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ART – It is defined by its origin in the human mind

VISUAL ARTS- are art forms such as painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography,
video, filmmaking, design, crafts, and architecture.
APPLIED ARTS- are all the arts that apply design and decoration to every day and essentially practical
objects in order to make them aesthetically pleasing.
MEDIA ARTS - is an art that is created through the use of new media and technology
DIGITAL ART - can be computer generated, scanned, or drawn using a tablet and a mouse.
FILM – a movie or motion of a picture
PRINT MEDIA – It is used as a physical object as a means of sending information such as newspapers,
magazines, etc.
DRAWING - a technique in which images are depicted on a surface by making lines
COMPUTER GRAPHICS - production of images on computers for use in any medium.
SUBJECT MATTER – the main theme of a work of art.
ICONOGRAPHY- the study of subject matter and symbolism.
STYLE- the characteristic of the manner of executing the visual elements used by an artist.
HISTORICAL CONTEXT- is the record of events that affected the artist and the development of his/her
PERIOD STYLE- is the general characteristics common too much of the work from a given period of time
or cultural phase.
REGIONAL STYLE- is the manner of expression common in the work of artists working in the same
country or area.
INDIVIDUAL STYLE- is the manner of expression used by a particular artist.
PROVENANCE- is the source and history of a work of art.
CONTENT- is the meaning of a work of art.
REALISM - is the portrayal of people and things as they as seen by the eye or as they are thought to be
without idealization, without distortion.
PHOTOGRAPHY- the technique of shooting, capturing, and documenting suggests can did truth or
REPRESENTATIONAL ART- presents natural forms in a recognizable manner, although not always in a
realistic way.
EXPRESSIONISTIC ART- is a modern art movement.
ABSTRACT- art that departs significantly from the actual appearance of things.
ABSTRACTION - freedom from representational qualities in art.
CUBISM- transcribed natural forms into largely angular geometric equivalents.
NON-OBJECTIVE- art that makes no reference to nature or reality.
PSYCHIC AUTOMATION- when an artist attempts to clear their mind and purpose and concerns.
ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM- a record of the action of painting.
FORM- It refers to its totality as a work of art.
FORMALISTIC CRITICISM- is an approach that concentrates on formal concepts such as the elements
and principles, but not content, historical context, or the biography of the artist. LINE- are marks
moving in a space between two points whereby a viewer can visualize the stroke movement,
direction, and intention based on how the line is oriented.
SHAPE- is a two-dimensional design encased by lines to signify its height and width structure, and can
have different values of color used within it to make it appear three-dimensional. COLOR- is an
element consisting of hues, of which there are three properties: hue, Chroma or intensity, and value.
SPACE- refers to the perspective (distance between and around) and proportion (size) between shapes
and objects and how their relationship with the foreground or background is perceived. TEXTURE- the
surface quality of the work, referencing the types of lines the artist created. VALUE- refers to the
degree of perceivable lightness of tones within an image. SYMBOLISM- The representation of subjects
or ideas by the use of a device or motif to create underlying meaning. CONTEXT- a set of background
COMPOSITION - it is the arrangement of the painting
CLAUDE MONET – Name of an artist who paints the “Impression sunset”
CONSTANTINE BRANCUSI – An artist of “The Kiss” sculpture.
AMERICAN GOTHIC – it is an artwork that represents a positive image of rural American values, offering
a vision of reassurance at the beginning of the Great Depression and it is done by the American painter
Grant Wood.
CATO THE ELDER – an example of realistic art and roman art.
FRANCISCO GOYA – he used oil on canvas medium to paint the history painting of romanticism with the
title “The Third of May”
LASCAUX – A famous artist of his Paleolithic cave painting and one of his famous cave paintings called
PROVENANCE – it is the source or history of a work of art.
TECHNIQUE - a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an
artistic work or a scientific procedure.
MODE OF RECEPTION - WHEN, WHERE, and HOW art is encountered.
APPROPRIATION - The technique of transforming existing materials through the juxtaposition of
elements taken from context and replacing these in another to present alternative meanings, structure,
and composition.
ELEMENTS OF ART - It is the building blocks of an artwork.
COMPONETS - Works of art have subject, form and content.

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