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Electrical Wireline Logging Services

Written Procedures


11.1 CLIENT COMMUNICATIONS........................................................................................................................ 141
11.1.1 Well Data.................................................................................................................................................141
11.1.2 Drill Pipe Data........................................................................................................................................141
11.1.3 Information for the Client........................................................................................................................142
11.2 AT THE RIG.............................................................................................................................................. 142
11.2.1 Prior To Rigging Up................................................................................................................................142
11.2.2 Rigging Up...............................................................................................................................................143
11.2.3 RIH With Drill Pipe And Logging Tools.................................................................................................144
11.2.4 Connecting CSES To The Drill Pipe.......................................................................................................144
11.2.5 Latching....................................................................................................................................................145
11.2.6 Latch Verification....................................................................................................................................145
11.2.7 Logging Down..........................................................................................................................................146
11.2.8 Logging Up...............................................................................................................................................147
11.2.9 Unlatching................................................................................................................................................148
11.2.10 Rig Down.................................................................................................................................................148
11.2.11 Emergency Procedures............................................................................................................................149
11.3 BETWEEN RUNS MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................ 150
11.3.1 PWCH:.....................................................................................................................................................150
11.3.2 CSES:.......................................................................................................................................................151
11.3.3 DWCH:.....................................................................................................................................................151
11.4 TLCS RATINGS......................................................................................................................................... 152
11.5 TOOL RATINGS......................................................................................................................................... 152

Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

11. Contractor’s procedures for Drillpipe Conveyed logging operations.

11.1 Client Communications

TLC operations are quite different from normal wireline logging and it involves more people carrying out
different tasks than they’re used to. It is thus of extreme importance to keep good communications from the
very beginning, throughout the job and eventually with a follow up in the client’s office.
If the client is familiar with TLC operations a phone call may be sufficient but if it is new for them or the
people involved have different degrees of experience in TLC operations it’s worth doing a pre-job meeting in
their office. They will have a number of questions about safety, tool combinations, timing, emergency
procedures, compressional and tensile ratings of tools. You will also have questions concerning the well,
drilling problems and drill pipe specs.

11.1.1 Well Data

The following list contains all necessary information you need to know to do the operation properly.

?1 well hydrostatically balanced or not

?2 all casing data: size, weight, depths
?3 bit size and TD
?4 liner top (if applicable)
?5 directional data: deviation, azimuth, TVD, dogleg severity
?6 all mud data
?7 pipe tally
?8 liner or casing tally (if applicable)

11.1.2 Drill Pipe Data

This information is critical since you connect your logging tolls to the drill pipe and you pump your PWCH
through it. Also, in case you need to do a back off you definitely want to have the right pipe in the well in
order to be able to run down a FPIT and a back-off bar. See list below:

?9 all drill pipe data: size, ID, threads, drift

?10 heavy weight pipe and drill collars
?11 jars (if applicable)

Drill pipe ID is of utmost importance since you will be pumping down a 2-1/8” OD PWCH. It must have a
minimum ID of 2.4” to allow PWCH passage. This also holds for any crossovers they might want to use. If
the driller or company man insists on using jars emphasize that they have to have a minimum ID of 2.25 in.
Drift the jar with the PWCH and AH-183 connected together.
Generally, jars are not recommended. It is almost certain that the cable birdcages while the jar are
compressing. Jarring is very destructive to logging tools as well. If the driller or company man insists in using
jars advise them to use mechanical jars. Hydraulic jars can expand open during logging, causing depth
discrepancies or unlatching.

11.1.3 Information for the Client

All the information mentioned above is given to you by the client. You have to pass on information to the
client such as:
?12 tool sketch with lengths and total weight
Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

?13 max. OD of toolstring

?14 compressional and tensile strength of toolstring (basically determined by the weakest tool in the string)
?15 CSES dimensions, make-up torque and tension ratings (a drawing with all necessary information is easier to
understand than a list with figures)
?16 estimated time breakdown, crew requirements, seismic boat requirement

11.2 At The Rig

· Immediately upon arrival on the rig, meet with the company man and confirm thread connections and ID
of the drill pipe to be used.
· Review job sequence and safety and emergency procedures.
· Have a prepared list of particular safety information relating to the job and rig. Audit rig to check for
particular hazards, especially if it is the first TLC job on this rig.
· Relevant issues may include:
?18 Radioactive sources & explosives.
?19 Handling and stepping issues on the rig (floor, pumps, rig-up precautions).

