.1, **P < 0.05.
TPmin ("C) 36.2k0.3 36.2 k 0.3
TPdif (' C) 1.67k0.47 1.7320.42
significant changes were observed in any parameter, al-
Tmax 19.51 22.26 19.16 k 2.44
though a tendency towards a decreased REM and Y O E M
Tmin 05.57 f 1.34 05.14 k 2.05
was observed following hCRH administration.
Anaiysis by the least squares spectrum method
Best fitted period (h) 23.3 t 1.3 23.9k 1.5 Correlation between changes in ACTH and cortisol
Amplitude ("C) 0.45 k0.13 0.53 t 0.16 concentrations and sleep structure following hCRH
Acrophase 1 8 . 3 0 t 1.02 17.59?0.55*
Since we observed large variations in serum concentrations
Mesor ( C) 37.0k0.2 37.0 k 0.1
of ACTH and cortisol in response to hCRH administration,
*P < 0.05. we investigated the correlations between these concentra-
302 Y. Tsuchiyama et al.

tions and the change in sleep structure for each individual. tween the body temperatures obtained at the time of SWS
Increases in concentrations of ACTH and cortisol were onset and the total duration of SWS following the adminis-
obtained by comparing the values obtained 15 min before vs tration of saline (Fig. 3a), but not of hCRH (Fig. 3b).
those obtained 30 min after the administration of hCRH. A
significant positive correlation was observed between the Subjective estimates of sleep and mood
rate of increase in ACTH concentration and that in the
Subjective estimates of sleep latency, TST, and the frequency
%sleep stage 1 (Fig. 2a). A similar correlation was also
of sleep interruptions did not differ significantly following
observed between the rate of increase in cortisol concentra-
the administration of saline or hCRH. No significant differ-
tion and in the Yosleep stage 2 sleep (Fig. 2b). No significant
ences in depression were observed between the scores of
correlation was observed between the YoSWS or YoSWS and
Beck self-rating scale obtained after the administration of
the rate of increase in serum concentrations of ACTH and
saline (2.422.2) or hCRH (1.1 t 1.3).

Body temperature and sleep DISCUSSION

There were no significant differences between the body Depression involves the endocrine system and circadian
temperature obtained at sleep onset following either saline rhythms as reflected by changes in sleep structure. Sleep
or hCRH. (Sleep onset was defined as stage 2 sleep appear- structures of depressed patients commonly include a reduc-
ing first on PSG.) The mean body temperature a t the time of tion in REM latency, a proportionate increase in REM sleep
SWS onset was 37.1 kO.2"C for the saline night and in the first half of the night, a decrease in SWS, and early
37.3 -+ 0.2"C for the hCRH, with no significant differ- morning a ~ a k e n i n g . ' O - ' ~ . *The
~ - ~ ~first two characteristics
rences. A significant positive correlation was observed be- suggest that the phase of the circadian rhythm of REM sleep


r = 0.7577 P<0.05 0 v
In r = 0.8654 Pc0.05

OC 01 I
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Rate of increase in %stage 1 sleep

-0 -

r = 0.7930 P<0.05

.- 300 Y =8.2148X+122.44 0,
rn 0. r=-0.3171
o 37.6 - Y = -0.0053X+37.4517


Figure 2. Correlation between rate of increase of (a) adrenocorti- Figure 3. Correlation between body temperatures obtained at the
cotropic hormone (ACTH) concentration and that of Yostage 1 sleep. time of slow wave sleep (SWS) onset and the total duration of SWS
Correlation between rate of increase of (b) cortisol concentation and following the administration of (a) saline and (b) human corticotropin-
that of %stage 2 sleep. releasing hormone (hCRH).
Effects of hCRH on sleep and body temperature rhythms 303

is advanced in depressed patients. In such patients, phase during sleep or the temperature at sleep and SWS onset, as
advancement has also been observed in the circadian well as the reduction of body temperature during a 4 h
rhythms of body temperature and in melatonin period following sleep onset.2y-32 W e observed such a
secretion. 14*24 Moreover, the lability of the circadian rhythm correlation with the administration of saline, but not with
in depressed patients has been r e p ~ r t e d . ’As
~ hypersecretion that of hCRH. As the body temperature at sleep or SWS
of cortisol and ACTH is commonly found in depressed onset showed no difference between the administration of
patients, it has been hypothesized that hyperfunction of the saline and hCRH the reduction in SWS following hCRH
hypothalamus-pituitary gland-adrenal cortex (HPA) secre- administration did not appear to depend on changes in body
tory axis is involved in d e p r e ~ s i o n . ~ ~ . ~ ~ - ~ ~ temperature.
The effects of hCRH on human body temperature No subjects experienced depression on the morning fol-
rhythms apparently have not been investigated previously. lowing hCRH administration according to the results of the
W e found that the acrophase of the body temperature Beck self-rating scale. Thus, the decrease in SWS and the
rhythm, identified after fitting the period analyzed by the increase in sleep stages 1 and 2 that were induced by the
least squares spectrum method to 24 h, was advanced signi- administration of hCRH were not accompanied by a depres-
ficantly following the administration of hCRH vs saline. sion. While the hypersecretion of hCRH is found in
This finding is noteworthy because a phase advancement in depressed patients, it is not specific for depression as it occurs
body temperature rhythm has also been reported in patients also during stress and in patients with psychotic d i s e a ~ e . ~ , ~ ~
with The observed hCRH-induced changes in body temperature
The effects of hCRH on the sleep of normal subjects have rhythms and sleep structure were similar to those observed
been investigated.“.” Results in these studies did not in patients with endogenous depression except for those
correlate. Although Britten et al. reported an increase in involving REM sleep. Our results lead us to hypothesize that
‘awakening in rats’ following the intraventricular adminis- the hypersecretion of hCRH in patients with endogenous
tration of CRH,’’ Born et al. observed no change in human depression is associated with a change in body temperature
sleep following the intravenous administration of hCRH rhythm and sleep structure.
30pg every hour from 22.00 to 07.00.16 Holsboer et al.
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subjects administered repeated doses of hCRH at 22.00, and Hirotaka Mukasa for their assistance in the experiment.
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cant decreases in sleep efficiency and SWS, and significant
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