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Jessa Sabrina D.

Avila ABM12A1 10/07/2022

Activity 3.1

a. What are the main colors used? What do they mean?

The colors incorporated in the poster show a lighter shade within the side of the girl to a
darker shade at the point where the priest is standing. The bright colors may indicate the girl's
courage of expressing her thoughts toward religion. Meanwhile, the dark colors may symbolize
anger or disagreement with the priest/teacher about the student.

b. How are the texts presented? How does it help complete the meaning of the poster?
The message conveys both text and symbols. The question written on the board, "what is
religion?" tells us that the instructor who is also found to be a priest requests the student to
answer. The gender symbol of a male and female were drawn and included the cross for the girl's
interpretation of Christianity. Because of these symbols, it ignited the tension between the priest
and the girl.

c. Is the message in the visual mostly found in words, pictures/symbols or both? Why?
Visually both pictures/symbols and words contribute in conveying the message of the picture.
The words give context of what the topic is all about while the symbols give a deeper meaning of
the problem seen in the picture. In a Biblical passage, God is portrayed as a male, and He created
man to live. The issue in this poster now gives rise to talk about sexism and gender oppression.
It is clear to point out the superiority of men when it comes to presiding over the masses and even
in the course of engaging in society.

d. Give one (1) symbol from the image and its implication to the mood of the poster.
It seems that the student is being oppressed by the position she is in considering the fact she
is a female. She may not have the privilege most men have in the Catholic church and as well as
in the community. Because of this, it shows how the priest dislikes and judges her while holding
a ruler in his hand. It can also be a sign of threat and punishment based on the priest's
mannerisms. He might be indirectly telling the girl to know her place and remain to be there as it
is. Unfortunately, the student would not hold back and chose to speak up.

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