11.2.1 Prior To Rigging Up

Cable, Rope Socket and Auxiliary Equipment
1) Check insulation of logging cable with megohmmeter set to 1000V.
1. Note: All our logging cables are rated to less than 1000 V; especially the NT cable is only rated to
560 V. Applying 1000 V to a good cable won’t do any harm but it will most likely kill a bad one.

2) Build pull-off rope socket. Our recommendation is a 12-3 rope socket just due to the fact that it is easier to
build (every second outer armor strand has to be cut off). Its nominal breaking strength is 5585 lbs (6140-5025
lbs with ±10% tolerance). Taking into account that TVD of the wells we log on TLC rarely exceed 3000 m TVD
a 12-3 rope socket can still be broken without exceeding 50 % of the cable’s fixed-end breaking strength.
3) After building the rope socket check insulation and continuity again to make sure there’s no reduced insulation
due to a poorly built rope socket.
4) Connect rope socket to PWCH and check insulation and continuity again.
1. Note: The use of SAH-E is not recommended since it has a lower tensile and compressive strength
than the SAH-F. Also, today’s long combinations require more then 10 conductors, especially on
TLC jobs.

Tool Check
5) Hook up toolstring as it will be run in the hole including all knuckles, swivels and DWCH on tool stands or
trolleys. Have operators to put on tool turners, standoffs, centralizer and hole finder.
6) Push PWCH manually into DWCH. You can do it slowly. There is no need for high speed.
7) Thoroughly op-check and calibrate toolstring. Particularly, caliper and nuclear calibrations should not be done
in the derrick in order to save rig time. With some long combos you won’t be able anyway to pull the complete
string up into the derrick.
8) Shake your toolstring while you simulate an up and a down log. Playback the so produced file and do a
verification listing to check for any unknown software bugs.
9) When the op-check is finished write down the following resistance values using a Simpson:

1-4, 2-3, 5-6, and all lines to mass. If you are going to run a switch combo write down the mentioned values of
the toolstring you’re going to run on the way down as well as the values for the toolstring on the way up. This is
useful for any kind of troubleshooting.
10) Do the same checks with the backup tools.
Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

11) Attach latch rings to the PWCH.

Drill Pipe and Mud

Involve company man and tool pusher to check on the following points:
12) Only drill pipe and heavy weight drill pipe is to be used below CSES. Heavy weight drill pipe needs to be drifted
with a drift of an ID ¼ in. less than the ID of the pipe or crossovers but at least 2.4 in.
13) No oversize element should be run directly above CSES to avoid crushing the cable. Place a stand of normal
DP directly above the CSES to protect the cable. The idea here is that the stand above the CSES should have
the same OD in order prevent crushing the cable.
14) No jars and drill collars to be used.
15) Use a minimum of dope, preferably on the pins only. This can be conveniently done when the drill crew is
POOH drill pipe and placing it in the derrick.
16) Flush the drill pipe at TD or during POOH with the highest possible flow rate (16 bbl/min or 2500 l/min) to get
rid of any scale, rust, cement leftovers, etc.
17) Mud should be filtered of any LCM, glass beads, iron filings, etc. prior to RIH.

11.2.2 Rigging Up
Before POOH With Drill Pipe
18) Bring all needed equipment to the catwalk or close to the derrick.
19) Feed rope socket through CSES and connect to PWCH. Check insulation and continuity.
20) Have rig up equipment on the rig floor. Lower sheave wheel can be connected while crew is pulling out drill
pipe. If this is not allowed then have the rig up equipment ready close by to pull up to the rig floor when POOH
drill pipe is finished.
21) Get required permits.

