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N’kiedra Nisbett
April 9, 2023
OGL 482- Pro Seminar II
Professor Kenneth J. Willmott

In this presentation, I will present a qualitative analysis of the data studied
throughout my leadership journey. This thematic analysis provides a
comprehensive, 360 view into my world. The purpose of this presentation is
to enhance one’s understanding of my true identity, which encompasses my
personality, characteristics, traits and values. It essentially gives a
microscopic view of who I am. So, who is N’kiedra? This is a question that
has more depth than is appears to have on the surface. Through a series of
data artefacts used both inside and outside of this course, I will develop the
framework that thoroughly answers that question. To obtain the answer, I
embarked on a rigorous journey of collecting, analyzing, coding and
categorizing data to connect with my true identity and unfold the layers that
define who I am.
The data collection process was extensive and included a series of exercises including:
Identifying & Reviewing data sources:
➤ Reviewed materials/data considered throughout units one to three in the course.
➤ Referred to previous assessments completed in other leadership courses. The data I selected included:
the Conceptualizing Leadership Assessment, Cultural Dimensions Assessment & Indigo Assessment.
➤ Used an overarching self-check questionnaire when reviewing each data artefact which narrowed the
purpose of the research.
➤ Extracted key statements & phrases from each data source through active reading.

Coding & Grouping Process:

➤ First: I jotted down, on paper, key information as it relates to my behaviour, values, personality and
perception on leadership/leadership approaches.


➤ Second: I transferred highlighted information onto smaller, loose sheets of paper and
tied them back to their sources.
➤ Third: Grouped smaller sheets of paper according to common key terms & created an
array of tentative themes.
➤ Fourth: Narrowed themes through a process of analysis and self re ection ensuring that
themes chosen would align with my goals and can be supported by the data. This then
allowed me to nd my ten themes.
➤ The challenges that I faced with the research method process ranged from having too
many themes to nding it di cult to narrow themes in a manner that would capture
the full essence of all of the information that I planned on using. Also, because themes
had to be supported, I found it a bit challenging to nd themes that would allow rich
data support.


The themes developed through my thematic analysis derived from the values,
behaviours and experiences throughout my personal, professional and academic life.
The data gathered unearthed key areas such as family, service and success as
fundamental to my growth and personal development. Analyzing the data and
formulating these themes have enriched not only my self-awareness but also the values
that guide me. Throughout the analysis of my themes, you will identify that social and
enterprising factors play a major role in de ning who I am. You will also recognize that
nancial stability/security carries much weight where my career is concerned. You will
also deduce that the developed themes are an overall re ection of my interests and
The selected sources for this thematic analysis are re ective of a collection of
mainly re ections and self-assessments studied throughout my leadership
journey. In addition to the sources derived from this class, I have decided to
incorporate at least three additional sources of data collected in previous
leadership classes. Each data source has been thoroughly analyzed and will be
used as the foundation for the development of my themes. The sources all
take into account my personal self-perception and have been compiled to form
a comprehensive analysis of my identity.
Module 1 Data Sources:
➤ Three Key Questions by Michael Himes (3Qs)- This assessment required that I watch the
captured video by Michael Himes then re ect on and answer the three questions highlighted:
What gives me joy? What am I good at? And What does the world need me to do?
➤ Values Checklist (VC)- This was a required exercise that involved using a checklist to go
through a process of elimination to determine my top ve values.
➤ Dreams & Desires Worksheet (DD)- This exercise required that I outline my dreams and
desires in life. It encouraged that I create a list that was inexhaustible. I found this to be a
fun exercise as I had never really given much thought to this.
➤ Identities Exercise (IE)- This assessment required that we re ect on our roles and how
they help to shape our identity in areas such as core values, self-concept/views and in uence
on priorities and actions.



Module 2 Data Source:
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)- In this re ective piece, I created an
autobiography that stretched from birth to present. In addition to the narrative, we
were also asked to identify and connect with major themes throughout our lives.
Module 3 Data Sources:
Kuder Assessments
➤ Kuder Career Interests Assessment (KCIA)- Self-assessment geared at connecting
interests with careers. A series of questions were answered based on my interests and
the results determined potential occupations and majors to explore. It also matched me
with persons (job titles) who received the same score.



➤ Kuder Skills Con dence Assessment (KSCA)- Self-assessment used to determine
the skills that I am most con dent with and those that I regard as less con dent
areas. In addition to determining my most con dent skills, recommendations were
also given for various occupations and majors. This was determined through a series
of questions geared towards areas/skills that I felt I was good at.
➤ Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised (SWVI)- Self-assessment using a rating
system with the purpose of connecting my most important values from a
professional standpoint.
➤ Career Anchors Assessment (CAA)- Self-assessment that allowed me to prioritize
and rank my needs in the workplace. The assessment helped me to re ect on
anchors that are in uential in my career selection.


