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1 can be configured to allow only certain users 2 Finalizes a transaction and allows all changes
or roles to have access to them. to the database to be completed.

3 Either all operations are performed properly, or 4 Upon successful completion of a transaction,
none are performed at all. the changes made to the database remain,
even with system failures.
5 Stored processes can be used to automate
tasks that are frequently performed in the 6 Creates a recovery point within a transaction.
database, such as generating reports or
sending e-mails.

7 Ends a transaction and rolls back all changes

to the beginning of the transaction or to a
recovery point.

8 Stored processes are programs or routines that

are stored in a database and can be
subsequently executed by a database
management system (DBMS) in response to a
specific user request.

9 is a collection of operations that form a unit of

work. It is intended that all operations in the
set are executed, but ensuring that, if there is a
failure in at least one operation, all operations
are cancelled and no change is recorded.

10 isolated execution of the transaction (without

another concurrent transaction) preserves the
consistency of the database.

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