After POOH With Drill Pipe

22) Hold safety meeting with company man, tool pusher, driller and roughnecks on the rig floor. Explain sequence
of events and point out that everybody involved is equally important for a successful operation. Make driller
understand that he must be in good communication with the winch man and keep on telling what he is doing at
any moment. Accelerating and breaking the string must occur gently to ease winch driving and to avoid shocks
on the logging tools.
23) Rig up toolstring from bottom to top using a tugger line. Connect DWCH. The tugger line should be rated
higher than tool weight.
24) Use appropriate slips and dog collar and set DWCH in slips.
25) Connect controlled ID sub or crossover to DWCH.
26) Insert PWCH through controlled ID sub or cross over into DWCH and check tools as mentioned above.
1. With switch combinations do the following:
2. Check all single toolstrings. Check previously measured resistances and verify proper operation of the switch
(~120-150 VDC, 200-300 mA).
3. Switch back to the string you’re going to run on the way down, power up to verify that the switch has switched
properly, power down and note following resistance values using a Simpson: 1-4, 2-3, 5-6, and all lines to
mass. Line #7 to mass will read different since it runs straight in the cable and there are diodes in the
27) While you’re opchecking the toolstring have the driller connect the first stand into the top drive and leave it
hanging in the derrick.
28) Remove PWCH. It is not necessary to grease the male connector again because a thin film of silicon is left
thick enough to prevent loss of insulation.
29) Connect lifting cap and lift toolstring to insert radioactive sources Tape off stairs to the rig floor and cantilever
deck using radioactive signs.

Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

30) Clear rig floor of all unnecessary personnel and get radio operator to make PA announcement “Handling of
radioactive sources on the rig floor. All unnecessary personnel to stay clear”.
31) Insert radioactive sources thereby minimizing time of exposure, maximizing distance and keeping sources in
shieldings when not needed.
32) Lower string. Ensure area below cantilever deck is clear until sources are well below its level.
33) Set DWCH in slips. Lock rotary table.
34) Make sure the driller has the correct length of your toolstring including DWCH and controlled ID sub.

11.2.3 RIH With Drill Pipe And Logging Tools

35) Have the driller lower the first stand and torque up the first stand and the controlled ID sub or cross over with
the top drive at once.
36) RIH drill pipe at about 1 m/s.
37) Tell the driller to start and stop smoothly.
38) Minimize the use of pipe dope. Optimally the drill pipe should have been doped on the way out of the hole as
mentioned in 2.3 point 5.
39) Circulate every 10 stands for 5 minutes at a max. circulation rate of 16 bbl/min or 2500 l/min. The driller should
watch trip tank returns, which should be equal to the volume of open end pipe.
40) Trip in drill pipe to latch depth. Stop early enough to be able to log the casing shoe with a caliper when logging
41) Circulate bottoms up at 16 bbl/min or 2500 l/min.
42) While circulating sheave wheels can be rigged up and the CSES and PWCH brought to the rig floor.
43) Install slotted bushing and lock rotary table. If no slotted bushing is available rotate bushing slots 90 deg away
from cable path.
44) Set the drill pipe in slips.

RIH on floaters:

For practical reasons don’t activate the drill string compensator because you would need to switch it off
every time a stand is connected. There are no calipers open and it does not hurt if the drill pipe together
with the logging tools moves relative to fixed earth.

11.2.4 Connecting CSES To The Drill Pipe

45) Check if sheave wheels and cable are properly rigged up in the derrick.
46) Pick up CSES with tugger line 10 m above rig floor. Very useful is a rope tied to the CSES to have control if
the weather is rough.
47) Zero depth system with PWCH at rotary table.
48) Hand-feed PWCH into the drill pipe down to a depth of 300 ft where it should already run freely.
49) Lower CSES, disconnect tugger line and screw the sub with a chain tong into the drill pipe.
50) Pick up a stand of drill pipe and lower it into the top of the CSES.
51) Have an operator pull the cable away and torque up the stand of drill pipe and the CSES together using the
top drive.
52) Carefully rotate the drill pipe to align CSES packing nut with the upper sheave. Make sure that the rotary table
bushing slots are facing away from cable path and the rotary table is locked.
Caution: The logging cable can become trapped in the slots in case a slotted bushing is not

Note: If snatch pulley can’t be tied at the V-door CSES can be oriented slightly sideways to wherever
the snatch pulley can be tied to.
Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