➤ Holland Personality Traits (HPT)- Self-assessment that determined the traits that
de ned my personality. Incorporated in the results of the KCIA & KSCA.
➤ Conceptualizing Leadership Assessment (CLA)- Self-assessment tool used to
determine how I perceive leadership and how I view myself as a leader.
➤ Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Test (HCDT)- Self assessment tool used to
determine the culture with which one is most aligned based on their answers to the
questions. It also helped me to understand the di erences across cultures.
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)- Comprehensive self-assessment tool that boosts self
awareness providing both one’s strengths and weaknesses. It uses inherent qualities,
behaviours and motivators to help determine suitable careers.


In the upcoming slides, I will introduce my ten nalized themes. These themes give a
holistic view of my identity and will explain why I identify with each theme. Each
theme will present a number of sources and contradictory data that support why I
identify with each theme. Following each will be a re ection explaining the impact on
my personal/professional life. Buckle up as it will be an adventurous ride. Welcome to
my world.

Theme: I thrive within my personal and professional environments when there is a sense of community and service to others.
A. It gives me great joy when I am able to learn from others (LSPN)
B. My social interests received the highest results (KCIA)
C. I’ve always aligned myself with the concept of collectivism (HCDT)
D. Helping others is one of my top values (VC)
E. Having a strong support system plays an integral role in my personal development (LSPN)
F. Helping others is a part of my own development (DD)
G. I recognize the bene ts of helping people as an end itself and not as a means to an end (IE)
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
➤ Kuder Career Interest Assessment (KCIA)
➤ Hofstede Cultural Dimension Test (HCDT)
➤ Values Checklist (VC)
➤ Dreams & Desires Worksheet (DD)
➤ Identities Exercise



Having reviewed the data relative to this theme, I’ve realized that all of the data was
quite consistent as it relates to the impact that community and service have on my
personal and professional life. In order for me to feel accomplished, there is usually
some measure of service to others involved. This is bene cial in both aspects of my life
since it helps me adopt a sel ess attitude realizing that an unhealthy level of pride and
self-service can be harmful to m. It also allows me to have a sense of security knowing
that I have others in my corner. In the HCDT, there was an element of contradiction
which indicated that I have some traits of an individualist. While I may agree to an
extent, I do believe that I nd greater satisfaction in collectivism.
Theme: I am motivated by success and can excel at anything I put my mind to
A. Being a student at ASU motivates me to put my best foot forward in advancing my education and allows me to strive strive for excellence through
good performance (IE).
B. My desire to learn more allows processes to become more e ective (IA)
C. I am goal-oriented and oriented toward achieving practical results (IA)
D. I have a desire to advance my personal and professional development (IE)
E. I have an eagerness to have ownership and to take risks with my own ideas(CAA)
F. Despite my work being completely new to me I was determined to learn as much as possible and to perform at my best (LSPN).
G. Hard work and dedication allowed me to improve my GPA (LSPN)

➤ Identities Exercise (IE)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)
➤ Career Anchors Assessment (CAA)
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)



I knew from very early on in my research that this would be one of my themes as much
of the data pointed to the fact that I am driven by success. When I am able to achieve
my goals, I get a sense of accomplishment that keeps me motivated to strive for more.
By no means would I interpret this to mean that I am a greedy person relative to
success. Much rather, because I have a continuous desire to learn and improve myself, I
think that this is an area that de nes my identity. I did not nd any data that would
contradict this since the information was quite consistent across the board.
Theme: Family plays an integral role in my development
A. Throughout my life, my parents have always been my backbone and support in everything that I do (LSPN)
B. Having my parents by my side taught me the importance of having a strong support system (LSPN)
C. Being with my grandmother from an early age strengthened my family ties and our relationship (LSPN)
D. It is important to me to have a good relationship with my younger sibling and my parents (IE).
E. I adopt the roles of protector and teacher to my younger sibling (IE)
F. My sources of joy stem from my family. When I am most naturally content and happy, I am spending time with
family (3Qs).
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
➤ Identities Exercise (IE)
➤ Three Key Questions (3Qs)


Family, no doubt, play an in uential role in my personal and professional development.
My family sticks with me through both memorable and unfavourable occasions. I’ve
always grown up in a close-knit family and have appreciated the importance of their role.
My parents, for example, have stuck beside me in my academic, athletic and professional
endeavours. My grandmother has been a stalwart in my life from a very young age and
have given me the guidance needed to navigate through my life. In my personal and
profession life, having family reminds me that I’m never alone in any situation that I may
The contradiction that I faced with this theme was from the fact that the results of the
HCDT revealed that I am more of an individualist than a collectivist. It aligned my
personality with that of seeking self-gain/bene t. I did not agree with the outcome of this
assessment since my traits, based on all other assessments and self-knowledge align more
closely with that of a collectivist.

