Unit 201: Ngineering: Working in E

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2850 Level 2 in Engineering Unit 201 Handout 13

Unit 201: Working in Engineering

Handout 13: Communication Systems Used in the Workplace

Effective communication is important to any successful business and a variety of

communication methods can be used in a workplace. For engineering, the use of
visual/graphical communication in the form of drawings/diagrams is more common; ‘a
picture is worth a thousand words’.

Types of communication

 Quick and easy to give
 Dynamic – real time
 Used for informal discussions either face to face or on the
 Can be used to present the same information to a group of
employees in the form of a briefing/presentation.
 Has no record
 May be misunderstood
 May be forgotten
 May be denied.

 More reliable than verbal communication
 Takes time to prepare
 Can be used to create a positive image of company to its
 Has limited shelf life – may go out of date or be invalid with time
 Needs to be controlled to ensure currency/accuracy.

 An important means of communication for engineers and
 An agreed set of symbols and conventions can be used to
represent complex systems
 No language barrier if internationally agreed symbols are used
 Simplifies written (text-based) communication
 Can aid the understanding of a written explanation of how a
complex device is assembled on a production line or dismantled
for maintenance purposes.
2850 Level 2 in Engineering Unit 201 Handout 13

 Electronic documents are easily stored
 For security, off-site back-up can aid the recovery of a business
following a disaster such as a flood or fire
 Electronic (word-processed) documents can be readily modified.
 With the use of email, documents can easily be distributed as
attachments to a wide global audience
 Instant communication – email/electronic documents can be used
to overcome time differences around the globe for international
 Computer software packages (CAD) can be used to develop
 Three-dimensional software can be used to animate an object. It is
possible to ‘walk-through’ a planned building before it is built.

 Can be designed to follow a colour code that implies the status of
the information presented by a sign, (e.g. road and safety signs
use the colours red, yellow, green and blue)
 The shape of a sign can be designed to imply the status of the
information presented (e.g. a triangular road sign implies a
 Symbols can used to provide highly effective visual instructions
 Can be used to advertise/project a positive image of a business
 Company logos can be used on signs to project a strong branding.
 Need to be concise and to the point – not too many words.

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