11.2.5 Latching
53) Have driller set the slips on the stand below the CSES.
54) Finger-tighten CSES packoff nut so that the cable can still go down but only very little mud will leak around the
cable. Alternatively, the CSES might be lowered so that just the packing nut is covered by mud.
55) Start to pump immediately at 9 bbl/min or 1500 l/min to avoid settling of solids and gelling. RIH PWCH as fast
as possible (10,000 ft/hr) to save rig time.
1. Note when using PWCH-SA & DWCH-SA: Always use weights above the PWCH. Latching speed
should be around 3000-5000 ft/hr. Pump rate recommendations are as follows:
2. 2-7/8 in. tubing Þ 5 bbl/min or 800 l/min
3. 3-1/2 in. drill pipe Þ 9 bbl/min or 1500 l/min.
56) Run down PWCH.
57) Calculate latch depth as the sum of the length of the drill pipe in the hole, controlled ID sub and 5 ft of the
58) At 100 m above latch depth slow down to 3000-5000 ft/hr.
59) Have a meter connected to line #7 and #10 to see when the male connector is entering the PWCH.
60) As you latch on the cable tension will drop and the driller should notice an increase in pump pressure. Note
latch depth.
61) Don’t stop the cable yet. Run in 20 m of slack at 1000 ft/hr and have the driller to continue pumping.

11.2.6 Latch Verification

62) Verify the latch electrically by measuring the resistances between lines 1-4, 2-3, 5-6, and all lines to mass and
comparing it to the values measured uphole during tool check. There will be a small difference caused by
63) If proper electrical connection is verified, stop the mud pumps and power up the toolstring and do any before
calibration possible.
Caution: Powering up before achieving a proper electrical latch might damage the electrical
connectors or the tools.
64) If the latch fails the electrical verification you have either partially latched or you haven’t latched at all.
?21 If you have latched partially you can actually check how far you got by measuring continuity between 1-4, 4-3,
3-2, 2-5, 5-6, 6-7 and 7-10. Wherever the shuttle stopped inside the PWCH it will short two neighboring lines.
?22 Now the idea is to push the PWCH completely into the DWCH without pulling the PWCH off. This is
accomplished by increasing the pump rate stepwise and keeping the cable moving to avoid washouts at the
?23 Pull back up slowly 15 m.
?24 Go down again the 15 m with a pump rate 1.5 bbl/min or 200 l/min higher and verify the electrical latch.
65) To properly make up the cable clamp do the following:
?25 Clean cable clamp and cable with an oil dissolving cleaner to remove any oil and dirt. Dry both to increase
the friction.
?26 Mount the clamp on the cable. Leave the two cap screws off the seat and screw the shear screw finger
?27 Using a torque wrench apply 35 ft.lbs of torque to the two cap screws only. Do not torque the shear bolt. If
you do that it will become weakened just under the head and may fail downhole. Make sure the gap
between front and back clamp is present and the same.
Note: Only use 5000 lbs shear bolt since the drag on the cable while you are logging down can
easily exceed 3000 lbs.
66) Stand back and pulltest the cable clamp to 75 % of its rating for 5 minutes. There should be zero slippage.
Slippage is likely to occur with new cables if they are not seasoned. In this case it’s a good practice to keep the
Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

pull on the cable and loosen the upper cap screw. This will allow the pull to go down to the lower cap screw.
Tighten upper cap screw again with 35 ft.lbs and check the torque on the lower cap screw.
67) Tighten packoff nut. Undertightening will allow mud to leak from the drill pipe to the annulus if circulation
becomes necessary.
68) Check that rotary table bushing and CSES are correctly orientated. Ensure rotary table is locked.
69) Have winch man apply 500 lbs tension to the logging cable and set depth to the bottom of the toolstring.