Theme: I must work within an organization that allows a measure of independence and challenges my abilities
A. Independence was ranked as a high value in choosing my career (SWVI)
B. Critical thinking is an enterprising skill that I am passionate about and deem necessary when choosing a career
C. I have an appreciation for structure but would much prefer jobs with exibilities and freedom micromanaging (IA)
D. Independent learning and freedom (IA)
E. Enjoys problem solving through critical thinking, gathering information and performing detailed analyses (KCIA)
➤ Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised (SWVI)
➤ Kuder Skills Con dence Assessment (KSCA)
➤ Indigo Assessment
➤ Kuder Career Interest Assessment)




From very early on in my professional and academic journey, I have always recognized
critical thinking as one of my values. I do not generally enjoy monotony and would
much rather be challenged with unique problems. I’ve also expressed the desire for
freedom and independence both when working and when tasked with academic
assignments. In fact, in the Super’s Work values inventory assessment, I identi ed
independence as a must have causing it to be ranked amongst the ‘high’ category.
However, in this theme, I found the most contradiction. Most of the assessments
revealed that I had a medium to low interest in independence. I found this to be quite
contradictory as this is an area that I often pay close attention to when scouting out

Theme: I recognize that success is earned through hard work, dedication and persistence

A. Accomplishments are not handed to you but are earned (LSPN)

B. Hard work, dedication and patience results in success (LSPN)
C. Leadership is dyadic in nature and requires wearing multiple shoes. It is only through hard work and e ort can one be successful
as a leader (CLA)
D. Set high standards of achievement for myself (IA)
E. I am classed within the managerial anchor which zeroes in on my ability to climb the corporate ladder and to perform highly in
specialized elds (CAA).

➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
➤ Conceptualizing Leadership Assessment (CLA)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)
➤ Career Anchors Assessment


Since I am very passionate about this theme and essentially practice what I preach in
this area, I was unable to nd any contradictory themes to this. The theme was a
re ection of the mantra that I have adopted for myself in my personal, professional and
academic life. In all of the materials studied throughout my leadership journey, this
was an area that I identi ed as relevant to my story. Success has to be earned in order
for it to be organic and for me to feel accomplished. I was never spoon-fed and had to
work for every achievement that I have made throughout my life. This is testament to
the fact that my success is not merciful.

Theme: The values of honesty, respect and reciprocity are all integral to my leadership role
A. Honesty is one of my top ve values (VC)
B. As an employee, I uphold being open and honest even in ‘sticky’ situations where the outcome may be detrimental
C. Will keep sensitive information under lock and key (IA)
D. I am able to prioritize my morals above all else (IE)
E. I value the reciprocity involved in leadership (CLA)
F. Respect is a value that I highly value (IE)
➤ Values Checklist (VC)
➤ Identities Exercise (IE)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)
➤ Conceptualizing Leadership Assessment (CLA)



My values are deeply engrained in me from a very young age and the values identi ed in
this theme are, in my opinion, atop the list in my leadership role. I recognize that these
values not only help to create the persona that I display but also shapes my thoughts in
how I would also like to be treated as a leader. Honestly is a core value that guides my
ethical practice as a leader and these areas are those that I deem to be in exible/ xed.
Because these values are deeply engrained in my being and I allow no room for change,
there was no contradiction that was found to these values. I strongly believe that my role
as a leader is hinged on the premise that I remain honest and respectful and would
therefore expect these values in return. However, in hind-sight, I do believe that the same
theme of reciprocity can also be its own contradiction. If I do not manage my expectations
and always have a high expectancy of honesty and respect to be returned, it can put me in
a position where I would not be able to manage emotions should the opposite happens.


Theme: My behaviour and actions re ect those of high consistency as it relates to my performance
A. Precise/Conscientious/Cautious (IA)
B. Maintains a high standard of performance (IA)
C. I set high standards of achievement for myself (LSPN)
D. Determination and humility are values that I model (LSPN)
E. My values throughout the assessments were quite consistent with each other (VC)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
➤ Values Checklist (VC)



The results of the assessment relative to my behaviour in the area of consistency were
re ective of the fact that I hold myself to high esteem and set high standards of success
for myself. The results showed that I am usually quite meticulous and cautious in my
approach to situations/problems because I strive to achieve the best outcomes. I
generally appreciate structure which allows a greater measure of consistency regarding
The contradiction that I found in this area was the fact that one of the assessments
revealed that I can be adventurous with my tasks. This was brought out in the
enterprising HPT where it indicated that I am not afraid to take risks. Generally,
consistency is tied to a more routined approach that tends to avoid risk taking.

