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Rocks are solid, naturally occurring materials that make up the Earth's crust.

They are composed of minerals and other materials, and can vary widely in size,
shape, color, and texture. Rocks are classified into three main types based on
how they were formed: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of molten magma
or lava. They can be classified into two main types: intrusive and extrusive.
Intrusive igneous rocks form beneath the Earth's surface and cool slowly,
allowing large crystals to form. Extrusive igneous rocks form on the surface and
cool quickly, resulting in smaller crystals or even a glassy texture.

Sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation and compaction of

sediment, such as sand, mud, or organic material. They can be further classified
into three main types: clastic, chemical, and organic. Clastic sedimentary rocks
are formed from the accumulation of rock fragments, while chemical
sedimentary rocks form from the precipitation of minerals from water. Organic
sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of organic material, such
as plant or animal remains.

Metamorphic rocks are formed from the alteration of pre-existing rocks through
heat, pressure, and/or chemical reactions. They can be classified into two main
types: foliated and non-foliated. Foliated metamorphic rocks have a layered or
banded appearance due to the alignment of minerals, while non-foliated
metamorphic rocks do not.

Rocks are important for a variety of reasons. They provide clues about the
Earth's history and the processes that have shaped the planet over time. They
are also used as building materials, in the production of metals and other
materials, and in a variety of other industrial and commercial applications.

Overall, rocks are fascinating and diverse materials that play an important role in
both the natural world and human society.

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