11.2.7 Logging Down

70) When everything is ready have the driller put the first stand of drill pipe into the hole. Start slowly with 500 ft/hr
until the computer has begun acquiring data. Don’t forget to allow flush streams.
71) Watch the cable in the rotary bushings.
72) TLC specialist should stand beside the driller until winch man and driller are comfortable with the running
speed. Remember driller to start and stop smoothly.
73) Set slips and install snatch block so that the cable is away enough to allow free access of elevators.
74) After first stand set depth to driller’s depth.
75) Install float sub with flapper valve one joint above CSES. The idea is to avoid backflow. The flapper has to be a
RG type (no hole in the flapper, e.g. Baker 4R-G).
76) Depth control: !!! PIPE TALLY !!!
1. In contrast to normal wireline operations depth control on TLC is achieved by spooling off as much cable
as the driller puts drill pipe into the hole. On top of that this has to occur at the same speed. As you go deeper
you have to increase your cable tension by an amount equal to the length of the cable above the CSES to
overcome cable weight. Remember you want to keep 500 lbs overpull on the cable clamp in order to avoid
cable slack. If your CSES enters a deviated section of the hole only the TVD length of the cable above the
CSES counts
77) Once driller and winch man are familiar with each other you can increase the logging speed. Only the winch
man determines the speed he’s comfortable with (without risking an overspeed abort on the computer).
78) Watch head tension. In the vertical section of the well it should read tool weight in mud. As deviation increases
head tension will decrease. In the horizontal part of the hole it will jump between ± 500 lbs due to drag. Don’t
worry if it stays slightly negative or it jumps to -1000 lbs and then comes back to a value around zero.
79) Stop whenever head tension goes below -2000 lbs. If it doesn’t return to normal values pick up pipe and try to
go down again. Inform the client of risks involved when tools are being compressed and that a higher
compression than 2000 lbs is possible but the tools could fail. The max. weight you can put on the tools
depends on the weakest tool in the string, which are usually induction, and sonic tools.
80) If an obstruction is hit pull the drill pipe up 10 m and go back down easy.
81) Don’t rotate the pipe.
82) If you have difficulties passing an obstruction start circulating at a maximum rate of 4 bbl/min or 700 l/min or 60
bars (whatever is reached earlier) and try to work past the tight spot.
Caution: Cable damage will occur if you circulate at very high pump pressures (>60 bar) for several
hours (washout of cable and rubber seal).

83) Don’t tag TD. Stop down log 10 m above TD. Start uplog before turnaround to avoid stopping at TD.
84) Have an operator go to the drill floor and flag the cable and pipe with either spray paint or tape.
85) Install cable wiper.

11.2.8 Logging Up
86) With switched combos you need to switch first and then set depth properly.
87) On the first stand pull out cable at the same speed as the pipe. Watch the two flags on the drill floor.

Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

88) Open calipers and start uplog. Again start slow at 1000 ft/hr until computer is acquiring data and then speed
Note: The slower your logging speed the easier it is for the winch man to keep his tension constant
and the better your depth control. How fast you can go depends on the toolstring and the depth of the
89) Depth control during uplog is done the same way as during downlog. You continuously adjust your cable
tension to stay on depth with the pipe tally. This automatically should result in a tension decrease of 300 lbs
per 1000 ft if nothing strange is going on between the cable, casing and drill pipe. Compare with your down
tally - must be the same or less.
90) Advise the driller to manually push the slips into the rotary table to avoid any downward movement of the drill
pipe. You don’t want to move down with open calipers.
91) One stand before the CSES comes to surface note tension, slack off cable and remove snatch block. Pull
back to tension noted before (should be around 500 lbs).
92) Pull out last stand and set slips on the stand below the CSES but leave the stand above the CSES connected.
93) Close calipers and power down the toolstring.

TLC logging on floaters:

TLC logging on floaters is a very special operation and great care is required. Today’s modern
compensating systems allow to compensate for a heave of up to 9 m. However, a safe logging operation
on TLC is not possible under these extreme conditions. How much of heave is acceptable depends on
many factors like well geometry, depth of toolstring, deviation at casing shoe, etc. Also the extent of
lateral movement of the rig plays an important role. If the heave is only 2 m but the rig cannot be kept
stable laterally it is very likely that the cable will be crushed somewhere between the BOP and the drill

Our recommendation is as follows:

?28 Depth logging: Don’t use the compensating system because on every connection you have to switch it on
and off. Run wireline and drill pipe uncompensated. However, it gets dangerous with open calipers at
shallower depths or when you come close to the casing shoe. Always watch head tension to see if and
how much of the heave is transmitted downhole. It is strongly recommended to have an operator pulling
and relaxing the cable via a rope on the rig floor at the same rhythm as the heave. If the heave exceeds 3
m TLC logging is not recommended.

?29 Station Logging: It is mandatory to have drill pipe and wireline compensated. Several setups are possible to
compensate the cable. If the compensator is mounted in the crown block you can hook up the upper
sheave wheel to the compensator. If the compensator is moving relative to the derrick you have to hook
up the upper sheave wheel with a wire connected to the derrick and the slip joint. Another possibility is the
tension limiting system built-in in the refurbished units but it as to be checked if it reacts fast enough. As a
last resort the winch man can compensate manually but this should be avoided if possible.