Theme: I am not overpowered by failures but view them as lessons
➤ I have learnt to use my stumbling blocks as stepping stones (LSPN)
➤ I have learnt to never underestimate myself (LSPN)
➤ In con ict situations, I remain calm and cool-headed (IA)
➤ When I see something wrong, I want to x it (IA)
➤ I do not operate in a state of stagnation (CAA)
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)
➤ Career Anchor Assessment (CAA)



For the most part, the assessments were indicative of my resilience in the face of
problems. Though I am not fully con dent in many areas, I do not allow my failures to
keep me down. I view failures as lessons learnt and seek to nd ways to improve on
these situations. Rather than viewing these situations as an “end all”, I strive to
analyze and pin point key areas that I can improve upon. In my personal and
professional environments, this allows me to be resilient and keep progressing despite
A contradictory theme that I found to this was that I am sometimes shy with my
approach to situations which can cause me to back away from certain situations. This
can counter my ability to be resilient and can even cower how I am perceived by others.
However, as my Indigo Assessment brought out, this shy demeanour may be deceptive.

Theme: I have a wandering eye to my desired career
A. My path is still unclear (LSPN)
B. My life does not dictate a clear-cut path (LSPN)
C. My roles will likely change as it relates to my career (IE)
D. I want to work in an environment that is economically and physically sound (IA)
E. I have an adapted style that is open to working in multiple environments (IA)
➤ Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
➤ Identities Exercise (IE)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)


This theme was one of the most tting to myself in my opinion. While I do have a
general idea of what I would like to do in the future, I am not yet career set. I have
been exploring multiple career opportunities based on my interests and majors. I must
admit that these self assessments have all played a major role in helping me to narrow
my search and to nd suitable careers. This theme, although it may be a bit
unorthodox, does play a role in my personal and professional life. It helps me to keep
an opened mind to opportunities and to not have tunnel vision.
The contradictory theme that I found relative to this theme is the fact that I desire
stability and structure. It is possible for this area to be associated with a sense of
instability and lack of structure. However, my assessments revealed that I value having
stability and structure.

Theme: Being in a managerial position with a sense of authority is necessary to my career ful lment.
A. My masculinity/femininity score was leaning more towards high masculinity (HCDT)
B. I have a preference for achievement and heroism (HCDT)
C. I scored second highest in the managerial anchor which touched on my desire to work in and excel as a
leader (CAA)
D. I can contribute in my desire to in uence others (3Qs)
E. Top 5 Skills include leadership and in uencing (IA)
➤ Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Test (HCDT)
➤ Career Anchors Assessment (CAA)
➤ Three Key Questions (3Qs)
➤ Indigo Assessment (IA)





As I embarked on the leadership journey through my academic journey, I have
developed an immense passion for the concept of leadership. It would not only allow
me the measure of authority and independence that I desire but it would also give me
the opportunity to in uence others. The assessments all show that I have what it takes
to be a well decorated leader. The onus is now on me to harness this ability.
The contradiction that I found to this was that one the assessments showed that I had
a low score as it relates to dominance and control. These are also factors that should be
considered in leadership. Because of my generally shy nature, I nd that I am often
hesitant in certain regards. This can hinder my ability to perform as a successful leader.
I am therefore determined to improve on this area.


I pride myself in being a multifaceted, well decorated leader who is self-motivated,
determined and inspired to be the best version of myself. I commit myself to continuous
learning and personal development. Through my sel ess actions, I aspire to inspire others.


I will continue to embark on a path of continuous improvement, service to others and
holding family to high esteem. I will strive to be proactive in achieving my goals and will
ensure that I periodically undergo self assessments to track my progress. I will not quit nor
lose sight of my vision or mission.


Developing my thematic analysis has been nothing less than a di cult feat. It was a
re ective exercise that allowed me to unearth some valuable gems about myself that I
had not previously given much attention to. It has taught me the importance of core
values such as honesty, respect and reciprocity and the important role that they play in
my leadership journey. I have also developed a greater sense of appreciation for social
factors such as family. Above all, I’ve learnt the direct connection that all of my themes
have to my success as a leader and also to my success in my personal life. These
values/themes help to hold me into the individual that I am and although this was a
large undertaking, I feel ful lled and even informed about myself.
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