Most likely the compensator will be switched off during tripping from one point to the next. So, before
you can set the tool on the next point the driller needs to switch on the compensator first. Don’t set
the tool immediately since it takes a while to pressure up the compensator and compensate the drill
string. Watch your head tension to see the decrease in transmitted heave. Be aware that even when
the drill string is compensated there is a certain friction to overcome in the drill string compensator
that causes a slight movement of the pipe. If this movement, depending on the heave, exceeds a
certain value the backup pistons can be bent. Therefore, station logging cannot be done safely if the
heave is higher than 3 m.

Worst case scenario: Imagine the client wants MDT tests or even pumpouts to be done just below
the casing shoe and there’s little deviation. If the heave is higher than 1 m we recommend doing

Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

these on wireline first. Have the cable compensated and try to do as many tests below the casing
shoe as possible. If you don’t manage to go any further down to the next point pull out and switch
over to TLC. RIH and do the remaining points from bottom to top. The risk is very high that the cable
gets damaged on shallow points so starting from bottom ensures that most of the data is already
recorded before you come to shallow levels.

11.2.9 Unlatching
94) With the tension at 500 lbs loosen screws from the cable clamp. Once the cable is free unscrew the screws
and remove cable clamp.
Note: The reason for removing the clamp with 500 lbs tension on the cable is that to balance the
cable weight below the CSES. All the cable slack is assumed to be in the lower section of the drill
pipe because we kept on circulating while running in the slack.
95) Loosen the packoff nut.
96) Check the cable around the CSES (± 5 m) for any washouts (feel with your finger).
97) Pull out the slack you have put in before latching and reset depth.
98) The winch man now has to pull up to unlatch tension in order to break the latch rings and unlatch the PWCH.
The tension that has to be applied is theoretically the cable weight plus the breaking strength of the latch rings.
However, it can take quite a lot of time until the pull reaches the PWCH. We therefore recommend pulling
immediately a tension of 7500 lbs. which is equal to the cable weight plus 75% of the rope socket breaking
strength and hold it until you latch off.
99) If you cannot unlatch most likely debris has accumulated in the DWCH. Reverse circulate with 1.5 bbl/min or
200 l/min while keeping the tension mentioned before until the PWCH comes free. If you’re still unable to
unlatch increase tension to 50 % of fixed ends breaking strength of the cable. Either the PWCH unlatches or
the rope socket breaks. As a last option you can put on the T-bar and break the rope socket using the blocks
and retrieve the cable. The PWCH will be recovered in the DWCH.
100)POOH cable until PWCH is at 50 m. If you are using a CSES-A you can tighten the pack-off nut to clean the
cable. Another way to do it is to use a rubber “spring” wiper tied to a rope.
101)Softbreak the CSES with the iron roughneck or chain tongues first. Then softbreak the joint above. “Softbreak”
means loosening the connection but don’t unscrew and take the CSES or joint off yet.
102)Now, disconnect the stand above the CSES with the top drive. Disconnect CSES and with a tugger line pull
CSES 10 m above rig floor. Have a rope connected to it to be able to guide and prevent rotation in strong
103)If PWCH gets stuck in the drill pipe circulate with 1.5 bbl/min or 200 l/min and RIH 30 m. While circulating try to
come up and work your way through.

11.2.10 Rig Down

104)If another run is planned leave CSES, sheave wheels and cable in place but get operators to do the between
run maintenance for CSES and PWCH as explained in chapter 11. If no more run is planned then rig down
CSES, sheave wheels and cable.
105)POOH drill pipe and toolstring until DWCH comes to rig floor.
106)Tape off stairs to the rig floor and cantilever deck using radioactive signs if available.
107)Clear rig floor of all unnecessary personnel and get radio operator to make PA announcement: “Handling of
radioactive sources on the rig floor. All unnecessary personnel to stay clear.”
108)Wash toolstring down while driller is picking up to remove radioactive sources.
109)Remove radioactive sources and put them into the radioactive container. Remove tapes and radioactive signs
from stairs.
110)Inform drill crew and have radio operator make a PA announcement: “Handling of radioactive sources on the
rig floor is finished. Normal operations may continue.”
Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

111)Run down toolstring to rig floor and start rigging down. Wash down tools thoroughly.
112)Check each piece of downhole equipment for damage. In particular check pads, sonic and induction sondes.
Verify that no standoff has been lost in the hole.
113)If another run is planned do the between run maintenance for the DWCH (see chapter 11) and rig up next

11.2.11 Emergency Procedures

During TLC operations the worst things that can happen are a kick or stuck drill pipe or toolstring. However,
there are a couple of other problematic scenarios that need to be considered. It is almost certain that the
company man and the tool pusher will handle such a situation but find below some hints on what to do in
these cases.

114)Well underbalanced:

0Check with company man and driller if flow is occurring and if significant quantities of gas are entering the
well between pipe trips.
1Before POOH drill pipe have driller circulate bottoms up.
2Rig up logging tools as normal. When RIH circulate string volume at 16 bbl/min or 2500 l/min.
3At latch depth keep circulating during rigup of sheave wheels and latch as per normal operating procedure.
4Now drill pipe should be gas free. Continue normal logging operation until PWCH is unlatched. If necessary
you can circulate in between but don’t exceed 4.5 bbl/min or 700 l/min.
5Back flow or gas coming up in the drill pipe is avoided when using a float sub with a flapper valve one stand
above CSES.
115)Well kicks:

1a) No cable in the hole:

7Control kick as per drilling procedures, which is circulating – preferably at 16 bbl/min or 2500 l/min.
2b) CSES connected at surface, RIH or POOH PWCH:
9Close hydrill and pipe rams.
10POOH PWCH to CSES while circulating (4.5 bbl/min or 700 l/min) to bring well back under control. If you
need to circulate at a higher rate keep PWCH moving up and down to prevent cable washout in CSES.
11If packoff nut is leaking, stop mud pumps first, then stop the cable and tighten pack-off nut.

c) CSES below BOP, cable outside drill pipe:

12Stop logging, close calipers and power down.
13Have driller connect the top drive and prepare to pump.
14In a gas well, clamp cable to DP, cut and RIH one joint to give pipe seal.
15In an oil well carefully close hydrill around the cable.
16As hydrill begins to make contact with the drill pipe stop the hydrill activation pump.
17Hydrill will continue to close slightly and eventually obtain a seal of about 99 % around the cable.
18Start circulating and/or pump heavy mud (4.5 bbl/min or 700 l/min). Oil wells with a surface pressure up to
700 psi have been brought under control by this way.
19After well has been controlled verify electrical latch and continue logging.
116)Stuck drill pipe:

Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

3When the drill pipe becomes stuck and cannot be freed by any other means (circulating, pulling) the logging cable
has to be retrieved so that a free point/back-off operation can begin.
21Remove snatch block.
22Unlatch as explained before.
23Pull PWCH up to the CSES.
24Break the rope socket. If your tension increases 50 % fixed-end breaking strength of the cable use T-bar
and elevator.
25Retrieve cable. PWCH will fall back into the DWCH.
26Now free point and/or back-off operation may begin.
117)Stuck toolstring:

28Immediately apply max. allowable pull on drill pipe and hold. This will be determined by the tensile rating of
the weakest tool in string since you don’t know where you are stuck.
29Close calipers. If you manage to get free open calipers again and continue logging.
30If you don’t manage to get free try to go down and pull up again. Repeat it a couple of times to see if you
can work through the tight spot.
31If you can’t pass the tight spot or if you even can’t go down anymore you need to increase the pull until you
eventually become free or break the toolstring. Power down in order to avoid a short if the toolstring breaks so
that retrieved tools can be used again. Beware of damaging cable if reciprocating stuck pipe.

11.3 Between Runs Maintenance

11.3.1 PWCH:
Check insulation from AK-plug with megohmmeter set to 1000 V.

Caution: If it becomes necessary to strip down the PWCH due to a loss of insulation take great care in
removing the hookup wires from the feed-throughs. If you just apply a pair of pliers on the retainer/boot it
is almost impossible to remove them smoothly and not to scratch or kink the Teflon insulating material of
the wire. Usually you have to apply a certain force and the retainer or boot suddenly slips.

To remove both of them in a safe manner the following technique is recommended:

Fix PWCH into a vice on the workbench. Take a pair of long nose pliers into your right hand and grip on
the retainer/boot. Put your left hand onto the PWCH at the feed-throughs with your left-hand thumb facing
to the boot and the pair of pliers. Instead of pulling the retainer/boot off with your right hand you gently
apply pressure with your left-hand thumb to the pair of pliers. Apply the pressure stepwise and you will
see the retainer/boot come off gently.

A boot-separating tool filed down on one side will allow you to insert it between feedthrough and boots
and guarantee a safe removal of the boots.

Caution: Electrical cleaner must not be used when cleaning the feedthroughs. The cleaning detergent will
evaporate and thereby cool down the contact pins causing air humidity to condense. Loss of insulation
downhole is very likely. To clean the feedthroughs use only oil-base cleansing detergents like WD-40 or
CRC 3-36.

Fill up hose and flushing tool (snail) with oil and stab into PWCH while slowly pumping in order to clean that little
amount of mud trapped at the bottom of the PWCH.

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Written Procedures

Note: Insertion of the flushing tool will cause the compensating piston to move to its uppermost position.
As a result oil will be dumped through the pop-off valve to release the increased pressure. Refilling of the
PWCH is required after flushing.

32Now flush PWCH by pumping oil until clean and bubble free oil comes out.
33Remove flushing tool while pumping slowly.
34Fill up female filler rod and stab into PWCH. Lock it with thumbscrews.
35Disconnect filler plug and connect male filler rod.
36Pump oil until no more air bubbles are coming out.
37Fill return line with oil; connect to male filler rod and pump oil into PWCH up to 90-100 psi.
38Release the two thumbscrews. While pushing on the filler rod twist it slightly and remove it. Oil pressure will drop a
39Pump a few more strokes and bleed off to atmospheric pressure. The compensating piston will now be in the correct
40Disconnect male filler rod and put back filler plug.
41Replace excluder seal.

11.3.2 CSES:
42Check that ball check valve body is not worn out (oval hole).
43Check ball for grooves or cuts which are caused by the cable rubbing against it during running in and pulling out.
44Check that packing nut is not worn out (oval hole). If it is worn out and you don’t replace it you will wear out the line

11.3.3 DWCH:
45Wash down DWCH.
46Remove protective sleeve and thoroughly clean male connector and DWCH weldment.
Caution: Electrical cleaner must not be used when cleaning the male connector. The cleaning
detergent will evaporate and thereby cool down the conductor rings causing air humidity to condense.
Loss of insulation downhole is very likely. To clean the male connector use only oil-base cleansing
detergents like WD-40 or CRC 3-36.

47Wash through the two holes on top of the compensating cartridge to clean oil compensating piston.
48Check oil level: Top of the piston must align with grooves in the housing.
49Dry male connector and check for any scratches on male insulators. If insulators are scratched replace male
connector (=DWCC) with backup and also use backup PWCH (scratches might be caused by broken fingers inside
50Check insulation with a megohmmeter set to 1000 V of each contact to mass as well as between contacts.
51Check that male connector is straight and tight fitted to the weldment. The center position of the male connector can
be easily checked by eye looking into the DWCH from the upper head.
52Check with your finger that latch fingers are still sharp and inspect latch rings for a clear and sharp break.
53Apply 0.1 in (3 mm) of silicon grease to the male connector.
54Put on protective sleeve.

Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

11.4 TLCS Ratings

Table 1. – TLCS Ratings

11.5 Tool Ratings

The following assumptions apply:

55Temperature: 350 degF.

56Pressure: 0 psi at tension, 20.000 psi at compression
57Bending Stress: 43,000 psi for 3 5/8" tool in 18" borehole, and deviation rate 1 deg/10 ft.
58Safety Factor: 2
The maximum allowable compressive force at a tool joint (threaded ring connection) is 23,000 lbs. The
maximum allowable tension is 50,000 lbs. Although there are published tension/compression ratings of
various tools, the actual strength will depend on many variables:

59Tool Wear
Electrical Wireline Logging Services
Written Procedures

63Deviation, bent radius (the higher the borehole radius, the higher the induced stress, hence, the lower allowable push
64Borehole diameter

Further conclusion:

65The weak link of most tools subjected to TENSILE force occurs in the thread area.
66Tools under COMPRESSIVE force load, comparisons must be made to determine which mode of failure will occur
67Hydrostatic pressure has a large effect on compression.


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